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Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others - Celebrities - Nairaland

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Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others by OmoUSH(m): 12:32am On Dec 10, 2013
These are the top ten factual reasons why Adolph Hitler was and is still far greater than many historical figures, such as the Christian Jesus. Enjoy:
1. hitler, abcording to historical studies, influenced his generation more than any other personality in history.
2. Adolf hitler was the major reason for the second world war which stand in history as the most deadly and wide conflict in human history.
3. Adolf hitler name wil last to time indefinite, maybe Jesus won't.
4. Adolf hitler revolutionised the history of mankind for better, forever
5. Even prominent historical figures like Winston churchill, Josef Stalin said, Heil Adolf Hitler before their demise
Re: Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others by PregnantBoy(m): 12:51am On Dec 10, 2013
OmoUSH: These are the top ten factual reasons why Adolph Hitler was and is still far greater than many historical figures, such as the Christian Jesus. Enjoy:
1. hitler, abcording to historical studies, influenced his generation more than any other personality in history.
2. Adolf hitler was the major reason for the second world war which stand in history as the most deadly and wide conflict in human history.
3. Adolf hitler name wil last to time indefinite, maybe Jesus won't.
4. Adolf hitler revolutionised the history of mankind for better, forever
5. Even prominent historical figures like Winston churchill, Josef Stalin said, Heil Adolf Hitler before their demise
Why do u like bringing up unreasonable, annoying and disturbing topic? U will never make frontpage with all useless topics. Hahaha! Comparing hitler to Jesus Christ, did u lost a nut in ur brain? And Stop comparing Justin bieber with great people also! What is ur problem? Did u study philosophy or wat? Comparing a whole "Jesus Christ" to Hitler, becareful kk
Re: Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others by lanaVello1(m): 12:51am On Dec 10, 2013
1. hitler, abcording to historical studies, influenced his generation more than any other personality in history
Jesus wasnt in hitler's generation,He was b4 him. Jesus influence remains undisputed in all generations!
Re: Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others by lanaVello1(m): 12:55am On Dec 10, 2013
Second world war was years after jesus' ascension + what relativity is there? what sense are you trying to make there?
3.Jesus' name has bin existing before the birth of hitler's grandfather and even up till date.That already shows Jesus supersedes
Re: Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others by lanaVello1(m): 1:00am On Dec 10, 2013
Hitler revolutionalized mankind for better?!? even wif just the holocaust(not to mention others) omg....u need to work on ur definition of 'better'!
5.I could care less what stalin says,their opinion doesnt prove anything.
In summary,u're pointless!
Re: Top 5 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler Influenced History Than Jesus And Others by yousee(m): 2:21am On Dec 10, 2013
Between 12:25am to 12:35am, your reasons has reduced by half. By dawn, your reasons will be forgotten.


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