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REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK - Politics - Nairaland

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REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by aproko247: 1:58pm On Jul 02, 2014
Students in state tertiary institutions have been protesting the huge hike in tuition fees at their various institutions of learning since last year.

Some students have been made to drop out from school because of their inability to afford the over 200% hike in fees. Many also forced to repeat a session for failing to meet the deadline to pay fees. s

Despite the exorbitant costs, there have been no improvements by government in infrastructure provided in these schools and lecturers are at battle point with state governments over the issue of salary and allowances.

The situation in state run primary and secondary schools is similar. With no free education as promised by government, dilapidated school infrastructures, moral low staff, scarcity of school furniture, students sit on the floor or those whose parents can afford furniture carry their desks and chairs on their heads to the schools.s

In Ogun State, the people are wondering about what has happened to the huge allocation the state Governor, Ibikunle Amosun told the people he makes yearly to fund the education sector in the state.

The answer to this question may have surfaced through a chat we had with a friend to one of the ex boyfriends of the daughters of the Ogun State Commissioner for Education, Barrister John Olusegun Odubela. Usman (not real name) gave this reporter details about the high spending life styles of the Odubela girls.

Our source informed yemojanewsng.com how Timi, Tosin and Tobi have been blowing money in London since their father became the Ogun State Commissioner for Education.

We learnt their father spoils them with money, sending them a minimum of £2,000 weekly. (£2,000 – Naira 558, 000). This enables the girls shop at the most expensive and exclusive shops in London buying all types of designer branded shoes, bags and clothings.

The girls, we gathered treat friends to expensive food which is a daily occurrence at their Praed, street Edgeware, London residence. Property in this area goes for £3,000 a week (Naira 976,000) shopping trips round up to about £10,000.

We gathered that these young girls are obsessed with expensive designer labels especially Chanel. We were told that the prices of Chanel bags that these Odubela girls have in their wardrobe range from £2,500 to £6,000 (Naira 697,000 – Naira 1.7million) per bag. 10 of these bags can be seen in the pictures as they are flaunted.

Usman informed us that the girls live outrageous lives which caused a rift between Timi and a son of a top ranking PDP politician from the northern part of Nigeria who in disgust asked her to dress with decency and stop spending money recklessly when people are starving around the world. This piece of advice annoyed Tomi and ended their relationship.

Usman said he used to be on the online group of the girls where he was able to retrieve the pictures in this report when a close friend of his was accused of stealing £2,000 left on a table in the girl’s apartment. On this group, the girls exhibit their many purchases and flamboyant lifestyle to group members. With some people begging to befriend the girls.

It is instructive to know that prior to Odubela being made Commissioner, all three girls attended school in Nigeria. The eldest, Timi did so badly in her examination she could not get admission to study Medicine in any university in United Kingdom as her parents wished, and settled for a course in Human Sciences.

Usman informed us he was not surprised to hear she failed her exams since all the sisters spent all their time on the popular Oxford street shopping for expensive things to impress their friends.

When this reporter informed Usman about recent protests by students and state of schools in Ogun State where Odubela is Commissioner for Education, Usman responded “The money is in Harrods and Oxford Street, go and look for it there. In fact, if I want to see any of the Odubela girls right now, I just go to Marble Arch, walk around for 10 minutes they will appear”.

Recently, students in tertiary institutions in Ogun State were beaten by government security agents for protesting a 300% hike in fees and government unfriendly posture at students in the State.

Source: http://www.aproko247.com/2014/06/27/revealed-lavish-lifestyles-of-ogun-comm-for-educations-daughters-in-uk/


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Kcwarren: 2:19pm On Jul 02, 2014
so after all this your epistle, you couldn't come up with even half a pix to back up your claim? Is this really to be taken serious?
Can the MODS pls move this sh¡t to the joke section?


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by ebullientV(m): 2:26pm On Jul 02, 2014
If this is true, there's no suprise to be had here @ all..
Thousands of politicians children from Nigeria are out there lavishing wealth their gullible parents deprived the masses of..
A 19-year old kid can spend over a thousand pounds @ blow in one meaningless party.. Whereas somewhere in our country a Family is trying to prepare a pot of soup with only #80.. Smh
it's not a suprise, it is the blood of the parents that runs through the vein of d kids. So what do u xpect?


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by ednut1(m): 4:42pm On Jul 02, 2014
'broke People Always Think They Have An Opinion' grin, usman ko, kamoru ni


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by slimfit1(m): 5:03pm On Jul 02, 2014
No we know thanks for reminding us so what are you going to do about it . Please let the spending continues please. Ekare omo olowo.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by MadCow1: 5:03pm On Jul 02, 2014


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by simpleseyi: 5:15pm On Jul 02, 2014
Dear OP, I think you need a psychiatric examination. You wrote that a friend of the ex-boyfriend of one of the commissioner's daughter told you the life style of the girls. Please what do you expect from a friend of a recently dumped nigga? You expect the guy to sing the girl's praises? My friend, Go and Die.


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by IAMBREEZY: 5:19pm On Jul 02, 2014
Leave them it their lives not yours


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by BrosPeter: 5:25pm On Jul 02, 2014
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by otokx(m): 6:11pm On Jul 02, 2014
No pictures, commissioner ought to be investigated.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Nobody: 7:19pm On Jul 02, 2014
This story is fictitious, don't drag people's name in the gutter in a bid to discredit a particular party please.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by redsun(m): 7:34pm On Jul 02, 2014
They live like movie stars nd top footballers overseas with the blood monies they steal from blind folded nigerians.geriage

Which way nigeria?When will public servants be compelled to give account?
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Nobody: 7:44pm On Jul 02, 2014
before and after picture or I don't believe it.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Nobody: 7:46pm On Jul 02, 2014
redsun: They live like movie stars nd top footballers overseas with the blood monies they steal from blind folded nigerians.geriage

Which way nigeria?When will public servants be compelled to give account?
Sad truth.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by otokx(m): 7:47pm On Jul 02, 2014
redsun: They live like movie stars nd top footballers overseas with the blood monies they steal from blind folded nigerians.geriage

Which way nigeria?When will public servants be compelled to give account?

Have you not heard that stealing is not corruption?

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Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by redsun(m): 7:55pm On Jul 02, 2014
otokx: i

Have you not heard that stealing is not corruption?

Abioo? In a gangster paradise anything goes.Stealing has not been an offence in nigeria in the past fifhteen twenty years,except among the poor who could be lynched or locked up indefinitely by the police for stealing mere bread.

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Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Nobody: 8:06pm On Jul 02, 2014
That's the girl.
Go to this link http://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/fashion/street-style-photo-blog/2012/11/timi-odubela-pharmacology-student-london

She's not even beautiful even with all the money. The U.K is not even helping at all, I posted a comment abouit her father being one of the corrupt official in the magazine she posed for and it wasn't approved, they are the ones encouraging these people. Same happened during Gbenga Daniel's tenure when his twin sons bought 2 bentley cars and the threw a world class bday party in the U.K, that oye hand dbanj went their o. They should all be rounded up and executed!
Bt if most of us get to power, will we be better off?

Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Nobody: 8:17pm On Jul 02, 2014
Your future has been mortgaged and here you are asking us to leave them! Birds of the same father. We know your type. Typical Nigerian. APC rice don ready make u go collect and sell una vote o' hungry mofos! You are just so annoying and those linking your post! Awon arindin radarada!
IAMBREEZY: Leave them it their lives not yours


Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by BABAKABIRU301(f): 8:25pm On Jul 02, 2014
HUMMMMMM....charity begins at home
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by redsun(m): 8:43pm On Jul 02, 2014
Young women grew up thinking it right for parents to be dubious officially and be saintly at home.It is sad and in some ways she is a victim of the fundamental fooolishness of nigerian elders.Wheather she reaalizes that is a different case all together.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by scribble: 8:47pm On Jul 02, 2014
see as this babe wor wor die

even if her father na dangote, i no fit die there...maybe if i put a bag over her head sha

oh...no ASSets...bleh!
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by scribble: 8:49pm On Jul 02, 2014
my aproko sha

Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by redsun(m): 8:53pm On Jul 02, 2014
scribble: see as this babe wor wor die

even if her father na dangote, i no fit die there...maybe if i put a bag over her head sha

oh...no ASSets...bleh!

She is not exactly bad looking if only she can away with the borrowed brazilian hair.That hair somewhat belittles black women.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by scribble: 9:08pm On Jul 02, 2014

She is not exactly bad looking if only she can away with the borrowed brazilian hair.That hair somewhat belittles black women.

her wor worness is beyond the hair...the hair only serves to make it worse...

i kinda see where u r coming from
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by redsun(m): 9:12pm On Jul 02, 2014

her wor worness is beyond the hair...the hair only serves to make it worse...

i kinda see where u r coming from

She is probably in an early stage of hard drug escapade.Or just fresh from nigeria without the winter grooms yet that can soften her skin texture.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by seunlayi(m): 9:20pm On Jul 02, 2014
Chai!!! there is God o

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Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by IAMBREEZY: 10:38pm On Jul 02, 2014
thisisayus: Your future has been mortgaged and here you are asking us to leave them! Birds of the same father. We know your type. Typical Nigerian. APC rice don ready make u go collect and sell una vote o' hungry mofos! You are just so annoying and those linking your post! Awon arindin radarada!
who's this fool,what da heck are you saying? abeg swerve let me see crisply.
Re: REVEALED: Lavish Lifestyles Of Ogun Comm For Education’s Daughters In UK by Nobody: 11:24pm On Jul 02, 2014
IAMBREEZY: who's this fool,what da heck are you saying? abeg swerve let me see crisply.
I go reply u tomorrow if I don wake up. Rmba lai mohamed and FFK? Na u start am o.

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