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Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa - Travel - Nairaland

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Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa by gatarca(m): 10:28pm On Sep 16, 2008
I am planning to visit Germany In Mid-October. , I am going to the embassy with a hotel reservation, i want to know my chances of getting the visa cos i am going as a tourist, i am going for 2 weeks
I am a student in one of the Nigerian Universities and only going on a holiday trip for 2weeks.

please what documents do i require to be considered for a tourist visa as a student.
Re: Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa by Godalone(m): 9:46am On Sep 17, 2008

I am planning to visit Germany In Mid-October. I have booked an appointment at the embassy already, but the problem is that i am doubting if i would be considered for a tourist Visa with just a First night paid Hotel reservation,(not gotten via the net).

I am a student in one of the Nigerian Universities and only going on a holiday trip for 2weeks.

please what documents do i require to be considered for a tourist visa as a student.
You have denied yourself the visa already,people of less faith.
Re: Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa by bilmsng: 4:51pm On Sep 17, 2008
u need ur proff of studentship and letter from ur school

secondly u need proff of enogh fund to stay in germany
Re: Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa by landis(m): 5:01pm On Sep 17, 2008
shocking that you are a Nigerian student and you cant google to get this info.


and come to think of it, whats Nigerian student planing to do in German in Autum(cold, grey sky and raining)

you have lots of convincing to do. as it shows 'germany is more important than where you are now'

above is not to discourage but prepare your mind.
Re: Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa by vikiviko(m): 9:07am On Sep 18, 2008
Make sure your hotel is prepaid.
Re: Germany Visa: Hotel Reservation/visa by beecrofty(m): 1:41am On Sep 19, 2008

shocking that you are a Nigerian student and you can't google to get this info.


and come to think of it, whats Nigerian student planing to do in German in Autum(cold, grey sky and raining)

you have lots of convincing to do. as it shows 'germany is more important than where you are now'

above is not to discourage but prepare your mind.

He/She ought not discouraged Landis, but tell me After i google and get that info, will it states there that sort of Info Vikiviko has just provided the board with When you go on their website, they just provide you with an Overview of the basic documents you need to come with, it is now your own to research and find out in what way you can then convince the Embassy about how genuine your intentions of returning home afterwards is.
Plus why can't a Nigerian Student visit Germany in Autumn please?
Above is not to criticize your point but to tell you "googling" does not tell us how to prepare our different minds towards their Interview!!! Thanks Landis

just like Victor said, make sure is prepaid.

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