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Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Joel3(m): 4:12pm On Aug 18, 2014
About me,

Is your boy Joel. And I’m just a high taste guy and no one has ever pleased me, neither can I or had ever pleased myself.
For the past 10 months I had been contemplating on my site. It has been installing and uninstalling.

So far I am not pleased and can never be pleased with it. But looking at the gone by month it’s a pain in the a.ss and where my site should have been by now. I just can’t hold it anymore and I would like to release it like that.

Well as for critics it’s allowed here. Although I am not satisfy but I want to use it like this.

My intention so far is to make the site more friendlier on all devices. Please visit the site from all devices available to you and tell me what you saw.

Site is wicmedia.com


Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Joel3(m): 4:19pm On Aug 18, 2014
let me know the devices you open it from and the resolution display in inch. ensure that you view topic as well
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by StPete: 4:27pm On Aug 18, 2014
Joel3: About me,

Is your boy Joel. And I’m just a high taste guy and no one has ever pleased me, neither can I or had ever pleased myself.
For the past 10 months I had been contemplating on my site. It has been installing and uninstalling.

So far I am not pleased and can never be pleased with it. But looking at the gone by month it’s a pain in the a.ss and where my site should have been by now. I just can’t hold it anymore and I would like to release it like that.

Well as for critics it’s allowed here. Although I am not satisfy but I want to use it like this.

My intention so far is to make the site more friendlier on all devices. Please visit the site from all devices available to you and tell me what you saw.

Site is wicmedia.com



What's the point in viewing your site wen eventually you will not be pleased nor satisfied? angry
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Joel3(m): 6:05pm On Aug 18, 2014

What's the point in viewing when your site wen eventually you will not be pleased nor satisfied? angry
what i am saying is that the way i really want it. I cannot do it neither can any professional web developer will understand it.
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Adrenaline123(m): 6:37pm On Aug 18, 2014
Well nice innovation, but the background is not good, pink too shouty, choose less shouty colours.
Not properly arranged on UC browser's java phone.
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by MrAnonymous: 6:46pm On Aug 18, 2014
Joel3: what i am saying is that the way i really want it. I cannot do it neither can any professional web developer will understand it.
Well if you say 'professional' developers won't understand it, why would we?
I understand that english isn't your thing but maybe the introduction isn't as pretty sounding as you had planned it to be.

Anyway, i visited with a 240px width mobile phone and saw a lot of pink, scrolled down and saw some more pink. Also the first input box in the comments area does not have any text label. Overall, it's nice for a responsive site.
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by IamGodzilla: 7:19pm On Aug 18, 2014
First! Are you gay? Lool! Jjust kidding, the whole pinkish thing on a mobile device...try to add some blend, although its okay! But one more thing, how do I make a post on the forum??
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Joel3(m): 8:15pm On Aug 18, 2014
Adrenaline123: Well nice innovation, but the background is not good, pink too shouty, choose less shouty colours.
Not properly arranged on UC browser's java phone.

Fact. I had issues with ucbrowser. The browser see it as destops view and never sees its as responsive.
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Djtm(m): 10:44pm On Aug 18, 2014
Remove the pink background, it screams WTF!!!!
The gradient at the top of the page sucks too.
You need some line spacing.
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Joel3(m): 5:12pm On Aug 24, 2014
please check again. Color reworked on. Thanks
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Adrenaline123(m): 11:19pm On Aug 24, 2014
Joel3: please check again. Color reworked on. Thanks
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by daddynasa: 5:00pm On Aug 25, 2014
not bad for a start as times goes u keep upgrading. its simple. keep working until u get there
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by bigl: 12:40pm On Aug 29, 2014

1. D colour scheme is not it and unless its for gay, please change it

2. The domain name and the web content(s) are conflicting. When I saw the name wicmedia.com, I thought its a media company etc but behold and alas, its a smf forum!

3. Have a target (niche) market. If u must target african countries then u might as well do d following:

A. Change d name to sometin more appealing like africaland or afrogist, etc (op, u go pay me o!)

B. Focus on issues people would love to discuss about and face that. That's a sure way to get the right traffic
Re: Please Test My Site From Your Devices And Criticize by Joel3(m): 1:39pm On Aug 29, 2014
bigl: @OP:

2. The domain name and the web content(s) are conflicting. When I saw the name wicmedia.com, I thought its a media company etc but behold and alas, its a smf forum!

3. Have a target (niche) market. If u must target african countries then u might as well do d following:

A. Change d name to sometin more appealing like africaland or afrogist, etc (op, u go pay me o!)

B. Focus on issues people would love to discuss about and face that. That's a sure way to get the right traffic


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