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Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 9:46pm On Oct 10, 2008
What do you guys think of all the hate-monging that has been going on at GOP rallies recently? The lunatics have finally taken over the asylum. They have turned the McCain/Palin rallies into a lynch mob. McCain has not done enough to quench the thirst for blood whilst Palin keeps stoking the fires of hatred. This is no longer a rational election, but an emotion filled hatefest. I just wonder what everyone thinks about this. Frankly, it disgusts me. Ron Paul has tried to steer the GOP to a more moderate direction, but these irrational lunatics are going to lose this and many other elections for the GOP.

I was always a fan of McCain until he chose Sarah Palin. As a conservative writer observed the other day, Sarah Palin is exactly the type of cancer that the GOP need to move away from. It is funny how certain Nairalanders are not enthused about the Republican ticket until the extremist neocons are on the ticket. I hope they can now see what these lunatics represent and that is intolerance. Hate Radio and Hate TV such as Fox News is finally coming full circle. These people are angry that the fictional viewpoints they imbibe from right-wing media are not being reinforced by mainstream media. This frustration is leading them to take their frustrations out at GOP rallies. These guys are laying the foundation for civil unrest.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 10:30pm On Oct 10, 2008
For those who have missed the news:

[center]Palin's Mob: The Modern Day Rebecca Felton [/center]

I mean that in all seriousness. Palin and McCain right now are leading a lynch mob (in the literal sense) against Obama. She has become a modern day Rebecca Latimer Felton. For those who don't know, Rebecca Latimer Felton is Georgia's only female Senator from the 1920's. She was a vigorous defender of hatred towards "the other" as a means of obtaining power. She was a populist who happily defended lynching in the name of Christianity and protecting "white womanhood." Because having audience members shout TERRORIST and KILL HIM while you approvingly smile is clearly in following the teachings of Jesus Christ.

And so we have our 21st Century Rebecca Felton: another hateful bigot who obviously mentions Obama "pallin' around with terrorists" in the hopes of associating him with Muslims. You know it. And I know it. Lets call it what it is. She doesn't say "William Ayers." She doesn't say "Domestic terrorist." She flat out says Obama is around terrorists and the only reason you'D do that is associate him with Islam.

During her hate speech down in Florida, people in the audience shouted "TERRORIST" and "TREASON" at the mere mention of Obama's name. Someone at a McCain rally shouted "KILL HIM." Palin's mob called some African-American reporter the N-word and told him to "sit down, boy." They threw things at the reporters. This is Sarah Palin's America and its rooted in the same hateful strain of populism as Rebecca Felton's 1920's America. Nothing but contempt for anyone who questions them and doesn't share their hateful view of the world and the "others." They are even playing the Hussein Card.

And yet Republicans turn to people like me in perplexed fashion and wonder why minorities won't vote for them. Now, I don't recall anyone at any Obama or Biden rally audibly shouting "KILL HIM" and if someone actually shouted that, Obama would have the dignity to shout them down. Hell I don't remember anyone even shouting KILL HIM at the mention of Bush's name. Not so with Palin or McCain. Their hate speech does nothing more than legitimize violence against Obama. If Obama is shot by one of the many people that McCain-Palin are inciting by calls of Obama being a "dangerous outsider" then Obama's blood is on the hands of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

And frankly who the mess is William Ayers? Is he going to have a seat in the White House? Is he Obama's Vice President? No? Then chill the mess out and talk about the issues will you? Where was McCain's infinite wisdom when we went to war when we shouldn't have? Where was his judgment and wisdom when he said this would be a cakewalk and we'D be greeted as liberators? Republicans don't seem to care that their Presidential candidate is 72 and their Vice Presidential candidate is a nutjob, but they care passionately about some 1960's radical. Isn't Palin the one that said we should be looking forward and not backward?

All the Republican Party has right now is hatred, bitterness, and vile towards anyone who isn't "like them." That's all they got. No ideas. No solutions, just hate. They hate Obama, they hate Hillary, they hate Bill, they hate Ted Kennedy. All they do is hate. And you damn right I got hate too. I hate George W. Bush, but George W. Bush earned that hatred. What has Obama done to this country to earn the type of unmigitated and irrational hate that comes from the Republican Party? Nothing. He's just there and standing in the way. That's all they need to feed off the hatred that runs deep and wide in the Party of "inclusion." Or some bullshit.

Palin and McCain and this Party are nothing more than a roving mob that goes from one target to the next to the next to the next. When they can't hate African-Americans, they hate gays or Hispanics or some new scapegoat. And there is Sarah Palin, in all her unqualified, ignorant, witch doctor worshipping, hateful glory leading the hate mob
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by RichyBlacK(m): 10:37pm On Oct 10, 2008

We've mapped their genome since faaaaar-baaaaack.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by plusQueen: 10:42pm On Oct 10, 2008
the more reason why they shouldn't win.They've sunken lower than the spirogyra at ariara market
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 10:42pm On Oct 10, 2008


We've mapped their genome since faaaaar-baaaaack.

Of course, astute guys such as we are, mapped their genome way back. I am just wondering what all our staunch Republican friends such as Tayo-D, Kobo, 4Play and Toshmann make of all this mess. I remember 4Play arguing hell for leather with me that GOP is not a redneck party. As for Negro Ntns, I don't have to ask. I expect he will be revoking his GOP membership card after the events of the last week.  grin grin
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 10:47pm On Oct 10, 2008
America needs to be careful. All this hatred could soon spill into civil unrest if left unchecked. It is time for McCain to check his party. His legacy is at stake. Do not be surprised if one of these loons try to take out Obama.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by davidylan4(m): 10:50pm On Oct 10, 2008
Is this the Palin accusing Biden of “So, Joe there you go again looking back again. . .” when he talked of George Bush (who is still president by the way) now "looking forward" to 1969?
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by RichyBlacK(m): 10:52pm On Oct 10, 2008

America needs to be careful. All this hatred could soon spill into civil unrest if left unchecked. It is time for McCain to check his party. His legacy is at stake. Do not be surprised if one of these loons try to take out Obama.

No shaking. I can assure you that the secret service (with covert assistance from the FBI) is already investigating those who called for Obama's murder. You know the SS do not publicize their investigations. Those guys will be answering questions by next week.

As per Obama's security, iron-clad is the closest term grin. Those rednecks can't come near him. This isn't the sixties anymore!
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by plusQueen: 10:59pm On Oct 10, 2008
why do I keep thinking that one day that blockhead called sarah palin will wake up and realize she's neither running for a pencil skirt contest nor some pie  baking prom queen competition in chataanooga  where you can just show up as an airhead shout yeeeeeeeeeeee    hawwwwwww and parade on stage.
Can't her woman wrapper husband Todd wake up and tell her the hard truth
"honey,this job requires a smart man or woman and you ain't it"
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by RichyBlacK(m): 11:02pm On Oct 10, 2008

why do I keep thinking that one day that blockhead called sarah palin will wake up and realize she's nor running for a pencil skirt contest nor some pie baking prom queen competition where you can just show up as an airhead shout yeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwww and parade on stage.
Can't her woman wrapper husband Todd wake up tell her
"honey,this job requires a smart man or woman and you ain't it"

The Moose-head is just enjoying the free ride, soon she'll be back in Alaska cooperating with investigators.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by davidylan4(m): 11:02pm On Oct 10, 2008

why do I keep thinking that one day that blockhead called sarah palin will wake up and realize she's neither running for a pencil skirt contest nor some pie  baking prom queen competition in chataanooga where you can just show up as an airhead shout yeeeeeeeeeeee    hawwwwwww and parade on stage.
Can't her woman wrapper husband Todd wake up tell her
"honey,this job requires a smart man or woman and you ain't it"

aitn gonna happen, one thing Sarah Palin is well and truly aware of . . . her skin color is one reason she can get away with anything. If Obama were the one who bombed on the Katie Couric interview he'd lose this election 80%-20%.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by davidylan4(m): 11:04pm On Oct 10, 2008
I'm reading a blog online now and i thought some of the comments where a bit interesting:

What's funny is that these McCain/Palin supporters want to say that they dislike Barack Obama because he "associates with terrorists" and yet these same people seem to have NO problem whatsoever with the fact that Sarah Palin and her husband Todd have extremely close ties (Todd was a longtime member and Sarah has attended various events for years) of a true terrorist group, the Alaska Independence Party (AIP), who's only goal is to secede from the United States for pure hatred of the American government.

One of the more well-known statements of their founder, Joe Vogler, was "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions. The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home." (en.wikipedia.org)

If Obama had even attended ONE event of a group like this, there wouldn't be a cave deep enough for him to hide in but for some reason, it's okay for Sarah Six-Pack!

Some pls tell me racism isnt alive and well.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Nobody: 11:33pm On Oct 10, 2008
Here they are on camera commenting on if they think Obama is a terrorist. Only one said no.


You'll hear things like.
"It's in his blood lines".  "his middle name".  "between the ages of 1 and 6 he was with Islamic. . .".

There is also a video where a womans' child says "you need a glove to touch him". (nice to put a face on such racist tripe I usually read on the internet).
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by davidylan4(m): 11:35pm On Oct 10, 2008
I watched that yesterday, impressive how the reporter kept trying to make them see the stupidity behind the oft abused "we still dont know Obama" excuse. How can you not know a man who has been campaigning for 2 yrs, given tons of interviews and yet you know a woman who u merely heard of only 5 weeks ago?

If that aint racism pls wake me up from sleep.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 12:23am On Oct 11, 2008

If that aint racism please wake me up from sleep.

The elephant in the room that the likes of Kobojunkie keep denying is surely rearing it's trunk over the airspace of America.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Nobody: 1:16am On Oct 11, 2008

No shaking. I can assure you that the secret service (with covert assistance from the FBI) is already investigating those who called for Obama's murder. You know the SS do not publicize their investigations. Those guys will be answering questions by next week.

As per Obama's security, iron-clad is the closest term grin. Those rednecks can't come near him. This isn't the sixties anymore!

I hope so. With scenes like the one refered to in the link. The SS might just have a tough job to do.


"A sense of grievance spilling into rage has gripped some GOP events this week as McCain supporters see his presidential campaign lag against Obama. Some in the audience are making it personal, against the Democrat. Shouts of "traitor," "terrorist," "treason," "liar," and even "off with his head" have rung from the crowd at McCain and Sarah Palin rallies, and gone unchallenged by them.

McCain changed his tone Friday when supporters at a town hall pressed him to be rougher on Obama. A voter said, "The people here in Minnesota want to see a real fight." Another said Obama would lead the US. into socialism. Another said he did not want his unborn child raised in a country led by Obama."

"I don't trust Obama," a woman said. "I have read about him. He's an Arab."
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by TayoD1(m): 1:54am On Oct 11, 2008

Of course, astute guys such as we are, mapped their genome way back. I am just wondering what all our staunch Republican friends such as Tayo-D, Kobo, 4Play and Toshmann make of all this mess. I remember 4Play arguing hell for leather with me that GOP is not a redneck party. As for Negro Ntns, I don't have to ask. I expect he will be revoking his GOP membership card after the events of the last week.
First and foremost, I am not a Republican. That I tend to support one of two evils does not make me a part and parcel of the one I consider the lesser evil. The truth is that we are in a position to choose either head or tail and choosing one over the other is just a reflection of lack of alternatives.

Granted, some rhetorics that we've seen this week are extreme. But if I may ask you guys in all sincereity. Do you think this is limited to the Republicans? The vitriol of hate is home to the Democrats far ahead of the Republicans. Where were you all when the Leftists were calling for and even made a movie about the assassination of President Bush? On this forum alone, people have been calling Sarah Palin all manner of names just because she holds a different point of view and is a threat to their desires.

Was it not the Leftist who said on record recently that Sarah Palin shouldn't come to Chicago because she will be gang-raped by hefty black brothers. Where was the rage here?

If anybody has been inciting hatred, it is the Barack camp. Racial hatred to be exact. Didn't Bill Clinton claim that Obama played the race card on him and the memos he recovered indicate Obama planned to play that card all along? What could incite public unrest more than racism? Even the Democratic Senate Leader this week made some outragious claim of racism. Can anyone show me and prove that any Republican Leader ever used Race in this election to divide people?

One of Obama's recent ad in spanish was another racial bait which was full of lies. He twisted Rush Limbaugh's words to divide and encourage suspicion among the different races.

If we are to be objective in this issue, we cannot but acknowledge the nut-cases on either side. But while I see McCain encouraging and correcting the wrong notion in the heads of his supporters, I have not seen Obama do the same on his part.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by BigB11(m): 1:57am On Oct 11, 2008
First and foremost, I am not a Republican.

This is the joke of the year!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by BigB11(m): 1:59am On Oct 11, 2008
@Tayo D:

Guess what? I'm not a Nigerian!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by BigB11(m): 2:03am On Oct 11, 2008
Before going out naked like a clown to support absolute rubbish (that you clearly do not know), it is always clever to first ask yourself if you would be willing to put your money where your mouth is!

Even a 2 year old knows this protocol.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by bawomolo(m): 2:33am On Oct 11, 2008
they are desperate at this point, so what do you expect. i'm watching faux news on Nov.4 grin
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 2:43am On Oct 11, 2008

On this forum alone, people have been calling Sarah Palin all manner of names just because she holds a different point of view and is a threat to their desires.

Forums offer anonymity to say whatever people want to say that they wouldn't say in a real social setting. I have dissed Sarah Palin because I recognised the ideology she represented from day one. Would I and others do that at a rally? No! SHE is the race-baiter here. SHE is in the position of power to drive people's emotions. Right from the GOP conference, she started her race-baiting with "community organiser" inferences. We know what the phock she was trying to say. . . . and she has taken it to the next level this week.


Was it not the Leftist who said on record recently that Sarah Palin shouldn't come to Chicago because she will be gang-raped by hefty black brothers. Where was the rage here? .

Which leftist where? Did you hear this at an Obama/Biden rally - or do you want to attribute every nutjob black power statement to the Democrats like Fox News are trying to do with Louis Farrakhan. It is all over youtube. The overwhelming majority of your party base are nutjob rednecks. First and foremost, Democrats are not leftists, they are centrists. Real leftist are the likes of Fidel and Hugo. I repeat: America has a right and a centre. There is no left in America.


If anybody has been inciting hatred, it is the Barack camp. Racial hatred to be exact. Didn't Bill Clinton claim that Obama played the race card on him and the memos he recovered indicate Obama planned to play that card all along? What could incite public unrest more than racism? .

Negro please! Obama has been the model of restraint throughout this whole process. Do you know how many times race has been used against Obama and he has not reacted? Please don't start! I don't even know where to start if I was to point out the examples where race or the fear of his race was used against Obama in this campaign - and he never reacted. His hands are tied behind his back because any strategist will tell you that a black man cannot win if the election becomes a debate about race. That is why Obama has never brought it up.


Even the Democratic Senate Leader this week made some outragious claim of racism. Can anyone show me and prove that any Republican Leader ever used Race in this election to divide people?

The Associated Press said that Palin's statements are tinged with racism. I repeat: Associated Press. Democrats only spoke about it after AP released the statement about Sarah Palin.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by TayoD1(m): 3:04am On Oct 11, 2008

Forums offer anonymity to say whatever people want to say that they wouldn't say in a real social setting. I have dissed Sarah Palin because I recognised the ideology she represented from day one. SHE is the race-baiter here. SHE is in the position of power to drive people's emotions. Right from the GOP conference, she started her race-baiting with "community organiser" inferences. We know what the phock she was trying to say. . . . and she has taken it to the next level this week.
Maybe you should start listening to what she has to say rather than reading meanings to her every word. Every non-biased observer knows that here inference to Community Organiser was in response to Obama's ridiculing of her experience as a Mayor. I can't even connect the dots to imagine in my wildest dream that she was race-baiting. Obama calls himself a Community Organiser. Is he race baiting too? Are all Community Organizers black? I mean Ibime, I consider you more intellectually honest and reliable than this.

Which leftist where? Did you hear this at an Obama/Biden rally - or do you want to attribute every nutjob black power statement to the Democrats like Fox News are trying to do with Louis Farrakhan. It is all over youtube.
Was it not Obama who at a rally (not once or twice) was saying I do not look like all those Presidents on the dollar bill? What more evidence of race-baiting do you want? Like I said before Bill Clinton claimed Obama was race-baiting. Was he delusional? So while you know there are nut-jobs out there, you prefer to ignore this when it involves the Republicans. And by the way, what about Harry Reid's racial comments this week? Should he also be considered an irrelevant nut-case?

The overwhelming majority of your party base are nutjob rednecks. First and foremost, Democrats are not leftists, they are centrists. Real leftist are the likes of Fidel and Hugo. I repeat: America has a right and a centre. There is no left in America.
There you go again with racism. Are you so blind to the fact that you guys are the once being racist here? I diagree with you. The Republicans are now Centrists while the Democrats are left-leaning. Maybe not fully left, but they are almost there.

Negro please! Obama has been the model of restraint throughout this whole process. Do you know how many times race has been used against Obama and he has not reacted? Please don't start! I don't even know where to start if I was to point out the examples where race or the fear of his race was used against Obama in this campaign - and he never reacted. His hands are tied behind his back because any strategist will tell you that a black man cannot win if the election becomes a debate about race. That is why Obama has never brought it up.
Obama model of restraint? Have you read his Book? He has continually used race in this campaign. Bill Clinton, the "first US Black President" said has much.  The same Obama who consistently declares he does not look like the other Presidents on the dollar? The same guy who said others have an anti-pathy to those who do not look like them? The same Obama who called his grandma a "typical white person"? My guy, I can see your reason is now beclouded by something else. My question: Was Clinton delusional to accuse Obama of race baiting?

The Associated Press said that Palin's statements are tinged with racism. I repeat: Associated Press. Democrats only spoke about it after AP released the statement about Sarah Palin.
Forget the Associated Press or any one of them.  They are all in the bag for Obama. You only need to show us any clip where Palin used racism. She's the most scrutinized person in the world and it shouldn't take you too much effort to prove this. For once, try not to take any of the press at their words. I want you to show us what those statements are.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by savanaha: 3:15am On Oct 11, 2008
Where is kobomonkey to ask if the people shouting "traitor" said they were racist, had racism in their blood. If their DNA was sequenced to find if they would be willing to kill Obama because he is black. If the black reporter that was spat at was actually black. If it was spit and not accidental teeth falling. If he was a reporter.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 4:52am On Oct 11, 2008
I am not going to address all your points. . . . but these I will address:


Maybe you should start listening to what she has to say rather than reading meanings to her every word.

I don't need to listen to Palin. I already know all her talking points. The only Republicans I listen to are moderates like Ron Paul and John McCain. I have a natural disdain for anyone who the "Republican base" is enthused about. I know the kind of people that "Republican base" like and I disagree entirely with their ideology

Accusations of "palling around with terrorists" are nothing but race baiting. According to David Gergen and Ed Rollins who both worked for Ronald Reagan's campaign, Sarah Palin's behaviour this week has no place in American politics. 

I don't need a psychology degree to analyse the effects of many of her statements. The notion that a highly educated, Harvard trained mixed race man is a risky pick is in itself offensive not to talk of more serious inferences. If you want to have an honest discussion about race, lets have it. Most people have pathological prejudices, both black and white. Most of these people are not racist in the normal sense of the word, but certain pathological fears can be tapped into by politicians. The fears McPalin planted in people's minds have manifested at their campaign rallies this week. The proof is in the pudding. Lets not get into semantics here.


Was it not Obama who at a rally (not once or twice) was saying I do not look like all those Presidents on the dollar bill? What more evidence of race-baiting do you want? Like I said before Bill Clinton claimed Obama was race-baiting.

Can you remember how Nairalanders were so angry at Hillary Clinton for playing on the race issue? Many of us were incensed by Hillary's games and felt that Obama was put in a no-win situation once race came into play. If you remember correctly, Obama was winning everything till Hillary brought up the race issue. After that, he barely managed to limp over the finishing line. Has playing the race card ever got Tayo-D anywhere in life? - so I don't know why you would accuse your fellow black man of imaginary race-baiting when you know he has nothing to profit from it. Did Jesse Jackson get anywhere with it? Are you out of your mind? Those of us with common sense know that it does not profit any black politician to make race an issue in an election. Sorry for the harsh tone, but your argument is frankly bizarre. Whoever said Obama played the race card IS playing the reverse race card. That's a popular trick these days. grin grin grin

Obama was simply trying to assuage voter fears about his "difference". A difference which was accentuated by Hillary. He did not come out first and say he is different. He said it from a defensive position after all sorts of malicious rumours had been put out there about him being a muslim.

For someone who claims not to have watched Fox News recently, you definitely are spewing all their talking points. As for Bill Clinton, he was doing all he could to win the primaries for Hillary. He was absolutely wrong but that is part of the game. Part of the game of politics is to fling accusations at your opponent and see what sticks. It's all politics.

Campaign rhetoric should not be accepted as gospel truth - and we can apply that to Bill Clinton's statements in the primary. I have never taken Obama's accusations about McCain seriously. I have never called him McSame or anything like that. I have always respected him and I recognise he's a moderate. You should follow my example and stop swallowing rhetoric wholeheartedly about Obama playing the race card and other nonsense you come up with.


I diagree with you. The Republicans are now Centrists while the Democrats are left-leaning. Maybe not fully left, but they are almost there.

This is a simple litmus test - The Conservative party of Britain is more socialist than the Democrats. Can you name one major right-wing party in Europe which is more in favour of the free-market than Democrats? If you compare them to Europe, you will find that left-wing Europeans are to the left of the Democrats and right-wing Europeans occupy the same political space on the spectrum as the democrats do.

On the other hand, you will find NO GOVERNMENT in the rest of the civilised world as right wing as the Republicans. There are no neocons in Europe except in fringe parties. So how can you claim the centre-ground? Again, you are just spewing talking points from neocon shows. Your assertion has absolutely NO basis in reality. On any simple litmus test, you are wrong.

If you are 4ft tall and the rest of the World is 6ft, it is not because you are average height and they are tall. It is because they are average height and you are short.

I repeat: America has a centre and a right. There is no left-wing in America. Prove me wrong by using other civilised nations as a measuring scale!


Forget the Associated Press or any one of them.  They are all in the bag for Obama.

The Associated Press is the only reasonable voice of America right now. Do you know that partizan advocacy amongst media organisations is illegal in the UK? It is a dangerous road and a threat to democracy. Lest we forget, all these rumours of Obama being a muslim started on Fox news. In Britain, you will never have a media organisation tell a factual untruth. Funny how everyone on Fox News believes that the mainstream media is for Obama. Is this some delusional paranoia? I have told you to stop watching Fox News so you can have a better outlook on life! Katie Couric, a softball journalist asks Sarah Palin a softball question and she blames mainstream media. Every single thing, the lunatics blame mainstream media. Do you know that the mainstream media are the only ones keeping this election process sane? If not for guys like CNN and CBS, this whole process would be a hate-filled, irrational slugfest that would manifest itself on the street. I made an important point earlier and I'm surprised you didn't pick up on it:


These people are angry that the fictional viewpoints they imbibe from right-wing media are not being reinforced by mainstream media. This frustration is leading them to take their frustrations out at GOP rallies.

This applies to you my friend!
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by TayoD1(m): 12:46pm On Oct 11, 2008

I don't need to listen to Palin. I already know all her talking points.
Your arguments are looking more and more like a joke. You do not listen to, nor know what someone says and yet you jump to conclusions about that person. Does this seem logical and mainstream to you? So you are here condemning someone based on articles by others who cannot even produce a single racist staement that she made. Ibime, please redeem thyself.

The only Republicans I listen to are moderates like Ron Paul and John McCain. I have a natural disdain for anyone who the "Republican base" is enthused about. I know the kind of people that "Republican base" like and I disagree entirely with their ideology
You like McCain hen? Guess who Palin's No 1 fan is: McCain. I don't know what ideology you are talking about but I am more impressed by Palin than anyone else on this Presidential race. Let us apply your guilt by association principle to Barack as well. Should I have a disdain for Obama simply because Luis Farakkhan called him the Messiah? Should I condemn him because of the enthusiasm he has generated on the far-left as well, even as far as in Europe? I do not support him because of his policies, plain and simple.

Accusations of "palling around with terrorists" are nothing but race baiting.
If I may ask you. Is William Ayers, whom Palin was principally refering to White or Black? If you start asking reasonable questions, you will see that you are enraged for no reason at all. William Ayers is White and he is the terrorists that she was talking about. Of course CNN and AP wont tell you that.

According to David Gergen and Ed Rollins who both worked for Ronald Reagan's campaign, Sarah Palin's behaviour this week has no place in American politics.
What behaviour? What has she said wrong. She has only commadeered the same kind of rock-star status that Obama has been enjoying. Please understand that I do not just take people's words for it, I consider facts. Where are the facts in this case?

I don't need a psychology degree to analyse the effects of many of her statements. The notion that a highly educated, Harvard trained mixed race man is a risky pick is in itself offensive not to talk of more serious inferences.
Pardon people's suspicion of the man that could be their next president. As humble citizens, they should ignore the fact that his mentor for years is a hate-mongering racist preacher. They should look over the fact that he launched his political career in the living room of a convicted terrorist who said after 911 that he wished he had done more grievous acts of terrorism.

If you want to have an honest discussion about race, lets have it. Most people have pathological prejudices, both black and white. Most of these people are not racist in the normal sense of the word, but certain pathological fears can be tapped into by politicians. The fears McPalin planted in people's minds have manifested at their campaign rallies this week. The proof is in the pudding. Lets not get into semantics here.
What semantics? To delve into semantics, you will have to present statements that can be used to argue one way or the other. You have so far failed in that quest. Do you think Obama has such prejudices as well? Would you think it is that prejudice that made him declare that Whites have an antipathy to people who do not look like them? Go figure!

so I don't know why you would accuse your fellow black man of imaginary race-baiting when you know he has nothing to profit from it. Did Jesse Jackson get anywhere with it? Are you out of your mind? Those of us with common sense know that it does not profit any black politician to make race an issue in an election. Sorry for the harsh tone, but your argument is frankly bizarre. Whoever said Obama played the race card IS playing the reverse race card. That's a popular trick these days.
Now that is classic race card you just played. This is the guilt that many of you are trying to put on us to support Obama, not because of his policies, but because he is a "fellow black man". To be honest with you, the sking colour makes no difference to me. If I think of anyone as my fellow, it is first "my fellow human". My guy, it depends on how RACE is used. Obama has now used it so succefully to incite hatred towards the Republicans. You are yet to tell us what McCain that caused Obama to declare that (my paraphrase) "they will try to make you scared of me by saying I have a funny name, and I do not look like all the other Presidents on the dollar bill." And besides, these were said before Palin came into the picture. Was she also responsible for these?

Obama was simply trying to assuage voter fears about his "difference". A difference which was accentuated by Hillary. He did not come out first and say he is different. He said it from a defensive position after all sorts of malicious rumours had been put out there about him being a muslim.
So is Hillary a Republican? Or is she Sarah Palin, Phase 2? Is it in defense of himself that he declared also that "Whites have an antipathy to people who do not look like them"?

For someone who claims not to have watched Fox News recently, you definitely are spewing all their talking points.
You are obviously more crazy about Fox News than I am. I have basic Cable which does not include Fox News. The only subscription above the basic that I have is Fox Soccer Channel.

As for Bill Clinton, he was doing all he could to win the primaries for Hillary. He was absolutely wrong but that is part of the game. Part of the game of politics is to fling accusations at your opponent and see what sticks. It's all politics.
In other words, you are saying Bill Clinton is racist! One thing is sure, Democrats are much more crazy about RACE than Republicans.

Campaign rhetoric should not be accepted as gospel truth - and we can apply that to Bill Clinton's statements in the primary. I have never taken Obama's accusations about McCain seriously. I have never called him McSame or anything like that. I have always respected him and I recognise he's a moderate. You should follow my example and stop swallowing rhetoric wholeheartedly about Obama playing the race card and other nonsense you come up with.
You should take your own advise and stop shouting racism just because some News Channel say so. Everything I have said about Obama here are either his words or his history which can be verified. So far, you have not produced any proof of Republicans using the RACE card. The Democrats have won that race (no pun intended), hands down.

I repeat: America has a centre and a right. There is no left-wing in America. Prove me wrong by using other civilised nations as a measuring scale!
I'm surprised by this statement. You determine who is on the right or the left by policies, not associations. True conservatives are at odds with McCain. Leftists with Obama. Hugo Chavez recently praised William Ayer's effort at education reforem. This is the same Ayers that served on an education board with Obama. The same Obama that was voted as the most Liberal Senator last year. It doesn't take much to put two and two together. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/10/william_ayers_and_hugo_chavez.html

The Associated Press is the only reasonable voice of America right now. Do you know that partizan advocacy amongst media organisations is illegal in the UK? It is a dangerous road and a threat to democracy. Lest we forget, all these rumours of Obama being a muslim started on Fox news. In Britain, you will never have a media organisation tell a factual untruth. Funny how everyone on Fox News believes that the mainstream media is for Obama. Is this some delusional paranoia? I have told you to stop watching Fox News so you can have a better outlook on life! Katie Couric, a softball journalist asks Sarah Palin a softball question and she blames mainstream media. Every single thing, the lunatics blame mainstream media. Do you know that the mainstream media are the only ones keeping this election process sane? If not for guys like CNN and CBS, this whole process would be a hate-filled, irrational slugfest that would manifest itself on the street. I made an important point earlier and I'm surprised you didn't pick up on it:
You are obviously talking about and idealism that does not exist. Where did you get you info about Sarah race-baiting? This you are claiming on the www without any iota of proof and you are saying the Press isn't biased? When you saw an out-of-context TV shot of McCain's rally of people who claim to be angry, do you know what it is they are angry about? Of course they won't show you the main reason. That clip was taken out of context in Wisconsin (our neigbours). The main reason was for the financial meltdown and the fact that McCain wasn't naming names. McCain responded by naming at least two Democrats who were responsible and he promised to do more. Of course you didn't knw that before because your so-called unbiased news outlet didn't want you to know.

These people are angry that the fictional viewpoints they imbibe from right-wing media are not being reinforced by mainstream media. This frustration is leading them to take their frustrations out at GOP rallies. This applies to you my friend!
Is Obama's ties to Ayers fictional? Is his work with ACORN fictional? Why aren't they reporting the fact that Obama was part of ACORN's legal team that sued Fannie Mae and forced them to give out risky loans? Is that fictional? Was Hillary spewing fiction when she said Obama's ties to Ayers need to be investigated? I've got news for you, now these New outlets are beginning to ask questions they should have asked long ago. This is causing some truths to be revealed. http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=307667123149723

At the Primaries, Obama caimed that Ayers was just someone who lived down the street. Now that the truth of his association with him is becoming clearer to the American public, he now claims as at this last week, that he thought Ayers was rehabilitated. We are getting to know the truth more and more now.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 3:42pm On Oct 11, 2008
Tayo-D, not to belabour the point, but please name ONE major established political party in Europe which is more right-wing than Republicans with the possible exception of Italy.

William Ayres is not a Democrat, nor is he representative of the Democratic viewpoint. Your whole argument that the Democrats are leftist because William Ayres is leftist is frankly laughable.

The Conservative party of Britain is more left-wing than the democrats. There has been no left in America since the days of McCarthyism.

Please NAME ONE European country more right wing than Republicans. Stop ducking the issue. It's a simple litmus test. Or is the whole of Europe leftist as well? If so, what will you call South America? Leftest? grin grin grin

As for race, lets agree to disagree. You are so far gone, there is no common ground between us. I challenge you to make a poll: "Has Obama played the race card in this campaign?". . . . and see how Nairalanders respond to it. That should show you how out of touch you are. Like I said before, Obama has shown great self restraint during this campaign.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by TayoD1(m): 5:14pm On Oct 11, 2008

Tayo-D, not to belabour the point, but please name ONE major established political party in Europe which is more right-wing than Republicans with the possible exception of Italy.
In Austria, we have the Alliance for the Future of Austria and the Freedom Party. They are quite comparable to the RNC of today.

William Ayres is not a Democrat, nor is he representative of the Democratic viewpoint. Your whole argument that the Democrats are leftist because William Ayres is leftist is frankly laughable.
That was not my argument. I wasn't refering to the DNC as a whole but to Obama. You do not invite someone for a political fund-raising in your home except you have very closely matched ideology. They've also served together as Executives on at least 2 Boards. These are social organizations and not commercial ones.

The Conservative party of Britain is more left-wing than the democrats. There has been no left in America since the days of McCarthyism.
The fact is that the Democrats are moving more and more to the Left everyday while the RNC is moving to the center.

Please NAME ONE European country more right wing than Republicans. Stop ducking the issue. It's a simple litmus test. Or is the whole of Europe leftist as well? If so, what will you call South America? Leftest?
I have named one above. I'm sure you know how difficult it is to categorize a political party becuse of the different policies they promote. However, the point here is that they are left leaning and are moving more and more towards it.

As for race, lets agree to disagree. You are so far gone, there is no common ground between us. I challenge you to make a poll: "Has Obama played the race card in this campaign?". . . . and see how Nairalanders respond to it. That should show you how out of touch you are. Like I said before, Obama has shown great self restraint during this campaign.
Polls are not always a refelction of facts, but of personal preferences and prejudices. I have presented facts so far while quoting Obama and highlighting his history. You have not done same for either McCain, Palin or the RNC.

Until now, I used to think of you as an impassioned debater who considers facts to take a position. You have totally shatterd that image in your arguments on this thread.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by NegroNtns(m): 6:15pm On Oct 11, 2008

Let's be frank, there's nothing the Republicans are doing that is new. This is how both sides, Dems and Reps have always ran campaigns. This is the first time that people enmasee have trully turned attention to every word spoken on the stump, to every rally, to every ad, to every controversy and spins coming out of the opponents camp. This is the first time that people across the electorate are awakened to the dirtiness, the ugliness and the brutalities of campaigning and quite naturally, its a turn off.

Do not blame Republicans for it - what you are seeing from the McCain camp is the tradition of American politics. The Obama camp is also dirty and ugly and brutal but less so than the other side. If Hillary had been the nominee, what you are currently witnessing is nothing in comparison to the cross-fires that we will witness on both sides.

Go back to 1996 when Clinton faced off with Bob Dole. There were calls from rallying supporters of Dole on the campaign trail that called for Clinton to be assassinated. Robert Kennedy was assasinated on the campaign trail. It is abhoring to go to that extremity and called for the opponents head but hey, isnt that how it is done in Nigeria?

In Nigeria supporters ambush their opponents, kidnap them, soak with gasoline and set them ablaze. Yes, it is ugly but this is the nature of Politics. Do not attribute it as a Republican disease. To do so will be allowing your emotions to guide your political choice instead of guiding it with your reasoning.

On Obama - Ayers' association, there is a technical hurdle for Obama. As the President he has the highest security clearance and this level of access he will share with other prominent people critical to the national security. When there is doubt in the background of an applicant to that clearance or there is a gap in their biological or chronological profile, a polygraph test is given. It contains a bunch of questions and one of them is a question that asks the subject, and I paraphrase this, if he/she has knowingly been in contact, associate with, support or receive support from a terrorist.

On the surface it looks as if this is no more than a silly attack but Obama need to respond to it early and dissipate the current. The technicality can become a legal battle because it has to do with civic responsibility.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by toshmann(m): 6:53pm On Oct 11, 2008
at least we saw the real mccain as he told his surpporters that obama is a decent man. even as his own supporters booed him. this guy is good. the republicans hijacked his campaign for election purposes. politicians will do anything to win. . . democrats or republicans. people have called bush world's # I terrorists b4, abi?

racism is real in the US and the world. yes, some republicans went overboard, hatred was fanned, yes, but if u know the history of US politics, there is always extreme bitterness in every presidential election in the last I00yrs but we must acknowledge their greatness b/c in all these bitterness u never hear of anyone killed. unlike nigeria's elections.

at the end of the day na God get power. john mccain will be good as president, so will obama but i support mccain. i'm not a republican b/c i'm not american, if i were, i'll be republican.
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 8:51pm On Oct 11, 2008

In Austria, we have the Alliance for the Future of Austria and the Freedom Party. They are quite comparable to the RNC of today.

Those two party's are far right parties which just won 30% of the vote which caused uproar in Europe last week. They are new parties, not established and they are very far right. Claiming that they are similar to RNC is wrong. They are worse than RNC. If you think RNC is similar to them, then RNC would be just like Jean Le Pen's party in France which is a racist party.  grin grin grin.

I am glad you think they are comparable to RNC cos this is what they represent:

[center]Austria is stunned by right's election gains [/center]

[b]VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Austrians struggled Monday to understand the reasons behind a resurgence of the far right, a day after the country's two anti-immigration parties soared to almost 30 percent of the vote.

Some experts suggested the results Sunday reflected a deep-seated discontent with the outgoing governing coalition rather than a sign that Austrians were becoming more extremist.

The governing coalition between the center-left Social Democrats and the conservative People's Party collapsed in July after an 18-month alliance that hit snags over tax reforms and EU policy changes.

Two rightist parties _ the Freedom Party and the Alliance for the Future of Austria _ won a combined 29 percent in Sunday's balloting. Both parties advocate an end to immigration and the expulsion of foreigners and asylum seekers who commit crimes.

"Internationally, Austria is 'Naziland' yet again," an opinion piece in the Die Presse newspaper said. "That is the big failure of the grand coalition."

Peter Filzmaier, a political analyst, said the resurgence was not a question of ideology but a reflection of disappointment among workers and the lack of leftist parties to pick up the votes. Others questioned that view.

"Protest plays an important role, but why did all the votes go to the far-right?" asked Anton Pelinka, a professor at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.

The success of the far right brought back somber memories of Austria's 1999 elections, when the Freedom Party _ then headed by Joerg Haider _ won 27 percent of the vote. The party's subsequent inclusion in the government led to months of European Union sanctions over Haider's statements, which were seen as anti-Semitic or sympathetic to Adolf Hitler's labor policies.

Haider since has toned down his rhetoric and comes across as more moderate _ he did not emphasize the anti-foreigner angle too heavily during the election campaign.

But it was quite the opposite for the other leading rightist, Heinz-Christian Strache of the Freedom Party, whose campaign has been laced with anti-Islamic statements such as "the minaret has no place in Austria."

The rightists did particularly well with blue collar workers and the Freedom Party was the most popular party among those 30 years old and under, according to GfK Austria, a market research institute.

"Once again, it's the failure of the main parties and a growing group of rightist voters," he said. "It's a bit of both."[/b]

I agree. RNC is just like the two parties mentioned above. Finally, we agree on something! grin grin grin

However, these are not established parties, they are new parties. Give me an established major party please!
Re: Republicans have exposed themselves as intolerant & hateful this week. Discuss! by Ibime(m): 9:46pm On Oct 11, 2008
[center]John McCain rally in Iowa marked by partisan prayer[/center]

[b]Rev. Arnold Conrad, in delivering an invocation at a rally today for John McCain in Davenport, Iowa, apparently didn't get the word from the candidate about elevating the tone at such gatherings.

Conrad, who appeared before the crowd before McCain had arrived, offered a prayer that seemed to urge divine intervention to prevent Barack Obama from winning the presidential election -- and cast the outcome as a referendum on differing religions.

The Times' Maeve Reston was at the event, and she passed along the key passage from Conrad's words:

"I would also pray Lord that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their God -- whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah -- that his [McCain’s] opponent wins for a variety of reasons.

And Lord I pray that you would guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you would step forward and honor your own name in all that happens between now and Election Day.

Oh Lord, we just commit this time to you, move among us, make your presence very well felt as we are gathered here today in Jesus's name I pray."

Some in the crowd greeted the prayer with applause.

-- Don Frederick [/b]

What kind of people are these? 

There is a civil war in the Republican party. This is what happens when you pander to nutjobs in order to win elections. Those nutjobs will never allow GOP to be progressive. If you sow the seeds of intolerance, you must be prepared to reap the whirlwind.

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