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JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Sirniyeh(m): 8:08am On Aug 05, 2014

There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples of cases where immigration from Muslim countries, together with the Muslims’ high fertility rate, effects every area of life. It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different.

This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture.

Few academic institutions teach the Arabic language. It is very difficult to import books of the Qur’an to Japan, and Muslims who come to Japan, are usually employees of foreign companies.

The official policy of the Japanese authorities is to make every effort not to allow entry to Muslims, even if they are physicians, engineers and managers sent by foreign companies that are active in the region. Japanese society expects Muslim men to pray at home.

Japanese companies seeking foreign workers specifically note that they are not interested in Muslim workers. Anywhere a Muslim lives, the neighbors become uneasy.

Japan forbids the establishment of Islamic organizations, so setting up Islamic institutions such as mosques and schools is almost impossible. In Tokyo there is only one imam.

In contrast with what is happening in Europe, very few Japanese are drawn to Islam. If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she will be considered an outcast by her social and familial environment.

There is no application of Shari’a law in Japan. There is some food in Japan that is halal, kosher according to Islamic law, but it is not easy to find it in the supermarket.

The Japanese approach to Muslims is also evidenced by the numbers: in Japan there are 127 million residents, but only ten thousand Muslims, less than one hundredth of a percent. The number of Japanese who have converted is thought to be few.

In Japan there are a few tens of thousands of foreign workers who are Muslim, mainly from Pakistan, who have managed to enter Japan as workers with construction companies. However, because of the negative attitude towards Islam they keep a low profile.

There are several reasons for this situation:

First, the Japanese tend to lump all Muslims together as fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their traditional point of view and adopt modern ways of thinking and behavior. In Japan, Islam is perceived as a strange religion, that any intelligent person should avoid.

Second, In Japan, religion is connected to the nationalist concept, and prejudices exist towards foreigners whether they are Chinese, Korean, Malaysian or Indonesian, and Westerners don’t escape this phenomenon either. There are those who call this a “developed sense of nationalism” and there are those who call this “racism”. It seems that neither of these is wrong. And

Third, the Japanese dismiss the concept of monotheism and faith in an abstract god, because their world concept is apparently connected to the material, not to faith and emotions. Christianity exists in Japan and is not regarded negatively


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Dereformer(m): 8:26am On Aug 05, 2014
I have always said it, and I will continue to say it: the world will be a peaceful place without the religion of terrorists called islam.

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Bunchersstab(m): 8:30am On Aug 05, 2014
cheesy cheesy cryNo wonder God gave them relative peace that supress human understanding, now i knw.
For all i care this pix below is wat i stand for cheesy


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Bunchersstab(m): 8:33am On Aug 05, 2014
tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue Front page things tongue tongue tongue tongue
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by OtunbaJega: 8:37am On Aug 05, 2014
..and the bastard that created this topic would be the first to shout arab money....

Nairaland: home of fool since 2005


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Descartes: 9:02am On Aug 05, 2014
Good to know

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Nobody: 9:03am On Aug 05, 2014
Japanese are the most sensible people on earth. Islam is a curse on humanity.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by BedLam: 9:07am On Aug 05, 2014
Re-lie-gion is a disease!


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by omenka(m): 9:13am On Aug 05, 2014
Bunchersstab: cheesy cheesy cryNo wonder God gave them relative peace that supress human understanding, now i knw.
For all i care this pix below is wat i stand for cheesy
Now, which "God" are we talking about, because if we are to go by the tenets of Christianity, japanese are almost completely idol worshipers, a practice abhorred and prohibited in christianity. Pray tell, why would "God" bless idol worshippers over and above those who worship him

Very ignorant op.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Idrismusty97(m): 9:18am On Aug 05, 2014
You people are not understanding something. If any Asian country banned Islam they would do same for Christianity. I don't understand why some hypocrites are celebrating. Early this year China banned Muslims for observing Ramadan, Just last month they are demolishing Churches that are too big and removing crosses from churches(A warning that it would soon be banned). Japan have already outlawed Christianity long ago, India will be the next to banned these two religions.The only way to preserved your culture is to banned these two foreign religion that promised salvation after crime. Both Christianity and Islam are the problem of this world! Buddhists, Hinduism and most region dominated by Asian religion are taking steps against Christianity and Islam.
In 1597, as Christian influence was spreading in western Japan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi issued an edict banning Christianity and crucified 26 Franciscans in Nagasaki. After Hideyoshi’s death in 1600, Tokugasa Ieyasu became the ruler of Japan and allowed the missionaries to remain. In 1614, his government began to prohibit Christianity, concerned that Spain and Portugal were gaining too much influence within Japan. The Dutch, who were Calvinist, had set up a trading outpost in Japan and may have encouraged the suspicions of the Tokugawa shogunate against the Catholics. From 1613–1620, Date Masamune, the daimyovof Sendai, sent a diplomatic mission headed by Tsunenaga Hasekura to the Vatican in Rome. The mission was successful, but by the time Tsunenaga returned, the Tokugawa shogunate had begun to persecute Christians. In 1626, missionaries were ordered to leave the country, and Christians were ordered to renounce their faith or suffer terrible punishment. In 1637–1638, approximately 37,000 peasants and dispossessed samurai rose up in the Shimabara Rebellion (島原の乱, Shimabara no ran). Many of them were Christians and the rebellion took on a religious character. Eventually the rebellion was crushed, with heavy casualties to government troops, and all the rebels were decapitated. Following the rebellion, Christianity was completely suppressed in Japan, and the Tokugawa shogunate enacted a policy of “sakoku,” complete isolation of Japan from foreign influences. Christians were heavily persecuted, and an estimated 3,000 were killed. Many of the 300,000 Christians in Japan renounced their faith, while others continued to practice their religion underground.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by HowFar: 9:25am On Aug 05, 2014
We should ban them in nigeria too and all are terrorist problems would be over. There's one terrorist organisation from the muslims in nigeria every decade e.g Maitatsine. Lets ban Islam.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by EdCure: 9:26am On Aug 05, 2014
Sometimes i imagine a world without islam


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by LoveDecay(m): 9:28am On Aug 05, 2014
Most posters on nairaland , are shallow and never research a topic or statement before declaring - its couture !

Leave Muslims alone, Christians too have ugly tendencies. We encourage gay/lesbianism, animal marriages, half naked girls walking on the streets and other ugly things.

You can never have world peace unless Christianity and Islam are annihilated in the true sense. These two religions have been at war for generations. All Muslims can't kill all Christians and vice versa .

Asian countries restrict both religions not one , dearest poster, wake up and smell the coffee - your religion has it uglies too.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Idrismusty97(m): 9:39am On Aug 05, 2014
LoveDecay: Most posters on nairaland , are shallow and never research a topic or statement before declaring - its couture !

Leave Muslims alone, Christians too have ugly tendencies. We encourage gay/lesbianism, animal marriages, half naked girls walking on the streets and other ugly things.

You can never have world peace unless Christianity and Islam are annihilated in the true sense. These two religions have been at war for generations. All Muslims can't kill all Christians and vice versa .

Asian countries restrict both religions not one , dearest poster, wake up and smell the coffee - your religion has it uglies too.
Christianity and Islam needs to be completely exterminated. That's why i love all these Asian countries taking steps against them. They are cancer to the world! Christians were the violent ones before, They forcefully brought their religion with colonialism now Muslims are starting theirs. These two religion would continued to bring problem wherever they go except we eliminate them!
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by timilehing(m): 9:42am On Aug 05, 2014
OtunbaJega: ..and the bastard that created this topic would be the first to shout arab money....

Nairaland: home of fool since 2005
Pele o Otunbafools. Get the message in the article right not bringing your brainwashed Islamic knowledge here.
Afterall, the real meaning of islam is "submission" either willingly or forcefully, islam is never a religion of PEACE. Don't ask questions, life of Mohammed should say it all

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by sheeshakay(f): 9:44am On Aug 05, 2014
y dnt u abolish it@haters must u create a reason to hate islam. islam is peace isnt ebola and bh enough for u
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Sirniyeh(m): 9:45am On Aug 05, 2014
OtunbaJega: ..and the bastard that created this topic would be the first to shout arab money....

Nairaland: home of fool since 2005

wisdom is principal in all things. If one person admits or sees himself to be only wise or prudent among all other million people, invariably such person has given himself a beffiting name universally called barbaric slowpoke.

If Nairaland is home of fools, you are the 1st of them all
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by sheeshakay(f): 9:48am On Aug 05, 2014
HowFar: We should ban them in nigeria too and all are terrorist problems would be over. There's one terrorist organisation from the muslims in nigeria every decade e.g Maitatsine. Lets ban Islam.
y dnt u go nd ban ebola nd bh u guys dnt undastand are u also sayin bh i s an islamic sect?
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by saintikechi(m): 9:48am On Aug 05, 2014
omenka: Now, which "God" are we talking about, because if we are to go by the tenets of Christianity, japanese are almost completely idol worshipers, a practice abhorred and prohibited in christianity. Pray tell, why would "God" bless idol worshippers over and above those who worship him

Very ignorant op.
any god they worship that makes them to be peaceful people is better than mohamed that turns people to blood hungry terrorist and fanatics.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Nobody: 9:50am On Aug 05, 2014
OtunbaJega: ..and the bastard that created this topic would be the first to shout arab money....

Nairaland: home of fool since 2005
The muslim rants.

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Nobody: 9:52am On Aug 05, 2014
My own is this... All religion should be abolished! It has done a lot of harm to mankind.


Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by saintikechi(m): 9:54am On Aug 05, 2014
sheeshakay: y dnt u go nd ban ebola nd bh u guys dnt undastand are u also sayin bh i s an islamic sect?
no bh is a christian sect and their leader is bishop shekarau

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Omexonomy: 9:54am On Aug 05, 2014
Idrismusty97: You people are not understanding something. If any Asian country banned Islam they would do same for Christianity. I don't understand why some hypocrites are celebrating. Early this year China banned Muslims for observing Ramadan, Just last month they are demolishing Churches that are too big and removing crosses from churches(A warning that it would soon be banned). Japan have already outlawed Christianity long ago, India will be the next to banned these two religions.The only way to preserved your culture is to banned these two foreign religion that promised salvation after crime. Both Christianity and Islam are the problem of this world! Buddhists, Hinduism and most region dominated by Asian religion are taking steps against Christianity and Islam.

guy you must be a big fufu by comparing middle ages to modern age. Apart from china that demolish big churches due to the building of infastructures point another country baning xtian

1 Like

Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by ISpiksDaTroof: 9:54am On Aug 05, 2014
Sirniyeh: https://themuslimissue./2013/05/22/japan-the-land-without-muslims/comment-page-3/

There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples of cases where immigration from Muslim countries, together with the Muslims’ high fertility rate, effects every area of life. It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different.

This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture.

Few academic institutions teach the Arabic language. It is very difficult to import books of the Qur’an to Japan, and Muslims who come to Japan, are usually employees of foreign companies.

The official policy of the Japanese authorities is to make every effort not to allow entry to Muslims, even if they are physicians, engineers and managers sent by foreign companies that are active in the region. Japanese society expects Muslim men to pray at home.

Japanese companies seeking foreign workers specifically note that they are not interested in Muslim workers. Anywhere a Muslim lives, the neighbors become uneasy.

Japan forbids the establishment of Islamic organizations, so setting up Islamic institutions such as mosques and schools is almost impossible. In Tokyo there is only one imam.

In contrast with what is happening in Europe, very few Japanese are drawn to Islam. If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she will be considered an outcast by her social and familial environment.

There is no application of Shari’a law in Japan. There is some food in Japan that is halal, kosher according to Islamic law, but it is not easy to find it in the supermarket.

The Japanese approach to Muslims is also evidenced by the numbers: in Japan there are 127 million residents, but only ten thousand Muslims, less than one hundredth of a percent. The number of Japanese who have converted is thought to be few.

In Japan there are a few tens of thousands of foreign workers who are Muslim, mainly from Pakistan, who have managed to enter Japan as workers with construction companies. However, because of the negative attitude towards Islam they keep a low profile.

There are several reasons for this situation:

First, the Japanese tend to lump all Muslims together as fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their traditional point of view and adopt modern ways of thinking and behavior. In Japan, Islam is perceived as a strange religion, that any intelligent person should avoid.

Second, In Japan, religion is connected to the nationalist concept, and prejudices exist towards foreigners whether they are Chinese, Korean, Malaysian or Indonesian, and Westerners don’t escape this phenomenon either. There are those who call this a “developed sense of nationalism” and there are those who call this “racism”. It seems that neither of these is wrong. And

Third, the Japanese dismiss the concept of monotheism and faith in an abstract god, because their world concept is apparently connected to the material, not to faith and emotions. Christianity exists in Japan and is not regarded negatively
False, Christianity is given the same treatment by Japan that every other "foreign" religion is given.
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by cirmuell(m): 9:55am On Aug 05, 2014
It's obvious undecided
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by drsteroid(m): 9:55am On Aug 05, 2014
Hmmn..the world wud have been a better place without religion..religion has brought division rather than unity

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Sirniyeh(m): 9:56am On Aug 05, 2014
Nobleval: My own is this... All religion should be abolished! It has done a lot of harm to mankind.

seconded. Reasonalble opinion

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by ISpiksDaTroof: 9:57am On Aug 05, 2014
HowFar: We should ban them in nigeria too and all are terrorist problems would be over. There's one terrorist organisation from the muslims in nigeria every decade e.g Maitatsine. Lets ban Islam.
Christianity is a bigger problem in your country because the leaders are usually a bunch if scammers stealing from the congregation using the name of God to fund a lavish lifestyle.
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by Idrismusty97(m): 9:58am On Aug 05, 2014
Omexonomy: guy you must be a big fufu by comparing middle ages to modern age. Apart from china that demolish big churches due to the building of infastructures point another country baning xtian
Please go and read the last bolded statement and learn to make used of Google. Thanks
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by MRBENZENE(m): 9:59am On Aug 05, 2014
islam came into the world through violence, spreed through violence and still strive through violence and shading of blood

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Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by saintikechi(m): 10:04am On Aug 05, 2014
ISpiksDaTroof: Christianity is a bigger problem in your country because the leaders are usually a bunch if scammers stealing from the congregation using the name of God to fund a lavish lifestyle.
but they are not terrorist, they do not bomb innocent people and they dont believe the mohameadian lie of getting 19 virgins plus including the virgin mary in heaven.
Re: JAPAN - A Country Without Muslim: Cause For Peace by omenka(m): 10:17am On Aug 05, 2014
any god they worship that makes them to be peaceful people is better than mohamed that turns people to blood hungry terrorist and fanatics.
I'd rather not join issues with someone who thinks like you.


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