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Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View - Culture (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Hopelect(m): 11:05am On Aug 06, 2014
AdeniyiA: i will lock him/her outside without prior notice
AdeniyiA: i will lock him/her outside without prior notice
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by M4gunners: 11:06am On Aug 06, 2014
As of now that am not married, any of my sisters or Cousin, can visit me without notice, as soon as I,m married, only my Mother is allowed to visit me anytime and day with or without notice.

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by homesteady(m): 11:31am On Aug 06, 2014
Must I tell my friend I'm coming to his house to visit him? No! Its not compulsory! If I don't meet him at home, that's my cup of tea!
Going to someone's house to stay is different from just going to visit! Its absolutely necessary to inform the person in the 1st case, but its not necessary to inform the person in the 2nd case!


Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by willorie(f): 11:38am On Aug 06, 2014
Visiting mua without prior notice? Friend, I'll just slam the door back at ur face without hesitation

Thank God, l dn't have such friends sha
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by zurine(f): 11:52am On Aug 06, 2014
so so true. prior notice is always needed
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Kajiang02(m): 11:57am On Aug 06, 2014
Naima00: thanks its ok sometimes you gotta kill them with kindness

This got me thinking though. Wish everyone in Somalia would embrace this kinda attitude, guess there won't be fighting anymore, but rather peace in the Land.

It is well.

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by armadeo(m): 12:07pm On Aug 06, 2014
Well I have friends not acquaintances so any of my homes drop by even if I am about to go out we roll together. If na garrison dey house we drink no wahala.

No stranger has ever showed up at my door claiming long lost relative I'll bounce you.

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by essyisa: 12:34pm On Aug 06, 2014
As 4 me, it depends on d person visiting, tym of visit,length of stay and my present mood..really do love surprises..I can Imagine a childhood crush or friend knocking at my door @around 5pm in d evening while watching one of my favourite TV shows n also feeding on a cup cake (strawberry flavour)...hmmm,am just really gonna welcome him/her...its no big deal#


Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Nobody: 12:43pm On Aug 06, 2014
Nahhh, no1 tries it with me, except the person just met me newly.

Then I would take my time to give such a person proper orientation about my rules/reg...

If after this orientation, the person tries it again, anything he/she gets, make im take am in good faith.

I can't really be specific about what I will ,it depends on my mood.
-when I was in school, if it's someone I like small, I might be nice enough to put on the gen for u and u entertain yourself, while I sleep grin...when u ready to go, wake me up, make I lock my door.

If I like the person Biggg, I would just take it because of love o.

If I no like u @alll, be ready to go back.

It was so bad when I was single that, if a friend comes to look for me @home, my siblings go 1st interview u, 'does she know you are coming?'...lol, whatever your answer is, they don't even trust it...
They will just tell u, shey u know her room, go and meet her there...lolll
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by redsun(m): 12:50pm On Aug 06, 2014
It is crazy in a crazy,selfish and te endlaved world. But in Africa it just a way of life. Just like the concept of time that does not compel people to be puntual. It exist in a way of life that is communal.
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by ogtavia(m): 1:00pm On Aug 06, 2014
Pls what's d difference between a visitor and a guest?
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by wiringdpt(m): 1:42pm On Aug 06, 2014
Naima00: no we do have a forum and I'm a member there also but I just like to interact with people outside of my country to broaden my horizon. Interaction with people outside of your own community helps you to be more open minded and accepting of others and their ways.
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Naima00: 2:01pm On Aug 06, 2014

This got me thinking though. Wish everyone in Somalia would embrace this kinda attitude, guess there won't be fighting anymore, but rather peace in the Land.

It is well.
wish everyone in every country would be more open minded not just in Somalia or Somaliland where I hail from. Would make the world a much better place. Here's to peace between all wink
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Naima00: 2:02pm On Aug 06, 2014
wiringdpt: Nice
nice to you too lol
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Naima00: 2:06pm On Aug 06, 2014
ogtavia: Pls what's d difference between a visitor and a guest?
I don't know maybe guest is one you have invited and can stay for longer and visitor
Is one that has just popped over possibly unannounced and won't be with you for long.
I don't think that is the difference interms of the English language but hey let's say that it is, lol
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by ogtavia(m): 2:29pm On Aug 06, 2014
Naima00: I don't know maybe guest is one you have invited and can stay for longer and visitor
Is one that has just popped over possibly unannounced and won't be with you for long.
I don't think that is the difference interms of the English language but hey let's say that it is, lol

I had d same in mind,just wanted to establish a premise dt visitors come unannounced guess dts why they are called visitors,if one comes unannounced and plans to stay,then he/she is an unannounced guest,yet,no matter how inconveniencing it might be,its gud to accomodate people,some have entertained angels in disquise....
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Expsbterror(m): 2:29pm On Aug 06, 2014
Omo bug time OYO oooo

Heavy gone

After them go say him wicked... Hmm Smh... Non my fucking business

Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by extremelygolden: 3:38pm On Aug 06, 2014
I came back from Church sometime last year and an old neighbour to my parents when I was much younger came visiting with her daughter and grandson without prior notice. This is a woman who has already paid me two previous visits with almost all her available family members. Seeing she wants to make it a habit of visiting every week, they knocked for several minutes and I just clicked IGNORE button until they were tired and left. They repeated the visit again the following Sunday and I ignored them as usual.
The only day (Sunday) I have to rest I should use it to be running from pillar to post because I want to entertain visitors. If you must visit, courtsey demands you pre-inform me. This might be Africa, but things must be done the way both the visitor and the visitee grin will enjoy the visit.

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by DARock29: 4:12pm On Aug 06, 2014
Well thank God for telecoms today, i wonder how it was like back in the days when people couldn't call to say they were coming to visit, and on getting there the person is not at home and you have to wait the whole day for them to come back because it's urgent. The funny one is the guy who always shows up un-announced when its food time. Thank God for techonology!!
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Gboliwe: 8:26pm On Aug 06, 2014
IHate9ja1: @least a notice.but it doesnt mean i shouldnt treat them d best way i can,what if i pick up a homeless person/stranger on the street to provide shelter for them was i given any prior notice.anyone is welcomed 24/7...a bigger me in Jesus Name.honestly to me not housing a visitor is cruel,even if i am a big man that travels and the person meet gateman and d gateman calls to confirm if the person is a known person,haba make he enter and make maid cook am better food till Oga come.No one knows tomoro
In March or there-about,I was traveling my base from Umuahia. At the bus park I was negotiating with the cab driver when this lady just about my age or older with blazing tinted red hair came and stood beside me. When I was done, she gently told me "excuse me, please I'm stranded here. I came in from Calabar to see someone but the number isn't going through and I don't have money for taxi into town. Pls can you help me? I said, join me in the cab, I'm going into the town, we can drop you off somewhere. That was the meeting! To cut a long story short, this girl slept in my apartment that night, the next night and would have slept another night if I didn't stand my grounds and said some things harshly. Some people can just take your good nature for granted.
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by nidera(f): 9:36pm On Aug 06, 2014
I hate it and I ve never done it before and can never do it.I will welcome bt won't treat u fine and I wil caution de person for it nt to repeat itself again
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by pickabeau1: 9:53am On Aug 07, 2014
jnrbayano: Prior notice before visiting saves the two parties some stress I reckon.

However, you will agree with me that there are some surprise visits that bring pleasure and satisfaction instead of stress.

Incognito visits.

Example of such visits? wink
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by pickabeau1: 9:54am On Aug 07, 2014
In March or there-about,I was traveling my base from Umuahia. At the bus park I was negotiating with the cab driver when this lady just about my age or older with blazing tinted red hair came and stood beside me. When I was done, she gently told me "excuse me, please I'm stranded here. I came in from Calabar to see someone but the number isn't going through and I don't have money for taxi into town. Pls can you help me? I said, join me in the cab, I'm going into the town, we can drop you off somewhere. That was the meeting! To cut a long story short, this girl slept in my apartment that night, the next night and would have slept another night if I didn't stand my grounds and said some things harshly. Some people can just take your good nature for granted.

End Time Favour grin
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by jnrbayano(m): 9:58am On Aug 07, 2014

Example of such visits? wink

Reverend Father's visit.

Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Gboliwe: 10:01am On Aug 07, 2014

End Time Favour grin
I just don't understand some people sha. You wouldn't believe, but she wanted, actually prepared to spend another night. Someone I don't even know from anywhere. Some people just take you for granted thinking you must be a fool to be nice and kind.
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by jnrbayano(m): 10:06am On Aug 07, 2014
Gboliwe: I just don't understand some people sha. You wouldn't believe, but she wanted, actually prepared to spend another night. Someone I don't even know from anywhere. Some people just take you for granted thinking you must be a fool to be nice and kind.

Thank God she didn't turn into a python at night.

You said her hair was tinted red? cheesy
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Gboliwe: 10:17am On Aug 07, 2014

Thank God she didn't turn into a python at night.

You said her hair was tinted red? cheesy
oxblood/ red, all na the same. It was just blazing. It wasn't black or our regular brown hair color.

My colleagues said it was a risk I took that she could have hurt me. I agree. Thank God she didn't. And she didn't die in my house too.
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by pickabeau1: 10:35am On Aug 07, 2014
Gboliwe: I just don't understand some people sha. You wouldn't believe, but she wanted, actually prepared to spend another night. Someone I don't even know from anywhere. Some people just take you for granted thinking you must be a fool to be nice and kind.

That is a breach of trust and should not be
SUch people discourage one from helping others angry


Reverend Father's visit.


hmmm... i will accept angry

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Nobody: 11:39am On Aug 07, 2014
Gboliwe: I just don't understand some people sha. You wouldn't believe, but she wanted, actually prepared to spend another night. Someone I don't even know from anywhere. Some people just take you for granted thinking you must be a fool to be nice and kind.
You took a huge risk o

But the girl wasn't even considerate.

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Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by Gboliwe: 12:42pm On Aug 07, 2014
You took a huge risk o

But the girl wasn't even considerate.
Yes, I think so. But, I have a discerning spirit. If it would have caused problems, I wouldn't have stuck my neck.
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by pamcode(m): 7:13am On Aug 08, 2014
ephemm: Just last week an acquaintance whom I have not heard from for over 4 years, first sent me a request on FB, which I accepted, next thing he sent me messages asking if I can help he secure a job as he is currently out of job; I told him I'll try my best and let him know if there's any suitable opening.

Then just by weekend, he sent me a message saying he is on the way to my place and he'll like to spend the night at my house shocked
He was 3hrs away from me when he sent the message, I ignored the message and did not host him. I wonder how someone will embark on an 11hours journey without informing the host.

To him now, I must be a very bad person; if that's being bad, I don't want to be good.
bro u wicked o u should av at least lodged him 4 old times sake it likely it wasnt u he intended to stay with b4
Re: Having Visitors Without Prior Notice: Your View by psokolo(m): 7:37am On Aug 08, 2014
It depends on who is visiting but looking at it from a different perspective, it can b annoying sometimes.

Imagine a distant relation came to my house at night from warri at night. He knocked and I was who's that? He replied and my dad was like what?! Did he inform anyone b4 coming? Mum said no. The atmosphere in the house was soo awkward.

Seriously its bad to visit without pre-informing the person u intend visiting especially when you intend spending the night

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