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Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 1:16pm On Aug 11, 2014
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by LordRahl001: 5:24pm On Aug 13, 2014
please you can google array function with qbasic. i am sure you can sort it either in an ascending or descending order. the pick whichever way you want!!
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by asalimpo(m): 9:34pm On Aug 13, 2014
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by asalimpo(m): 9:34pm On Aug 13, 2014

just wonderg. Are all nigerian university programmg quizzes always this unrealistically simple?
*in addition to d use of preHistorc languages. The lecturers put students to work with stone-axe of languages when the stalls ar givn out free and latest chain-saws. * never seen any challengg assignment here yet.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 9:41pm On Aug 13, 2014
LordRahl001: please you can google array function with qbasic. i am sure you can sort it either in an ascending or descending order. the pick whichever way you want!!
ok boss..thanks so much.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 9:45pm On Aug 13, 2014

just wonderg. Are all nigerian university programmg quizzes always this unrealistically simple?
*in addition to d use of preHistorc languages. The lecturers put students to work with stone-axe of languages when the stalls ar givn out free and latest chain-saws. * never seen any challengg assignment here yet.
guess we have to make do with what we have at the moment..but i still think you haven't contributed postively to the topic..constructive criticism always important bro.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by asalimpo(m): 10:16pm On Aug 13, 2014
Mikocake: guess we have to make do with what we have at the moment..but i still think you haven't contributed postively to the topic..constructive criticism always important bro.
buy ur lecturer a turntable and some vynil records as a class present. Take him back in time too.
Besides dyu have a compiler to run d code u'll copy from google?
Or is it d exercise book cpu tht u'll use?
With no real system,how do concepts like debugg,compiling bcome real to you?
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 12:19am On Aug 14, 2014
buy ur lecturer a turntable and some vynil records as a class present. Take him back in time too.
Besides dyu have a compiler to run d code u'll copy from google?
Or is it d exercise book cpu tht u'll use?
With no real system,how do concepts like debugg,compiling bcome real to you?
its just an assignment to be printed with the source code and when executed.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by OPEYEMIAD(m): 1:55am On Aug 14, 2014
input "enter the first number ", a;
input "enter the second number",b;
if (a>b) Then print "the maximum is " +a
else Print "the maximum is " +b

Note: all reserve words must be writing in capital letters
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 6:55am On Aug 14, 2014
input "enter the first number ", a;
input "enter the second number",b;
if (a>b) Then print "the maximum is " +a
else Print "the maximum is " +b

Note: all reserve words must be writing in capital letters

I think you need to first prompt for the number of entries, then use a For...Next to now request for that number of input. You can use a string variable to store minimum and maximum. When an input comes in, you test it like you did and use SWAP if it is smaller or larger.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 7:54am On Aug 14, 2014
input "enter the first number ", a;
input "enter the second number",b;
if (a>b) Then print "the maximum is " +a
else Print "the maximum is " +b

Note: all reserve words must be writing in capital letters
thanx for your effort.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 7:56am On Aug 14, 2014

I think you need to first prompt for the number of entries, then use a For...Next to now request for that number of input. You can use a string variable to store minimum and maximum. When an input comes in, you test it like you did and use SWAP if it is smaller or larger.
please can put that down please?
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 8:21am On Aug 14, 2014
Mikocake: please can put that down please?
Last time i wrote database was year 2,000 in yabatech. Let me look for a qbasic interpreter maybe I can still write it, hehe.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 8:56am On Aug 14, 2014
This is what i was trying to say:


INPUT "How many numbers will you love to enter? ", Total
FOR i = 1 TO Total
PRINT "Enter Number ", i
INPUT "", Test
IF (Test > TMax) THEN TMax = Test
IF (Test < Tmin OR i = 1) THEN Tmin = Test
PRINT "The minimum number is ", Tmin
PRINT "The maximum number is ", TMax

In case you need explanation, let me know.

1 Like

Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 9:32am On Aug 14, 2014
dhtml18: This is what i was trying to say:

In case you need explanation, let me know.
Thanks so much brother...please there's this problem I've whenever I want to run a program in my Q-basic..I get a message like C++ compilation failed..I don't know if you have encountered that before...still thanks for your time and effort..we dream to be like you smiley
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 10:02am On Aug 14, 2014
Download qbasic 4.5 compiler from here - www.qbasic.net/dl.php?req=/en/qbasic-downloads/compiler/qbasic-compiler.htm&lng=en
If you cannot download it, visit my blog - www.dhtmlhub.com - and use the contact form to reach me so that I can send the file to you, it is just a few kilobytes less than 1MB
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 10:38am On Aug 14, 2014
dhtml18: Download qbasic 4.5 compiler from here - www.qbasic.net/dl.php?req=/en/qbasic-downloads/compiler/qbasic-compiler.htm&lng=en
If you cannot download it, visit my blog - www.dhtmlhub.com - and use the contact form to reach me so that I can send the file to you, it is just a few kilobytes less than 1MB
I've downloaded it..thanks soo much. You have a nice blog..will be visiting from now on smiley
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 11:00am On Aug 14, 2014
Thank you very much for appreciating my blog. And you are most welcome.

1 Like

Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by asalimpo(m): 1:08pm On Aug 14, 2014
Problem solved.
Contnuig your tuition, GOTO is evil. Modern languages dont implement it. Your lecturer shud know better thn teach you a language with bad techniques.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Mikocake(m): 2:27pm On Aug 14, 2014
asalimpo: Problem solved.
Contnuig your tuition, GOTO is evil. Modern languages dont implement it. Your lecturer shud know better thn teach you a language with bad techniques.
that not withstanding, basics is still important because from there you can adapt to any language easily.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 3:06pm On Aug 14, 2014
Mikocake: that not withstanding, basics is still important because from there you can adapt to any language easily.
Am not truly in agreement with that, I think the first language to learn these days should be oop e.g. C,C++,Java.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by asalimpo(m): 3:27pm On Aug 14, 2014
Mikocake: that not withstanding, basics is still important because from there you can adapt to any language easily.
is this d sand paper ur lazy lecturer is usng to shine ur gullible minds with deprecated programmg practices?
You cant even see d writg on d wall!
Look at site u downloaded d qbasc compiler from compared to modern languages sites.
You can feel d cobwebs as you enter.it's rusty and unmaintained.
U can accept d truth or fight it.

tht quality is reserved for the C language.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 3:45pm On Aug 14, 2014
Back in my days of qbasic, I was truly an expert in using qbasic, and I went from qbasic to visual basic 6.0. True, that qbasic did helped me to learn visual basic 6, but even my mastery of visual basic was incomplete until i got to using win32 API in visual basic, and I had to start porting into C. As far as I am concerned, it was when I entered C that i really started programming.

I am sure my knowlege of C,C++ is what explains why I was able to become a master PHP programmer today as well as JavaScript and many other languages. The truth is that the new generation languages are object-oriented (and that is where Qbasic and Visual basic 6.0 failed).
I could do fortran and pascal back then too - but those knowlege did not help me much.

To become a new generation programmer, you do not require knowlege of qbasic, fortran, or pascal at all. To me they are sheer waste of time, just to pass your school exams and move on.

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Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by OPEYEMIAD(m): 6:14pm On Aug 14, 2014

I think you need to first prompt for the number of entries, then use a For...Next to now request for that number of input. You can use a string variable to store minimum and maximum. When an input comes in, you test it like you did and use SWAP if it is smaller or larger.
thank Boss. i need manual or recommended site to learn Vbasic and cobol please
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by OPEYEMIAD(m): 6:22pm On Aug 14, 2014

I think you need to first prompt for the number of entries, then use a For...Next to now request for that number of input. You can use a string variable to store minimum and maximum. When an input comes in, you test it like you did and use SWAP if it is smaller or larger.
thank Boss. i taught that will be very easy in java thats why i doubt that method in qbasic. Thanks
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 6:27pm On Aug 14, 2014
thank Boss. i taught that will be very easy in java thats why i doubt that method in qbasic. Thanks
Well, the technique I used is a common programming one that will work in any language at all, with slight modification. Once you get the algorithm of your program right, the remain is just coding.

thank Boss. i need manual or recommended site to learn Vbasic and cobol please
Me i don throway all those ones o, but i am sure you can always get something from google search.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by toluxy99: 6:13pm On May 30, 2015
pls i can u explain the program u jst run.....i went thry it but didnt get it
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by arsenal1(m): 9:25pm On Jun 01, 2015
who can help with a software that runs in spreadsheet which can be used for daily buying and selling transaction
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by stag: 11:02am On Jun 02, 2015

thank Boss. i need manual or recommended site to learn Vbasic and cobol please

COBOL??! shocked

I last did anything on that language in year 2000! And as at that time, it was fading away! Cobol in 2015 is ridiculous.
Although I'm worse than rusty now in programming, I can't even imagine picking up cobol again for whatever reasons. Learning assembly language is even better and less tedious but google is your friend.

Bro, be futuristic.
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by yutsuf(m): 7:45pm On Jun 02, 2015
please there's this problem I've whenever I want to run a program in my Q-basic..I get a message like C++ compilation failed..I don't know if you have encountered that before...still thanks for your time and effort..... END YOUR IF STATEMENT
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by Nobody: 8:12am On Jun 06, 2015
C++ error in qbasic, emi o ma gbo iru eleyi ri o!
Re: Help With A Small Qbasic Program by yutsuf(m): 8:52am On Jun 25, 2015
you need to input n numbers.... then u bubble sort.... later u print the maximum number

QuickBasic is just a basic nah ..... to the critists...... I'll get u the code later....busy now

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