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Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 3:34pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: blessing is from God, for you to get the blessing of God you must be holy let take an example now:if a man has a son and the son is rebellion anytin the father want to give is children, that rebellion child will have because he was his son, but the child will never have is father blessing. For you to have the blessing of God, your heart must be holy because God cannot behold sin.

I don't know the life style of bill gate or obama, but if they are bad people, they cannot have the blessing of God, if a footballer like messi has the gift of playing football, because he sin, do you want God to take away the gift? No , but he will never has the blessing of God. It was this gift that all this people use it to make money , so gift is riches from God.

Am not God, he lost his mum, to bad, I wish I can do more to cheer him, but by God grace am still happy because she is free from this wicked world, she is with God.some times, I ask God to take my life because of wickedness of this world, anyway thank you for your time.

thanks... But i am yet to understand what blessing of God is. if messi is gifted, rich, has wonderful family, is able to help people around him and does not have the blessing of God, what then is he missing? please help me differentiate between the blessing of God and the gift of God. i am still not clear. i have seen born agains around me and seen non christians and i am yet to differentiate between who has Gods blessing and who does not. help me please
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 3:38pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: were in my post I said the poster is rebellion?
Please am Buzy now, I will attend to this post later.

ok, i will show you, maybe you didnt know what you were typing and that was why i decided to engage you into this discussion.

malvisguy212: you did not open this thread for advice, you open it to mock God,if you had open it for advice, you would'av thank the my christians brother for the advice instead you praise an atheist, God know you before you were born, He know'S this day will come, if God had answer your prayer, you will still turn back against Him, you said, you have been praying since 1985 and today you are still alive to rebel against the same God that keep you alive.

Your own is even small compare to mine, by the grace of God am what I am today, when I was a little boy, I don't know how to pray I don't even go to church, am not a bad guy or good guy, I just live my life the way I like it, until one night when I bow in the presence of God.

Either you like it or not, you find a way to please your self when you commit sin, one thin for sure THERE IS GOD.
Thank you.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 3:51pm On Jul 18, 2014
joezakdeen: i realy pity ur level of understandin or i wil jx gues u didnt read wat i posted.
I read what you posted, and i didnt get the answer to 'if God kept him alive, was God it that killed the millions that have died? my understanding may be poor though, but explain first.

Its apointed unto man to die nd after death judgement. U wil die nd i must die

i am glad you know that
buh it all just about a matter of time.

matter of time what will happen?

buh the gud Lord decides on whom to stay nd whom to leave.

in order words your good lord decides who to kill and who to keep alive? pls answer this. that means ur god is responsible for the millions that die every day.

I guess god decided dat u live so dat u wil be disgraced one day nd den His Holy name be magnified to d whole world.

that must be childish of him. he must be jobless to have this sort of project at hand. and when the whole world finds out that he has disgraced me, what will happen. tell your God to watch his over inflated ego... it might lead to self destruction

It takes knowledge to understand the works of God.The fool hath said in his heart,

i'd rather be a fool that be delusioned.

There is no God. They are
corrupt, they have done
abominable works; There is none
that doeth good. Ouch! U r not diferent frm the devil dat tested Christ. Surely by deir fruits, ye shal knw dem

blah blah blah blah blah

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 3:56pm On Jul 18, 2014
RikoduoSennin: . No it is not enough reason rather not even a reason to disbelief God. Whether you pray or not God has been providing what you need obviously not the way you expected or hope he would do it. For prayers to be answered, it must be done in the right way. Besides, the Fact that President Jonathan has not granted any of your special requests made by calling him does not mean he is not existing is it?

if God was providing what he needed all these why, why was he not providing it the way he expected? why should God be providing for him the way he does not expect.

for instance... i ask my father for school fees and he buys me a car i might like or need a car but what i expected from my dad was school fees and not car.

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 4:00pm On Jul 18, 2014
thorpido: Sorry about the loss of your mum.The bible says faith without works is dead.
If your mum was hypertensive,was she on medication?Did she regularly take her drugs?
Many ignore their health and that is not the way of faith.

faith must be usless..

work + faith= result
work - faith= result (as can be seen in the life of so many sinners around us)
faith - work= no result


Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 4:04pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: read my post again, I do not say the op rebel against God, he's been praying since 1985 and God did not answer his prayer according to him,because of that he became impatience and rebel against God. It is the prayer that keep him alive, the strength of God.

ok... how did you conclude that is was the prayer that kept him alive when we know that God didnt even grant him the request he was asking for?
someone didnt give you what you are asking for.... how then can the same person give you what you didnt ask for?

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by frank317: 4:05pm On Jul 18, 2014

What is the problem u are praying about?

ohhhh finally poster... God is here to answer your prayer.

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by thorpido(m): 4:28pm On Jul 18, 2014
Kendzyma: so faith now depends on medications?i.e scienc?so a xtian must depend on man work b4 anitin apns spiritually?.......faith+scienc=miracle.......waw!
If you are hungry,do you say faith fills your stomach?
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by thorpido(m): 4:34pm On Jul 18, 2014

faith must be usless..

work + faith= result
work - faith= result (as can be seen in the life of so many sinners around us)
faith - work= no result
You don't understand.The unbeliever trusts in the arm of the flesh.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by malvisguy212: 4:39pm On Jul 18, 2014

ok... how did you conclude that is was the prayer that kept him alive when we know that God didnt even grant him the request he was asking for?
someone didnt give you what you are asking for.... how then can the same person give you what you didnt ask for?
you are an atheist, I don't expect you to believe, I don't have prove to give you,it was God that keep him alive, but know this, the prayer of your love's one work for you.

There is many tinx about God you guys don't know,if you want God to answer your prayer, ask him with a clean heart because God cannot behold sin, a real seeker of truth/atheist dos not go about blasphemy the name of God, instead he ask question and wish to have mature answer, but the atheist here on nairaland don't want answer, they just want to fight someone they claim do not exist,they are so sure God do not exist, but there are thousand of christian that has an encounter with God , for God so kind, am amoung them.
there is one tin I love about life, either you like it or not, one day it will all come to an end, and there will be a lot of question you will be asking on your sick bed as an atheist, what if am wrong? Is there a God? If there is, what will I say to Him? Soooo many question Bro , but as for me, I don't have anytin to fear, if there is, I WILL GIVE GOD THE GLORY, if there is no God, I size to exist.
Thank you for your time.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by malvisguy212: 4:47pm On Jul 18, 2014

ok, i will show you, maybe you didnt know what you were typing and that was why i decided to engage you into this discussion.

is been praying since 1985 mean he is not rebelling against God, but when he stop and start questioning the existence of God mean he want to rebel against God. That wat I mean.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Weah96: 5:12pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: is been praying since 1985 mean he is not rebelling against God, but when he stop and start questioning the existence of God mean he want to rebel against God. That wat I mean.

But your God should already have foreseen his rebellion or attempted rebellion. He should already know the outcome. Why are you trying to convince him to return? Is that the only thing you were programmed to do? Do you need me to contact Morpheus so we could try and save you from the Matrix?


Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by fubbyy(m): 5:31pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: you are an atheist, I don't expect you to believe, I don't have prove to give you,it was God that keep him alive, but know this, the prayer of your love's one work for you.

There is many tinx about God you guys don't know,if you want God to answer your prayer, ask him with a clean heart because God cannot behold sin, a real seeker of truth/atheist dos not go about blasphemy the name of God, instead he ask question and wish to have mature answer, but the atheist here on nairaland don't want answer, they just want to fight someone they claim do not exist,they are so sure God do not exist, but there are thousand of christian that has an encounter with God , for God so kind, am amoung them.
there is one tin I love about life, either you like it or not, one day it will all come to an end, and there will be a lot of question you will be asking on your sick bed as an atheist, what if am wrong? Is there a God? If there is, what will I say to Him? Soooo many question Bro , but as for me, I don't have anytin to fear, if there is, I WILL GIVE GOD THE GLORY, if there is no God, I size to exist.
Thank you for your time.
this is what I hate when people said I should pray with a clean heart to get result, was I praying with a dirty heart, mom first of all said its because I braid hair, then I went to cut the hair but nothing hapened

If what you prayed for works we give God the glory, if it doesn't we look for a way to blame ourselves

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by malvisguy212: 6:07pm On Jul 18, 2014
fubbyy: this is what I hate when people said I should pray with a clean heart to get result, was I praying with a dirty heart, mom first of all said its because I braid hair, then I went to cut the hair but nothing hapened

If what you prayed for works we give God the glory, if it doesn't we look for a way to blame ourselves

even when you shave your hair, God know's your inner mind, what I wrote, it is not must you must follow, it is by your will. Remain bless.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Weah96: 6:14pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: even when you shave your hair, God know's your inner mind, what I wrote, it is not must you must follow, it is by your will. Remain bless.

On the contrary, if your God is real, then it is his will which will be done, not the will of a fellow NL poster. You even agree that your God is a mind reader. How far into the future can he see?

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by malvisguy212: 6:19pm On Jul 18, 2014

On the contrary, if your God is real, then it is his will which will be done, not the will of a fellow NL poster. You even agree that your God is a mind reader. How far into the future can he see?
God will is for everyone to be happy, but if you chose to follow the devil, that your will, God will not interfere in our decision.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Weah96: 6:26pm On Jul 18, 2014
malvisguy212: God will is for everyone to be happy, but if you chose to follow the devil, that your will, God will not interfere in our decision.

So who is messing up the will of God for all this happiness? How can a mammal, designed by God, also mess up the will of God? Is the will of God different from what happens in the future?

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Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by joezakdeen(m): 6:38am On Jul 19, 2014
I read what you posted, and i didnt get the answer to 'if God kept him alive, was God it that killed the millions that have died? my understanding may be poor though, but explain first.

i am glad you know that

matter of time what will happen?

in order words your good lord decides who to kill and who to keep alive? pls answer this. that means ur god is responsible for the millions that die every day.

that must be childish of him. he must be jobless to have this sort of project at hand. and when the whole world finds out that he has disgraced me, what will happen. tell your God to watch his over inflated ego... it might lead to self destruction

i'd rather be a fool that be delusioned.

blah blah blah blah blah
“Go to Hell!” Have you ever said
those words and meant it?
We imagine Hell to be an awful
place and wonder how a loving
God could invent it.
Maybe the rationale for hell is
hard to see
because of the dysfunction
inside of me.
Science tells me the universe has
and every effect is there because
of a cause.
It makes sense that if its true on
the physical level
moral and spiritual choices also
have results that are inevitable.
Want to spend eternity locked in
a room with Adolph Hitler,
Joseph Stalin,
Ossama Bin Laden, Saddam
Husen and Charles Manson?
Guess what? God doesn’t, And
neither do I.
What makes us think that a
person’s values change just
because they die.
Put the damned in heaven and in
time they’ll turn it into hell.
If you have any doubts, look at
the earth we live on. I’d say we’re
doing that here quite well.
Jesus told about a cruel, self-
centered rich man who died and
got hell as his sentence.
His heart was just as hard when
he got there; totally devoid of
He expected God to send the
beggar who sat in sickness
outside his door, on whom he
had no compassion
He expected God to command
the beggar to leave the bliss of
heaven to suffer in hell as his
The man had no change of heart,
but continued on in his totally
self-centered and wicked
My response is, “Of all the nerve!
You got what you deserve.”
Now, we rationalize and say,
“I’m not as wicked as they!”
But project a straight line beyond
the choices you make to the
directions they take.
Are the restraints on your life’s
immoral directions really from
within or from without?
Where is your real love? What are
the real desires of your heart?
God is Love and takes no
pleasure in damning people.
But God is also good and just, so
Hell was prepared for the devil
and the rest of those who love
Hell is not a necessary
Hell is for those who refuse
It is not an irreversible destiny.
God said through Jesus, “Come,
rest in me.”
He undid the consequence of my
rebellion and dysfunction when
he paid the price on the tree.
He brought forgiveness and the
promise of new life and heaven
for you and me.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by fubbyy(m): 12:53pm On Jul 19, 2014
Can someone please teach me how to BOLd some words when quoting someone

There are things in some posts I really need to comment on which I need to make a bold line
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by aliciab: 2:22pm On Jul 19, 2014
Op why do you feel you have to fast and prsu for days on end to get results.This sadly is the trend for modern day so called Christians.Rather than focus their energies on practical ways of solving issues they rather spend all their time on prayerssand fast.My dear their are no shortcuts in life and the way to success is hard work.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by RikoduoSennin(m): 2:30pm On Jul 19, 2014

if God was providing what he needed all these why, why was he not providing it the way he expected? why should God be providing for him the way he does not expect.

for instance... i ask my father for school fees and he buys me a car i might like or need a car but what i expected from my dad was school fees and not car.
. Because he is God that is why. His ways are higher than our own and so are his thoughts. There is a difference between Need and Want, and what will sustain a man. God works according to his purpose for us not according to our personal preference, otherwise there would not be any poor man. "A loving Father does not grant every whim of his child." Time and Chance before us all, no prayer will change that. "There are acceptable prayers as well as an acceptable way to pray".
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by qstar(m): 2:45pm On Jul 19, 2014
fubbyy: Can someone please teach me how to BOLd some words when quoting someone

There are things in some posts I really need to comment on which I need to make a bold line

Seems you are using a mobile phone. If it's an android phone, then try this:

[b]the desired sentence[/gb]

Just remove the "g" before the last "b", then you're good to go.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Mustapha111888(m): 3:41pm On Jul 19, 2014
fubbyy: Its almost 29 years now which God has never answered any thing like prayer for me, both the one I prayed and the one prayed on my head

I was born on 16th of december 1985, since then till now God has never answered any prayer said on my head or the one I prayed

"Keep praying ! Keep praying ! He'll answer someday,he's not sleeping,be patient with him, a patient dog eat the fattest bone

These are words of encouragement I get when I complain,I've done all sorts of prayer in this life, I've drank fasting like tea, I graduated from doing 6-6 to 3 days dry fasting,I've gone to the monastery enugu,I've gone to different mountains to pray

Is this not enough reason to disbelief God?

D fact that u r still alive shows God is answering your prayer. Remember been alive alone is privilege not your right.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Weah96: 4:03pm On Jul 19, 2014
Mustapha111888: D fact that u r still alive shows God is answering your prayer. Remember been alive alone is privilege not your right.

This is not the teachings of the bible. The bible is very clear about the outcome of prayers, with some elaborate illustrations.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by fubbyy(m): 8:04pm On Jul 19, 2014

Seems you are using a mobile phone. If it's an android phone, then try this:

[b]the desired sentence[/gb]

Just remove the "g" before the last "b", then you're good to go.
I use bb curve 3, can it do it?
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by qstar(m): 8:54pm On Jul 19, 2014
fubbyy: I use bb curve 3, can it do it?

Maybe you should just try it, first.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by joezakdeen(m): 10:00pm On Jul 19, 2014
fubbyy: I use bb curve 3, can it do it?
i knw of one atheist who repented nd came to knw d reality of God after he came to realise nature is beyon the understandin of som of his profesors who claim God is not der. He realy testified hw they wer determine to tempt the faith of christian wid deir science so dat they go astray frm God's path. Buh truely God being his witnes, God has realy opened His eye fr true knowlegde wen he started to doubt wat his profesors says nd started to read d bible fr proof. Truely he found it fr the truth he said is hidden frm those who think they ar wise nd knws evrytin. We christians ar aware of the works of atheist thru d devil to wis souls fr satan. If u doubt God, prove wher actualy mankind came frm if u dnt bliv the almighty creatd.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Nobody: 10:14pm On Jul 19, 2014
pls help me ask that guy if he had ever surrendered his life to Jesus before.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by joezakdeen(m): 11:12pm On Jul 19, 2014
i am glad you know that

dont be glad because it not frm me bro. I quoted frm the book of true divine knowledge(Bible) nd tnd God u knw dat too. Seek the truth frm the bible odawise u wil proof to me wher ur great great grandfather nd deir father's came frm. God is the creator of evrytin b4 science built on it. It doesnt make science superior nd because of dat dnt be blind enough to forget God. Tnx
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by Weah96: 2:38am On Jul 20, 2014
joezakdeen: If u doubt God, prove wher actualy mankind came frm if u dnt bliv the almighty creatd.

Non sequitur.
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by joezakdeen(m): 6:42am On Jul 20, 2014

Non sequitur.
funny! Dats tot block of ur empty head. It realy folows wat we ar sayin ok. Hv u forgoten u guys said u hv a reason to disbliv God. If u dnt hv proof, u beta shut up, take d bible nd learn sense.(sory fr dat). I wil giv u time to ask ur scientists or parents or anybody who hv deceived u up to dis xtent which u r goin to realise ur ignorance, dat they shud help u trace wher they came frm, nd if they r dull enough to tell me its an ape? Jx ask dem wer the ape came frm. Truely, they wil also hv tot block which clearly shows dat God is real nd is the creator of the universe in which d atheist finds himself. He realy created us for eternal life buh out of sin, death came our way. God has given us anoda oportunity thru Christ who stil strengthens us on earth both in our rise nd fall. Nd now as it is apointed onto man to die,judgement awaits fr justification dat u ar holy enough to b wid God. Seek the truth nd d truth shall set u free ye hypocrite! God stil luvs u
Re: Is This Not Enough Reason To disBelief God? by joezakdeen(m): 6:54am On Jul 20, 2014

Non sequitur.
quod verissime dicitur.n

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