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Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by albridge(m): 5:11pm On Jul 26, 2008
i was watching a foreign series on TV the other day titled "SEX AND THE CITY" when a woman in her 30's who was just dumped by a guy who she had been advised against dating was oportuned to over hear the discussion of two young women in their teens who where going tru a similar experience as she just past through. she gave them some useful advise telling them that they should forget the guy and that he was not worth it (she same advise she had earlier recieved from a friend but had rebuffed) and all the thank you she got for her trouble was insults from the two young teenagers.

Oprah said on her show that millions of women date and marry liers. its like they don't like the truth.

At the end of the day women often complain that men lie to them and decieve them but i think the truth of the matter is that women make up their minds to be decieved from the begining. They know someone is not good for them but they stay  on in a bad relationship all in the name of love or because they have been together for long. At the end of the day, they end up staying longer in  a going nowhere relationship and eventually get their hearts broken or thier hopes shattered.

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Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 5:12pm On Jul 26, 2008
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 5:14pm On Jul 26, 2008
they like to block out the 'truth', at the end they will just get hurt as usual, cycle of life tongue
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by iice(f): 5:22pm On Jul 26, 2008
rofl @ miranda - Both deceive themselves jare.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by albridge(m): 5:34pm On Jul 26, 2008
the truth is that its common with women and i don't know why they think like that. i guess its part of being a woman. Another example, a woman walks in through the door and see's her husband on top of the house maid or her sister trying to rape her with the poor girl struggling and trying to get away from him. Instead of facing her husband and seeing him for what he is (an irresponsible, uncontrollable excuse for a man grin ) she faces the poor girl and accusses her of husband snatching; i don't understand it.

maybe we should learn to do as one woman said to me, she said, "men try to understand women. they should stop trying to understand them and instead just love them".

Considering the fact that a persistent attempt at understanding women would most likely lead to brain fague or worse still, brain cancer, we might as well follow that womans advice and forget about understanding women and just stick to loving them (whatever that mean) grin
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by iice(f): 5:38pm On Jul 26, 2008

[b]the truth is that its common with women and i don't know why they think like that. i guess its part of being a woman. [/b]Another example, a woman walks in true the door and see's her husband on top of the house maid or her sister trying to rape her with the poor girl struggling and trying to get away from him. Instead of facing her husband and seeing him for what he is (an irresponsible, uncontrollable excuse for a man grin ) she faces the poor girl and accusses her of husband snatching; i don't understand it.

maybe we should learn to do as one woman said to me, she said, "men try to understand women. they should stop trying to understand them and instead just love them".

Considering the fact that a persistent attempt at understanding women would most likely lead to brain fague or worse, brain cancer, we might as well follow that womans advice and forget about understanding women and just love them (whatever that mean) cool

Excuse you? Are you saying that deceit is in the make up of a woman?
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 5:39pm On Jul 26, 2008
iice don't mind him. Though I kind of agree. Your probability of meeting a deceitful woman over a honest one is 3/4
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by onyinye2(f): 5:44pm On Jul 26, 2008

Yes there are some ladies that rather hold on to memories of when times were good and romantic. So they stay thinking that some how things will go back how they use to be. Men do the same thing too. But you can't say that deceit is instilled in a woman's brain as if we have no common sense.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by iice(f): 5:47pm On Jul 26, 2008

iice don't mind him. Though I kind of agree. Your probability of meeting a deceitful woman over a honest one is 3/4

I do agree that we are up there when it comes to it but saying it's part of being a woman is just ugh undecided
3/4? not even 2/4? lol
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Sisikill: 5:48pm On Jul 26, 2008
First off, you watch Sex and the City? Lmao. . . How very evolved of you. Nice wink

Secondly. . . Absolutely, positively without an iota, smidgen of a doubt Women deceive themselves.

I have a theory, it is my belief that the common sense part of a woman's brain has been replaced with a sense of invincibility. . . How? I'm still working on that.

Anyway, it's this sense of invincibility that makes 'em boldly go where even angels fail to thread.

It is why they can easily dismiss red neon signs flashing DANGER, with a flick of their wrist "Aah, I'll be a'ight. She didn't get him like I do" completely ignoring the fact that the old she is lying in coma from the beatings she got from him (sometimes I get bored and watch Lifetime Channel)

It's why the theme song of their lives is "Love fool" by the Cardigans. Can you just see 'em all circling a bonfire, each holding a pix of the object of their desire and singing at the top of their lungs. . .

"Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me, Love me
Pretend that you love
I can't care about anyone but you"

Sad, no?
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Hannibal: 5:51pm On Jul 26, 2008

It's why their theme song of their lives is "Love fool" by the Cardigans. Can you just see 'em all circling a bonfire, each holding a pix of the object of their desire and singing at the top of their lungs. . .

"Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me, Love me
Pretend that you love
I can't care about anyone but you"

Sad, no?

It seems u and sarcasm are siamese twins co-joined at the hip. tongue
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 5:52pm On Jul 26, 2008
You shouldn't waste time on that fatiguable theory.   It can be abolished from too plenty a direction.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 5:54pm On Jul 26, 2008

I do agree that we are up there when it comes to it but saying it's part of being a woman is just ugh undecided
3/4? not even 2/4? lol

Is just what? Being honest or completely stereotypical? True. We have ourselves a deal if you make it 3/5
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by iice(f): 5:58pm On Jul 26, 2008
Not true and not stereotypical but it's a deal 3/5
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by onyinye2(f): 5:58pm On Jul 26, 2008
ahh sisi that is one of my favorite songs. and it surely speaks the truth. When you finally find a man you feel fits that total package of "Homie, Lover, Friend" then you dismiss everything your friends and family say. You feel that they don't know what they are talking about and just trying to become an obstacle in your relationship. In your eyes, you see this incredible man that in a sense completes you. Even when things start getting dark, you still can't leave. He has a hold on you. Not a physically hold but emotional. The memories of the times you spent together, how you held hands in the park, and fell asleep on the phone. You know things aren't how they use to be but, you love him. He is your other half and what would you been with out him. But are you when you are with him?
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HRhotness(f): 5:58pm On Jul 26, 2008
People see and believe only what they want to. . . its an individual trait and has nothin to do with being male or female
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 6:01pm On Jul 26, 2008

People see and believe only what they want to. . . its an individual trait and has nothin to do with being male or female

Succintly put.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Sisikill: 6:08pm On Jul 26, 2008
I agree with iice, it's most definitely not deceit. It's quite the opposite, infact. It's. . . it's innocence, yeah that's it innocence. We are creatures who trust so easily, unfortunately we live in a world where people aren't always straight forward. You know. . . I think I have found the answer to the common sense/invincibility theory. See, because we (women) so want to believe men are good, men are kind, men aren't liars. . . We sheild ourselves from the truth by wearing a cloak of invincibility (don't worry if it doesn't make any sense)

Sacarsm? Wait. . . Are you saying these bonfires aren't a regular Monday & Wednesday thingy all over the world?

Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Hannibal: 6:09pm On Jul 26, 2008

Sacarsm? Wait. . . Are you saying these bonfires aren't a regular Monday & Wednesday thingy all over the world?

Bonfires?? Ma "girls" don't do such.
I don't date ZULUS. tongue
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by iice(f): 6:15pm On Jul 26, 2008
LOL sisi
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by albridge(m): 6:56pm On Jul 26, 2008
I agree with iice, it's most definitely not deceit. It's quite the opposite, infact. It's. . . it's innocence, yeah that's it innocence. We are creatures who trust so easily, unfortunately we live in a world where people aren't always straight forward. You know. . . I think I have found the answer to the common sense/invincibility theory. See, because we (women) so want to believe men are good, men are kind, men aren't liars. . . We sheild ourselves from the truth by wearing a cloak of invincibility (don't worry if it doesn't make any sense)

i really dont agree that its innocense. are you trying to tell me that all women or even most women are innocent? you know thats not true. its not really innocence. i think its more like guilibility.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 6:59pm On Jul 26, 2008
Yes very gullible. When their emotions are betrayed they become deceitful - most of them.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 6:59pm On Jul 26, 2008
Men deceive but women also help in the deceit!
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 7:05pm On Jul 26, 2008
Men deceive women big time
Women barely deceive men, men just want to believe what they want to believe.

Let's just say, humans deceive humans.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 7:05pm On Jul 26, 2008

Men deceive women big time
Women barely deceive men, men just want to believe what they want to believe.

Let's just say, humans deceive humans.

Aren't these women instead?
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 7:10pm On Jul 26, 2008
Men let themselves be deceived, don't they?
Well,it goes both ways sha.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 7:15pm On Jul 26, 2008
If you know it goes oth ways why continue the strawmans?
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 7:18pm On Jul 26, 2008
Of course it goes both ways, duh.
It just depends on who falls for it more often.
Men think they're smart, but they don't know they're actually walking into the lioness's den.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by HCH3COO: 7:20pm On Jul 26, 2008

Of course it goes both ways, duh.
It just depends on who falls for it more often.
Men think they're smart, but they don't know they're actually walking into the lioness's den.
And another one. You just admitted that it goes both ways, but where is your evidence that men fall for it more than women. you are of the opposite gender so you think it's the guys being fooled. The guys hold the same feelings you do - they think women are easily fooled.
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by albridge(m): 7:24pm On Jul 26, 2008
well women are said to be the weaker sex grin
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Nobody: 7:27pm On Jul 26, 2008
And another one. You just admitted that it goes both ways, but where is your evidence that men fall for it more than women. you are of the opposite gender so you think it's the guys being fooled. The guys hold the same feelings you do - they think women are easily fooled.
Men are more sensitive than me. That's a known fact.
Some men would even carry 3 girls at a time to feel like a player/loved.
What they don't know is, who wins at the end. The women might be with him because of his money, as a revenge for the other girl/ for the fun of it. I say, men are plain stupid sometimes.
Btw, who has to pay child support?
Re: Do Men Decieve Women Or Do Women Decieve Themselves? by Gamine(f): 8:04pm On Jul 26, 2008
There are only two things sure in this world.

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