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Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by cushman(m): 6:23pm On Sep 05, 2005
I pledge

If you were told to make a pledge to anything that is important for its continuous existence, what's your pledge going to center on?

Here we go ...
I pledge I will invite seven interesting and active friends to Nairaland.

Come on everyone!  Start with "I pledge".
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by hotangel2(f): 6:39pm On Sep 05, 2005
I pledge to nairaland, My best Nigerian forum, To make peace reign in Her land, to serve her with all my power, to obey her rules and regulations, and to make her land grow all over the world. So help me God. smiley
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by rashman(m): 6:45pm On Sep 05, 2005
I pledge to  invite more people to this forum than could ever be imagined.So help ME NAIRALAND.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by nike4luv(f): 7:02pm On Sep 05, 2005

I pledge to nairaland, My best Nigerian forum, To make peace reign in Her land, to serve her with all my power, to obey her rules and regulations, and to make her land grow all over the world. So help me God. smiley

dont u mean "his"
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by hotangel2(f): 7:05pm On Sep 05, 2005
A country is reffered to as her/she right? I am sure about that. Yeah.. i guess i am. Correct me if i'm wrong..Well nairaland is not a country.. but right now, it's serving the purpose. We have leader, and citizens. wink
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by vexxy(f): 8:34pm On Sep 05, 2005
I pledge to up hold the rules and regulations of Nairaland, to welcome others with open arms, and to invite as many as possible that will make meaningful contributions to the forum. wink
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Greatpeter(m): 11:00pm On Sep 05, 2005
I pledge to sustain my friendships and relationship I have in nairaland and post quality messages only, and obeying the rules of the game.

Invitation? has been my hobby, peace? yes as i always do and write more sexy and romantic poems grin tongue
And to offer financial assistance to nairaland in no distant time kiss
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by whiteshark(m): 1:57am On Sep 06, 2005
I pledge to the almighty God. That I will keep paying all my bills as a good citizen, trying as much as possible to trill everyone here in the forum with all the skills a can muster. so help me God.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by oluwizard(m): 2:45pm On Sep 06, 2005
I pledge to obey the rules and regulation of nairaland and to continue invite more friend.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by angelak(f): 11:36am On Sep 07, 2005
I pledge to nairaland that i will not be banned from it!
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by layi(m): 12:47pm On Sep 07, 2005
I pledge to keep preaching the gospel of christ (salvation) till my heart stops. smiley
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Seun(m): 1:14pm On Sep 07, 2005
I pledge to:
- Avoid responding angrily to public insults that may come my way as the Nairaland administrator.
- I pledge to employ someone better than me as a full-time administrator once I can afford it.
- Add mane features useful features and extensions to the forum to make it better for users.
So help me Nairaland! grin
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Greatpeter(m): 6:56pm On Sep 07, 2005
ha ha ha Seun also pledged ok now.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by layi(m): 7:08pm On Sep 07, 2005
Yay! Thats my admin. grin
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by hotangel2(f): 5:59pm On Sep 08, 2005
rolleyes rolleyes OUR admin.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by layi(m): 6:09pm On Sep 08, 2005
Talk for yasef
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Z4M4eva(f): 2:06pm On Dec 26, 2005
I pledge to Nigeria my country... undecided cheesy
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by nike4luv(f): 11:21pm On Dec 26, 2005
i pledge that i'l make gud resolutions for year 2006 undecided
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by hotangel2(f): 3:15am On Dec 27, 2005
I pledge that i i i i .. i dunno.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by adesodgi(m): 2:31pm On Dec 27, 2005
i pledge i'll keep miya resolution this coming year..i put AMEN!
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by cushman(m): 5:17pm On Dec 27, 2005
I pledge i'll make everyone happy this coming year (2006)
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by ldollier(f): 2:10pm On Dec 28, 2005
i pledge to see God when the Rapture hits. thats the only thing i desire.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Rhodalyn(f): 10:56pm On Jun 18, 2006
I pledge to pledge to pledge tp pledge pledge pledge grin!
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by lunafish(f): 7:18pm On Jun 22, 2006
I pledge to not let anyone break me. To not fall (back) into depression. To stay sane.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by cushman(m): 7:25pm On Jun 22, 2006
I pledge to find out whos breaking lunafish and making her go into depression
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Advin(m): 7:29pm On Jun 22, 2006
I pledge to make the world a better place for NLanders.
I pledge to visit all the nairalanders I can, if oppurtuned.
I pledge to be faithful and regular to NL (after a long exile).
I pledge that I will continue to pledge and continue pledging to the goodwill of our beloved Nairaland.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by Kadeejah(f): 6:04am On Jun 23, 2006
i pledge. . .uuuhhhmmm. . .i forget ma pledge undecided undecided undecided
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by DaHitler(m): 6:06am On Jun 23, 2006
I pledge to create an Oduan State in regardless of cost.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by damygurl(f): 6:07am On Jun 23, 2006
I pledge to be Faithful, Loyal, and Honest
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by damygurl(f): 6:08am On Jun 23, 2006
oduan? wat the heck is dat?
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by DaHitler(m): 6:09am On Jun 23, 2006
Yoruba nation. Odudua is the most senior of Yoruba gods. Hence, anything that is associated with Odua or Odudua is for all Yorubas.
Re: Make a Pledge ("I pledge ...") by diddy4(m): 6:11am On Jun 23, 2006
i pledge to be a very good boy.

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