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Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by coolviv: 10:56pm On Oct 01, 2014
Just passing by, saw your comment and had to wonder....you do realise you are talking about the mother of Jesus right? Incase, you don't understand imagine listening to your own comments from another mouth but this time talking about your mum and dad..Nasty feeling I bet.

Try fear small ooo, no be anyhow person you dey describe o. Na chosen woman by God himself to be a mother to His Holy Son. Bros, just take your time for your own sake. Silence is golden sometimes.

barcanista: oga d koko be say Mary no be virgin. Joseph shine d kongo like mad..... tongue

And I hear say dat guy "thing" long and fat wella... grin

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Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by coolviv: 11:03pm On Oct 01, 2014
And every other person making derogatory comments, as long as two facts are at least true: God Himself chose Mary and She carried Jesus for nine months and gave birth to Him the way your mothers gave birth to you, then all I can say is imagine God and Jesus seeing your comments.

Can a person claim to love you and hate your mother? Not quite likely.

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Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by GooseBaba: 4:02pm On Oct 02, 2014
Arcsniper: When will she start dancing

grin grin grin grin grin grin......I hear say she sabi holy skelewu....

Just picture it....dis~virgin mary dey dance azonto..

Hail mary mother of bible god pray/cry for us and other bullshiit amen.. grin

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Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by GooseBaba: 4:06pm On Oct 02, 2014
coolviv: And every other person making derogatory comments, as long as two facts are at least true: [b]God Himself chose Mary [/b]and She carried Jesus for nine months and gave birth to Him the way your mothers gave birth to you, then all I can say is imagine God and Jesus seeing your comments.

Can a person claim to love you and hate your mother? Not quite likely.

Correction: bible god himself spiritually fuvk mary... wink stop sugar coating..
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by JesusisLord85: 9:21pm On Oct 02, 2014
Tchitntdu: These pictures have been trending on Twitter since 8th August 2014, the day it was believed that Virgin Mary Statue shedded tears in Iraq.According to reports gathered by MediaPostNG, Virgin Mary Statue in St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Iraq started crying, her tears then turned into blood.

Below are pictures posted by eye witness;




Source: http://www.mediapostng.com/2014/08/virgin-mary-statue-in-st-joseph-church.html


children of satan
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by coolviv: 2:59pm On Oct 06, 2014
Funny...F...king is a gift from God. No need to honey coat... wink

Correction: bible god himself spiritually fuvk mary... wink stop sugar coating..

Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by delishpot: 5:00pm On Oct 06, 2014
I don change mind. I no get power do religious bad mouthing. The real loving divine one will deff protect its own. If e open eye watch you surffer die, then e no be the true God afterall. The true lovi.g Godno go allow evil befall its followers.
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by coolviv: 5:52pm On Oct 06, 2014
If two of your children are fighting and start killing each other's family, which one will you cry fire on? Have you forgotten Jesus came to save the whole world, sinners and righteous, Christians and Muslims alike. We are all God's creation and His children. Any lost soul, no matter how deserving causes Mary sorrow because we are all her children.

Hope that makes a little sense.
She never begin cry blood. Dem dey behead christians instead of her to cry fire on the tormentors of her so called children. Make she save those tears. When muslims take over the world, kill all christians abi na catholics, she fit begin the cry. She go cry a river of blood.
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by delishpot: 6:21pm On Oct 06, 2014
If two of your children are fighting and start killing each other's family, which one will you cry fire on? Have you forgotten Jesus came to save the whole world, sinners and righteous, Christians and Muslims alike. We are all God's creation and His children. Any lost soul, no matter how deserving causes Mary sorrow because we are all her children.

Hope that makes a little sense.

Ok o.
Looking at it sha, she for fit show them who is boss nau. If she can make her statue cry, then she deff can blind the killers while planning the act till they repent or how else does she expect to show evil people that each of her believer is precious to her?
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by Tchitntdu(m): 7:28pm On Feb 16, 2015
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by Jameselias: 8:38pm On Feb 17, 2015
How i want carry talk to this woman now self, dis one no be crying matter make she go invite her pikin come ooh! if na to turn water to alomo now them go sabi, see she don turn tears to blood already, my prayer for her make ISIS locate her and the pikin yeyesus were ever they might be hidding.
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by Nobody: 3:55pm On Feb 18, 2015

and all the acclaimed mother of God could do is cry tap your head and think again, , the Iraqis are being prosecuted and they are crying, the Goddess they are praying to is also crying?? the mother of God is now crying to the US and UN to proffer a solution??
this is the kind of stories that drive people away from catholic church.
So is that enough reason for you to be nasty to Catholics? Especially those in Iraq who are being killed and driven from their homes and businesses? I only see here arrogance under the guise of being enlightened and educated. Give us a break please.
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by brocab: 5:36am On Jan 12, 2016
This sounds like witchcraft to me, it would frighten me, to see a statue crying-it is deafeningly something demonic.
I find this story quite strange no-one see's the statue of Jesus either on the cross, nor as a baby, or standing inside a church bleeding, and He was the one who had suffered greatly for our sins.
The bible doesn't mention Mary's death, but I am sure she died naturally, Mary shedding tears is a trick-to turn the world further away from Jesus-Mary's advertised around the world, I find it quite funny when someone mentions Jesus's name, no-one wants to know.
Religion believes Mary is the world's savour..
These pictures have been trending on Twitter since 8th August 2014, the day it was believed that Virgin Mary Statue shedded tears in Iraq.According to reports gathered by MediaPostNG, Virgin Mary Statue in St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Iraq started crying, her tears then turned into blood.

Below are pictures posted by eye witness;




Source: http://www.omogist.com/2014/11/meet-9-yr-old-named-beautiful-girl-world/

Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by doyinbaby(f): 7:45am On Aug 07, 2018

Ok. But make you try be a practising christian and not a research christian grin
forget all these argument the truth as established by the Bible verses show n to you says in several places that Jesus had brothers and sisters... Mary had sex with joseph to have children..... Mary was not a perpetual virgin

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Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by brocab: 12:56pm On Oct 05, 2018
It never to late to make the right decision, and it's never to late to study the Word of God-and it's never to late to ask Jesus into our lives, allowing Him to save you-from your own destruction!
It's never to late.
Re: Virgin Mary Statue In St. Joseph Church In Iraq Crying, Tears Turned To Blood by brocab: 3:08am On Oct 06, 2018
I have witnessed this sort of stuff myself-statue's moving, it is a known fact demons live in statue's, and of course people actually believe the statue they buy of baby Jesus's, Mary's, and the Saints are their protectors, people are taught to idolise these statues they buy, the Church teaches them these are connected from up above-"Not from above-but below, these are spiritually dead demon processed statue's, God said: thru shalt not worship idol's, images of above on Earth and under the Earth.
Idol worship had always been around since the fall of man, but this doesn't give anybody the rights to encourage their Church to purchase these demon processed statues to watch over them. This is why we are given the Word of God, the truth set's us free..
Demonic activity is everywhere-the problem is, do we recognise it, there's spiritual activity everywhere, children's dolls are known to be demon processed, movies of the demon doll chucky is a processed murderer, demons are seen in paintings, we seen shapes of all kinds, even in mother nature, in everything that doesn't line up with God, even in the animal kingdom-cats are known to see the unseen, dog's barking at the unseen? We see sharps in trees, clouds, statue's crying blood-and yet Jesus warned us: we will come up against the principalities and the demonic of this world.
We have Churches demonstrating false beliefs and of course the world ends up falling into a world full of demonic activity, people are trying to connect to something without God, Churches of religion such as these around the world is connected to the underworld.
Satan uses the unsuspected to watch over us-he uses the dead in spirit-Satan has people everywhere bowing down to him, the music era, actors, governments, even in the animal kingdom-crows are usually found watching downwards outside Church buildings, even schools. On every corner big brother is watching you-Satan's deception is causing God's people to be deceived.
{Luke 4:6}The counterfeit comes to steal kill and destroy-Satan said: All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will, I give it, So if You worship me, it will all be Yours.”….
These pictures have been trending on Twitter since 8th August 2014, the day it was believed that Virgin Mary Statue shedded tears in Iraq.According to reports gathered by MediaPostNG, Virgin Mary Statue in St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Iraq started crying, her tears then turned into blood.

Below are pictures posted by eye witness;




Source: http://www.omogist.com/2014/11/meet-9-yr-old-named-beautiful-girl-world/


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