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Speaking In Unknown Tongues (part 1). - Religion - Nairaland

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Speaking In Unknown Tongues (part 1). by destiny4luv(m): 10:02am On Nov 17, 2013
A God-given Spiritual
Manifestation of the SPIRIT?
Or, a Carnal Physical Display of
the FLESH?
Million of Pentecostals and
Charismatics (not to mention
other Protestant and Catholic
tongues speakers) claim to
possess a gift from God which
enables them to "speak in
unknown tongues." What is the
Scriptural truth regarding this
popular Christian doctrine
which is claimed to be a
primary proof that one either
does or does not possess God’s
Holy Spirit?
That there are millions of such
sincere people desirous of
worshiping God in truth as they
understand it, I have no doubt.
However, the truth will always
set us free, so shouldn’t we
desire the truth at all cost? Is it
possible that what appears to
many on the surface to be a
marvelous blessing from God is
in reality nothing more than a
physical display of the carnal
flesh? It behooves all tongues-
speakers to read this paper
carefully and prayerfully, with
an open mind and an open
Bible. If modern tongue-talking
is not of God, then those who
do it are not free, but in
bondage, and as such will never
be free or grow in God’s Truth.
I John 4:1 tells us:
"Beloved, believe not
every spirit, but TRY
they are of God:
because many false
prophets are gone out
into the world."
Notice that we are to "try the
spirits" because there are
"false prophets" in the world.
Therefore, it is axiomatic that
the words of these false
prophets are also false. What
then are "true spirits"?
"Sanctify them through
Your [the Father’s] truth:
(John 17:17.)
Next, where did Jesus get His
"Believe you not that I
am in the Father, and
the Father in Me? The
WORDS that I speak
unto you I speak not of
Myself, but the Father
that dwells in Me, he
does the works" (John
So the Father’s words are
truth, and Jesus speaks the
Father’s words. Now notice
what kind of words Jesus
"It is the spirit that
quickens [gives life]; the
flesh profits nothing:
the WORDS that I speak
unto you, THEY [the
‘words’] ARE SPIRIT, and
they are life" (John
And so we try the spirits by
testing the words of Christ
against those of the prophets to
see whether the words of a
prophet are true or false. THAT,
my friends is how we try the
spirits, not by looking into
someone’s eyes to see if they
are demon possessed or not.
One more important point we
want to make in trying the
spirits by using Christ’s
words of spirit, and that is to
see whether the Apostles spoke
these same spirit words of
Here is the admonition of Paul
regarding how and what we
"If any man teach
otherwise, and consent
not to the wholesome
words, even the WORDS
CHRIST, and to the
doctrine which is
according to godliness;
he is proud, knowing
nothing" (I Tim. 6:3-4.)
By using the words of the
Apostles and the words of
Christ, we will be using the very
words of the Father, and
against these SPIRIT WORDS
can be tried all spirits—all
prophets. With this simple and
profound principle firmly in
mind, let us proceed to try the
spirits of tongue-talkers.
Of the 20 times "tongues" is
used with reference to a gift
from God, there are only three
examples of anyone actually
speaking in another language:
[1] "And they were all
[the 120 disciples of
Christ] filled with the
Holy Spirit, and began
to speak with other
tongues [languages] as
the Spirit gave them
utterance. And there
were dwelling at
Jerusalem Jews, devout
men, out of every
nation under heaven.
Now when this was
noised abroad, the
multitude came
together, and were
confounded, because
that every man heard
them speak in his own
And they were all
amazed and marveled,
saying one to another,
Behold, are not all
these which speak,
Galileans? And how
hear we every man in
our own tongue
wherein we were born?
Parthians, and Medes,
and Elamites, and the
dwellers in
Mesopotamia, and in
Judea, and Cappadocia,
in Pontus, and Asia,
Phrygia, and Pamphylia,
in Egypt, and in the
parts of Libya about
Cyrene, and the
strangers of Rome,
Jews and proselytes,
Cretes and Arabians we
do hear them speak in
our tongues the
wonderful works of
God" (Acts 2:7-11.)
Keep in mind that they spoke
of: "the wonderful works of
[2] "For they heard
them [the Gentile house
of Cornelius] speak with
tongues, and magnify
God" (Acts 10:46.)
Keep in mind that they heard:
"God magnified"
[3] "And when Paul had
laid his hands upon
them [Gentile Ephesians],
the Holy Spirit came on
them, and they spoke
with tongues [languages]
, and prophesied" (Acts
Keep in mind that they:
"prophesied—that’s inspired
speaking from God"
There are no other examples of
anyone supernaturally speaking
in a language, in all Scripture.
Also, let it be known that there
is no known proof of any
persons since the time of these
miracles in the first century
Church of Christ speaking in any
of these above mentioned
languages, or any other known
modern language in which they
had no prior formal training.
The King James term "unknown
tongue" is itself part of the
confusion over understanding
this doctrine.
First, the word "unknown":
Is there even such a thing as an
"unknown" tongue in the
Scriptures? No, there isn’t.
Although most modern
translations have dropped the
word "unknown" from the
phrase "unknown tongue," the
King James retains it, and is
therefore still looked upon as
authority for the use of this
unscriptural term.
The erroneous term "unknown
tongue" is used but six times in
the King James (I Cor. 14:2, 4,
13, 14, 19, & 27,) and in every
instance, the word unknown is
in italics, signifying that the
original Greek manuscripts did
not contain this or any such
word. It was erroneously added
by the translators and should be
taken out. It only adds more
confusion to this little-
understood doctrine.
Hence, in our discussion we will
not be using this unscriptural
Second, the words "tongue &
The word translated both
"tongue" and "tongues" is the
Greek word glossa and aside
from meaning the organ of the
body used in speaking, it means
"a language." It is used in the
plural (tongues,) with reference
to supernaturally speaking in a
language (a foreign language,)
a total of 20 times, but only in
Acts and I Corinthians. Where
glossa is not a supernatural
gift, it is clearly used to
represent a known language, as
in Rev. 10:11, 13:7 & 17:15
where some combination of "…
peoples, and multitudes,
and nations and tongues [Gk:
glossa—languages]…" is
So, in our discussion we will use
the proper translation,
"language or languages," in
place of the archaic and
somewhat ambiguous term
So clearly the disciples spoke in
languages on Pentecost, and
thereafter we have two
examples of Gentiles speaking
in languages. All remaining
references to languages (as a
gift from God) are discussed by
Paul in I Cor. 12, 13, and 14,
and nowhere else.
(Note: the statement in Mark
16:17, which states in part: "…
they shall speak with new
tongues" is part of what is
called, "The Longer Ending of
Mark," and is not found among
the oldest Greek Manuscripts.
Others contain it, but make
notation that it is
"questionable." It is also clear
that the Apostles did NOT speak
with "NEW tongues" 50 days
later on Pentecost, because we
have this undeniable statement
of Scripture stating that: "…we
do hear them speak in OUR
languages the wonderful
words of God".)
Now we know that the
languages of the Medes, Cretes,
Asians, Elamites, Parthians,
Egyptians, Arabians, etc.,
spoken on Pentecost were
anything but "new tongues,"
as these tongues/languages are
old as the hills.) And we know
that the Scriptures do not
contradict, so it is absurd for
any tongue-talkers to use this
very questionable verse as
justification for babbling
something they may contend is
a "new" or different kind of
language promised by Jesus.
[1] Speaking in a language is
ALWAYS a special sign for an
unbeliever to hear a message in
his own language, not a sign for
"Wherefore languages
are for a SIGN, not to
them that believe, but
to them that believe
NOT…" (I Cor. 14:22.)
[2] Speaking in a language must
ALWAYS edify the Church:
"I would that you all
spoke with languages,
but rather that you
prophesied [that means
to give an inspired
message of God]: for
greater is he that
prophesies than he
that speaks with
languages, except he
interpret, that the
church may receive
EDIFYING" (I Cor. 14:5.)
[3] Speaking in a language
ALWAYS requires that [a] no
more than 2 or 3 speak on the
same occasion, that they [b]
speak one at a time, that there
has already been someone
selected who knows how to [c]
interpret the languages to be
spoken, and if no interpreter
can be found, then they [d]
cannot speak in the church:
"If any man speak in a
language, let it be by
two, or [a] at the most
by three, and that [b]
by course [one at a time]
, and [c] let one
interpret. But if there
be no interpreter, let
him [d] keep silence in
the church" (I Cor.
Keep these points in mind as we
proceed through the Scriptures
on this subject.
In I Cor. 12 we read of two lists
of "spiritual gifts" from God.
And before listing them, Paul
clearly tells us:
"But the manifestation
of the Spirit is given to
every man to profit
withal" (Verse 7.)
There must be a "profit" or
"contribution to all" as the
Greek bears out, from these
gifts. As we will see conclusively
proved from Scripture, speaking
in a language is never ever to
be a physical spectacle for self-
aggrandizement of the flesh.
"For to one is given [not
to ‘all’, but to certain ones
only] by the Spirit the
word of wisdom; to
another the word of
knowledge by the same
Spirit; To another faith
by the same Spirit; to
another the gifts of
healing by the same
Spirit: To another the
working of miracles; to
another prophecy
[inspired speaking]; to
another discerning of
spirits; to another
divers kinds of tongues
[languages]; to another
the interpretation" (I
Cor. 12:8-10.)
In verse 28 Paul gives us
another list of gifts:
"And God has set some
in the church, first
apostles, secondarily
prophets, thirdly
teachers, after that
miracles, then gifts of
healing, helps,
diversities of
I will now show you a truth
that I doubt any have heard
before, and yet it is right before
our eyes, albeit hidden in the
obscure translation of the King
James Version.
Can we know for sure, just
exactly WHAT these
"diversities of languages
were which Paul tells us are
"the manifestation of the
Spirit?" Is it even within the
realm of possibility that the gift
of these languages could be
totally different languages than
those spoken by the different
nationalities around the world?
In I Cor. 12:4 we read of
"diversities of gifts." In verse
6 we read of "diversities of
operations." Both times the
word "diversities" is translated
from the Greek word diairesis,
and it means "variety." And so
the word "diversities" is a
perfectly fine word to translate
But in I Cor. 12:10 we read of:
"diverse kinds of
languages." In verse 28 we
read of: "diversities of
languages." And in I Cor.
14:10 we read of: "many
kinds of voices [sayings,
Now, get ready for this: All
three words "kinds,
diversities, & kinds" in the
above three verses are from the
same one Greek word (#1085,
genos.) Does the word "genos"
have a familiar sound to you?
How about words like "geno-
cide," "gen-eration," "gen-
ealogy," and "gen-ius," The
English words "kind" and
"diversities," do not at all
convey the way that this word
genos is used in Scripture.
Here is how Dr. Strong defines
this word—#1085:
"genos, kin, born,
country, diversity,
generation, kind, nation,
offspring, stock." (I
underlined certain words
in Strong’s definition for a
profound purpose.
Here is how "context" translates
the Greek word genos in other
Mark 7:26—"The woman was
a Greek, a Syrophenician by
nation [Gk: genos]…" In this
verse it could have just
correctly been translated
"birth," but "diversity" or
"kind" would never suit.
Acts 4:6—"And Annas the
high priest, and Caiaphas,
and John, and Alexander,
and as many as were of the
kindred [Gk genos] of the
high priest…" Again,
"diversity" or "kind" would not
suit in this verse.
Acts 4:36b—"…The son of
consolation, a Levite, and of
the country [Gk: genos] of
Cyprus." "Diversity" or "kind"
could never be used here.
II Cor. 11:26— "In
journeyings often, in perils
of waters, in perils of
robbers, in perils by mine
own countrymen [Gk: genos]
…" These were real PEOPLE that
Paul was in peril of.
Gal. 1:14—"And profited in
the Jews’ religion above
many my equals in mine own
nation [Gk: genos]…" Here
genos speaks of nation or
Rev. 22:16b— "I am the root
and the offspring [Gk: genos]
of David…" Also "offspring" in
Acts 17:28 & 29.
I Pet. 2:9—"But you are a
chosen generation [Gk:
genos], a royal priesthood, an
holy nation, a peculiar
people…" Notice the company
that genos keeps in this verse:
"generation, priesthood,
nation, people."
Phil. 3:5—"Circumcised the
eighth day, of the stock [Gk:
genos] of Israel, of the tribe
of Benjamin, an Hebrew…"
Notice the company that genos
keeps in this verse: the stock
of the nation Israel, of the
tribe of Benjamin, of the
much larger clan of Hebrews.
Surely a blind man can see that
genos carries the primary
connotation of that which deals
with: "where we were born,
our offspring, kindred,
country, stock, countrymen,
nation, and generation."
So just what "kinds,"
"diversities," and
"kinds" (genos, genos, and
genos) of languages is God
telling us of in I Cor. 12:10b,
28b & 14:10? Is He speaking of
hocus-pocus, idiotic, gibberish
in unknown tongues? OF
And surely a blind man can see
that this spiritual gift was a gift
real, working, every day
languages dealing with genos
which is translated throughout
the New Testament as: "where
one was born, offspring,
kindred, country, stock,
countrymen, nation, and
generation." Which languages
would also have to include
different dialects and regional
jargons. An impossible task for
any human, but no problem for
the Spirit of God.
This is why Paul boldly stated:
"I thank my God, I speak
with languages MORE than
ye all" (I Cor. 14:18.) Paul
traveled through dozens and
dozens of villages, towns, cities
and states, countries and
kingdoms. He spoke with kings
and peasants—among the very
same "every nation under
heaven" spoken of in Acts 2.
In I Cor. 12:29-30, we are told
something amazing—
something that totally
contradicts the tongues-
speakers claim that the gift of
speaking in languages is
absolutely necessary as a proof
that one actually has God’s Holy
"Are all apostles? Are
all prophets? Are all
teachers? Are all
workers of miracles?
Have all the gifts of
healing? Do all speak
with languages? Do all
interpret?" (Verse
Actually these are not even
questions in the Greek, but
rather statements of fact.
Notice the following
"Not all [are] Apostles.
Not all [are] prophets,
Not all [are] teachers.
Not all [have] powers.
Not all [have] the
graces of healing. NOT
all are speaking
languages, Not all are
interpreting" (
Concordant Literal New
"All are not Apostles;
all are not Prophets; all
are not Teachers; all
are not Powers; all
have not Gifts of Cures;
all do NOT speak in
different Languages; all
do not
interpret" (Emphatic
There is no need to place a
question mark after these
statements of fact. Obviously
not "all" are apostles, and
likewise, "all do NOT speak in
different languages."
And furthermore, Paul already
told us in verses 8-10, that to
ONE is given this gift and to
ANOTHER a different gift, but
not all get all the gifts. Speaking
in a language is not the only
sign of one having God’s Holy
Then after giving us two
separate lists of spiritual gifts,
Paul tell us this:
"But covet earnestly
the best gifts: and yet
show I unto you A
WAY" (I Cor. 12:31.)
What could be more excellent
than any or all of these gifts of
the Holy Spirit? Answer: LOVE!
"Though I speak with
the tongues of men
and of angels, and have
not charity [love] , I am
become as sounding
brass, or a tinkling
cymbal. And though I
have the gift of
prophecy, and
understand all
mysteries, and all
knowledge; and though
I have all faith, so that
I could remove
mountains, and have
not charity, I AM
NOTHING. And though I
bestow all my goods to
feed the poor, and
though I give my body
to be burned, and have
not charity, it profits
me nothing.
Charity [love] suffers
long [is patient], and is
kind; charity envies not
[is not jealous]; charity
vaunts not itself
[doesn’t brag or boast], is
not puffed up, does not
behave itself unseemly
[not immoral], seeks not
her own, is not easily
provoked, thinks no
evil; rejoices not in
iniquity, but rejoices in
the truth; bears all
things, believes all
things [all God’s Truths]
hopes all things [that
are promised in God’s
Word], endures all
And so, spiritual gifts are fine,
but LOVE is the "MORE
excellent way." Some,
however, go so far as to
suggest that the language that
Paul and tongue-talkers speak
is: "the tongues/languages…
of angels" (Cor. 13:1.) Paul
absolutely never claimed to
speak in any such thing as the
"languages of angels." Here is
what he said, and the reason I
underlined it above:
"Though… I speak with
the tongues [languages]
of men AND ANGELS…"
Well we know that he did speak
with the languages of men, but
he adds, "AND angels," which
he decidedly did not do, hence
the word "though." The word
"though" in this context means
"suppose." It is a supposition,
not a fact.
Paul also said, "though… I
have… ALL knowledge," but
did he? No."though I have…
ALL faith," but did he? No.
"though I… give my body to
be BURNED" but did he?
Obviously not—Paul was
beheaded in Rome. And no, he
never spoke with the languages
of angels either—it was a
hypothetical statement made to
prove a point. To be continued....SHALOM

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