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Pope Francis' Tips For A Happy Life: - Religion - Nairaland

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Pope Francis' Tips For A Happy Life: by ifeanyi24: 12:01pm On Aug 05, 2014
[b][/b]1. Live and let live. It's an echo of the Pope's earlier remark on gays: "Who am I to judge?
2. Give yourself to others. That is, give your money and your time to those in need.
3 Move quietly in the world.
tion that one should walk "in balance and beauty" on the ground, making the least disturbance.

4. Enjoy leisure. The Pope says that consumerism has brought with it unbearable anxieties. So play with your children. Take time off. And don't spend all your time thinking about your next acquisition. Spend your time well, not your money.
5. Sunday is for families. Once a week, give a whole day to meditation, worship, family life, tending the needs of the spirit. This is healthy living.
6. Find jobs for young people.
7. Respect nature. A proper respect for nature means that you can't pollute the air, poison the rivers and chop down the forests indiscriminately without suffering greatly.
8. Let go of negative things quickly. The Pope tells us not to complain about people who annoy or frustrate us, to let go of things as rapidly as we can.
9. Don't preach your religion too forcefully.Don't preach your religion too forcefully.
10. Work for peace. The Pope asks us to take in refugees, to think innovatively about how to create peace in the world.
Re: Pope Francis' Tips For A Happy Life: by Nobody: 12:06pm On Aug 05, 2014
Keeping that in mind

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