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Lecturing Career. Need Advice - Career - Nairaland

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Lecturing Career. Need Advice by Nobody: 8:11am On Jul 13, 2014
I'd love to impact knowledge. I hope to own a secondary school someday. I have a B.Sc in chemistry, I want to pick a Master form at university of uyo. I want to study Public health or pharmacology but someone said I won't be employed as a lecturer if I have a first degree in chemistry and an MSC in another course. Advice please!...... . Must I continue with chemistry??
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by MANGAM(m): 8:17am On Jul 13, 2014
Ur first and second degree must be fro the same dept eg Bsc Chemistry and Msc Chemistry or any field within Chemistr.
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by Curiouscity(m): 5:03am On Jul 14, 2014
Why do Nigerians like creating unnecessary barriers for themselves and others? A friend did Engineering in his BSc, went to abroad and did MSc n PhD in Chemistry. Today he is an associate prof in PHYSICS dept in the country he ddid his PhD. Why cant someone with a BSc in chem master in public health n teach same? Who makes this policies if such exist at all?


Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by Nobody: 5:57am On Jul 14, 2014
Its so annoying eh... I really doubt if such protocols exist.
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by quivah(f): 6:22am On Jul 14, 2014
I sincerely doubt if this rule is real...
my then 100l phy lecturer was a mathematics graduate, But did his msc in physics.. and now lectures in physics..
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by fame12k(m): 4:53am On Jul 15, 2014
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by MANGAM(m): 2:52pm On Jul 15, 2014
The issue is that u stand a better chance to lecture in a Nigerian university if ur first and second degree are fro the same dept. And b4 u head a dept, ur first and second degree must be fro the same discipline. That's way u see some lecturer having 2 or 3 msc just to key in
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by Odunharry(m): 3:22pm On Jul 18, 2014
estyann: I'd love to impact knowledge. I hope to own a secondary school someday. I have a B.Sc in chemistry, I want to pick a Master form at university of uyo. I want to study Public health or pharmacology but someone said I won't be employed as a lecturer if I have a first degree in chemistry and an MSC in another course. Advice please!...... . Must I continue with chemistry??
go for post graduate diploma in education(pgde).
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by EXICON(m): 6:58pm On Jul 20, 2014
estyann: I'd love to impact knowledge. I hope to own a secondary school someday. I have a B.Sc in chemistry, I want to pick a Master form at university of uyo. I want to study Public health or pharmacology but someone said I won't be employed as a lecturer if I have a first degree in chemistry and an MSC in another course. Advice please!...... . Must I continue with chemistry??
bro, is the form for Master's program out in UNIUYO? And how long will it take to run a Master's program there( Computer Science precisely)? Thanks.
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by Nobody: 7:14pm On Jul 20, 2014
EXICON: bro, is the form for Master's program out in UNIUYO? And how long will it take to run a Master's program there( Computer Science precisely)? Thanks.
First, I'm a girl.

Secondly, the form is not out yet.
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by EXICON(m): 8:24pm On Jul 20, 2014
First, I'm a girl.

Secondly, the form is not out yet.
I'm very sorry about that. I didn't note that. But do u have idea when it's most likely to be out?
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by favouredjb(f): 3:26am On Jul 24, 2014
So annoying policy,I m faced with the same dilemma
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by zeenaira(f): 4:49pm On Oct 02, 2015
What about someone that had a 3rd class. Does the person still have a chance of pursuing a career as a lecturer.
Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by micronut(m): 7:10pm On Oct 02, 2015
What about someone that had a 3rd class. Does the person still have a chance of pursuing a career as a lecturer.
Yes, u can. I use to have a woman professor who had a 3rd class from UI biochemisty. And today had a phd in Organic chemistry. I don't even know how people get their information that u can not switch fields and become a lecturer in such field. Only that such fields must be closely related. Have seen a Prof of Business Admin with accounting first degree. Yes! My dean in postgraduate school had a Economics first degree and today, he is a dean of faculty of management comprising of Accounting, Marketing, finance, Business Admin and Personel Management. Today, he is a professor of Marketing.

Dear sister, get ur pgd, do ur msc, get a good phd grade and u sail thru to a phd class. A cousin had Third class from OAU Microbiology, she returned back, had her pgd in a year, obtained another form for Msc, finished it in a record time of 2yrs at same Great Ife. Today, she lecturers in a Private Uni with good salary and good car while running her phd at the same OAU. Determination is everything, you can always correct the mistake of the past.


Re: Lecturing Career. Need Advice by Felepumpin(m): 11:30am On Aug 31, 2016
Please I need your advice and wayforward. I am presently a final year student of Ekiti state university in Nigeria and I look forward to pursuring a career in lecturing. My discipline is actually economics education and on a 3.8cgpa, i would appreciate any form of advice on what to do and what not to do. Thank you

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