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Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by mencade5(m): 6:24pm On Aug 26, 2014
i no dey talk for woman talk again ooo. Na my signature dey talk for me.

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by valony(m): 7:18pm On Aug 26, 2014
The average active girl averages 7-20guys... Regardless of the number of tymz per guy (that 1 na story for d gods). But our aunties a.k.a. ashanas, dem oloshos/runz-gals na 50 be their minimum level not considering the ones on roll-call plus standard BFs
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by femidejulius(m): 7:19pm On Aug 26, 2014
teeo: Her past is not my business, even though she has a child as long as I can trust her present and her future, we would make a great couple.

Virginity no be food. Tell your friend to forget about that issue joor. cheesy

1. The future is built on the past and the present.
2. People hardly change. "People are not often what they seem to be in a moment but what they have always been" - Unknown

Virginity isn't food but those addicted to having several intimate relationships at all times are more likely not going to quit soon just because they got married.


Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by tosyne2much(m): 7:23pm On Aug 26, 2014
Are there no laides on Nairaland anymore?

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 7:54pm On Aug 26, 2014
Missonas: Story for the gods!
I guess you don lose count .
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Missonas(f): 8:15pm On Aug 26, 2014
I guess you don lose count .

No I haven't.they used to say no sex before marriage now its the number of partners that's 'admissable' its bogus.na story!
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 8:36pm On Aug 26, 2014
The most beautiful
girl in 1960 is an old woman today; nobody reigns forever. Virginity lost today
can never be renewed.
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by wizard007(m): 8:44pm On Aug 26, 2014
Temigracie, farano, idowuogbo and co, y'all are summoned grin
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Idowuogbo(f): 8:51pm On Aug 26, 2014
teeo: Her past is not my business, even though she has a child as long as I can trust her present and her future, we would make a great couple.

Virginity no be food. Tell your friend to forget about that issue joor. cheesy
Awwwww.....'marrwie' me embarassed
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 8:53pm On Aug 26, 2014
Awwwww.....'marrwie' me embarassed

You know I would gladly marry you embarassed embarassed

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Missmossy(f): 8:56pm On Aug 26, 2014
Talk is cheap anyway as i see some guys ranting lies they would never stick to.
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by haryomikun(m): 8:56pm On Aug 26, 2014

Brother them dey but e no plenty. That my neighbour was very notorious with girls and there was one lady that gave him tough time(over 1 year of toasting) and he felt with the level of torture and judging by her quietness,that she'll be a fantastic babe but my brother after the babe finally accepted,we were so happy with Oge thinking marriage matter had ended but one weekend i saw Oge squeezing face & i asked what was the matter & he narrated his ordeal to me that he tested & in conclusion the babe was a disaster cheesy grin grin
Girls re wicked o!
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by GoodFaith: 8:58pm On Aug 26, 2014
teeo: Her past is not my business, even though she has a child as long as I can trust her present and her future, we would make a great couple.

Virginity no be food. Tell your friend to forget about that issue joor. cheesy

I hope u are not using her for "paper"
will a liar stop lying ----I am not God
Will a lady that F u when she was married F other man? -----I am not God
Time will tell
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by toby2(m): 8:59pm On Aug 26, 2014
D topic is d reason i am so scared of marriage even wen am not close to it. I jus pray God gives me a complete tear-rubber, else i don't know if i can eva be happy in dat marriage cos i will neva bed her talk more of havin children wit her.
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 9:00pm On Aug 26, 2014

I hope u are not using her for "paper"

What is this one saying
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 9:01pm On Aug 26, 2014
Missmossy: Talk is cheap anyway as i see some guys ranting lies they would never stick to.

My dearie, there are lots of things one can't say online. The past most times doesn't matter.
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by GoodFaith: 9:01pm On Aug 26, 2014

What is this one saying
Read my full comments
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Idowuogbo(f): 9:07pm On Aug 26, 2014

You know I would gladly marry you embarassed embarassed
*blushing* grin
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by repogirl(f): 9:07pm On Aug 26, 2014

Do you know some people just go off course from their up bringing and previous lifestyle and misbehave within a very short period of time far more than the known sinners ?

This could be as a result of relocation, a queer job, isolation, culture shock, new status or peer pressure.

If you identify such a person, he/she is likely to have an underlying desire to quit bad living which he/she will readily do once the opportunity shows itself..
God bless you for this statement! @purplesummer, life isn't black or white, there are grey areas..... That a girl slept around a lot before marriage doesn't necessarily mean she won't be faithful in marriage..... Also that a girl was faithful or never had sex before marriage doesn't necessarily mean she might not cheat after marriage!

The past is past and should be left in the past as far as someone is willing to make a sincere change!

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Idowuogbo(f): 9:08pm On Aug 26, 2014

What is this one saying
grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 9:09pm On Aug 26, 2014
Read my full comments

teeo: Her past is not my business, even though she has a child as long as I can trust her present and her future, we would make a great couple.

Virginity no be food. Tell your friend to forget about that issue joor.

The above was my initial post and it seems to have generated controversy, the bolded should be enough explanation.
There is a reason why there is courtship and relationship. As long as I know that the past is in the past and she is content with and she makes me happy, WTF is my business with what she has done before.

All these small girls forming innocent, if I ask you for your body count now most you have done more than 10 niggas and you're forming self righteous.

Make we hear word this evening abeg

1 Like

Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by GoodFaith: 9:09pm On Aug 26, 2014
toby2: D topic is d reason i am so scared of marriage even wen am not close to it. I jus pray God gives me a complete tear-rubber, else i don't know if i can eva be happy in dat marriage cos i will neva bed her talk more of havin children wit her.
"a complete tear-rubber, "
What u want is a complete wife
that will support you
make you and the kids her first prority
Respectfull, considerate, loving , caring
Good person that share ur values and morals
You as a man must give back to her all of the above

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by GoodFaith: 9:13pm On Aug 26, 2014

The above was my initial post and it seems to have generated controversy, the bolded should be enough explanation.
There is a reason why there is courtship and relationship. As long as I know that the past is in the past and she is content with and she makes me happy, WTF is my business with what she has done before.

All these small girls forming innocent, if I ask you for your body count now most you have done more than 10 niggas and you're forming self righteous.

Make we hear word this evening abeg
i do agree with some of the above comment
Regarding the number of men a woman dated before marrage --- is a no, no for me
A women past and their family background is SOMETIME VERY IMPORTANT

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 9:17pm On Aug 26, 2014
i do agree with some of the above comment
Regarding the number of men a woman dated before marrage --- is a no, no for me
Some of women past and their family background is SOMETIME VERY IMPORTANT

How would you find out Biko, most times we worry ourselves about irrelevant things. Bros or sis ( sorry there is no sexuality on your name) if you want to marry by pussytestometer and test the pu.ssy to determine the amount of something's have entered there.

I hope that makes the woman a better wife or that would assure you she would give birth to lovely kids for you
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Eyop: 9:17pm On Aug 26, 2014
repogirl: God bless you for this statement! @purplesummer, life isn't black or white, there are grey areas..... That a girl slept around a lot before marriage doesn't necessarily mean she won't be faithful in marriage..... Also that a girl was faithful or never had sex before marriage doesn't necessarily mean she might not cheat after marriage!

The past is past and should be left in the past as far as someone is willing to make a sincere change!
This sweet babe looks very innocent lipsrsealed
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by GoodFaith: 9:22pm On Aug 26, 2014

How would you find out Biko, most times we worry ourselves about irrelevant things. Bros or sis ( sorry there is no sexuality on your name) if you want to marry by pussytestometer and test the pu.ssy to determine the amount of something's have entered there.

I hope that makes the woman a better wife or that would assure you she would give birth to lovely kids for you
I think u are getting it all tweeted and young
I don't ask women the number of men they have dated or slept with---- like I said , I am not interested on the number of man
I have made big mistake not looking closely at her values, morals and family background
I knew we share some different values and moral but I did over look it

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by repogirl(f): 9:23pm On Aug 26, 2014
This sweet babe looks very innocent lipsrsealed
Thanks but looks can be deceiving lipsrsealed grin

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Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Nobody: 9:23pm On Aug 26, 2014
I think u are getting it all tweeted and young
I don't ask women the number of men they have dated or slept with---- like I said , I am not interested on the number of man
I have made big mistake not looking closely on her values, morals and family background
I knew we share some different values and moral but I did over look it

Maybe we should open another thread for you then, this one focuses on body count. undecided
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by toby2(m): 9:24pm On Aug 26, 2014
You as a man must give back to her all of the above
and dat's d major reason y i mait neva be happy wit her for life.
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by Eyop: 9:25pm On Aug 26, 2014
repogirl: Thanks but looks can be deceiving lipsrsealed grin
grin grin Never! i don't think this face will result to a disaster but rather a fantastic selection. But Nairaland take style get babes sha cool
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by addictiv(m): 9:28pm On Aug 26, 2014
word.......to find out the total no of guys a lady has been with, multiply any figure she tells you by 3 to get the real figure or a closer figure. you most certainly would be alarmed.
Re: Average Num Of Guys A Lady Shld Av Slept With B4 Marriage? by GoodFaith: 9:30pm On Aug 26, 2014

Maybe we should open another thread for you then, this one focuses on body count. undecided
Like I said you young
The issue i addressed are some of the reason
a person should not just do body count but look at other values

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