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My Experience With Weed (part II) by endie44: 10:57am On Dec 05, 2013 |
There is a thread here that has already dealt on this topic. where Mr_Man shared with us his experience with weed. you can find it here I was so impressed with his detailed and very funny narration of his experience that i was so compelled to share mine (an event that nearly took away my sanity if not for God's mercy), which can be found at the comment i posted on that thread here I'm going to re-post that story here again for easy reading. I've always wanted to share my story and explain myself to the ones that loved me and felt very disappointed with me after it happened. In this narration i'll like to share The before Story, The Story and The After Story.. (Story should be taken as "Taking Weed" ![]() The Before Story Like i shared earlier, I didn't take weed due to peer pressure, No far from it, Many may say that was why they veered into it, to see what it means to get High and be Bold and all that not!!, no not me. I had made up my mind that i wanted to take this weed stuff, and for good reasons (i think) not for boldness or Highness or Creativity or any other major reason many take it. So why did i then take it?? let me explain. Growing up for me was almost very boring an experience. You see, i wasn't as active and street smart like every other kid in the neigbourhood. extremely shy, kept to my self, and many of those quality you can find in people who are considered introverts and melancholic (these terms i later got to find out about that described people like me) but my own is like x5 every other person. Believe me this was a disease i was carrying with me that wasn't considered an illness cause it doesn't make your body temperature hot, or doesn't cause you to puke or have headaches and no doesn't have a need for you to be admitted in the hospital and be checked and every other thing you that an ill person should go through. No. No body knows something big is wrong with you and the worse part is I couldn't describe what i was going through on the inside. Now that i know better, i think my nervous system was a wreck, it was totally underdeveloped and very useless. I used to have fear (or phobia) for almost any thing, name it anything apart from maybe food but i was afraid of everything else. you would see it as anything because some other people have fears too and i was still young so the general thought is that he would out grow it as time passes. But not me. My nerves remained for ever. I would have been considered useless or maybe something worse if not that by some stroke of luck i wasn't bad in classroom activities. i did almost as well as the very good in class so i was generally considered as a brilliant guy. Okay it gave me some solace but it made me very stereotyped. anything away from book, you'll expose me. Even though i was considered brilliant, i couldn't be trusted.. why because i could be very good today and tomorrow post the worst result ever so you could really rely on my abilities to deliver when it mattered you'lled prefer someone with average abilities but with very constant result. This meant i was not participating in any school activity like Debate, Drama, (Of course i was even too shy even if i would have wanted to try and fail, but at least build on it) or even sports.. i was just no where. These things started to bother me as i was not getting any younger and i wasn't getting any better. time was ticking and i didn't do any thing about it there would be no future for me (Forget It!). I think from my SS2 or so i knew i had to be proactive in getting my self help. the difficult thing about it was that apart from me being shy, i also had a big problem expressing my self. i could not coordinate my thought process and express it clearly for people to understand me. Most times when i talk it's like i'm talking from my nose and its so unclear people would always say "talk out now i can't even hear what you're saying" when in my mind i'm talking as loud as possible. So even explaining to some one how i feel and what i was going through was too difficult i coundn't try. You know it would have being easier if there was a name i could call what i was going through so i'll say it to anyone without having to explain the details just like if you go to a doctor you'll tell him that you have Headaches (every body knows head ache, con current banging in the head causing discomfort, or I have asthma, Breathing troubles where the bronchitis has inflamed thereby narrowing the air passage ways and many or words that are used to described even the most complex medical condition.. very easy) so i decided that the first step was to actually find out what was wrong with me and also to find a way to describe it. Well i loved to read it was the only valid thing i could do without having the need to be explaining something to anyone and for me to be shy. Remember, at around this time there was noting like the internet. I'm talking of late 1990's. (if there was internet it was not yet known) how many people owned computer then self.. Only very rich families had computers then (if you look at it now in retrospect they were very priced Electronics to behold then). Then just having it in the sitting room and covering it with nylon and never putting on the computer na big effizzy on its own, so you'll understand the kind off period I'm referring to. So generally there was no google or yahoo (Nairaland?.. Hell NO!! I wonder how Old Seun (i'm surprised the name Seun is not in the NL Dico, i've added it jare!!) would have being then) or anything.. so you're limited to books, libraries and the like. Believe me i tried for several years but i couldn't find anything that could help me even remotely. it was very difficult. At around that time i started experimenting with anything that can help me relate to people with fear. anything that can affect my nervous system would suffice. i had tried garlic, Kola, Kai kai, Beer and other Alcoholic beverages (woo sai, all of them na bolo, they can affect your sense of vision and stability but nothing more.. can't help them improve or get better, complete waste. i needed something strong. That was when i started contemplating weed. The Story I would have taken weed earlier, but you know you can't get it like you get the others that i've tried. in fact it took me almost 3 years to have my first contact with one. Who would i ask to get it from me cause it not sold to just anybody. I don't talk to almost anyone, i just come and go (Imagine living like that). after completing secondary school i stayed at home for a while after not being able to secure admission for my self (which was even very difficult for me if not for some later connections i utilized that got me a course i didn't even know existed talk of knowing what it means or what they do). During that period i had opportunity of hanging with street guys once in a while with my neigbours whom i've become quite close with. I follow them everywhere and before you know it i was no longer a stranger in their midst. I still had to contemplate how to get the weed. because i was still always bothered about my situation. in fact it had not gotten any better. i wouldn't say it got worse but the problem i was now having the most was that i was now in peoples eye and i was expected to contribute to discussions and topics. things i hardly excel at (i need o get my self fixed if i'm to make any sense in life I've always thought to my self). Of all the ideas I've had that could likely help me, it was only egboh that i have not tried. i was a complete wreck and i needed help fast. let me copy and paste my narration from the other thread here to continue the story endie44: The After Story I'll continue this one let me do some work.. In this part i'll share with you in detail the aftermath of the whole event, what i learned and how i survived over all.. How my I'm coping now and other valuable insights you'll just find interesting. so please check back again.. thanks |
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