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He Still Talks To His Ex - Romance - Nairaland

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He Still Talks To His Ex by heer: 4:39pm On Sep 02, 2008
my problem is that my bf still talks to his ex and hides it from me. i found it out on a networking site and i also found that he went and met her a month ago but his ex clearly written thanx to his friends for sending him there. when i asked him about it he denied it and asked for a week's time to figure out and fix the matter. he is a very caring and loving guy. he loves me alot and is always there for me but now i have trust issue with him. please suggest me what should i do. i dont want to lose him because i love him alot, and i know he loves me but i cant take his ex taking to him. please advice me, i m very sad and depressed,
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by Seun(m): 4:42pm On Sep 02, 2008
If you want him to stop hiding it from you, then you need to accept that he sorta still likes his ex.
If you want him to stop lying to you, then you need to start accepting the truth like a woman. wink
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by nana(f): 4:44pm On Sep 02, 2008
A r/ship without trust is nothing. U have to trust him. I also sense insecurity from what u typed. Allow him the one week he asked for. When the one week is over,have an heart to heart talk with him.
If he's yours,no one would come between both of u!
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by Nobody: 5:09pm On Sep 02, 2008
@ topic

He loves you bla bla
He cares for you bla bla
bla bla bla

Why do you lack so much confidence?
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by gabelogan(m): 6:29pm On Sep 02, 2008

@ topic
He loves you bla bla
He cares for you bla bla
bla bla bla
Why do you lack so much confidence?

even 19yr old dey give advice on relationship??!!

na wa oh!
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by lexicon(m): 6:36pm On Sep 02, 2008

even 19yr old dey give advice on relationship??!!

na wa oh!

wisdom is not by age man !

@poster, give him a timeout !
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by ssRhino: 6:43pm On Sep 02, 2008
The guy and the ex still have feelings for one another, and i am not sure if u have what it takes to make it go away, u might have to just accept it or risk losing him entirely, and u cld be the type that causes volcanic eruption when u face a situation with ur man, so to avound another tsunami, he might chose to lie to you.
Approach him with all gentility and dont let him think u are jealous, even though, u know u are jealous.
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by Nobody: 8:12pm On Sep 02, 2008

even 19yr old dey give advice on relationship??!!

na wa oh!

*walks away*
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by Bastino(m): 8:36pm On Sep 02, 2008
be patient. tell him your mind. let him speak to you, then study him so well.
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by baby4u2(f): 9:52pm On Sep 02, 2008
Your ex is your ex. I dont know why if he wanted to be friends with her he would be hiding it. Your boyfriend is being dodgy and that is not a good sign. it might be that he has reached a weak point and is trying to see if the pasture is greener on the other side. am not trying to hurt you, but it just doesnt sound right for him to behave like this. You can be friends with ur ex's without hiding it, dont you think? Like the rest have said talk to him but be careful with your heart incase this is the end.
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by calmosas: 12:54am On Sep 03, 2008
I have been in this situation before.i think he still has feelings for his ex,thats why he is hiding it from you.Well give him the one week he asked for.My advice to you is that,you should prepare your heart for the worst.i dont want you to get hurt.
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by HRhotness(f): 1:06am On Sep 03, 2008
i talk to me ex oh. . . he is on of my best buds and i dont hide the fact

if he feels the need to hide it from u then u hav cause to worry sha. . . for all u knw they might just be friends

i suggest u make it clear that he gets his priorties straight, have a clear discussion where u make ur feelings known, then dont mention it again unless u hav evidence confirming ur suspicions
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by Nobody: 8:37am On Sep 03, 2008
Hmn poster, thats tricky. Did he leave her for you?? Or did she leave him first before he met you?? If its the later, then you dont need to worry. . If its the former, then too bad . . Nemesis has caught up with you for snatching the guy from the poor girl. tongue What most girls dont understand is that when a guy leaves his girl for them, there's 80% chance he's going back to her after getting what he wants from you. And he's hiding it from you . . . Sorry dear, you are being duped smiley

But HR's right. Talk to him about it, then just ignore it, act like you dont know what's happening. Time will tell whats' on his mind. kiss
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by kolaoloye(m): 8:57am On Sep 03, 2008

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Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by ohwofasa(m): 7:34pm On Sep 03, 2008
dats 2 bad
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by iice(f): 5:58pm On Sep 04, 2008
Please some people can be friends with their exes without it meaning they are in love with the person.
I thought in a relationship, you guys can talk about stuffs between yourselves sheeshh
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by tope2000(f): 6:01pm On Sep 04, 2008

Please some people can be friends with their exes without it meaning they are in love with the person.
I thought in a relationship, you guys can talk about stuffs between yourselves sheeshh

i agree
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by hunniebomb(f): 4:03pm On Sep 05, 2008
very easy, beat the truth out of him.
ti owo iya ba te, he go talk quick quick.
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by kolaoloye(m): 8:59am On Sep 10, 2008
I think the most important thing is TRUST.
If you don't trust him then there is no point wasting your time.
Re: He Still Talks To His Ex by kenayi(m): 1:45pm On Sep 10, 2008
Ex babes! currently hanging out with my ex simply because my babe is not always around. I'd advice u spend more time with him and show lots of commitmnt. okay?

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