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13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) - Celebrities (5) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) (48550 Views)

BREAKING: Police Defuse Bomb Near Jos Primary School / Julius Aghahowa's 13 Year Old Daughter Releases Her First Book / NEWS: A 13-yr-old Boy In Kano Notify A Car With Excessive Bomb Near Mosque. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by inosend: 3:13pm On Jun 28, 2014
SporaD8: A well orchestrated alibi to justified another attack!
Bombs are always discovered or refuse to detonate in mosques but never missed target in churches, Malls, Motor parks etc.
Good news though, at least we now know where the bombs are coming from!
My thoughts, EXACTLY. If Na church now or elsewhere...boom...xyz number of people killed but if Na mosque... hmmn ...diaris God ooo.

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Malawian(m): 3:25pm On Jun 28, 2014
pendy79: Reading some posting on these thread makes me marvel at the kind of wickedness that abound in some igbo people and some folks that call themselves christian. You are sad the bomb didn't go off and kill as many people as possible since they all deserve to die for being northerners and muslims.

When the bomb planted in ansar-ru-WINNERS chapel in owerri was detonated before impact since some stupid people believed it is only in mosques that bombs are discovered before they off so we can say the winners chapel is a mosque too, You all praised your God and didn't ask why it didn't go off and kill but now that this episode was averted by the Almighty you cry wolf and angered by the fact it was discovered before impact. How you all assume the bombs will only kill muslims and hausas alone baffles me forgetting people of different faith and tribe go to large gatherings like jumat to sell their wares.

If you're angry over the fact the bomb didnt goês off or doubt the fact a young boy was used by God to reveal it, then you're as wicked and heartless as the shekau himself.

toto head like you.

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by yorke1: 3:27pm On Jun 28, 2014
tintingz: Read news mister, boko haram are also attacking Muslims in the mosque.

Militants Kill 44 In A Mosque In Borno.

Tell that to the marines. The fact remains that they are pomoting Isamlic agenda.

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Ekeseges(f): 3:48pm On Jun 28, 2014
God help us
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by tintingz(m): 4:27pm On Jun 28, 2014

Tell that to the marines. The fact remains that they are pomoting Isamlic agenda.
And they are killing Muslims??

What agenda are they promoting exactly? undecided

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by winner01(m): 4:31pm On Jun 28, 2014
lomprico: How come there have never been a sucssesful mosque bomb blast? All this na wash to try n decive d populace dat bokoharam attacks muslims too. Its all an act, they (muslims bokoharam) staged d whole thing.
better still, the islamic suicide bomber kept it there and went to say his last prayers before hoping to join his 72 virgins in their erotic paradise.
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by winner01(m): 4:36pm On Jun 28, 2014
slimthugchimee: See muslems trying to make us think that they are not boko haram sorry i wont belive it
Trend of Killings in The North.
-1. In May to October 1966 riots, 36 to 50,000
Southerners mainly the igbos, were
MASSACRED in Northern Nigeria. Some were
buried alive, others were crucified and killed
gradually by having their eyes plucked out, their
ears chopped off, their tongues cut and their
manhood hacked off. The luckier ones just had
their heads severed from their body. Women
were raped & thereafter broken bottles forced
into their womanhood.
-2. 1980 May: 2467 Christians killed in Zaria
-3. 1980 December 18‐20 Riots in Kano. The
Maitatsine sect, 4,177 were killed.
-4. 1982 September 29- October 3.
Disturbances in Kaduna, Kaduna State. 53 killed
and many churches were burned.
-5. 1982 October 29‐30. Further trouble in
Maiduguri, Borno State by the Maitatsine sects.
118 died.
- 6. 1984 February 27-March disturbance in
Gongola State by the Maitatsine sect,568 died,
Mostly Christain
- 7. 1985 April 26‐28: Riot in Gombe, Bauchi
State by the Maitatsine sect. 105 Mostly
Christians died.
-8. 1987 March 5th and following days. In
Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Christians and
Muslims clash at the College of Education.100
Churches were burnt.
-9. 1987 March. Katsina, Funtua, Zaria, Gussau
and Kaduna (Kaduna State). A wave of religious
riots, many churches were burnt and property
destroyed, and many lives were lost.
- 10. 1991 April In Katsina, several lives were
lost. Shiite sect in Katsina led by Malam Yahaya
Yakubu stired up trouble.
-11. 1991 April, in Tafawa Balewa University
(Bauchi State) over 200 lives were lost with
properties and 20 churches destroyed.
-12. 1991 October 14‐ 15. In Kano, the attempt
of the Izala sect to stop Rev. Bonnke from
preaching became violent. Thousands of
Christians died & property destroyed.
Conservative estimates (3800)
- 13. 1992 February 6th and then May 15‐ 16:
Zango Kataf, Zaria, Kaduna State Communal
clash becomes a religious clash, with lives and
property destroyed.
-14 Funtua (Katsina State). Kalaka to religious
sect assaulted a village head. 50 lives were lost
and properties destroyed.
- 15. 1999. May 20. Muslim‐Christia n riots in
Kaduna, for three days, several hundred were
feared dead. 3200 conservative estimate,mostly
-16. 1999. July 18: Hausa and Yoruba riot in
Shagamu, over 60 are killed. This led to trouble
in Kano where over 70 were killed.
-17. 2000 August 11. About 200 were killed as
the army intervened in Taraba State
-18. 2000 October. Sharia Law in is introduced
in Zamfara State. 19. 2000 February. Riots in
Kaduna over the introduction of Sharia. Over
400 are killed. Mostly Christians
-20. 2001 September 7 Christian‐Muslim
conflicts in Jos. Over 500 are killed.
-21. 2001 october 12‐14 In Kano, there were
anti‐American riots, because of USA
intervention in Afghanistan. At least 350 are
killed Mostly Christians.
-22. 2006 February:Sectarian violence sparked
by cartoons of Islam’s most revered figure
spread to 11 Nigerian cities resulting in the
burning of 28 churches and pushing the total
death toll to more than 650.
Dogo na hauwa masacre 7th march 2010. Well
according to muslims, CAN is responsible
for the above history. Their argument is that
North has always been peaceful before the
emergence of CAN. The above recap shows that true muslims both home and abroad
have always enjoyed spilling the blood of innocent "disbelievers" mostly christians.. But I've got bad news for y'all muslims, you can't murder your way into our hearts.


Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by chrisdoller(m): 4:39pm On Jun 28, 2014
strangest: Thank God o
I don't believe this fake story one bit how can all the cylinder enter that small car why is NPF decievin us

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by TheShopKeeper(m): 5:14pm On Jun 28, 2014
the young teen is doing a better job than the so-called security operatives.
bunch of lazy goons.
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by pendusky(m): 5:20pm On Jun 28, 2014
chimoz: Introduce that boy to me and I will give him scholarship to any level he wants to go in Education plus carter for his domestic needs. He did excellently well. I doubt if many urchins on this website will have enough guts to identify the object and subsequently inform the security enforcers.
see as newspaper will follow your comment up! make sure u do am oohs!
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by AMINU4(m): 5:34pm On Jun 28, 2014
kissOnly ALLAH will help us in dis country.
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Nobody: 5:40pm On Jun 28, 2014
The boy's age is now 10 according to Sahara reporters
By tomorrow ,he will be 6

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by simpleseyi: 5:46pm On Jun 28, 2014
SporaD8: A well orchestrated alibi to justified another attack!
Bombs are always discovered or refuse to detonate in mosques but never missed target in churches, Malls, Motor parks etc.
Good news though, at least we now know where the bombs are coming from!

It is obvious that you are sad that the bombs did not detonate and kill muslim worshippers, I will advice that you start going from mosque to mosque and plant bombs and also detonate the bombs so that you can complement the efforts of the boko haram animals like you.

You hate muslims so much, yet you will gladly work and earn good money in Dangote Group of Companies or Yinka Folawiyo Group. IDIOTA

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by winner01(m): 6:02pm On Jun 28, 2014
lomprico: How come there have never been a sucssesful mosque bomb blast? All this na wash to try n decive d populace dat bokoharam attacks muslims too. Its all an act, they (muslims bokoharam) staged d whole thing.
Ever since the early seventies, muslims had
waged an unending war against humanity, that
war-Terrorism! The world wars have come and
gone and so are the other wars fought in history.
But the evils of islam and islamic terrorism is a
reality dat is starring everyone right in d face.
Adolph Hitler NEVER stated that he was
comitting evil in d name of Christ, neither did
Benito Mussolini or Jozef Stalin or even the
apartheid regimes of South Africa. Dey all did
what they did as a result of political inclination.
However, we see ppl like Osama Bin Laden
holding a gun in one hand and d quran in the
other and telling d world that allah has
instructed him to kill and maim as a holy
command. Ppl like shekau of the boko haram
fame is doing same-killng and smearing blood
everywhere and at d same time shouting allah ku
akbar. The entire middle east is locked in an
unending bloodbath with a cease fire no where in
sight and yet dis is d origin of the cult called
islam. Saudi arabia only seems peaceful because it
has successfully repressed the ppls freedom to
practice alternative faith. All through the
islamic world we hear of various gun totting
fanatical groups like the Al Shabab, Al Qaeda,
Hezbollah and many many more. Wew also hear
of ppl who call themselves imams and yet they
preach nothing else other than hate, violence and
bloodshed to a gullible followership.
A muslim scholar once said that not all muslims r
terrorist but all terrorists r muslims. So the
question is; if islam is as prestine as u all r
franctically making effort to portray it, then y
is it the factory for an unending production and
manufacturing of terrorists?
Iraq today is in upheaval, the sunnis and the
shi'ite r at each other throat and yet u say islam
is peace. Pakistan is a mess, likewise
Afghanistan. Syria is also completely destroyed
even though the Americans havnt staged any
intervention yet. Yemen is also condemned. Egypt
is also destroyed likewise Libya all by the yoke
of islam. Northern Nigeria is almost at a state
of total annihilation all because of an occultic islam
and yet u say islam is peace. U muslims never
take responsibility for anything, rather u blame
all ur woes and failures on others. In d middle
east u claim its America dats making u ppl kill
urselves. In Nigeria, u claim its d Christians that
r destroying ur region. How parhetic.
I remember when dis Boko madness stated and
churches were d targets, evil muslims were
rejoicing that boko haram was the norths
counter force or paralled militia to the armed
groups of d Niger delta. Today d story is
different, u ppl r now drinking ur own blood at d
banquet u organized. God has turned u to be d
victims of ur war.


Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Anewdawn: 6:23pm On Jun 28, 2014

only the bombs planted in the churches,in the xtain parts of the north eg. Chibok,in Jos and sabon-gari where igbos are majorly de residents, goes off.who is fooling who?
you just said exactly what was on my mind. You took d words out from my mouth. grin

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Maya2pretty(f): 6:45pm On Jun 28, 2014
author=Paroman]Why are christians here unhappy that an attempt to bomb a
mosque was unsuccessful? Why? This news clearly shows that Allah is the
real protector of men and he will keep foiling attempts by this agents
of darkness to kill we muslims, unlike the tame and powerless christian
god.[/quote] wow, i used to like u
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Nobody: 7:19pm On Jun 28, 2014
Maya2pretty: wow, i used to like u
sad sad sad
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by richybanky(m): 7:28pm On Jun 28, 2014
Psylas: fuc.k off!

Go force ursef sleep guy
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by ChristineC: 7:29pm On Jun 28, 2014
SporaD8: A well orchestrated alibi to justified another attack!
Bombs are always discovered or refuse to detonate in mosques but never missed target in churches, Malls, Motor parks etc.
Good news though, at least we now know where the bombs are coming from!
I couldn't have said it better myself

1 Like

Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Maya2pretty(f): 7:31pm On Jun 28, 2014
Paroman: sad sad sad
Don't blaspheme against my God, Creator and Saviour just because u dont bliv in him, He teaches us peace and to leave all battles to him. He is patient wit d wicked but wen deir time is up, they r completely destroyed.......#notcool
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by santakris(m): 7:34pm On Jun 28, 2014
winner01: Trend of Killings in The North.
-1. In May to October 1966 riots, 36 to 50,000
Southerners mainly the igbos, were
MASSACRED in Northern Nigeria. Some were
buried alive, others were crucified and killed
gradually by having their eyes plucked out, their
ears chopped off, their tongues cut and their
manhood hacked off. The luckier ones just had
their heads severed from their body. Women
were raped & thereafter broken bottles forced
into their womanhood.
-2. 1980 May: 2467 Christians killed in Zaria
-3. 1980 December 18‐20 Riots in Kano. The
Maitatsine sect, 4,177 were killed.
-4. 1982 September 29- October 3.
Disturbances in Kaduna, Kaduna State. 53 killed
and many churches were burned.
-5. 1982 October 29‐30. Further trouble in
Maiduguri, Borno State by the Maitatsine sects.
118 died.
- 6. 1984 February 27-March disturbance in
Gongola State by the Maitatsine sect,568 died,
Mostly Christain
- 7. 1985 April 26‐28: Riot in Gombe, Bauchi
State by the Maitatsine sect. 105 Mostly
Christians died.
-8. 1987 March 5th and following days. In
Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Christians and
Muslims clash at the College of Education.100
Churches were burnt.
-9. 1987 March. Katsina, Funtua, Zaria, Gussau
and Kaduna (Kaduna State). A wave of religious
riots, many churches were burnt and property
destroyed, and many lives were lost.
- 10. 1991 April In Katsina, several lives were
lost. Shiite sect in Katsina led by Malam Yahaya
Yakubu stired up trouble.
-11. 1991 April, in Tafawa Balewa University
(Bauchi State) over 200 lives were lost with
properties and 20 churches destroyed.
-12. 1991 October 14‐ 15. In Kano, the attempt
of the Izala sect to stop Rev. Bonnke from
preaching became violent. Thousands of
Christians died & property destroyed.
Conservative estimates (3800)
- 13. 1992 February 6th and then May 15‐ 16:
Zango Kataf, Zaria, Kaduna State Communal
clash becomes a religious clash, with lives and
property destroyed.
-14 Funtua (Katsina State). Kalaka to religious
sect assaulted a village head. 50 lives were lost
and properties destroyed.
- 15. 1999. May 20. Muslim‐Christia n riots in
Kaduna, for three days, several hundred were
feared dead. 3200 conservative estimate,mostly
-16. 1999. July 18: Hausa and Yoruba riot in
Shagamu, over 60 are killed. This led to trouble
in Kano where over 70 were killed.
-17. 2000 August 11. About 200 were killed as
the army intervened in Taraba State
-18. 2000 October. Sharia Law in is introduced
in Zamfara State. 19. 2000 February. Riots in
Kaduna over the introduction of Sharia. Over
400 are killed. Mostly Christians
-20. 2001 September 7 Christian‐Muslim
conflicts in Jos. Over 500 are killed.
-21. 2001 october 12‐14 In Kano, there were
anti‐American riots, because of USA
intervention in Afghanistan. At least 350 are
killed Mostly Christians.
-22. 2006 February:Sectarian violence sparked
by cartoons of Islam’s most revered figure
spread to 11 Nigerian cities resulting in the
burning of 28 churches and pushing the total
death toll to more than 650.
Dogo na hauwa masacre 7th march 2010. Well
according to muslims, CAN is responsible
for the above history. Their argument is that
North has always been peaceful before the
emergence of CAN. The above recap shows that true muslims both home and abroad
have always enjoyed spilling the blood of innocent "disbelievers" mostly christians.. But I've got bad news for y'all muslims, you can't murder your way into our hearts.

Hum, there iis God o.
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by ChristineC: 7:35pm On Jun 28, 2014
Maya2pretty: Why are christians here unhappy that an attempt to bomb a
mosque was unsuccessful? Why? This news clearly shows that Allah is the real protector of men and he will keep foiling attempts by this agents of darkness to kill we muslims, unlike the tame and powerless christian god.
Cool story bro

1 Like

Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Nobody: 7:41pm On Jun 28, 2014
Maya2pretty: Don't blaspheme against my God, Creator and Saviour just because u dont bliv in him, He teaches us peace and to leave all battles to him. He is patient wit d wicked but wen deir time is up, they r completely destroyed.......#notcool
Ok ma'am, sorry the blasphemy. sad
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Maya2pretty(f): 7:45pm On Jun 28, 2014
Paroman: Ok ma'am, sorry the blasphemy. sad
U c ave forgiven u, our God teaches us love and forgiveness.....take care bruv smiley
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Maya2pretty(f): 7:48pm On Jun 28, 2014
Christine C.:

Cool story bro
shocked shocked how did i bcome d poster of dat comment oh babe?
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Nobody: 8:36pm On Jun 28, 2014
i refuse to believe dis news for one second!!...walks out of thread...towards d 13 yrs old boys direction..wana ask some serious question...
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by MadCow1: 8:43pm On Jun 28, 2014

I hope those Nairalanders that believed that the picture of those two CFC cylinders that the Police showed us inside that crappy car in Kano was an IED can now see what IED's look like.

This is a bomb.. That Shiit the Police showed us was not a bomb.

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Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by tonychristopher: 8:52pm On Jun 28, 2014
chimoz: Introduce that boy to me and I will give him scholarship to any level he wants to go in Education plus carter for his domestic needs. He did excellently well. I doubt if many urchins on this website will have enough guts to identify the object and subsequently inform the security enforcers.

Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by usba: 8:57pm On Jun 28, 2014
To those people saddened by the non - explosion of the bomb, pls u know the way to sambisa forest just go there and join ur colleagues! Nonsense!
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Saintkeirrison: 9:40pm On Jun 28, 2014
Dat 1 na warsh dem no de bomb mosqu na only church o
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by inosend: 10:03pm On Jun 28, 2014
Engnr_collins: Nigerians why are we doing this to our self's,after much promises that you have made to our fatherland nigeria, remember the verse in the National pledge that say's "TO BE FAITHFULL LOYAL AND HONEST,TO SERVE NIGERIA WITH ALL MY[YOUR] STRENGHT"
repent b4 it's too late,see now snake and bees are @ work

Bro, I am categorically telling you that some Muslim schools in the north do NOT , repeat, do NOT recite/sing the national anthem. What they rather have for what you posted is:TO BE FAITHFUL... TO SERVE ALLAH WITH ALL MY STRENGTH... I definitely, know what I am saying. Inquire some more.
Re: 13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque (Picture) by Godwit1: 10:48pm On Jun 28, 2014
Always found when its mosque.please tell them to stop that game . Good new though.

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