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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Can We Still Find People Like This? (3606 Views)
Poll: Is Virtue Over-rated?Yes: 12% (1 vote)No: 87% (7 votes) This poll has ended |
Do People Like This Still Exist On Nairaland. See Pix / Why Do Some Ladies Hype Themselves Like This ? / Do You Remember Sending Files Like This ( Photo) (2) (3) (4)
Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 3:23pm On Oct 01, 2008 |
Sometimes I stumble across some worthy news. 'Worthy' because these are the things that are worth celebrating - the virtues that we can all aspire to, but alas! we often lack in great proportions. Can we still find people of such virtues who celebrate life in such a way as to inspire us? Do you have some 'worthy' news to share as well? You're welcome to share them and let's inspire one another with virtues that make life worth living. Warmest regards. ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 3:28pm On Oct 01, 2008 |
Here's one such worthy news: from Yahoo News! [size=14pt]Struggling dad hands over large cash find[/size]
source: |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by Backslider(m): 8:22pm On Oct 01, 2008 |
That is righteousness. Wether it be Self righteousness or Holy Ghost inspired righteousness it is righteousness. Some Churches you see people stealing bags and you wonder is there the fear of God even in the congregation. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 8:41pm On Oct 01, 2008 |
That's why it may help us to celebrate some of these things even if they happen rarely. We need to appreciate that there are still people with integrity that inspire us in our day - and it doesn't have to be a worthy news based on religion - as in the example above, there was no hint thereto. Do you have some worthy news to share that could inspire our appreciation? ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by JeSoul(f): 8:54pm On Oct 01, 2008 |
pilgrim.1: ![]() ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by davidylan4(m): 9:00pm On Oct 01, 2008 |
@ topic poll, i think virtue has been so disregarded that even among christians its now the norm to tell a white lie or "tap" some cash here. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by rubi(f): 2:16am On Oct 02, 2008 |
JeSoul: My dad told me a story when I was a kid that there was this bursar in school that pays teachers their salary in those days he went to the bank to get the money and the bank over paid him unknowingly he went back to school and paid all the teachers their due salaries some huge amount of money was still left he called all the teachers and asked if everyone did received their salaries they all acknowledged they've being paid the bursar went back to the bank and gave the bank back the remaining money do you know that the man was promoted four times his level, the government gave him good amount of money I think some other tangible things were added too. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by lafile(m): 11:43am On Oct 02, 2008 |
Its so sad that i can immediately think of any story that deserves to be written on this thread. It shows how virtue-empty our society has become. (or is it me whos life is surrounded by virtueless people) |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by SENATORJD(m): 11:49am On Oct 02, 2008 |
thats life,in all the so called bad economy were you expect pple to steal to survive, u would still find honest pple that wont trade their integrity for a dime. I wish some of our leaders were like that |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by Gamine(f): 11:58am On Oct 02, 2008 |
Its a pity that most people that do these things arent even Christian I was leaving church yesterday and the ushers were shouting, Watch your pockets and your bags!! i was really weeping inside me for the Church. God help us, if i find any story worth posting i will. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by SENATORJD(m): 1:12pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
Gamine:I mean its so sad,if i were a thief, the last place i would ever even comteplate stealing from is the church. I mean where is the fear of God in all these? |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by olabowale(m): 2:10pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
@Poster and Gamine and all; Here is humdinger of a story of an event from the heart of Manhattan, this year: A Moroccan Hotel house Keeper in Lower Manhattan, was requseted to recheck an already cleaned Suite, before a New Guest was given the Key to it. It was earlier in the day prepared by another Hotel Cleaner, after the last Guest checked out. As Mustapha Sakine, came in and inspected the suite, well satisfied that there was absolutely no reason to do any improvent, he for whatever reason looked back at the tub, in the Bathroom. To his surprise was a Diamond ring, with a huge ROCK! He went to the manager or the person who is the responsible person for anything found in the rooms that must have belonged to the guests. He presented the Ring, in the front of many witnesses, with the information of the room. That afternoon, the last hotel guest called back to inform the hotel that she was missing an important item and thought that she might have lost in within the hotel visity. She was not certain that it was in her suite however. She was pleasantly surprised to be informed that one of the house cleaning crew had found it and it would be waiting for her, whenever she comes for it. This guest was a wealthy woman from Europe, already returning back to her home. Within a week, however, she returned back to New York to pick the diamond ring. As she came in to to the hotel, she insisted to see the person who found this ring and thought it worthy to return it to the owner? Mustapha Sakine was called in from whatever he was doing to meet this woman. The woman thanked him and asked if he knew the value and why was he so honest, and did not pocket it for himself? Mustapha Sakine responded that even though the hotel employees felt that if they, individually had been the one who found this "loot," none, especially would have returned it! Mustapha told the woman as he had told everyone who thought him as the fool who returned a "Jackport, that the cost of the ring was nothing and God Almighty Allah could give him manifolds of the same thing in hard cold cash! The ring only worth 3 M USD, but God Almighty knows everything and he, Mustapha Sakine, depends solely on Him for his sustances. He told the woman as he had told everyone in the hotel that his Islam does not permit him to steal and he considered keeping it, as illegal and stealing. He only seek that God Almighty Allah is pleased with him. The woman was grateful and she is now more confident that there are good people on this earth. And by the way, because of this good nature of Mustapha, there are people at his job, housekeepers and others, even in the management that are now investigating Islam. There are countless similar deeds by New York City Cab Drivers. Mustapha Sakine lives in Jersey City, New Jersey and can be found as a worshipper in Masjid Tawhid off Kennedy Boulevard, and, Masjid Salaam on Kennedy Boulevard. Kindness is an inert good quality in man. Some repress this quality, while others allow it to be what they display of their possible actions. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by Gamine(f): 2:40pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
Its nice to know people have good heads out there but Olabowale, if you are insinuating Being Islam makes good, you are off point |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by JeSoul(f): 2:44pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
Alhaji, nice story. However, I'm not calling you a liar, but I don't believe you ![]() ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by SENATORJD(m): 2:55pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
3 million $ and the woman couldnt even settle him something? ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by olabowale(m): 3:13pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
@JeSoul: I will have the hotel phone number posted as soon as I get it. I know him well, so I am not just saying things am not familiar with. It is Plaza Hotel in New York City. He will tell me the exact one when he call by, so that you can verify it yourself! Nice but true story and it can be independently verified. @Senator JD: The settlement is not the issue here. It is the return of the lost property! Please learn from this event! |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by JeSoul(f): 3:21pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
olabowale:hehe . . . ![]() ![]() ![]() There's no need for the phone number Sir ![]() ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by olabowale(m): 3:26pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
I don't know anything about hotels. I hate riding subways, too. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by olabowale(m): 3:30pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
@Gamine: « #12 on: Today at 02:40:43 PM »
Considering that I stated the below, in my earlier presentation, it is hard to say that I said good deeds are restricted to Muslims or even people of "Faiths," alone. Faithless people do good deeds, too. Kindness is an inert good quality in man. Some repress this quality, while others allow it to be what they display of their possible actions. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by JeSoul(f): 3:43pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
Alhaji, I was just playing with you sir ![]() ![]() But I like what you said here: olabowale:True. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by olabowale(m): 4:23pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
If I have friend(s) who own Hotel(s) in New York City, I would be glad to hook you up, without any strings attached. But I do not. I would have done it without any coersion about any religion. However, after you have seen the good in me, you would have had another opinion about Islam and muslims. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 4:48pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
@All, Many thanks for your contributions. It's great to read through the inspiring stories shared to inspire us towards emulating some virtue: good also for some to have remarked that one doesn't have to belong to a particular religion before they can live as human beings. In all, it is the little and ordinary things we do in extraordinary ways that catches the attention of others and inspire them to value something to remember for life. Someone asked me recently: what difference does it make if non-religious people can do good things of significance as are being posted on this thread? That was a deeply challenging question - and one that I could not just presumptiously sweep over with a blanket answer. Actually, what difference does it make that I (speaking for myself) would even think of celebrating some inspirational events in ordinary folks? It does make all the difference - in several ways. It made me think and realize that we are not called to live as religious zombies (please pardon my expression - that's just me thinking aloud). As I enjoy the relationship that God called me to experience in Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord, I come to think about the wonderful values of our humanity. Life in Christ helps me to appreciate the blessings of knowing that there are ordinary people out there that could exhibit some virtue for us to both celebrate and emulate. Consider the few responses and remarks following the OP: someone observed the sad reality that some religious people often exhibit vices rather than virtues. Sad indeed. However, we can look up and brighten up that there are challenges in ordinary things to inspire us to find meaning in life and faith. If it were you, what would you do in such situations? I hear - we all have answers of remarkable goodness! But talk is cheap - we know that, don't we? Let's keep encouraging ourselves with worthy news. Do you find something quite challenging that you would like to share? Well, the thread's still here to enjoy - share such news and challenge both yourself and others to celebrate something worth thinking about. Blessings. ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 4:58pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
[size=14pt]Man returns lost treasures to owner[/size] Published: September 24, 2008 By JAMES DAMSCHRODER The Union Democrat _____________________________________________________________________ John Miller was scavenging local garage sales recently, looking for a fire-resistant box for his collection of poker chips, when he hit a jackpot of sorts. Upon prying open the box at his home, he found $23,000 worth of bonds and the title to a car, in addition to some handwritten notes. "It appeared new," Miller said of the box. "It was still in its original box." "I realized when I got back that it wasn't unlocked and there was no key," said Miller, a retired Sonora High School math and science teacher who collects rare poker chips, which he usually finds on the Internet. When he shook the box, like a kid does a Christmas present, he heard and felt something inside. It felt like papers, he said. "I called on my misspent youth to get the box open," Miller said with a laugh. "As soon as I opened it, my wife came out and asked, ‘What's wrong?' " Miller said. Miller called his attorney, who said that Miller could probably make a claim on the bonds. But that never crossed Miller's mind. "I just wanted to make sure I found the right person to return them to," said Miller, who has two daughters. "It's difficult to raise daughters with principles when you're not practicing them." Steve Southard, who worked with Miller at Sonora High School, called him a "genuine human being." "If it had been cash, he'D still have returned it," Southard said. "That is just the type of man he is." Miller searched the Internet for the name and Southern California address written on the bonds. He found an apparent match but, he thought, after making some telephone calls, the man might have passed away. He returned to the home where he purchased the box. The seller was the man's niece, handling his belongings because he moved into an assisted-living home. Miller gave the bonds, vehicle title and papers back to her. The situation reminded Miller of his mother, who had recently passed away. Miller was in charge of taking care of her assets. "If she had bonds out there somewhere, I would want them to be distributed to the right people," he said. "It was a quick decision." Miller searches garage sales at least once a week, but this was the first time he had literally found a treasure among junk. "I've never found anything else this crazy," Miller said. "Sometimes, you'll open a drawer and find something that you wouldn't expect." Contact James Damschroder at or 588-4531. _____________________________________________________________________ source: |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 5:18pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
OlowoTee: @OlowoTee, Wow! So glad to see you finally! I've missed you as well more than I can tell - and thank you for your prayers. God bless you and make your testimony even more glorious. Jesus is Lord. ![]() |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by SENATORJD(m): 5:47pm On Oct 02, 2008 |
olabowale:says who?There is something called appreciation that goes much more than mere words of mouth. Not expecting her to give him a million$, but learn to appreciate with something more than words,from my school of thots, actions speak louder,clearer and stick better than words. I stand to be corrected. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 11:25pm On Oct 03, 2008 |
Okay people, I know the topic was about ‘people’, not dogs or other animals. However, if this is any worthy news to make you smile, here it is: [size=14pt]Argentine Dog Saves Abandoned Baby[/size] ____________________________________________________________ ![]() An eight-year-old dog has touched the hearts of Argentines by saving the life of an abandoned baby, placing him safely alongside her own new puppies. The country's media are calling him "the miracle baby". He was born prematurely to a 14-year-old girl in a shanty town outside the capital, Buenos Aires. She is said to have panicked and abandoned the boy in a field, surrounded by wooden boxes and rubbish. Then along came La China, reports say, the dog which somehow picked up the baby and carried him 50m to place him alongside her own puppies. The dog's owner reported hearing the child crying and finding him covered with a rag. The baby, weighing 4kg (8lb 13oz), had some slight injuries, but no bite marks. Owner's concern The owner called the police and the child is now being looked after by the authorities, while a decision is taken about his future. The frightened mother appeared shortly after her baby was found. The Argentine media has descended on the shanty town, talking of "the Argentine Romulus and Remus", the legendary founders of Rome, abandoned as babies and rescued by a wolf, nearly 3,000 years ago. La China, worried about her own puppies, is reported to be petrified by her new found fame, and her owner says he is worried that she is not eating. ____________________________________________________________ source: picture credit: http://wvbocere./2008/08/22/argentine-dog-saves-abandoned-baby/ |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by Gamine(f): 5:52am On Oct 04, 2008 |
AWWWW i love DOgs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() so sweet, they are so intelligent! such a nice thing |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by reindeer: 10:24pm On Oct 04, 2008 |
coming back to the topic its easy to look at virtue in terms of those who refund those huge sums.I know theres a lot more good in this world that we dont talk about, Good hardly make headlines anyway. Each day i see people help old women carry loads,they help kids cross the highway, help somone fix a broken down car for no cost and i remember one particualr event at the popular maryland junction in lagos where someone's car caught fire and so caled 'area boys' were the ones who ran around to get extinguishers and help him put out the fire without asking for anything in return. I was deeply touched, selflessness is a strong virtue that needs to be celebrated, i can imagine nigeria changing for the better when vitue and not wealth is celebrated. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by otokx(m): 8:41am On Oct 05, 2008 |
the stories have been so inspiring but why are some people trying to emphasize one religion or the other? virtue in practice cuts across so many boundaries and is an individual thing. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by pilgrim1(f): 8:52am On Oct 05, 2008 |
otokx: @otokx, Thank you for that succinct post, highlighting what I already have said much ealier: pilgrim.1: @ALL, It should help us to mind the topic of the thread and share worthy news that we all can benefit from. That has been the reason why I've made this appeal several times over and tried to refrain from theological arguments. I beg those who are hungry for a debate to take their misgivings elsewhere and demonstrate some sense of maturity. Thank you and God bless all your days. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by Nimshi: 2:36pm On Oct 05, 2008 |
. |
Re: Can We Still Find People Like This? by olabowale(m): 3:04pm On Oct 05, 2008 |
@Pilgrim.1: « #70 on: Today at 12:08:54 PM »
Just the way, it is not a thread where you can stop anyone from airing a view that is answer appropriate. I remembered you almost got upset that there were revertions from Christianity to Islam. The love of my life, after my mother, Zainab Ndidi, is adopting a chinese-mix child, whom I just less than a hour ago, named Khadijah. We are trying to make sure that our relationship with her is Sharia compartible. I am not letting her bear my last name, because it will be against Islam. She, the little girl is unfortunately abandoned without a family history and heritage. We therefore think that she should be named Khadijah China. (Sinnin). Alhamdulillah, we will raise her as a muslim girl. And there will be other future adoptions, InshaAllah! |
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