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Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' - Literature - Nairaland

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Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' by fatherab1: 1:48pm On Aug 01, 2008
This Book is titled: ‘BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS UNDER HARSH ECONOMIC CONDITIONS’. It is to be written under the BOOK SECTION under Nairaland. The purpose of the book is to empower Nigerians with the strategies of growing profitable and unbreakable businesses that will reduce the rate of unemployment in this country. The book will be written by registered Nairalanders who meet the following conditions:
1. Those who have deep understanding of growing a business under unfriendly prevailing circumstances. It is not only experience but inspiration.
2. Those who are not afraid to reveal their true identities if the need ever arises.
3. Those who are incurable optimists in the future of Nigeria and who are ready to do what it takes to make Nigeria better.
4. Those who can communicate their ideas in a well-articulated manner and in Standard English. To reduce vetting.

• The writing of the book will commence from 1st August 2008 with people who meet ALL the above conditions pasting their various contributions on the thread titled: ‘BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS UNDER HARSH ECONOMIC CONDITIONS in the BOOK SECTION.
• You can continue to paste your contributions any time you get more inspiration until the 31st of October, 2008.
• At the end of the stipulated time, only the entries that carry SUBSTANCE will be sent for publication under each person’s name.
• A team of English and economic specialists will vet and proof-read.
• The production will be done by a Major Publishing House in Lagos. The financing will be done by a Microfinance Bank. Marketing will be by a Marketing organization. Some of these institutions I know of are willing but it is still open-ended as I await your constructive inputs.
• Royalties will be shared as Shares based on inputs. It will be paid directly in your every co-author’s account. You will have to open a new account for this purpose. Leave it empty please.
NOTE: Let your entries be original! If you are quoting, make clear references. SEUN THE NAIRALAND LANDLORD WILL WRITE THE PREFACE BEFORE PRINTING.

Re: Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' by naijacutee(f): 3:36pm On Aug 06, 2008
Count me in. Do we just submit our contributions as articles, or do we opt to write specific chapters? I have a lot of energy I'm willing to offload into this. Also - Could you explain more about the royalty terms in detail? Or is that private information? If so, then will this be conveyed by e-mail?
Re: Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' by fatherab1: 7:24pm On Aug 10, 2008
Thanks for your post.
This is the very thread where everyone who wants his/her write up to be included posts them. You can post as much as a chapter or as small as a sentence. Payments will based on each person's entry in terms of the quantity and quality of entry.
Remember that royalties can continue to shower in for a lifetime.
My own first personal book on addiction, I am still being paid weekly MORE than my profession in which I have AN M.SC!
Re: Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' by Cch3coo: 7:47pm On Aug 10, 2008
father ab:

My own first personal book on addiction, I am still being paid weekly MORE than my profession in which I have AN M.SC!

What a load of codswallop. What is the name of your so called book? At least we deserve to know that if nothing else.
Re: Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' by yicob(m): 8:52pm On Aug 10, 2008
. . . . . .signing up for the programme. . . . . . .

when should we start submitting the writeups and is SEUN aware of this? Cos i wudnt want to be a party to something that would be deleted by the admin.
Re: Contribute To Book: 'Building A Successful Business Under Harsh Conditions' by naijacutee(f): 8:45pm On Aug 17, 2008
After thinking about this in detail, what about the copywright issues involved in posting excerpts of a book on an online forum before publication? How do you stop people from copying/pasting content and distributing the book for nothing before it actually sees the light of day? My suggestion would be to open a Google Docs account for this purpose and send interested participants/writers the username and password upon submission of their first entry.

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