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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by Sisikill: 6:16pm On Aug 25, 2008
Oh my God! I honestly don’t know if I should cry or laugh at what I am reading. I am beyond speechless that people will take one person’s bitter & baseless suppositions as facts.

To the people agreeing with DeepZone, I beg you. . . tell me what evidence she has shown you for the following statements. . .

1) These windbags called American nurses have a way of getting under your skin and it's not surprising they extend it to their homes by consistently treating their husbands like they are a pariah.

2) To further prove this hypothesis about nurses; are there not other Nigerian women in other professions in America? Doctors, pharmacists, CPA's, engineers, lawyers, teachers, programmers etc and all the aforementioned clearly make more money than these nurses, why haven't you heard their husbands hacking them into pieces.

3) Nigerian nurses are also notorious for sleeping with their coworkers,

4) They are usually half educated because they didn’t go through the main stream school system in Nigeria

5) Her PR will be sound and not laid back. So, I think these nurses suffer from half education(education is not only maths, english and anatomy) and the ones that read the nursing in America in most cases did it as full grown adults(usually with kids) so, they never had a taste of any extracurricular activity in a standard tertiary institution.

6) In other words, most of them are "Jew" women. Pay a "Jew" woman that amount of money that she never fathomed in her life and see her start misbehaving like a Bohemian peasant that drank one pint of vodka.

7) Remember, in most cases, these nurses were brought to America by their respective husbands, their college fee was paid by these men.

8 ) They may never get the degree in the first place if they had to work 40hrs and read the nursing and it'll be very unfair for you to destroy the man's life after you have your degree and making "tonnes" of thousands to insult, aggravate and announce

I suppose it is okay to make all these baseless, ridiculous statements just because DeepZone “happens to know a lady now in MD that is rushing through nursing school as fast as she can because she's planning to leave the man that is footing her school bills citing that he's too old for her. Is that not using somebody?”

There is no denying women and men use each other, there is no denying married people face marital problems, that some people get so angry, they lose their minds and commit murder, there is no denying there are professions which are more stressful than the others causing a strain on marriage. . . these are facts and I’d think as intelligent people, who literally have the gateway to more knowledge at our finger tips; we would be able to tell the difference between facts and ignorant baseless statements by someone who obviously has an ax to grind (Good catch Chioga)

How can anyone sit back and watch someone disparage an entire group of people based NOT on any study, survey, experiment but personal feelings & guesstimate and agree with it??

How can people allow themselves to be spoon fed crap and not question it? Is it laziness?

I ask you. . . how can anyone read this hate-filled post and not be left with a bitter taste in your mouth?

Goodness! All that is left is for Deepzone to call for the burning of American Nurses on stakes and I must say, I won’t be the least bit surprised to see people lining up with their touches held high, after all Hitler also managed to convince “supposedly intelligent” folks Jews needed to be destroyed.

@ DeepZone
For the sake of real debate, please don’t use Hypothesis in the same sentence as your Hate speeches.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by Sisikill: 6:17pm On Aug 25, 2008

@ tpia

the idiotic mentality is not restricted to nurses husband's alone sad

A wife being rude and all is no reason to commit murder. Yes you feel emasculated, then get off your ass and get working! As far as I know, men can also be nurses in America - make your money and kick the trifling woman out. But by no means kill or maim her, resorting to base instincts to solve these problems cannot be accepted.

The case of a 'crime of passion' can be understandable, but still not acceptable.

Nurses should beware - do not get married to a controlling man who will kill ou if he feels a need to re-assert his masculinity.

You are a good, intelligent man.

God Bless You.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by rubi(f): 6:28pm On Aug 25, 2008
The above story sounds very very familiar the same thing happened to someone I know after her nursing licence she began to make trouble start frustrating the man after two two kids and today that marriage is history. They are divorced leaving the man with her school loan, credit card over $100,000 bill thank God almighty that the man has a powerful good job and handled those bill single handedly. Now they are to your tent oh Isreal tell me isn't that enough reason to kill which I do not support. But he left everything to God almighty to judge her because he is xtain. Question is why didn't she leave before her nursing licence? This is a true life story and not make up

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by omoge(f): 6:30pm On Aug 25, 2008
me i would prefer to settle down with a man who earns higher than me.
if i have a job that pays more, i will either have to get part time or quit. i want him to take the lead. part time or full time to support your pay. not full time to carry the household on my head while your butter your ego.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by joshjosh(m): 6:35pm On Aug 25, 2008

You are a good, intelligent man. God Bless You.

in a free world everyone is permitted to agree or disagree without being villified. and it will be nice we have short memory rather than this hounding from page to page.

God bless and help my people from whoever wants to kill any of you
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by DeepZone: 6:58pm On Aug 25, 2008

The case of a 'crime of passion' can be understandable, but still not acceptable.

Nurses should beware - do not get married to a controlling man who will kill ou if he feels a need to re-assert his masculinity.

The problem here is discernment. How can you tell that your spouse is murderous? some murderers have no history of violence or common abuse, they are seldom angry, always quiet but beyond that facade, there's a giant monster that remains to be activated by one single act of betrayal.
In as much as i wouldn't excuse murder, i strongly advise men and women to stop using their spouses to climb the ladder(for that sake only). There is a huge difference between leaving someone because he/she ought to be left and having a master plan from the get go on how to use and dump someone. It's a cold hard world!

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by DeepZone: 7:07pm On Aug 25, 2008
me i would prefer to settle down with a man who earns higher than me.
if i have a job that pays more, i will either have to get part time or quit. i want him to take the lead. part time or full time to support your pay. not full time to carry the household on my head while your butter your ego.

Leadership is from the mind and not the material possession that gears it always. That's why you see some people that are not wealthy leading a club,sorority or fraternity because of their charisma, will power or overt intelligence. I do not support you to relinquish your job because the man in your life will be insecure, rather, hold the job, make the cash and control it instead of the cash controlling you. Very many rich people today are slaves to their wealth and it's a pity that the money you made is steering you around. You can be rich and still respect and honor your husband but you can only achieve that if and only if you believe that your wealth is secondary to your relationship.

Think of this: If most men have been this anal from the get go because they held more jobs and money before the advent of women getting a career and money, how would the world be before now? Are you spending your money or is your money spending you?

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by Sisikill: 7:37pm On Aug 25, 2008

in a free world everyone is permitted to agree or disagree without being villified. and it will be nice we have short memory rather than this hounding from page to page.

You are absoluetly right, everyone is entitled to an opinion. However when these opinions are presented as facts or justification for committing a heinous crime, then it becomes dangerous. I need not tell you how many wars have been started based on opinions disguised as facts.

This is a debate that called for logic and by making this statement “A wife being rude and all is no reason to commit murder. Yes you feel emasculated, then get off your ass and get working! As far as I know, men can also be nurses in America - make your money and kick the trifling woman out. But by no means kill or maim her, resorting to base instincts to solve these problems cannot be accepted.” Debosky showed us logic has not fallen by the wayside (Thank God!). As a guy it would have been easy for him to allow his feelings and macho-pride to overshadow common sense but he didn’t. . . Intelligent man and God bless him, I say.

What we had so far was some people saying “I don’t think murder is right but. . .”

I’m sorry but when you add a “but” to a statement about not condoning something, you are condoning it. No if, what or . . . but about it.

There is NO BASIS OR JUSTIFICATION for taking another person’s life and ranting and raving about how some people feel too big, lie about what they make, sleeping around or how uneducated they are, will not change it. Period.

God bless and help my people from whoever wants to kill any of you

Thanks and right back at you. grin

@ Debosky
Thanks for washing away the bitter taste from my mouth. Fearing that you might not be here next time, I won’t chance it by returning. tongue
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by AloyEmeka9: 8:02pm On Aug 25, 2008
You've provided the best analogy here so far. I doff may hat for you, man.

If any of you that rant and rave here should take time and read through DZ's analogy, there is no place he's justifying the killings rather, he's in the future and trying to provide clues to these murders. Did you see where he said that there is no need beating a dead horse? From page one on this thread, enough abuses and curses has been rained on these men but nobody cared to look into the cause of this things and why it happens only in America and to women in a particular profession. There is nothing wrong in analyzing a crime thoroughly and this shouldn't be a reason to start a war like in the politics section. Some of una get too much time sha because the antagonists here do not have any reason to be so since he has accepted by default that he's not in support of any murder unless they have an initial score to settle with Dz the way we do it here on nairaland. Crime TV's, courts argue cases same way. You cannot hush a defendant's lawyer from making his or her case because there is no reason to kill anyone. It will be more useful for those who visit nairaland to read stuff that will make them view their lives from another angle than rave and rant on a dead horse. i don yarn my own sha.

One Love.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by KarmaMod(f): 6:41am On Aug 26, 2008
the only mistake is see these men making is commiting the acts in Yankee. it would have been wiser to bring those sorry as*se nurses back to Naija and butcher deal with them.
Let me see which popo go come disturb me for my village. nonsense

For the sake of Nigeria please consider homosexuaity
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by KarmaMod(f): 6:52am On Aug 26, 2008
you've done a survey of all the nurses in America, all your claims about nurses being "pompous"

is a complete farce. Show me the survey, then we'D talk.

By the time she bothers to show "proof", Jesus will already be back on Earth. Why bother

Lmao now she's stating that nurses are known for sleeping with co-workers. Lmao wish we can get proof of that as well. Perhaps it was obtained from an episode of Scrubs. My bad, Carla never cheated on Turk grin

All these cold blooded people coming up with excuses "oh well she used him", last I checked, you can sue people in their country. Keep making excuses with "it's wrong to kill BUT, "

Sisi, I say you should pray for these people.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by KarmaMod(f): 6:57am On Aug 26, 2008

but nobody cared to look into the cause of this things and why it happens only in America and to women in a particular profession.

Why Igbo nurses? Are they the only kind of nurses with the "big mouths". "pompous and disrespectful"?

Point is the excuses brought forth are all terrible.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by DeepZone: 7:37am On Aug 26, 2008

Why Igbo nurses? Are they the only kind of nurses with the "big mouths". "pompous and disrespectful"?

Point is the excuses brought forth are all terrible.
Zing!!!!;There is no telling on where this thread is heading to. Why ibo nurses? Are there no Yoruba,Ibibio,Efik etc families that have gone through the same lately? Is it only ibos that are on the list up there? Why not change the thread title to "Ibo nurses beware of your men" instead chipping ibo here and there in disguise? So just because someone compiled an email with 7 selected stories(i received this story in my email), you decide to conclude in your limited mind that it's only ibo women that are prone to that? No wonder you guys are only interested in the heinous crime itself just to propagate ethnic hatred. You've made that sly comment before in this thread and someone gave you a square answer, still you are more interested in pushing your ethnic bigotry vociferously. Just get ready to take a deep cover when ibo people start to throw similar tantrums at you. I am not part of this and any ibo person that will make a collective judgment on Yorubas on this board because one sleazy undercover tribalist threw a rock on their window may see my red faces. The dearth of common sense on this board is beginning to make me worried.

Let me give you a cracker, if your theory is correct, does that mean that the aforementioned women are the only victim of heinous murder among Nigerians living in the diaspora? You better take your skewed mind to the cleaners because most people here except a few of course are not in high school like you and your cronies. Next time, if you want to accuse people of something, try and come forthwith with a better idea instead of this your dumb circumlocution. Shoot; What's my own sef?, It's not my ox that is being gored.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by KarmaMod(f): 8:05am On Aug 26, 2008

Zing!!!!;There is no telling on where this thread is heading to. Why ibo nurses? Are there no Yoruba,Ibibio etc families that have gone through the same? Is it only ibos that are on the list up there? Why not change the thread title to "Ibo nurses beware of your men" instead chipping ibo here and there in disguise? So just because someone compiled an email with 7 selected stories(i received this story in my email), you decide to conclude in your limited mind that it's only ibo women that are prone to that? No wonder you guys are only interested in the heinous crime itself just to propagate ethnic hatred. Y

You my dear are a moronic retard. First off ethnic hatred? Lmao. Who's the one bashing Northerners back and forth Nairaland? Who's the one using "aboki" as some dumb insult for some people who arent even Hausa in the first place? Ode ni e. Your fake Bible quoting wont help you here. Hateful hypocrite

I asked why Igbo women because 1. the ones mentioned and highly publicized are mostly Igbo women. Unless you are blind, you'D see that osisi herself even asked "Why are they mainly Igbo men". 2. I didnt agree with what the dude said. Since you imbeciles keep saying it's because these women are disrespectful blah blah, why just Igbo woman? To be honest, as a Yoruba woman I can sincerely say Yoruba women are more likely to talk back to their husbands than Igbo women so how the hell is the the whole "well it's because they are disrespectful and pompous" a good excuse for you to use? Since you've been yarning dust up and down stating that ALL nurses are loud mouths and arrogant, are they the only Nigerian tribe with nurses in Nigeria?

Point is these men are monsters with egos and your pathetic "maybe because they do this and that", garbage that you can't even prove Btw makes absolutely no sense. If anything its pointless trying to figure out WHY these men do it.

Dont take your frustration out on me because your parents hated the sight of you so much they decided to drop you off to milk cows for white people like a bloody field nigger.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by DeepZone: 8:08am On Aug 26, 2008
Dont take your frustration out on me because your parents hated the sight of you so much they decided to drop you off to milk cows for white people like a bloody field nigger.

Okay. I never insulted your parents and will wish the gratitude to be returned.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by KarmaMod(f): 8:15am On Aug 26, 2008
Actually you have. How soon you forget.

Either way my comment was more a jab at you. Your parents did the right thing after all
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by DeepZone: 8:21am On Aug 26, 2008
Actually you have. How soon you forget.

Either way my comment was more a jab at you. Your parents did the right thing after all
Ok; Ain't mad at cha!!!!

Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by tpia: 1:29am On Aug 29, 2008
World Igbo Congress begins in Florida

The increasing cases of homicide and domestic violence among Nigerian spouses, especially of the Igbo ethnic stock will be the focus of a public discourse in Tampa, Florida, as the World Igbo Congress (WIC) begins it's annual convention today.

The organization has tapped renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Ambrose Mgbako, to profer solutions on how to deal with domestic violence and care for the children affected by the problem.
The Secretary General of the WIC, Charles Chikezie, said the organization is troubled by the frequency of problem.

According to him, Igbos have a rich culture of taking care of their own, adding that the problem was alien to our culture and that they were determined to do all that is necessary to reduce it to the barest minimum.

Chikezie also stated that traditional rulers in the South East have also been contacted to educate their people on their unrealistic expectations of their relatives in America, saying that efforts will also be stepped up to encourage the use of Igbo language among children born in the Diaspora.

Said he: "We are concerned that there is the real danger of our language becoming extinct. We will tackle it by several programmes geared towards the youth during this conference."
According to the Justice Department and Prisons Service, over 1,000 male and female Igbo's are either in jail, awaiting trial or sentencing for either killing their spouses or having inflicted serious injuries during domestic fights.

Law enforcement officials have designated the trend as the most serious issue affecting Igbo families in America, informing that the fights erupt because of stress brought about by unrealistic expectation of economic gains and pressures by relatives back in Nigeria.
Juvenile Department officials also report that dozens of children affected by such domestic spats are either in foster homes, with their relatives in the care of the state, adding that such incidents have negatively affected children who now have emotional problems.

Dr. Jackie Williams, a childhood development expert at the prestigious Howard University in Washington DC, said the impact of domestic violence manifests in several anti-social behavior later in life, adding that the affected children will have trouble maintaining a relationship, respect for authority and may lack parenting skills".

Recently the Igbo community was stunned when police authorities said one of their own gunned down his wife in cold blood in Missouri.
According to police records, Michael C. Iheme shot his estranged wife, Anthonia, in a parking lot and calmly called police and said, "I have killed the woman that messed my life up, a woman that had destroyed me."

A Hennepin County, St. Louis Criminal Court, said Iheme will be subjected to mental evaluation before his trial will commence.
Police said Anthonia, 28, a mother of two children, was shot by her husband as she left work at an assisted-living center. Two witnesses reported seeing a man matching Iheme's description with a gun near his wife's car in the parking lot. County court records showed that she had an restraining order against Iheme because of a history of domestic abuse.

One of Anthonia co-workers said she saw her get into her car and then Iheme getting out of his car and shooting at her car, which lurched forward, clipped a van, jumped a curb and rolled down a hill into a fence. Iheme allegedly followed the car down the hill and fired more shots.
Chikezie said Igbos should use their traditional methods of resolving marital problems, instead of resorting to violence.


I really do think other tribes should borrow a leaf here. Its about waking up to the present reality of the huge Nigerian diaspora residing permanently outside the country. Most without their parents, relatives or people from their own culture.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by Sisikill: 4:37pm On Aug 29, 2008
Law enforcement officials have designated the trend as the most serious issue affecting Igbo families in America, informing that the fights erupt because of stress brought about by unrealistic expectation of economic gains and pressures by relatives back in Nigeria.

Father Lord in heaven, thank you for real experts who actually know what they are saying.

How someone can even attribute these senseless murders to something as benign as Nurses claiming to make more money and not being educated, is completely beyond me. What these men went through is called a catathymic crisis or Catathymia and the common link between them is not their nurse wives but that they all come from an extremely patriarchal society. 

Thanks for the article.

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by bintab(f): 12:25pm On Feb 07, 2009
1st of all i want to say a big thank you to Karmamod for starting this thread, I took me over 6 hours to read,digest and print out the write ups of all the individuals who contributed their views, analysis and suggestions,it was a powerful forum  to reckon with.I appreciates the contributions  of the likes Deepzone,Chiogo,Queenisha,Ifyalways,Mandingo11,Theopops,Sisikill,debosky,Kokoye ,sisi jinx and others[/color] may good God bless you all. I am a nurse practitioner and works in the state of va and in to the cacus [color=#990000]ANA and NNA,This problem have raised alot of uproer in the association and we have been trying to find solution to it.With all these your analysis,cotribution,and comments ,i think we can start from somewhere.I  intend to maill copies to members of the associations to see how these will help in the situations and crises.Once again kudos to all of you and God bless Seun for Nairaland.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by SisiJinx: 2:58pm On Feb 07, 2009
Best of luck.

Thought and prayers are with you.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by platinumnk(f): 7:31am On May 04, 2009
this is a realy good topic, am self bout to graduate with an RN

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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by redsun(m): 8:31am On May 04, 2009
i think it is got do with the stressful nature of being a nurse in america,long grueling,gossips and witch hunting filled shifts couple with the fact that nurses for reasons these days are emotional hardened instead compassionate and caring that they are originally main to be.

Nigeria factor too of marriage without common grounds,more like arranged marriages just for the sake of being married(holy spirit union and money craze)It doesn't work,marriage is a union between two people of like minds,outlooks and visions.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by platinumnk(f): 2:33pm On May 04, 2009

i think it is got do with the stressful nature of being a nurse in america,long grueling,gossips and witch hunting filled shifts couple with the fact that nurses for reasons these days are emotional hardened instead compassionate and caring that they are originally main to be.

Nigeria factor too of marriage without common grounds,more like arranged marriages just for the sake of being married(holy spirit union and money craze)It doesn't work,marriage is a union between two people of like minds,outlooks and visions.

hear hear, but i will try to support my husband in his endeavors so he wont feel like hes not the boss
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by redsun(m): 3:43pm On May 04, 2009
You better do,money is just paper,the real thing is understanding and compromise that opens up everything.Most times people search for what they already have.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by Winnergal(f): 12:08pm On Feb 26, 2011
@Topic shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by Nobody: 1:25pm On Feb 27, 2011
isn't it funny how the problem here is supposedly that the women are richer than the men and rub it in their faces, yet on this same nairaland if a girl says she can't marry a man she is richer than, you'll see people calling for her head.The assumption from what a lot of men themselves have said here is that a lot of Nigerian men have a problem dealing with richer women and women by nature are not really good at being "humble" bread winners, i personally think its because God did not really intend for the woman to the bread winner, rather we are meant to be helpers and woman tend to respect their man more when he caters for them. It dates back to the stone age, a woman needs to feel love and protected by her man and when she stops feeling that way a lot of times the respect goes or diminishes except for the grace of God.

So i beg don't blame the girls that want to marry a man that is richer than them, they don't want to become barbecue grin
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by kclsnursing: 5:21pm On Mar 22, 2012
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Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by basadenet: 6:08pm On Mar 28, 2012
the man deserve to die but the dead woman is the cause of the whole thing.
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by fuckerholic(m): 1:06pm On Mar 02, 2015

Care to tell me why mainly nurses/RNs then?
What's the meaning of RNs
Re: Nigerian Nurses Beware? by AlphaCEO: 12:50pm On Oct 01, 2021
of posessive, jealous dudes undecided


Now, meet denigrate person wife-killer number one, Mr. Kelechi Charles Emeruwa:-
A Nigerian Mr. Kelechi Charles Emeruwa, 41 of Old Umuahia, Abia State was charged and convicted with first degree murder of his estranged wife, 36 year old Registered Nurse, Chidiebere Omenihu Ochulo. Kelechi finally lost it and stabbed his wife, with her own kitchen knife, several times that the fountain left on Julius Ceaser fades in comparison, until she gave up the ghost. "According to the account, Chidiebere had just returned from Nigeria where she bolted away for three weeks to give her late father a lavish burial despite protestations of Mr. Kelechi of the bills that are accruing and payable here in America. She wouldn’t hear any of it, after-all she makes the money; only to return to an angry frustrated maniacal husband who took her kitchen knife and carved her up. It was on New Year’s Day, in her townhouse in the 4200 block of Dunwood Terrace, in the Washington DC suburb of Burtonsville in Montgomery County, Maryland.
For a little biography, Chidiebere was born on June 1, 1970 and attended schools in Umuahia and Yola before proceeding to University of Nigeria Nsukka where she bagged a degree in Microbiology. She then got married to Kelechi in 1996 and left for the US the same year, having won the American Visa lottery. In an effort to really settle down in the US and get a respectable job, she took a second degree in Nursing and began a career at Washington Hospital Centre. As a result of her hard work, she got to the peak of the administrative cadre as a Deputy Director, Clinical Services, at the Centre where she remained until her death in the cold hands of the man she once loved - the father of her three children.

In Tennessee, a Nigerian man after taking it for so long, lost his cool and shot his Registered Nurse wife as well as his hitherto mother in-law to death with a shot gun. According to the account his wife was married from Nigeria a pauper and brought to the United States by this man, who trained her in school as a registered nurse. Soon after her qualification, the demon in her was let loose and it became one torment after another, with one police call after another followed by sleep-over in police cells and it went on and on ad infinitum. After a protracted battle with the authorities at the wife’s instigation, this man lost his almost nearly paid-off home to his wife, including the custody of his three kids by her. He sees these kids just periodically according to court’s order and at the discretionary behest of the wife who sometimes comes to the appointed custody visitation ground at a time of her choosing; just to punish and suffer this man. He could not take it any longer and now the rest is history with two women shot dead and the killer in death row awaiting the electric chair.

A heinous act which hitherto would be very abominable that people are shocked to their bone marrows is today seen as a possibility. In Garland, Texas on Saturday, March 25, 2007 Mr.Theophilus Ojukwu, (pictured right in his orange prison jumpsuit) 46, of Enugwu-Agu, Ihe in Awgu LGA, Enugu State used a mattock (hammer) to bludgeon his deeply asleep RN wife, Melvina Ojukwu, 36, of Umuanebe, also of Ihe, Awgu LGA, Enugu State to a very painful agonizing death.
Sources close to the family said that about two years ago, Melvina’s mother and mother in-law of Theophilus, who was visiting from Nigeria tragically died in a mysterious circumstance, in a bathtub in their house at 5400 block of Barcelona Drive, Garland Texas; this is where Melvina also met her untimely and heartbreaking death. Whether this is a chain of events is inconclusive but both situations were very tragic! Mr Theophilus Ojukwu has since been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole; that one would ask, is the craze to control the RN’s “legendary money-faucet” enough for this tragedy and the life imprisonment consequence thereof?

In another family-related violent incident involving a Nigerian, it was reported in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution of March 8, 2006 that a Registered Nurse Roseline Unachukwu, 34, and her six children were taken to the family violence shelter, Northwest YWCA in Marietta, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta, as a result of physical violence. According to people with knowledge of the incident, the poor lady escaped with her life from her husband’s maniacal rage with very severe cuts in her arms which she received while fending off her husband's killer-rage. Her husband, Benjamin Unachukwu from Nnewi, Anambra State, was taken to jail to face two criminal charges with the kitchen-knife weapon of choice as evidence exhibit!

In Los Angeles California it was reported that a Nigerian RN wife was brutally murdered by her husband. The viciousness of the attack was such that the man eventually tied the dead body of his wife to his truck and dragged her dead body through the roads and streets of Southern California until her skull gave up its cranial contents. He was eventually arrested, charged, tried and convicted for first degree murder with special circumstance which carries the death penalty! He is presently awaiting a date with the lethal injection in a cold segregated death-row prison cell!

Only recently, one Nigeria RN woman living in Dallas Texas had this to write on the Internet about her fellow estranged Nigerian husband:-
“I have been married to Mr. X (real name excluded by Icheoku as we do not want to be a purveyor of this domestic madness) for 20years, and had five children for him. I was married to him at the age of 18years, and joined him in Dallas from Nigeria after my high school. For those 20years of marriage which can pass for 20years of bondage and slavery, I have had to endure constant physical abuse, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse and mental torture in the hands of Mr. X. I am asking whosoever that reads my story to please send it out to as many forums as they have access to. Silence they say is golden. But if you are dealing with a mad, sad, disgruntled man like Benjamin X, silence will no longer be golden”.
And what could have driven a Nigerian wife to write such an unflattering “oration” about her husband, one would ask? The answer depends on who you ask. Is this couple close to the finish line?

Similarly, in Grand Prairie, Dallas, Texas, Mrs. Monireti Abeni Akeredolu, (pictured below in her wedding with her killer-husband) a 46-year old Registered Nurse from Ondo State Nigeria met her untimely death in the hands of her estranged husband, Mr. Ebenezer Akeredolu, Sr., 48. According to the story, Mr. Akeredolu drove several hundred miles from Georgia (where he had moved to nurse his pains at loosing everything he had worked so hard for since coming to the United States several decades ago) to Dallas and pumped several bullets into his ex-wife in day light, with so many people watching the macabre spectacle. Mrs. Monireti died slumped in the wheels of her SUV enroute to a birthday party in her honor – she had just turned 46 a day before on September 7, 2005.

Not too long ago, also, on August 10, 2005 in Euless, a suburb of Dallas, another frustrated Nigerian husband, 45-year old Johnny Omorogieva from Edo State, Nigeria murdered his RN wife, Mrs. Isatu Omorogieva, 35, also of Edo State by savagely striking her on the head numerous times with a hammer in the full view of their 7-year old screaming daughter.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma a yet to be fully authenticated report has it that another Nigerian man recently bludgeoned his RN wife to death while she was fast asleep; following a traumatic life which she has subjected him to since turning into the majority bread winner of the family following her graduating from a nursing program.
Another Nigerian nut-case, Mr. John Onwuka (pictured here right in his orange prison jumpsuit) 49, from Akwete community of Ohafia Bende Local Government Area of Abia State was charged with one count each of homicide and use of a knife in the commission of a felony. He stabbed his RN wife of twenty five years, Mrs Gloria Uchechi Anya Onwuka age 42, fourteen times in her bedroom while she was getting ready to go to work. She was a nurse manager. Mr. John Onwuka committed this crime on the night of Saturday August 19, 2006 at the home of his wife in Estate Drive, Farmington, Hampton, Virginia with her children watching him act out his gory insanity.

"Yes I have killed the woman that messed my life up! A woman that had destroyed me. I am at Shalom West, my name is Michael and am all yours". With those words - a 911 call placed to the authorities, another Nigeria man has joined the infamous heinous club of Nigerian Men Wife Killers. Fifty year old Mr. Michael Collins Iheme (pictured here left) of Hennepin Minnesota placed the call above few minutes after shooting his twenty eight year old wife, Mrs. Anthonia Eberechi iheme, the mother of his 4 year old boy and 3 year old girl, to death. However in as much as Icheoku does not condone such misbehaviour of taking the life of another, these Nigeria men who marry "fedexed" wives should better watch it as what they bargained for might not necessarily always come to fruition.

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