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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Islam for Muslims / Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol (22647 Views)
Do Muslims Believe That They Get 72 Virgins In Heaven? / If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? / Myth Of 72 Virgins In Islam (2) (3) (4)
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Phemour: 8:35pm On Jul 09, 2009 |
Poster Islam is Islam not Isam |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Maykelly(f): 8:47am On Jul 10, 2009 |
7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? this is absolute foolishness and madness. Let their men be warming up because their hope will be in vain. |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Bolarge(m): 8:51am On Jul 10, 2009 |
So how many men to one virgin when she dies? ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Maykelly(f): 8:58am On Jul 10, 2009 |
Bolarge: that's the sharia ur talking about. Islam means men's world. they are complete daft. Late Abacha is one good example. He is enjoying with 7 virgins now. ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Bolarge(m): 5:28pm On Jul 13, 2009 |
May kelly:I wonder if Islamists can refute the words in bold. ![]() My question remains unanswered: Bolarge: |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Bolarge(m): 10:52am On Jul 17, 2009 |
They have refused to answer. ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by gen2genius(m): 11:07am On Jul 17, 2009 |
They won't answer because they are terribly misled and confused. Anyone who could believe a womanizer and paedophile is a prophet of God can believe any nonsense you promise him ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Lennox13(m): 12:23pm On Jul 17, 2009 |
since women are not allowed in paradise, and men will get 7 virgins, I reckon the virgins will be men sent to hell to satisfy each other and give mohammed a Mouth Action, and maybe through his black ass . lol , it's not rocket science now, and some jinns shagging the terrorists |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Lennox13(m): 12:43pm On Jul 17, 2009 |
in sura 666, I mohamme prophet of belzebub forgot to buy ky j lubricant, all muslim must bring one to hell and some adult pampers. LOL |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by papagiddy(m): 6:12pm On Jul 17, 2009 |
Islam is too funny to me, in all aspect d religion is just FUNNY!! |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by gen2genius(m): 6:19pm On Jul 17, 2009 |
"Funny" is even an understatement. "OUTRAGEOUS" would be a better description ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by okgerald(m): 12:31am On Jul 19, 2009 |
There are verses regarding both genders explicitly: God has promised the believers, both men and women (Lit., waalmuminoona (male believers) waalmuminatu (female believers), gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide, and goodly dwellings in gardens of perpetual bliss: but God's goodly acceptance is the greatest [bliss of all] -for this, this is the triumph supreme! [Chapter (Surah) At-Taubah (The Repentance) (9):72][37] As for anyone - be it man or woman [Lit., min (from) thakarin (male) aw (or) ontha (female)][16:97] - who does righteous deeds, and is a believer withal - him shall We most certainly cause to live a good life, and most certainly shall We grant unto such as these their reward in accordance with the best that they ever did. [Chapter (Surah) An-Nahl (The Bee) (16):97][38] Here are verses that refer to one’s spouse renewal to a pure state: "And [with them will be their] spouses, raised high: for, behold, We shall have brought them into being in a life renewed, having resurrected them as virgins [Chapter (Surah) Al-Waqi'a (The Event)(56):34-36][35] And among His wonders is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind [min anfusikum azwajan, Lit. “from among yourselves mates (spouses, one of the pair)”] so that you might incline towards them, and He engenders love and tenderness between you: in this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who think! , And He it is who creates [all life] in the first instance, and then brings it forth anew: and most easy is this for Him, since His is the essence of all that is most sublime in the heavens and on earth, and He alone is almighty, truly wise. [Chapter (Surah) Ar-Rum (The Romans)(30):21, 27][36] 2 Likes |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Nobody: 1:01pm On Jan 12, 2010 |
lmao i wonder who feeds dem terrorist with dis ridiculous lies of seventy sumtin virgins wen there r a thousand n one virgins in d world.dont dey ask demselves whether their dicks n sexual feelings will still be active after they die ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by grace5: 1:27pm On Jan 12, 2010 |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Nobody: 4:07pm On Jan 12, 2010 |
grace5: AMEN |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by vedaxcool(m): 12:31pm On Jul 19, 2010 |
the fool that stated the post only prove one thing that an average xtian worshiper is ready to believe anything be it lies or slander in other to further their religion well for your information there is no where in Islam where people are promised virgin if they blow up themselves. more so this parrots of faslsehood did not have the common sense to ask where the mosquito that sent this post got or where are his refrences unlike your misguided religion where we read of prophets sleeping with their own daughters, jesus? accusing God of forsaking him, Paul claiming he had been speaking out his own ignorance, Judas being greedy in fact the bible is filled with a long list of unreasonble statements and insult like when jesus? called his mother woman, the elders of the jews adulterous generation, vipers,etc We find in the Holy Qur'an that tells believers to invite non-believers with reasons and respect. my advise to you xtians is stop this lies you parrot, it makes the devil the least liar compared to your slanderous lies. |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by kingaje: 3:20pm On Jul 20, 2010 |
vedaxcool: Well, you asked for it, Vedaxcool. The Problem with Islam is that it has a megalomaniac Agenda for World Domination. And it says that the Muslims are the Superior Race. It needs more and more Living Space required for it's growing high birth rate population and has a pathological hatred for Jews. Does this sound familiar to you, in any way? Perhaps your German isn't too strong, so, let me clue you in. Adolf Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf - My Struggle. In this he described the problems he faced and equated it with that of the Germans. Now, lets look at Abu'l Quasim Mohammad bin Abd'allah bin Aliyy al Muttailib al Hashim al Quraish. Most of the Qu'ran [the Recitation] speaks of his problems and equates his struggle with that of the Arabs. Adolf Hitler preached that the Germans were der Übermensch, the Super Man. The Qu'ran preaches that one Muslim is equal to ten kaffirs. See any similarity? Adolf Hitler asked for Lebensraum, Living Space for the Germans. Muslims are taking up more and more Living Space for their growing numbers, due to their high birth rates; all over the World. Mohammad and his Companions attacked and slaughtered all the Jews, Christians and pagans in all the neighboring Countries and pressed East till the Hindus stopped them. For Living Space for their Muslims. See any similarity? Adolf Hitler wanted the Nazi Party and the Übermensch to continue till they Dominated over the World. Islam is bound by it's creed to fulfill Mohammad's Agenda and have Islam Dominate the World and reduce all others to either dead or dhimmi. Do you see the similarities now? Well, all the World got together to put an end to this madness back then. What makes you think we won't do that, again, now? Ultimately, whether you like it or not, it's Lebensraum - Living Space. You threaten our Living Space as much as Nazis did. And, don't think that the World has forgotten that the Grand Mufti was on the Nazi Side and that the Waffen SS were all Muslims. We remember that the Arabs supported the Nazis and fought for Field Marshall Rommel, the Desert Fox. You Muslims still want to exterminate the Jews. Do you think we don't know that? And after that, you want to exterminate all the idolaters. Now, today, all the Christians who wear a Cross and have one in their Church know that you also mean them, when you speak about idolaters. Do you think that the Hindus who have continuously defeated the Muslims so many times will let you win, this time? Do you think that the Jews who defeated 21 Muslim Countries that attacked it in a humiliating 7Day War will not do it again? And, this time, they have all our support. Touch them and we'll all come down on you. The problem of Islam is that the Muslims are growing at an alarming rate in all the non-Islamic Countries where they came as refugees due to their high birth rates. Where they are taking more and more of our Living Space and asking for more and more privileges which they don't earn. Lebensraum, remember? High Birth Rates that mean big families, ill educated low paid fathers who can't afford to educate their children, which means ill educated children who grow up and do low tech ill paid jobs, which means frustrated youth who form gangs and take to Crime. And, add to this tinder box your Imams who come and preach Hatred and give them the dream of their Dominating over all these richer Native people. What do you get? Drain on our taxes in the long queues of Muslims for the doles. Muslims in low paid jobs with bad education and growing numbers making slums wherever they go. Muslims contributing to growing Crime Rates. Rape, violent incidents. Then come your Hamas and al Queda and Taliban and they perpetrate acts of terrorism. So, what would you do, if you were in our place, now? That's why we are actively profiling all of you in our Countries, now. That's why we are arresting, revoking citizenship and deporting your kind in our Countries, now. That's why more and more of us are giving our votes to the anti-Islamic Political Parties. That's why Politicians who were "appeasing" Muslims till recently are now taking hard line stances, because they know the Native feelings and don't want to lose their Power and, anyway, the Muslims mean nothing to them. That's why there are calls for the ban of the burkha, the ban of the Qu'ran and this will escalate to the ban of the mosques and madrases and, finally, Islam. That's why you'll find the deportations become mass deportations and the Islamic Countries will be flooded with deportees, because all non-Islamic Countries won't take them back. That's why the economy of the Islamic Countries will go broke and then the Terrorists will stupidly try some other stunt to scare us, and , Finally, problem solved. |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by chyz(m): 5:10am On Jul 21, 2010 |
A lot of the problem i think a lot of muslims have is incorporating arab culture into islam, reading the hadiths(which is of man and not by God), and not sticking solely to the quran and recognizing it as The word of God and everything is in it. LEAVE THE HADITH ALONE IT IS EVIL. THE QURAN IS THE ONLY BOOK NEEDED! |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by vedaxcool(m): 4:50pm On Jul 29, 2010 |
KIngaje do you know? do you know about Hitler and Christianity? In 1924 at a Christian gathering in Berlin, Adolf Hitler, a professed Christian, stood before thousands of Christians, and with a standing ovation said: "I believe that today I am acting in accordance with the will of Almighty God. As I announce the most important work that Christians could undertake and that is to be against the Jews and get rid of them once and for all. We are doing the work of the Lord and let's get on with it." Hitler stated, "Martin Luther has been the greatest encouragement of my life. Luther was a great man. He was a giant. Within one blow he heralded the coming of the new dawn and the new age. He saw clearly that the Jews need to be destroyed and we're only beginning to see that we need to carry this work on." Hitler followed to the letter, Luther's treatise on how to exterminate the Jews. Martin Luther preached his last sermon avidly against the Jews and died four days later. Indeed, Nazi leader Julius Streicher at his Nuremberg trial stated, "I have never said anything that Martin Luther did not say". Other Christian leaders that were strong proponents of anti-semitism include: Constantine the Great (280-337 A.D.); Saint Gregory of Nyssa (335-394 A.D.); Saint Augustine (354-430 A.D.); Saint Jerome (374-419 A.D.); Saint Fulgentius of Ruspe (467-533 A.D.); Pope Innocent III (1160-61-1216 A.D.); Pope Pious IV (1499-15654 C.E.). John Calvin became a proponent of "grace over law" found in his Institutes of Christian Religion, which became the guide for the Reformed Church of Protestantism. John Wycliffe and translator Miles Coverdale were heavily influenced by Augustine's teachings. Notable anti-Semites of the twentieth century include Joseph Stalin and Henry Ford. The most destructive pieces of anti-semitic literature ever produced, especially with its fabrication of the Jews plan to take over the world, is The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, published by Sergyei Nilus of Russia in 1905. The Jews have even been blamed for the Black Plague, and as a result were put to death. Church law throughout the ages has been extremely anti-semitic. Jews were not permitted to eat with Christians; nor permitted to hold public office; nor permitted to show themselves in the streets during Passion Week; Christians were not permitted to patronize with Jewish doctors nor permitted in Jewish homes nor to attend Jewish ceremonies. Other laws included the burning of the Talmud and other books; the marking of clothes with a badge; and compulsory ghettos (1267 A.D.). While all these laws were instituted against the Jews, they were still obliged to pay taxes for support of the Church to the same extent as Christians. This is only a short list of the atrocities instituted against the Jews. Many of the things believed to have been originated with Hitler truly found their source with the Church fathers. Hitler was just following what he thought to be early Church doctrine. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by seyenko(m): 4:27pm On May 09, 2012 |
Muslim theologians such as al Ghazali (died 1111 CE) and Al-Ash'ari (died 935 CE) have "admitted sensual pleasures into paradise". The sensual pleasures are graphically elaborated by Al-Suyuti (died 1505 ), Koranic commentator and polymath. He wrote: "Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [ie Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas." |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by LagosShia: 5:26pm On May 09, 2012 |
there is nothing like 7 or 72 virgins.the hadith of 72 virgins is an isolated hadith found in a sunni book.we would reunite with our wives in paradise and we could get married if you wish so.but 72 virgins is unfounded in Islamic text. |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by tbaba1234: 5:28pm On May 09, 2012 |
There is no such thing as 72 or 7.... The only narration is fabricated... no isnad, nothing,.... |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by LagosShia: 5:49pm On May 09, 2012 |
tbaba1234: There is no such thing as 72 or 7.... not strange that the christians are fond of partying around ignorance.many nonsensical posts over something that even the Muslims do not admit. |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by bright007(f): 10:25am On May 12, 2012 |
LagosShia:bros,when will u sign-up...I mean blow-up yourself for your own 72 virgins?Time waits for no man! |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by LagosShia: 6:31pm On May 12, 2012 |
bright007: bros,when will u sign-up...I mean blow-up yourself for your own 72 virgins?Time waits for no man! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by ChristKid1: 3:41pm On Mar 04, 2013 |
Roscodaddy: Do I get the virgins before I blow myself up,I think I prefer it this way,where is the Mullah,please make changes and you will see how many people will sign up for blow up.Lols ![]() ![]() |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by nobniger: 4:07am On Mar 07, 2013 |
7?, not bad at all
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by Ramon2gud(m): 8:31pm On Mar 07, 2013 |
I was almost impresd with d entries dat were poppin in but I strongly beliv d greatst chaleng so far cld be inadequate knowledg about d entire subject matter. I generaly agree wit u d@ no sane human being has the right or mind what so eva 2 blow himself up..worst is to hide under d umbrella of religion to perpetrate d act..ITs sooo SCARy.I can evn feel the pulse of my heart beatin so fast wen u imagine d BOMB not havin any friend and its worst victim,d loyal suicide bomber who recives the hardest impact.."DEATH" Let us examine the ISLAMIC rulin on SUICIDE...The NOBLE Prophet Muhammed states clearly d@ a person who takes his own life will not only go to HELL,he also confronts d very face of a raging fire far SUPERIOR to d BOMB u and I tremble over.His life is restored back to him by the SUPREME power of the Almighty GOD and he is commanded to take his life ova and ova again continuosly and so the cycle continues in HELL FIRE .. After d ridicule so far about a MYTH "Seven or Seventy two virgins for 1 man, A MATYR"..I tried to understand their position,d ambiguity,d drive to evn possess your own share of the VIRGIN here on earth as suggested by one fellow christian brethren that is before his descend to HEAVEN..Hmm..I realized it wasnt normal,neither was it open to the public the physical trainins,d psychological indoctrinations,d haste to carry out a blood bath operation claimin d lives of mostly innocent people who share a common national interest and very far away from the GOVERNMENT which dis class of PEOPLE claim to ATTACK.It is rather saddening when in fact, the HOLY prophet (SAW) was disobeyed to follow up a MYTH (CONCERNING SUICIDE).wetin be MYTH sef? Frm my little dictionary"A person or thing existing only in immagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable" I wouldnt dwell much on MYTH becos WAR has its specified conditions which is completely different from suicide bombings.. After all d notable quotations from my friends about GOD inspiring the Holy BIBLE and d advice to shun the "HOLY QURAN" and its followers ascribing their activities to BABARIC,EVIL..BLA BLA BLA..I lauged..if dat was all it is to say, This is what GEORGE BENARD SHAW had to say..a BRITISH thinker,a playwriter who belived the most dangerous book on earth is the BIBLE, and he adviced that it be kept under LOCK and KEY (dont let your children have access to it) were his exact words ..SHOCKINGING to the EAR..I believe, even me oh!.I was shocked serious.. He (BENARD) was rational enough to give his reasons by emphasizing some quotes from d supposed BIBLE beleived by many to be Gods own words.. Let us examine the word "INCEST" The oxford dictionary states "A SE*UAL intercourse between two persons who are closely related" The BIBLE agrees that we all come together and reason ..I dnt intend to heat up dis analysis further but we can at least see reasons with some biblical GENESIS 19:30-36 S*X BPTWN FATHER AND HIS TWO DAUGHTERS Night after night both the daughters of the PROPHET LOT seduce their drunken father and conceive children from him 2 SAMUELS 13:5-14 AMNON,ONE OF THE SONS OF THE PROPHET DAVID RAPES HIS SISTER Amnon,by a masterful strategm rapes his sister TAMAR and God did not punish or reprimand him 2 SAMUELS 16:21-23 SON RAPES HIS MOTHER ABSALOM sets up a tent on the flat palace roof and lays tens of his fathers wives and rapes them all one by one in the sight of the whole ISRAEL comes d LOVE scene from PROVERBs 7:7-22 She SEIZES him and KISSES him.Come let us take our fill of LOVE till the morning comes,Let us delight our selves with LOVE,for my HUSBAND is not at HOME..(I bet you guys enjoy dis one LOL) and many more to mention a few. The fact still remains that the BIBLE is in circulation. In the hands of young minded curious 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 years old brothers and sisters of ours seeking sincere SALVATION and since the advice by the Great thinker BERNARD SHAW was challenged or even not acknoledged by many..The tremendous effects became OBVIOUS in our mordern/western society..The young and old,locally and internationally, became victims of BRUTAL RAPE that even the Federal Government of NIGERIA are bent on passing to law a bill that sentence a RAPIST to life in prisonment. Benard SHAW certainmly needs not be a christian,a muslim or an ATHEIST to suggest LOCK and KEY approach.. So instead of concentrating on a MYTH OF SEVEN OR SEVENTY TWO VIRGINS or the AUTHENTICITY OF THE BIBLE,I suggest we open our mind/heart to visit the HOLY QURAN..(A STEP TAKEN BY FEW XTIANs) which is believed by many to be the EXACT WORDS OF GOD...Besides, no KNOWLEDGE is a waste and dis discuss is not about the AUTHENTICITY of the Quran.. My brothers and sisters ,dis discuss is open to criticism from ALL.May Allah SWT forgive my shortcomings for I am not perfect BUT HE ALLAH IS PERFECT and GREAT..... 1 Like
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by ajaoeniola7: 5:24pm On Mar 16, 2017 |
First of all I am not trying to fight for God but the fact that you are saying that Islam is all a lie is not right at all. What I have been saying and I what I will always say is that if you are a christian or a Muslim just hold what you believe in and don't try to paint other people's religion bad cos no one knows what can up. So please let us try as much as possible to get our fact right before posting because what you posted is out of it. And please what you said that Allah and Prophet Muhammed and Islam is a lie I will like you to please ask for forgiveness. And maybe you don't know Allah is God. |
Re: Muslims: 7 Virgins To One Man When You Die? Lol by ajaoeniola7: 5:27pm On Mar 16, 2017 |
First of all I am not trying to fight for God but the fact that you are saying that Islam is all a lie is not right at all. What I have been saying and I what I will always say is that if you are a christian or a Muslim just hold what you believe in and don't try to paint other people's religion bad cos no one knows what can up. So please let us try as much as p[/color][color=#000000]ossible to get our fact right before posting because what you posted is out of it. And please what you said that Allah and Prophet Muhammed and Islam is a lie I will like you to please ask for forgiveness. And maybe you don't know Allah is God. |
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