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I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Kanwulia: 4:53pm On Aug 21, 2014
No wonder EBOLA kam from Africa!
DORTY peeps!
You for kukuma use ya MAMA used tampon or SAVED, SOAKED MESTRUAL PAD na.

Haba! grin
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Nobody: 4:53pm On Aug 21, 2014
carefreewannabe: I don't understand exactly what you are saying but the water can be used for BOTH children for economical and ecological reasons, which is a good idea.


Godmystrength: then maybe they will bath the daddy or mummy with the water o. It must not waste. grin grin

Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Godmystrength: 5:41pm On Aug 21, 2014
snazzylove: Hahahahahahahaaa grin. Noo. If there is no new baby d last born won't fall sick. The 'falling' sick according to them, is due to the new born. #Jealousytinz# grin
Okay cheesy
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Godmystrength: 5:46pm On Aug 21, 2014
carefreewannabe: I don't understand exactly what you are saying but the water can be used for BOTH children for economical and ecological reasons, which is a good idea.
nyama embarassed more like bathing the baby and gathering the water in a bowl to also be used on the innocent older sibling .. for whatever reasons? bad idea i think. What if it is the new born baby's first bath?? You can imagine the state of the water after everything. So GROSS
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Godmystrength: 5:49pm On Aug 21, 2014
That was in response to this
ideee03: Or what if the infant was the first child? foncused
instead of wasting the water, since there is no older sibling, the parents can stand in the gap for that. No wastage. Water must be used to the last drop ni
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by soulglo: 8:25pm On Aug 21, 2014
Tallesty1: Did you mother fly away after saying that? Why didn't you ask her?

Rotflmao. I will pray for you.
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by joanne1(f): 8:27pm On Aug 21, 2014
@Godmystrenght thanks for explaining better and I'm sorry for confusing u guys buh I guess sme peeps understand wat I mean though...
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by joanne1(f): 8:29pm On Aug 21, 2014
No wonder EBOLA kam from Africa!
DORTY peeps!
You for kukuma use ya MAMA used tampon or SAVED, SOAKED MESTRUAL PAD na.

H aba!

Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by babysugar1(f): 12:00am On Aug 22, 2014
Godmystrength: nyama embarassed more like bathing the baby and gathering the water in a bowl to also be used on the innocent older sibling .. for whatever reasons? bad idea i think. What if it is the new born baby's first bath?? You can imagine the state of the water after everything. So GROSS
It is the remaining clean water dat wil be use for the immediate siblin. It is done in sum cases to prevent the older one frm gettin sick out of jealousy for the new born baby.
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Godmystrength: 8:23am On Aug 22, 2014
babysugar1: [color=#000099][/color]
It is the remaining clean water dat wil be use for the immediate siblin. It is done in sum cases to prevent the older one frm gettin sick out of jealousy for the new born baby.
okay o. OP didn't explain like that sha...
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by sello555: 1:45pm On Aug 22, 2014
@Godmystrength,you must be a clown,lol.
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Godmystrength: 2:35pm On Aug 22, 2014
sello555: @Godmystrength,you must be a clown,lol.
grin grin
Re: I Do Wanna Knw Ur Take On Dis Issue. by Jaygrl(f): 7:56pm On Aug 22, 2014
@Op I understand what you mean.My grandmun did same for my immediate younger sis..ok lemme explain,my mum had 3 of us in 3yrs cheesy and my sis happened to be the one in the middle,when they gave birth to the 3rd child she was always sick and she didn't crawl and couldn't even work till when she was 2yrs plus.The period(as I heard) my grand mum stayed with us she always insisted on using the water used on the third child(my bro)on her......It seriously doesn't make sense to me,no wonder she is the stubborn person in the house(e be like say the water make her over strong tongue )

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