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What Is The Acceptable Mourning Period For Christians? - Religion - Nairaland

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What Is The Acceptable Mourning Period For Christians? by BabyJinx: 3:15pm On Oct 20, 2008
Please I’m not here to “touch” the anointed or “do harm” to the prophet of God. I have a question - Is there an acceptable mourning period for Christians who have lost their spouses and what is it?

Pastor Agu of Jesus House London (RCCG) is Engaged. This news comes as bit of a shock to some of his parishioners since his wife died of breast cancer in June 15 2007.

My thing if he is engaged now, how soon after his wife died did he start dating this new woman? The way I see it, he didn’t seem to have taken that much time to get over his wife’s death. . . Or maybe it’s just me romanticizing their relationship but then again, how can I not when their ministry when she was alive was built on Love, Romance in the Christian Marriage. They got invited by many churches to preach to singles and newly wedded couple and used themselves as the epitome of love. So it’s kind o disconcerting to see him…move on this fast, please don’t get me wrong I am not saying he should spend the rest of his life mourning her but a year…to be engaged 16 months after she died? 
Re: What Is The Acceptable Mourning Period For Christians? by Gamine(f): 4:05pm On Oct 20, 2008
Errr. . . lipsrsealed


i dont think much about a time for mourning

someone dies, it pains you, but life goes on

cry angry sad smiley grin kiss
Re: What Is The Acceptable Mourning Period For Christians? by minute(f): 5:12pm On Oct 20, 2008
Is there supposed to be a guideline for mourning? undecided undecided undecided

People handle grief differently.

If you lost a child,you would NEVER get over it.

I don't think you could ever get over someone

you love so dearly.You just get used to not having

them around and learn to live with it.
Re: What Is The Acceptable Mourning Period For Christians? by BabyJinx: 8:23pm On Oct 20, 2008
I was kinda hoping someone would say that. . . I mean about the whole different people grieve differently thing.

I don't want to turn to this to a woman vs man thing but you know if that was the wife, people would be calling for her head on a silver platter. My friend's older sister lost her husband, about 4-5 months after he died. . . she turned 35 and wanted to do birthday thanksgiving in church and the pastor had to gently but firmly reject her because they did not think it was appropriate since people where still helping her mourn her husband and it look [i]somehow [/i]if she came all dressed up in her Sunday best, dancing to the alter.

So is it different strokes for different types of folks i.e Men vs Women or different strokes for different level of folks i.e Pastors vs Civilians?
Re: What Is The Acceptable Mourning Period For Christians? by Cristalz(f): 8:40pm On Oct 20, 2008
Its a Men vs Women thing o. Always has been. Society has never been fair to women and never will be. This unfairness breaks thru all barriers,Religion included.

Its quite pathetic,really.

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