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Zenith Bank Interview - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Zenith Bank Interview by SamDerrick(m): 8:23am On Aug 14, 2008
Please Nairalander, what should i expect in the second stage of Zenith Bank Interview?
I'm invited for the interview tommorrow.
Pls respond ASAP
Re: Zenith Bank Interview by SamDerrick(m): 8:24am On Aug 14, 2008
As a marketer
Re: Zenith Bank Interview by SamDerrick(m): 1:25pm On Aug 14, 2008
I'm still hopeful that someone will give me a positive response promptly
Re: Zenith Bank Interview by Jascobee: 9:39pm On Aug 14, 2008
relax pal, nothing serious about the interview, i just finished the last stage of the interview with their GM{HR],
if u are going as an experienced fellow,they will just ask u to go over your CV, if u are a fresher,they will basically ask u some very simple questions,
u are likely to meet two young ladies at the interview, or a single man{about 38yrs old], the man is stricter but u need to be composed and look very smart, the man might ask u what value can u add to their organisation,
just tell him or the ladies that it's all about deposit mobilisation and u've got great winning skills,
make sure u look very bright and always smile,
above all,pray for God's favour,
the last stage is when u would need to see their oga[a woman], she will basically ask u to go over your CV, be calm and make ursef clear and coherent,
always maintain eye contact with whoever is interviewing u, at the end,she will ask u if u have any question for her,u could ask her this question,
"zenith bank is barely 16yrs old,how has the bank been able to surpass some old generation banks that have been in existence for long?she might tell u it's due to the committed mgt, just smile and add tell her that u believe it's because of people like her[smiling},
Re: Zenith Bank Interview by SamDerrick(m): 9:03am On Aug 17, 2008
Thank you so much for that info, i really appreciate it, will definately call you.
Re: Zenith Bank Interview by Nobody: 1:52pm On Aug 20, 2008
I sat for the interview about two weeks ago in abuja and still hvnt heard a word from them except wen they called to ask me if i hv math o levels which i dnt,i dnt knw if i'm just gettin too excited or if my application hs been shelved,and does it still matter if one has maths o level,cos i heard they may jst want to clarify.thnks y'all

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