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Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady - Romance - Nairaland

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Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 2:40pm On Aug 04, 2014
Guys let's share our worst embarrassing moment when approaching a lady... There's nothing to be ashamed of, no forming dis time.. This is not d matter of being handsome or not... Let me start wit mine

I was stil in secondary sch den... There was dis pretty lady who happened to be my junior and you know being a senior was an added advantage.., I had wanted to date dis babe but I was not opportuned or shld I say I had little or no toasting ability den... Each time dis lady passed my heart would alwz beat in fear (I guess u al knw dat feeling).. So on dis fateful day ehn, we were playing football on a pitch very close to my street.. She passed and evrybdy gazed at her.. I decided to approach her when returning cos I wanted to prove to my friends who alwz laughed at me dat I had no courage to approach a girl.... #Fast forward to 10mins later#, I sighted her coming and as a fyn boi na grin I already positioned jst lik a lion waiting for its prey, as soon as she walked past us, I hurriedly walked towards her and approached her... I started talking bla bla bla and became a stammerer as eloquent as I am (and u knw one tin abt cramming be say, once u forget ur lines ur own don finish be dat).. I noticed she was not responding so I had to look at her inquisitively.. She looked at me for a few seconds and d next she said was '' do you knw u ar very very stupi.d ''' wooow !!! It was as if somebody hit hammer on my head... I thought I didn't hear her response well so I unconsciously said Ehn ? Jst to be sure I was not watchin a 9ja movie cos those shi.t were common in our local home videos.. She repeated the same thing and at dat instance it was as if d ground should open and swallow me up cos I cldnt stand d humiliation.. While I was thinkin of wat to say next, she zoomed off... As I turned back in disappointment, i saw virtually evrybdy on the pitch lookin towards my direction.. I walked confidently jst to cover my f.uck-up cos I was sure nobody heard her response.. As I got close to them, one of dem said, ''Tosyne y dat babe com use u wash lik dat na?''.. Woooooow !!! So dis ppl hear sef, AM FINISHED.. I no fit ever get rep for dis area again. Immediately I made up my mind dat I would neva toast any lady in my life again (smiles)... I became a laughing stock in d area and it took years for dat yawa to be erased..

So let's hear frm u my fellow Nairalanders


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Liability(m): 2:43pm On Aug 04, 2014
men woe me. I cant do that.
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 2:46pm On Aug 04, 2014
Liability: men woe me. I cant do that.
b4 nko... Wetin u expect ? No b lady u be ni

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Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Liamm(m): 2:51pm On Aug 04, 2014
I'm yet to woo a lady grin grin grin
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:00pm On Aug 04, 2014
One day like that I see this girl for bus stop I come dey follow her blah blah blah to cut the long story short, her boyfriend na agbero so him warn me not to talk to him babe again. The End.


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:02pm On Aug 04, 2014
Men dare not woo me. I woo dem.

D fear sef noe fit gree dem. grin
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:03pm On Aug 04, 2014
Khalessi: One day like that I see this girl for bus stop I come dey follow her blah blah blah to cut the long story short, her boyfriend na agbero so him warn me not to talk to him babe again. The End.
I no knw how some guys dey think sef... He no get business wit you now, na hin babe hin go para for na


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:04pm On Aug 04, 2014
Alleluia: Men dare not woo me. I woo dem.

D fear sef noe fit gree dem. grin
As courageous as I am now, me go toast u for sure na
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Proxy001(m): 3:05pm On Aug 04, 2014
funny scene. Den I was still in sec. school. she was kinda In a hurry Nd I was walking beside her trying to do catch up. As d jax don almost click na im my useless palm sandals cut. I had to wait for another term coz na holiday she cum


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:06pm On Aug 04, 2014
tosyne2much: As courageous as I am now, me go toast u for sure na

undecided Reason- bcz we r online. That z all.
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Proxy001(m): 3:07pm On Aug 04, 2014
Alleluia: Men dare not woo me. I woo dem.

D fear sef noe fit gree dem. grin
shey u be mama ajasco or d female version. of papa shango?
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:08pm On Aug 04, 2014
Proxy001: funny scene. Den I was still in sec. school. she was kinda In a hurry Nd I was walking beside her trying to do catch up. As d jax don almost click na im my useless palm sandals cut. I had to wait for another term coz na holiday she cum
chaiiii so awkward

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Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:09pm On Aug 04, 2014
shey u be mama ajasco or d female version. of papa shango?

i dnt nid to be dem. wink
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:10pm On Aug 04, 2014
Well thr wz this lady in my street thn,it wz immediately after my secondry skl nd I wz gathering mind on hw 2 woo this lady,on tat faithful day me nd she meet nd so I told her I wnted 2 talk 2 ha thn she told me she wz listening,just as I am abt 2 talk evrytin in me FROZE,I did nt knw whr 2 start.Well she ended up wooing me tat day nd evn agreed,I like d girl sha bt wetin vex me b shey I no bleep ha


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:10pm On Aug 04, 2014

undecided Reason- bcz we r online. That z all.
see u.... Am even more confident and comfortable wooing a lady physically... I dnt do poo on social network


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:12pm On Aug 04, 2014
tosyne2much: see u.... Am even more confident and comfortable wooing a lady physically... I dnt do poo on social network

Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:12pm On Aug 04, 2014
edozie04: Well thr wz this lady in my street thn,it wz immediately after my secondry skl nd I wz gathering mind on hw 2 woo this lady,on tat faithful day me nd she meet nd so I told her I wnted 2 talk 2 ha thn she told me she wz listening,just as I am abt 2 talk evrytin in me FROZE,I did nt knw whr 2 start.Well she ended up wooing me tat day nd evn agreed,I like d girl sha bt wetin vex me b shey I no bleep ha
I sure say na craming method u use... Chaiii dat cramming dey fall hand gan... Wen u miss ur lines, ur own don finish


Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Lorlaahlozz: 3:14pm On Aug 04, 2014
Liamm: I'm yet to woo a lady grin grin grin
swaggerlicious liar
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:15pm On Aug 04, 2014

that's what it is
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Wolison(m): 3:15pm On Aug 04, 2014
Lols!....I don't know where to start shaa, but am a kind of guy that doesn't really do much in times of talking rather girls do!....#always their dream guy#
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:16pm On Aug 04, 2014
tosyne2much: I sure say na craming method u use... Chaiii dat cramming dey fall hand gan... Wen u miss ur lines, ur own don finish
As in eh,Imagine if it wz a nas.ty girl I wnted 2 woo,my own 4 don finish
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Lorlaahlozz: 3:16pm On Aug 04, 2014
Alleluia: Men dare not woo me. I woo dem.

D fear sef noe fit gree dem. grin
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Wolison(m): 3:18pm On Aug 04, 2014
Lorlaahlozz: swaggerlicious liar
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by tosyne2much(m): 3:19pm On Aug 04, 2014
Most embarrassing wooing moments seems to be in secondary sch days... Shey mak we say university babes no dey use guys wash too ni ?

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Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Proxy001(m): 3:20pm On Aug 04, 2014

i dnt nid to be dem. wink
Lol na joke o.....let's hope its wat I think Dis ur alleluia means #alleluia oooooo#
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Liamm(m): 3:21pm On Aug 04, 2014
Lorlaahlozz: swaggerlicious liar
lol. Seriously i haven't wooed any lady. M still enjoying my single status wink

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Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Lorlaahlozz: 3:23pm On Aug 04, 2014
Drags mat in..brings out popcorn
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Nobody: 3:23pm On Aug 04, 2014
Lol na joke o.....let's hope its wat I think Dis ur alleluia means #alleluia oooooo#

lol. Wt r u thinking?
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by sod09(m): 3:23pm On Aug 04, 2014
av lose form I don't know aw to woo again......
BTW no embarrassing moment
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Lorlaahlozz: 3:24pm On Aug 04, 2014
Liamm: lol. Seriously i haven't wooed any lady. M still enjoying my single status wink
u want to bobo mii abi
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Proxy001(m): 3:28pm On Aug 04, 2014

lol. Wt r u thinking?
ijo mimo to Kristi lati Orunwa. u gat it?
Re: Share Your Worst Embarrassing moment Wooing A Lady by Liamm(m): 3:28pm On Aug 04, 2014
Lorlaahlozz: u want to bobo mii abi
wetin b bobo mii

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