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Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? - Politics - Nairaland

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Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 10:58pm On Aug 12, 2014
I've been reading this man's site and he's obviously suffering from Schizophrenia. Some of the Claims there are Laughable.
"Most searched for Scientist"? Emeagwali please. He rants about the exact same thing, over and over.

Here are some of his ridiculous claims:

Nigerian Achiever of the Year, Network Africa
Bloggers noted that the janitor-mathematician in the movie Good Will
Hunting was copied after a true story of a black janitor (Emeagwali, March

1974 Conceived 64,000 computers—3,000 square miles apart—around the
world, now called an internet.

Attended 500 weekly scientific seminars. Invented two HyperBall internets,
or hypercubes within hyperspheres.

Philip Emeagwali lives in Casper and Laramie, Wyoming for a year.
Discovered that 65,536 computers are 65,536 times faster, earning Philip
Emeagwali recognition and accolades around the world.

Emeagwali has released ZERO research Papers since the Gordon Bell Prize. Genius Indeed.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:04pm On Aug 12, 2014
Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Nobody: 11:19pm On Aug 12, 2014
There's that one thing u do that last forever... Think on that thing
Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Caseless: 11:30pm On Aug 12, 2014
Is he d one called father of the internet? If yes, then he deserve to be celebrated.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Johnolis(m): 11:32pm On Aug 12, 2014
op,if there is one thing that kills faster than ebola,it is jealousy.,
repent of your evil ways and receive Gej's fresh air and be saved.

Invent ideas,win prizes and you will be celebrated.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Nobody: 11:34pm On Aug 12, 2014
polymathic: There's that one thing u do that last forever... Think on that thing
Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by olapluto(m): 11:36pm On Aug 12, 2014
Well, some people still see him as a lord due to his tribe. I mean he has ZERO publications in so many years He's a perished researcher. Even I cannot afford 2 years without publication. But offcourse I dare not call myself what I'm not.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:36pm On Aug 12, 2014
Johnolis: embarassed
op,if there is one thing that kills faster than ebola,it is jealousy.,
repent of your evil ways and receive Gej's fresh air and be saved.

Invent ideas,win prizes and you will be celebrated.

Emeagwali is living on the glory that he got from a College level competition. Pity!

Zero work done after that. I can't be jealous of a Mad man.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:37pm On Aug 12, 2014
olapluto: Well, some people still see him as a lord due to his tribe. I mean he has ZERO publications in so many years He's a perished researcher. Even I cannot afford 2 years without publication. But offcourse I dare not call myself what I'm not.


He has Zero publications and he's the "father of the Internet"?! Haha!

Bro, i'm tired of these People.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Nobody: 11:43pm On Aug 12, 2014
In a simple sentence, Philip Emeagwali is a fraud.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:43pm On Aug 12, 2014
ProfCorruption: In a simple sentence, Philip Emeagwali is a fraud.

Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:45pm On Aug 12, 2014
Real Nigerian Genius:


John Dabiri. Assistant Professor at Caltech.

Graduated top of his Class in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton.

PhD from Caltech.

Richard Feynman taught at Caltech.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:46pm On Aug 12, 2014

Liberian self-taught engineer. Built Radio Transmitters from Scraps.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:49pm On Aug 12, 2014

Built Windmills that produced electricity from Scratch.

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Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Sibrah: 11:51pm On Aug 12, 2014
He invented the 'internet' over a internet connection. Imagine concieving and inventing a blender one day when you were blending some vegetable.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 11:51pm On Aug 12, 2014
Sibrah: He invented the 'internet' over a internet connection. Imagine concieving and inventing a blender one day when you were blending some vegetable.

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Johnolis(m): 1:01am On Aug 13, 2014
Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Johnolis(m): 1:02am On Aug 13, 2014
Kalvan1000: Real Nigerian Genius:


John Dabiri. Assistant Professor at Caltech.

Graduated top of his Class in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton.

PhD from Caltech.

Richard Feynman taught at Caltech.
see 'cone head'. Abeg emegwali is my genius.how many people sabi that cone head?


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 1:14am On Aug 13, 2014
see 'cone head'. Abeg emegwali is my genius.how many people sabi that cone head?

Ibos always patronizing fakes. cheesy

Get out of my Thread. Igbo.


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Horus(m): 2:31am On Aug 13, 2014


[size=15pt]Philip Emeagwali interview in kingston jamaica[/size]
Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Kalvan1000: 2:34am On Aug 13, 2014

[size=15pt]Philip Emeagwali interview in kingston jamaica[/size]

I'm going to watch this, but can you debunk what i've said?!

Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Itoroetti(m): 5:06am On Aug 13, 2014
olapluto: Well, some people still see him as a lord due to his tribe. I mean he has ZERO publications in so many years He's a perished researcher. Even I cannot afford 2 years without publication. But offcourse I dare not call myself what I'm not.

but we've never read any of ur publication nor even heard about u even if na rumuor


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by BishopMagic: 5:25am On Aug 13, 2014
olapluto: . Even I cannot afford 2 years without publication.

No be allah akbar studies we want supporter of APC

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Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Nobody: 6:46am On Aug 13, 2014
P H I L I P E M E A G W A L I: A C a l c u l a t i n g M o v e

. . . . The Web owes much of its existence to Philip Emeagwali, a math whiz who came up with the formula for allowing a large number of computers to communicate at once.

Emeagwali was born to a poor family in Akure, Nigeria, in 1954. Despite his brain for math, he had to drop out of school because his family, who had become war refugees, could no longer afford to send him. As a young man, he earned a general education certificate from the University of London and later degrees from George Washington University and the University of Maryland, as well as a doctoral fellowship from the University of Michigan.

At Michigan, he participated in the scientific community's debate on how to simulate the detection of oil reservoirs using a supercomputer. Growing up in an oil-rich nation and understanding how oil is drilled, Emeagwali decided to use this problem as the subject of his doctoral dissertation. Borrowing an idea from a science fiction story about predicting the weather, Emeagwali decided that rather than using 8 expensive supercomputers he would employ thousands of microprocessors to do the computation.

The only step left was to find 8 machines and connect them. (Remember, it was the 80s.) Through research, he found a machine called the Connection Machine at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which had sat unused after scientists had given up on figuring out how to make it simulate nuclear explosions. The machine was designed to run 65,536 interconnected microprocessors. In 1987, he applied for and was given permission to use the machine, and remotely from his Ann Arbor, Michigan, location he set the parameters and ran his program. In addition to correctly computing the amount of oil in the simulated reservoir, the machine was able to perform 3.1 billion calculations per second.

The crux of the discovery was that Emeagwali had programmed each of the microprocessors to talk to six neighboring microprocessors at the same time.



Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by Johnolis(m): 8:30pm On Aug 13, 2014
Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by T9ksy(m): 8:47pm On Aug 13, 2014
Op, the only people who revere Philip Emeagwali are the same ones who lionise a war general who after losing 3million of

his people in a shambolic war he 419ed them into, abandoned them on the war-front to cavort with women of easy virtue in exile.

They love fakes!!!


Re: Why Do People Still revere Emeagwali? by elobyobi: 9:10pm On Aug 13, 2014
He won a gordon bell prize in comuting.
Chinedu uchendu designed hotspot for apple and he is a billiOnaire for that , abeg , what does a yoruba know abt computing? In maths, yorubas are yet to have a chike obi !

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