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DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? - Literature - Nairaland

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DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by Nobody: 4:13pm On Jul 13, 2014
I was never brought up with the reading habit. My parents weren't reading enthusiasts but they invested much in stocking my early library. At puberty I started asking questions - about life, about sex, about love. Only books made me comfortable by giving answers. And I graduated from High School as the Chief Library Prefect. All this was 6 to 12 years ago.

I don't know how you found your reading habit, but I'd like to ask, have you written a book yet?

I've come to understand as a working theory that fervent readers always end up writing at least one book in their lifetime. As readers, we've gathered so much ideas from so many books. There's always that feeling of wanting to share your own thoughts as well for the world to read.

Have you written a book, and what's stopping you if you haven't?
Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by ssultana(f): 11:51pm On Jul 20, 2014
I have always been a reader and I actually tried writing once and my work got stolen or missing whichever the case was back in JS 3 when everyone was passing around my book to read...i"m sure I would want to give it a try again someday but right now,i don't think i"m in that place yet
Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by UjSizzle(f): 12:26pm On Jul 21, 2014
No idea. Blogging seemed like the next best thing (or perhaps better), so that's what I'm doing.

Oh first book I read was the old testament(Bible), never let any book pass me by afterwards smiley
Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by Nobody: 12:52pm On Jul 21, 2014
ssultana: I have always been a reader and I actually tried writing once and my work got stolen or missing whichever the case was back in JS 3 when everyone was passing around my book to read...i"m sure I would want to give it a try again someday but right now,i don't think i"m in that place yet

Or maybe you think you really don't have the confidence to pull it off. Look, you don't have to feel confident about doing it before you do it. People just want to enjoy your creation. Could be a story or a self-help. I m eager to listen to your thoughts & experiences coz they ll always be unique. Trust me, it s a catch-22. Once you finish ur first book (ebook or printed), you ll begin to feel more confident about writing. Another's thoughts are always beautiful. I challenge you to share yours. Write your first book before the end of this year smiley
Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by Nobody: 2:01pm On Jul 21, 2014
UjSizzle: No idea. Blogging seemed like the next best thing (or perhaps better), so that's what I'm doing.

Oh first book I read was the old testament(Bible), never let any book pass me by afterwards smiley

smiley Your blog inspired me to think of starting one too. I felt your power of expression. I literally felt you (the real you) in the words of your blog and that is one power any writer would dream of coveting. But Uju, a gifted writer without a name on a book is like a gifted singer who has been a backup singer all their life without an album to call their own. Think about it.

And the Old Testament hunh... That's new: the fact that the Bible got you off on your reading adventure. So do you still keep an open mind on everything else you read, or do you filter them thru the lens of biblical justifications? smiley
Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by UjSizzle(f): 2:45pm On Jul 21, 2014

smiley Your blog inspired me to think of starting one too. I felt your power of expression. I literally felt you (the real you) in the words of your blog and that is one power any writer would dream of coveting. But Uju, a gifted writer without a name on a book is like a gifted singer who has been a backup singer all their life without an album to call their own. Think about it.

And the Old Testament hunh... That's new: the fact that the Bible got you off on your reading adventure. So do you still keep an open mind on everything else you read, or do you filter them thru the lens of biblical justifications? smiley
Oh I'm honored, thank you smiley
I don't believe there is anything wrong with not writing an actual book. The hassle really is too much, unless one has a ready made market(that's why all these pastors are fortunate).

I'm pretty much open minded about everything people have to say. That's not to say I don't hold my own values dear, but I'm willing to see things through the viewpoint of others as long as they don't compromise my valuessmiley

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Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by Nobody: 6:35pm On Jul 21, 2014
Oh I'm honored, thank you smiley
I don't believe there is anything wrong with not writing an actual book. The hassle really is too much, unless one has a ready made market(that's why all these pastors are fortunate).

I'm pretty much open minded about everything people have to say. That's not to say I don't hold my own values dear, but I'm willing to see things through the viewpoint of others as long as they don't compromise my valuessmiley

Good girl... Please keep that mind's gates open. It makes life fun. And I'll be sure to get your attention when my blog's up. I could use your mentoring sometime.
Re: DEAR Book Lovers - Why Haven't You Written a Book Yet? by UjSizzle(f): 12:22am On Jul 22, 2014

Good girl... Please keep that mind's gates open. It makes life fun. And I'll be sure to get your attention when my blog's up. I could use your mentoring sometime.
I loom forward to that blog smiley

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