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White Girls Dating Nigerian Men - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Sista(f): 7:10am On Nov 08, 2006

Please, Sista, stop talking about me. You don't like it when people talk about you and I don't like it either. Especially, when you mention our conversations out of context so that they MUST be misunderstood. If you still have issues with me, talk to me but not about me. My dear, good night.

Somegirl, I apologize if it sounded like I was talking  about you. I was using my experience with you as an example but I didn't have to mention your screen name. Again,  you are right, I was wrong. I should have not mentioned who you were, please forgive me.

Pretty Please embarassed

If it helps any in my apology, Although this was not the point Chinani was right, your response was genuine.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by somegirl(f): 11:15am On Nov 08, 2006
Ok, no offense taken. I just wished our skin colour wouldn't matter that much but rather our actions.

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by blueeyes: 12:07am On Mar 19, 2007
hi all,

i am a white women living in the uk, i have been dating a nigerian man for the past 9 months, we have had some problems and im not completely that sure about him, he is a quite man aged 35, from lagos, been in the uk for 5 years, has education and is quite clever,

his mother died recently she lived in dublin in ireland, and hes just told me he is going to nigeria for 2 weeks stay to sort out and help his mothers family, i know he used to have a nigerian girlfriend there and im just scared he is still in contact with her and is going to visit her when im not with him i asked to go he said he hasent enough money to pay for me as well which is true as the funneral of his mum cost him and his sister alot of money, im just scared incase he is using me he has never asked me for money he gives me it freely and ive met with his father in uk also, i need help and advice please anyone help me
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by adconline(m): 1:26am On Mar 19, 2007
Stereotypes about Nigerian men continue. Did these Nigerian men seek for information about you through a third party b4 making up their minds? Why cant you subject yourself to the same standard of observing his behaviour. I think there is a wrong notion that runs in this thread that Nigerian men are the same, and act alike,  Why cant Nigerian men be considered as men  or are they really less  than real men. I have never seen a poster by Nigerian men wanting to know how to deal with women nor does it mean that they don’t have issues? Off course they do, it’s just that men have fallible expectation of women and women have infallible expectation of men. Nigeria has about 70 million men and they are always bulked together whenever it comes to a relationship. What happened to person to person basis of comparison? Are you trying to tell me that anonymous persons in this forum know these Nigerian men more than you do?  If you don’t like and trust him, leave him for another "better'' man. Enough of Naija men.

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by sisimose(f): 9:41pm On Mar 19, 2007

Stereotypes about Nigerian men continue. Did these Nigerian men seek for information about you through a third party before making up their minds? Why can't you subject yourself to the same standard of observing his behaviour. I think there is a wrong notion that runs in this thread that Nigerian men are the same, and act alike, Why can't Nigerian men be considered as men or are they really less than real men. I have never seen a poster by Nigerian men wanting to know how to deal with women nor does it mean that they don’t have issues? Off course they do, it’s just that men have fallible expectation of women and women have infallible expectation of men. Nigeria has about 70 million men and they are always bulked together whenever it comes to a relationship. What happened to person to person basis of comparison? Are you trying to tell me that anonymous persons in this forum know these Nigerian men more than you do? If you don’t like and trust him, leave him for another "better'' man. Enough of Naija men.

thaank you very much you put a smile on my face kiss
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by whiteNkem(f): 9:20am On Mar 20, 2007

There is nothing wrong with being white and having a Nigerian bf! I am in the same situation and it's all going wonderful. Just don't listen to what others say and follow your heart. wink
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Seun(m): 9:23am On Mar 20, 2007
I agree. Do you think it makes sense to avoid the company of Nigerian ladies, since they can be so discouraging?
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by larryoncol(m): 12:33pm On Mar 23, 2007
i think i have a problem,

i have no taste for nigerian or black ladies any more, i had this girl that i was dating she was a white gurl, but we are no more together because her dad had to move to to australia.

any white ladies here wanna talk
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by sisimose(f): 11:17pm On Mar 23, 2007
lmao Johnny miss road grin.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by tamj(f): 4:18am On Jul 28, 2007
I have recently started to date a very sweet Nigerian Yoruban man, I am very curious and have many questions.  Is it customary for a Nigerian born man to have an americanized name and a native name?  Since I am a caucasion woman, with biracial children from a previous marriage, I wonder if the acceptance from his family of myself and my children will be similar to what I would/could expect from an American black family, or if the culture is different and is it more acceptable in Osun State (I believe that is the spelling)?   If I wanted to send a gift to his mother, what would be an acceptable gift?  I do not wish to offend the sweet woman that raised this loving man, so any help in that regard would be greatly appreciated.   I was raised in a very stong Christian home, and color was never a topic persay, so to me, the love I am starting to feel for this man, is just that, for a this loving man who just happens to be from Nigeria and is a Yoruban man.  I wish to know more about his culture and traditions, and would like to know of any great websites to be able to gather this information.  Thanks and God Bless!  smiley

Please disregard earlier questions, as since I posted this early this morning, I have been informed by a fellow Nairaland man that was so kind to help me with answering some of the above questions, also told me some things, which led me to tell him some things that were bothering me about my relationship with this Nigerian man that I spoke of above, and things I knew I should have come to the conclusion he was scamming me, and I didn't but it was very kindly said to me by the a nice young man that money I sent because he claimed to have had malaria, was indeed, the beginnine or down payment of a scam. I am the fool. As they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, Thanks to all that did read this and were going to reply.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by theffanyi(m): 3:38pm On Sep 07, 2007
its TRUE, The world can say we are fraudulent, but i thank GOD they recognise that there is no FRaud in our love.[meet the lovely NIGERIAN][theffanyi@yahoo.com] wink kiss

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by adeleye83(m): 3:56pm On Sep 07, 2007
Hello Friends, My name is Seun, 23 years, male, I stay in Ibadan, Nigeria, 1 hour drive from Lagos. I'm interested in meeting a white girl for a relationship or if u prefer to be a friend. You can get accross to me if u have a friend or you want to know me better my phone number is: +234-8073564273  My email address is: seunomotayoadeleye@yahoo.com. I'll appreciate it if you get accross to me. Thanks Seun.

Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by theffanyi(m): 4:42pm On Sep 07, 2007
SEUN [pls ur next pics try close ur MOUTH]ha ha ha ha grin grin

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Uche2nna(m): 9:19am On Sep 22, 2007
na wa oooooooooooooo!!!!!!

is this an online dating thread service
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by topman3212: 6:43pm On Dec 14, 2007
Every person has a right to choose whoever they want to go out with,as far as I'm concerned anybody meddling in another
person's relationship has nothing else better to do.I happen to be a victim of people meddling in my relationship behind my
back because the girls were living separate from the boys,so I really wouldn't have known what was going on at night in the girls dorm,they (nigerian girls) were basically influencing my girl against me,this was way back in England in the 80's,
you sisters period don't like the idea of brothers dating anyone other than ourselves.you have to realize that this is a free world,I've seen sisters going out with non nigerians I welcomed them with open arms because I think that's the right thing to do,I've seen men who call sisters that go with people of other races as a whores let's all stop this and live peacefully.
Be it black or white you should be able to find happiness wherever you seek it,don't let anyone decide that for you.
I enjoy interracial relationship more than anything this is all I've known all my life and will always know.

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by oziomatv(m): 7:52pm On Dec 16, 2007
Hello Friends, My name is Seun, 23 years, male, I stay in Ibadan, Nigeria, 1 hour drive from Lagos. I'm interested in meeting a white girl for a relationship or if u prefer to be a friend. You can get accross to me if u have a friend or you want to know me better my phone number is: +234-8073564273  My email address is: seunomotayoadeleye@yahoo.com. I'll appreciate it if you get accross to me. Thanks Seun
  Youngman my only help to you is this; visit WWW.MEETIC.COM  you'll find assorted shapes and sizes.
Try to be visiting gym 3times a week if you can't stand the price do press up every morning so that your muscle will come out, hope you've horse size dick and know how to use it? with this you're ok.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by uyai(f): 10:24pm On Dec 16, 2007
@ sista

I thought no one was being honest with this white chick until i came across your post. Most nigerians have inferiority complex, they worship the white man's feet. Anything the white man does is better. Nigerians are the worst at kissing their butts. That is why major roads in the Capital of NIgeria are named after White men who could care less about "African Animals". I constantly have to defend the honour of that continents against their ignorance.

I have not seen a lot of succesful interaccial couples in MA where i live. 99% of those marriages/relationships are for papers. Damn, Nigerians discriminate against their own people based on ethnicity let alone race.

Cucchi, Enjoy this relationship while it last. Please come back and tell us when it ends. It always does at least 99% of the time. Now this is the truth.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by AOYEGBESANYAHOOCOM(m): 10:36pm On Dec 16, 2007
You are so right Uyai.

Its is very sad indeed. No trust in Nigerians.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by ekisola: 1:21am On Dec 17, 2007
it is not a bad idea. after all, we are all made by God. please i need a Nigerian lady, beautiful, God fearing, between ages 21 - 23, should reside in Lagos and should be in school or graduate. should be a Yoruba lady. contact me on enifewo@yahoo.com
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by topman3212: 4:15pm On Dec 23, 2007
Like I said this sis this is a free world,there are a lot of successful bi-racial relationship,I have cousins that are bi-racial,some
in their forties and came out of a successful bi-racial marriage,so stop generalizing,you need to look out for more that are
successful and I'm sure you'll find them,it's not a crime to date someone other than your race,I do believe it's the same God
that created Black and White alike,this is not about kissing anybody's behind,it's all about choice.

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by babakura(m): 7:12pm On Dec 26, 2007
Well am a witness to biracial relationships,

I had peace of mind , enjoyed everything about it except for some nagging issues n comments n tirades at shopping malls from a** ho**, ' , racists,

N also australia is not used that kinda thing except for aborigines,
I guess it's a free world ,

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Chukacarlo(m): 3:50pm On Jan 16, 2008
I see nothing wrong with interacial dating,if both of you love each other then carry on and dont listen to what people says

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Foxriver(m): 7:15am On Aug 16, 2008
Well it not a big deal,if they love each other,they should go on wit their life.Love dont have anytin 2 do wit colour.White or black?

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Foxriver(m): 7:17am On Aug 16, 2008
Well it not a big deal,if they love each other,they should go on wit their life.Love dont have anytin 2 do wit colour.White or black?
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by brinebaba(m): 8:26am On Aug 16, 2008
who cares . . . ?
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Skywalker5(m): 3:18pm On Feb 18, 2009

@ sista

I thought no one was being honest with this white chick until i came across your post. Most nigerians have inferiority complex, they worship the white man's feet. Anything the white man does is better. Nigerians are the worst at kissing their butts. That is why major roads in the Capital of NIgeria are named after White men who could care less about "African Animals". I constantly have to defend the honour of that continents against their ignorance.

I have not seen a lot of succesful interaccial couples in MA where i live. 99% of those marriages/relationships are for papers. Damn, Nigerians discriminate against their own people based on ethnicity let alone race.

Cucchi, Enjoy this relationship while it last. Please come back and tell us when it ends. It always does at least 99% of the time. Now this is the truth.

Na wa oooooooooooo.Make she come report you you when the relationship ends? angry angry angry angry  mayb i should be   grin grin grin grin grin
Nairlanders una no go kill me for hereeeeeeeeeeeee ooooooooooooooooo  lmao   grin grin grin grin
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by martho(m): 4:28pm On Feb 18, 2009
If there's understanding,relationships will work irrespective of colours.for those who don't know some naija guys love whites 4real.some got their papers from white and still marry another (white )for love.some of these whites r very nice,while some blacks r worse.i don't want to go further cos it won't end.i live here in germany and i know d mentality of almost every nationalities.there's not much difference.abi na beauty,they equally have it in abundance and  booties in d/f shapes and sizes,even more solid than some of d blacks.

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Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Gabry(f): 3:36am On Feb 23, 2009
Im sorry to hear all of this! angry
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by vanderjo(m): 11:39am On Feb 23, 2009
Aren't you a woman?black n white are all humans,what does it matter if you going out with white or black,its such a natural thing,nobody got right to choose for you your happiness,if my Nigerian brother makes you happy,so do you care?even when a black man dates a black woman,those kind of things still happens,people will always be jealous natalie.Do not even think a second about what people think or say.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by Gabry(f): 11:48am On Feb 23, 2009
van der jo:

Aren't you a woman?black n white are all humans,what does it matter if you going out with white or black,its such a natural thing,nobody got right to choose for you your happiness,if my Nigerian brother makes you happy,so do you care?even when a black man dates a black woman,those kind of things still happens,people will always be jealous natalie.Do not even think a second about what people think or say.

Abi ooo. . . true talk
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by nene1: 8:40pm On May 17, 2009

@ sista

I thought no one was being honest with this white chick until i came across your post. Most nigerians have inferiority complex, they worship the white man's feet. Anything the white man does is better. Nigerians are the worst at kissing their butts. That is why major roads in the Capital of NIgeria are named after White men who could care less about "African Animals". I constantly have to defend the honour of that continents against their ignorance.

I have not seen a lot of succesful interaccial couples in MA where i live. 99% of those marriages/relationships are for papers. Damn, Nigerians discriminate against their own people based on ethnicity let alone race.

Cucchi, Enjoy this relationship while it last. Please come back and tell us when it ends. It always does at least 99% of the time. Now this is the truth.

i couldn't have said it better. this is why africa has not moved forward.
Re: White Girls Dating Nigerian Men by OREAWADOO: 4:08pm On May 20, 2009
they only date PHAT OYIBO OLDIES

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