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Do You Have A Game Library? - Gaming - Nairaland

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You Know You're A Game Addict When / Show Off Your Game Library / Tonto Dike's Song Featured In A Game (vid) (2) (3) (4)

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Do You Have A Game Library? by Shaz(f): 2:01am On Aug 06, 2008
Just wondering who else 'part from me does. I still got my SNES pads, games and guns. PS - same and driving wheels. GB. GBA SP. PS2.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by femzy(m): 11:37am On Aug 06, 2008
who cares to look back when it comes to technology
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by Shaz(f): 4:35pm On Aug 06, 2008
Have you not ever come across ANTIQUES? These stuff would worth a lot in the future and apart from that, you can make reference to it later - even to ya chilrden, innit?
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by femzy(m): 6:28pm On Aug 06, 2008
hmmm then how i guess you still have family computer consoles being played with those black and white TVs that consume all the voltage of the house,
tongue grin grin
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by Gamine(f): 11:07am On Aug 07, 2008
we have given away our old consoles

we still have some junk Snes pads

just the ps2 and xbox i see
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by Infoseye(m): 11:21am On Aug 07, 2008

Just wondering who else 'part from me does. I still got my SNES pads, games and guns. PS - same and driving wheels. GB. GBA SP. PS2.

Yeah I do have one corner for my games such as Sega Matersystem 2, Segamega drive 2,Dreamcast,gameboy, gameboy advance,p1,p2,psp and soon may be december I will get a ps3 Lol!
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by iice(f): 11:25am On Aug 07, 2008
Give some away, threw out the others, some are in a box somewhere - i'd prolly throw those out too when i find them undecided. Pretty much wrecked all the consoles and pads we had.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by MrCrackles(m): 11:31am On Aug 07, 2008
I still have my ATARI, SEGA, S-NES, NES, PSONE, PS2 and PS3, the only ones i dont have are the WII and XBOX, not a fan of XBOX but saving to cop the WII soon! grin

I got all the guns, catridges, discs, joysticks, memory cards and all them by the way!

I am thinking of auctioning them off in another 10years or maybe pass them on to my first child when i have one!hehe
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by brinebaba(m): 1:09pm On Aug 07, 2008
I'm a game freak
i divided ma room into 2 for ma games,from ma x-box-ps(3,1)-game boys-lots of game cds . .

lol . . i'm crazy bout games.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by Infoseye(m): 3:01pm On Aug 07, 2008

Give some away, threw out the others, some are in a box somewhere - i'd prolly throw those out too when i find them undecided. Pretty much wrecked all the consoles and pads we had.

Its because you don't have a special bond with your games, each console and game had moment I can't forget, I can still remember I use to run home on time just to play a 16bit game with a close pal of mine back in the days. Its sounds crazy that I still ve such consoles, When I move into my own apartment I will ve a shrine or more like a show glass contain each consoles and below it date of which I purchased them LOL I guess my kids and grandkids might want to experience how games where played back in there Dad's time.

Who knows in the future of gaming some chips or game panels will be wanted and sold for a fortune LOL!!!!!! Basically it brings back memories when I touch and feel a 16bit game pad in my palms.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by ps3fanboy: 5:20pm On Aug 07, 2008
something can only turn out to be an antique when there were not many mad in the 1st place. In 10, 20 years time am sure there will still be hundreds if not thousands of those stuff lying around. Many dont probably work.i only have my Ps2 just cause i want to repair sometime later and give it out.

I have uncharted : drakes fortune for sale or exchange. Interested reach - oniabiola2002@yahoo.com. Also Metal Gear Solid is the best game while PS3 is the best console.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by Gamine(f): 6:13pm On Aug 07, 2008
Did they ask you lipsrsealed
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by brinebaba(m): 6:58pm On Aug 07, 2008
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by iice(f): 8:47pm On Aug 07, 2008

Its because you don't have a special bond with your games, each console and game had moment I can't forget, I can still remember I use to run home on time just to play a 16bit game with a close pal of mine back in the days. Its sounds crazy that I still ve such consoles, When I move into my own apartment I will ve a shrine or more like a show glass contain each consoles and below it date of which I purchased them LOL I guess my kids and grandkids might want to experience how games where played back in there Dad's time.

Who knows in the future of gaming some chips or game panels will be wanted and sold for a fortune LOL!!!!!! Basically it brings back memories when I touch and feel a 16bit game pad in my palms.

I don't like stuffs piling up. You keep all your wrecked pads? Na wah, you dey try sha.
The special bond i have is with movies not games. Sure i love games but i can let go when i need to.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by femzy(m): 11:45am On Aug 08, 2008

Did they ask you lipsrsealed

ouchhh grin grin
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by iukpe: 5:36am On Aug 14, 2008
Yes I think I do,

Recent Collection PS3

Burnout Paradise
Need for speed pro street
ridge racer
Gran turismo 5 prologue
resistance fall of man
Medal Of honor airborne
Sega rally revo

PC Games

Call of Duty 4
Flight Simulator x
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Grand theft Auto San Andreas
Need for speed Most wanted

Medal Of honour Airborne PC
Soldier of fortune payback

Old Collection

Medal of honor allied assault
Call of Duty
Call of duty 2
Joint Operations Typhoon rising cooperative and LAN
Unreal Tournament 2004
Never winter nights
Thief 2
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield vietnam
Battlefield 2
Ghost recon Desert siege
Ghost recon island thunder
Flight simulator 2000, 2002,2004
F16 Allied Force
Nascar Sim Racing
Fantastic 4
Star wars Republic Commando
Soldier of fortune Double helix
Counter strike Condition zero

Also a large library of PS2 games.
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by gabelogan(m): 7:45am On Aug 14, 2008
a game library is something i have always wanted to have but circumstances never let me have one. i used to have an atari, a family computer, snes, sega mega drive 2, a playsatation, playstation 2 and now an xbox360. the only console around is the xbox360.

at least if not for anything, for posterity's sake so i would be able to tell my kids "this is what we played back in the day"
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by chat2chuma(m): 9:52pm On Aug 27, 2008
Guys,can someone sell me Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas for PC or can someone borrow me,ill send it back.IM in need of it.I deleted mine by mistake.Pls post your no or call 0805 704 8619 if ur interested.Thanks gee
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by iykedee: 9:24am On Aug 28, 2008
If I had a chance, I'd still have all my old consoles but I already lost all of them cos the newer consoles just tend to make you freak out and abandon the older ones. Currently, I have:
1) Resistance :fall of man
2) GRAW 2
3) COD 4
4) Uncharted : drake's fortune
5) MGS 4 : gun of patroits
6) Pes 2008

Would go crazy by december and prolly double the size of my mini library
Re: Do You Have A Game Library? by gabelogan(m): 7:27pm On Aug 28, 2008
my library, hmmmmmm

xbox 360
graw 2
nba 2k7
racedriver grid
elders scroll: oblivion
tom clacy's splinter cell: double agent

ps 2
nba 2k6
winning elevnen (14-28)
syphon filter 3
nba 2k5
god of war
fight night round 2
ghost recon 3
socom 1 and 2
getaway (1 and 2)
50 cent's bulletproof (crappiest game ive ever played)
wwe smackdown

they were sooooo many, ive forgotten most of em

ps1 (don't think i can count, ill just list the 1st 5 i bought and my favourite)
international superstar soccer 2
tekken 3
xena warrior princess
grand tourismo
tomb raider 2
wwe smackdown
syphon filter 1 and 2
knockout kings
nba live 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
final fantasy 7
danger girl
fighting force 1 and 2
vagrant's story
tenchu 1 and 2

and a whole lot more that i can't remember

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