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Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by DeepZone: 6:43pm On Aug 19, 2008
Since muslims face the moon before they pray, how will muslims that live in those countries that rarely se the moon pray? Should they make an artificial moon and face it?

Why do muslims face the moon in the first place? Do they objectify the moon as God/Allah?
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by olabowale(m): 8:17pm On Aug 19, 2008
@DeepZone: lol. We do not face the moon. And we do not face the sun. Rather, we face Kaaba, in Makka.

Aburo, nigba wo ni o ma mu mi lo si Orolu Kingdom ni Osun State? Rather we do I see you in Mosque?
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by olabowale(m): 12:18pm On Aug 20, 2008
@Nossycheek: I dont want anyone to accuse me of child abuse if I respond to you the way I feel. But since you are married, your husband is my first evidencial exhibit that you are no more a Child! Muhammad (as), relieved himself with barrier/veil between himself and the Kaaba. Not Biafra as DeepZone suggested, or Abakaliki as Queenisha weakly quipped.

The Sunnah of Muhammad (AS), I follow. If he does something, I can do it, except in cases Allah says, "THis is for the prophet, alone!" The example is in number of marriages, because it was political as well other factors, in addition to religion, in his case.

For example, I do not to marry my cousin or anybody that i might have grown up with. But I will marry my tribal cousins, the Igbos, Edos, etc of the world, and even Yorubas of Abeokuta, etc and the Ijebu Odes, as long as they do not have a traceable direct blood relationship.

Finally, I can face the Kaaba, as long as there is a wall or I am in a room, bathroom and not wide open air, like a person preaching in the wilderness! There must be a barrier. By the way, because of the weak nature of man, one may just not face the Kaaba, even in the bathroom, so that such a behavior may not be adopted and considered normal, because of a possible pitfall.

We can also stand up and pass water, as long as you are on a higher ground, passing the water to a lower ground. Just as long as there is not spatting of urine on your clothe, there is no problem. But you would not anything about that, since everytime you use the bathroom, your undergarments, soak alittle of it, or the hinny never get cleaned without the funk remaining!

Deal with it, Nossycheek. When you become a muslim, the first thing we will do is teach you proper hygiene. And not the bandage type that you presently practiced. Ask Quenisha, I am trying to help her learn how to use the water bottle, after using the bathroom. Lol.
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by samba123(m): 4:30pm On Aug 20, 2008
We pray facing East as a custom of belief and following what the Quran instruct us to be follows. Muslims have a unique of one single direction, as not to divert anything your position in performing your prayers anywhere and changes your posture (Left, Right, and backward) in prayer.

This is the idea here, when praying diverting such direction not in orderly. Like other who pray without any guidance to be follows were they should face be focus or make their own choices of different directions like the Christian or others Religions are doing us we observed. Muslims following the guidance written in Quran as instructed by Allah Subhana Taala and His Messenger to guides peoples in the right path of worships.

If we put some group of people in the Arena of different Religions except Muslim and let them pray simultaneously you can observe how they are facing one another without pin pointing any direction of which they prays. And maybe you can observe people are looking upward in the sky or facing the sun or facing in front of them. And you can compare to Muslim Ummah if you put them into Arena and let them Pray simultaneously you can see the uniqueness of all facing one direction to the East, bowing and prostrating and sitting with a single command of actions. That is uniquely we Muslims are in our prayers.

Quran say: Chapter 2 Al Baqarah Verse 150

Whencesoever thou comest forth turn they face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship; and wheresoever ye may be ( O Muslims) turn you faces toward it (when ye Pray) so that men may have no argument against you, save such of them as do injustice Fear them not, But Fear Me and so that I may complete My grace upon you, and the ye may be guided.
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by DeepZone: 6:59pm On Aug 20, 2008
When will you become a mosque elder?


Do you also keep your mosque contributions to the eastern direction so that all of you will be monitoring it during prayers?
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by shalata: 6:18pm On Aug 21, 2008
This topic and question show great ignorance about Islam. The real problem is that most of information and attitudes towards Islam are taken from bias Western and Christian media, which come with flood of rumors and lies. Many of those lies would be faded if one easily checks any good website. undecided undecided
Moslems have never face Moon, they just use it for timing and scheduling their months and duties. They are in this as Chinese, Japanese and many other nations especially those who contributed in Human Civilization early.
Allah (SWT) says in Holy Quran: (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful "They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for Pilgrimage. It is no virtue if ye enter your houses from the back: It is virtue if ye fear Allah. Enter houses through the proper doors: And fear Allah. That ye may prosper" Al Bakarah verse 189
I think it is obvious what role does moon play in Muslims life.
Moslems face only Mecca, Kaaba, in their prayers as Jews face Jerusalem in their prayers too. And again it is neither to East or West, it is to Mecca whatever is the direction to it. If you are in China or Japan it will be to the South West, if you are in Europe it will be to the South East, while if you are in Nigeria you will be to the North East
Why is that? It is another story you can get it easily if you want to know. However, as you do not know where Muslims are doing in their prayers, you will not try to know the true answer of all of your questions.
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by shalata: 12:36am On Aug 22, 2008

God (SWT, Glory and Praises to be to Him) says in Holy Quran: (In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful "Do the Unbelievers think that they can take My servants as protectors besides Me? Verily We have prepared Hell for the Unbelievers for (their) entertainment.
Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?-
"Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?"
They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight (value).
That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest) Al Kahf verses 102-106

If any one of both of you really is ready to scrutinize our both religions; Christianity and Islam and see at the end WHO IS ON THE TRUE PATH AND WHO IS WORSHIPPING IDOLS, I am here waiting him and ready for challenge. wink wink tongue
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by DeepZone: 3:54am On Aug 22, 2008
If any one of both of you really is ready to scrutinize our both religions; Christianity and Islam and see at the end WHO IS ON THE TRUE PATH AND WHO IS WORSHIPPING IDOLS, I am here waiting him and ready for challenge.

The violence involved in the two religions should've been enough proof.
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by shalata: 1:44pm On Aug 22, 2008

The violence involved in the two religions should've been enough proof.

Violence!!!! Who talked about being violent here!! I was challenging you to join a sophisticated and well-mannered debate.
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by shalata: 1:47pm On Aug 22, 2008

The violence involved in the two religions should've been enough proof.

The Two Religions, So what or who do you worship or ar you Atheist
Re: Why Do Muslims Face The Moon? by Mustay(m): 4:59pm On Aug 25, 2008
topic has been discussed previously


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