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Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? - Religion - Nairaland

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Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:27pm On Aug 27, 2014
So minuites ago i lost my long opening post detailing christainity's teaching on Christ the ultimate Truth and how that has influence Christains down though the centuries.

Well that is gone so here is a simple one.
Christains believe they possess the ultimate truth and Christ is the only way, and the path to the father, do these beliefs make the average christain arrogant? Does it give them a sort of percieved superiority in opinions?

Believing in one sole truth comes with the moral resposibility of teaching it and brands other opinions as errors, does this teaching make christains intolerant to other opinions and religions?

Terms like arrogance and intelerance are not defined, i invite those commenting to attempt to define them with reference before arguing for or against.
I also note that neither arrogance or intolerance are condemned in this post.

So what do you think?
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Nobody: 1:37pm On Aug 27, 2014
Someone finally notices.
Not only arrogant and intolerant, also condenscending. and sanctimonious. undecided
Believers of other religions sometimes act like this, but Christians take the cake.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by alentyno: 2:02pm On Aug 27, 2014
OP if this is what you take christians to be, then I wonder how you will describe muslims

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by deebrain(m): 2:24pm On Aug 27, 2014
As a religion, Yes.

As a relationship, No.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 4:16pm On Aug 27, 2014
Apatheist: Someone finally notices.
Not only arrogant and intolerant, also condenscending. and sanctimonious. undecided
Believers of other religions sometimes act like this, but Christians take the cake.
wow those are plenty big words.

Would you rank all Christains with those words?
Would you say the christain beliefs are the reasons for those "behaviour"?

Would you say those acts of intolerance are offensive?
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 4:23pm On Aug 27, 2014
alentyno: ^^^^^ the poster above me is clueless.
OP if this is what you take christians to be, then I wonder how you will describe muslims

would you say the muslims should be the measuring rod on right and wrong?

Why infact would you mention muslims if it doesn't presume that Christians are inherently better?

I even think Jesus may have set the tone when he said "if your goodwork doesn't surpass that of the pharisees you shall not enter the kingdom...".
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 4:39pm On Aug 27, 2014
deebrain: As a religion, Yes.

As a relationship, No.

i have tremendous respect for all who try to distinguish between Christianity as a relationship and Christianity as a religion. That is powerful mental gymnastics and it will take me great mental strength to understand the difference. That aside, if christianity is a relationship then it must be a relationship with Jesus...u remember Jesus right? The guy who said "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life, no one come to the Father except thru me", if you have a relationship with him then you must believe what he says...if you believe what he says then you must agree with him.

So what about those whose religion isn't "Jesuschristious"? What about the pagans? Doesn't that mean that they are in error? That they believe in errors and it is your moral duty to share this "truth"?

Heck, the relationship will not accept all "nonJesuschristious" ideas and religions, it will reject them and brand them as errors.

Certainly this relationship is no very tolerant of other ideas, certainly is presumes to be superior to them.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 4:41pm On Aug 27, 2014
Nobody yet to define the terms still waiting for more response.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Nobody: 6:00pm On Aug 27, 2014
wow those are plenty big words.

Would you rank all Christains with those words?[ /quote]A lot.
[quote]Would you say the christain beliefs are the reasons for those "behaviour"?
Not "Christian beliefs" but religious beliefs. Most religions posit that other people who do not believe in their god, or follow their religion will suffer eternal perdition. They tend to look upon others condenscendingly.
From your article :
Christains believe they possess the ultimate truth and Christ is the only way, and the path to the father, do these beliefs make the average christain
arrogant? Does it give them a sort of percieved superiority in opinions?

Yes, to both questions.
Would you say those acts of intolerance are offensive?
Case in point:
^^^^^the poster above me is clueless.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by TheBigUrban2: 6:31pm On Aug 27, 2014

All Abrahamic religions can make you arrogant and intolerant....depending on how you practice it.

If you take a conservative approach to christianity and islam, you will become a full time bigot because you will naturally believe that there is only one God (your Allah/Yaweh) and only one truth (through Moses/Jesus/Muhammad). A Jew will reject Jesus as a heretic. A christian will reject Judaism and the law of Moses as the outdated scriptures/convenant. A muslim will reject the bible as a corrupted holy book.

In short, the conservative would take his religion to be the only truth, hence, other religions, gods or practises are false.

A liberal approach to christianity and islam is far better. This because while you believe in your holy books or prophets, you accept that your truth is not the only way to God. There are many ways to God- all that one needs is the love of God's creations. You respect your religion and give people the chance to practice theirs without your judgement.

Unfortuantely, there are very few liberal christians/muslims

-a show of self superiority. Unnecessarily acting better than others

-close-minded disrespect of other viewpoints

my definitions


Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by MizMyColi(f): 6:42pm On Aug 27, 2014
deebrain: As a religion, Yes.

As a relationship, No.
Those who have this "relationship" in a typical christian sense are the worst perpetrators of Intolerance, Arrogance, Superciliousness, (sic) Self, and Performance based Rghteousness. I used to have that "relationship" too wink

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by mmsen: 6:54pm On Aug 27, 2014
All religions help to foster an "us" vs "them" mentality.

If you are not part of the in group then you are destined for some unknown, horrible place in the afterlife...

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Nobody: 7:41pm On Aug 27, 2014
MizMyColi: Those who have this "relationship" in a typical christian sense are the worst perpetrators of Intolerance, Arrogance, Superciliousness, (sic) self and performance based righteousness. I used to have that "relationship" too wink

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by tandj: 7:59pm On Aug 27, 2014

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Nobody: 8:09pm On Aug 27, 2014
mmsen: All religions help to foster an "us" vs "them" mentality.

If you are not part of the in group then you are destined for some unknown, horrible place in the afterlife...
tandj: Even inside the various religions, we still have "us vs them" everywhere.
A sunni moslem will say shiite don't know what they r doing.
A catholic will reject protestants outright while saturday worshippers will say those worshiping on sunday r fake.
Religion, I sigh.
Each to his own sha.
mmsen: All religions help to foster an "us" vs "them" mentality.

If you are not part of the in group then you are destined for some unknown, horrible place in the afterlife...

Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Nobody: 8:40pm On Aug 27, 2014
when ego runs amuck, it breeds 'arrogance'. it is a human social defect that is common to all of us, it is not exclusive to any group. even we atheists are arrogant 'both online and offline' especially when when we think we are right and others are blind.
however, pentecostal/evangelical/born-again christians are the most arrogant in all religious sects, it's very absurd because they claim to represent a religion which is suppose to promote love and humility. most times it is the arrogance in christians that drive non-christians away from christian teachings. the first and second generations (missionaries, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Jehovah's witness, etc.) were more humble with their evangelism and they were able to convert people to christianity in a more friendly, peaceable, well-meaning manner,
but today's christians could verbally attack you, lay a curse on you and be happy to see you suffer, even laugh at your plight.


"I like your Christ, I do not like your chiristians, your christians are so unlike your Christ"

- Mahatma Gandhi


Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by RikoduoSennin(m): 7:21am On Aug 28, 2014
mmsen: All religions help to foster an "us" vs "them" mentality.

If you are not part of the in group then you are destined for some unknown, horrible place in the afterlife...

If the bolded is true, what then can be said about Atheism and Agnosticism. They too as much as anybody else manifest these two traits as well as others. Arrogance, intolerance, Pride, haughtiness etc you name it!

It is wrong to believe/Conclude this traits are heightened because of religion. They are in all of us but some religion like christianity helps its members to control/get rid of those traits not the other way around.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by qstar(m): 7:30am On Aug 28, 2014

It is wrong to believe/Conclude this traits are heightened because of religion. They are in all of us but some religion like christianity helps its members to control/get rid of those traits not the other way around.

Religion helps no one get rid of no traits. Personal effort does!
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by mmsen: 8:36am On Aug 28, 2014

If the bolded is true, what then can be said about Atheism and Agnosticism. They too as much as anybody else manifest these two traits as well as others. Arrogance, intolerance, Pride, haughtiness etc you name it!
It is wrong to believe/Conclude this traits are heightened because of religion. They are in all of us but some religion like christianity helps its members to control/get rid of those traits not the other way around.

Agnosticism is not a religion. If anything it describes an indifference to the allure of religion.

You have zero evidence for your claim that xtianity helps to get rid of these negative traits. It that were truly the case there would not be so many different churches, each with different dogmas and hierarchies.

Did you know that animosity between the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches is so great that the keys for some of the major xtian tourist sites in Israel have to be kept by Muslims...


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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by TheBigUrban2: 6:16pm On Aug 28, 2014

If the bolded is true, what then can be said about Atheism and Agnosticism. They too as much as anybody else manifest these two traits as well as others. Arrogance, intolerance, Pride, haughtiness etc you name it!

It is wrong to believe/Conclude this traits are heightened because of religion. They are in all of us but some religion like christianity helps its members to control/get rid of those traits not the other way around.

Atheism is not a religion and neither is agnosticism.

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 11:39pm On Aug 28, 2014

Atheism is not a religion and neither is agnosticism.

this only allows me expand the discussion.

From what i see...the arrogance isn't neccessarily about religion, it comes from the "supposed" certainty of having the "truth", and the ability to spot the supposed errors!

Or do you think this is limited to just christains or religious people?


Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:17am On Aug 29, 2014

Agnosticism is not a religion. If anything it describes an indifference to the allure of religion.
But the same is not true for atheism...atheist aren't exactly indifferent. And agnostics are most times still searching for the good in world religion.

You have zero evidence for your claim that xtianity helps to get rid of these negative traits. It that were truly the case there would not be so many different churches, each with different dogmas and hierarchies.

I think you have it backwards, the "negative traits" aren't the cause for the different Churches and dogmas, it is the other way round, the different dogmas (specific and absolute religious truths) are the cause of the possible negative traits and different churches.

And as to your first comment, i just read a religious article that advises the christain to evangelise without any trace of intellectual arrogance and to tolerate the views of others even when he believes he has arrived at the truth. It advises that evangelisation be a dialogue, so i may disagree with you that there is zero evidence that christainity or even other religions may help people in getting off there high horses.

Did you know that animosity between the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches is so great that the keys for some of the major xtian tourist sites in Israel have to be kept by Muslims...


Yeah, there is bad blood, it is true, but is this proof of simple human ego that is possible even without religion or does this make religion the cause?
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:20am On Aug 29, 2014

Religion helps no one get rid of no traits. Personal effort does!
this is a big blanket statement don't you think?
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:31am On Aug 29, 2014

If the bolded is true, what then can be said about Atheism and Agnosticism. They too as much as anybody else manifest these two traits as well as others. Arrogance, intolerance, Pride, haughtiness etc you name it!

It is wrong to believe/Conclude this traits are heightened because of religion. They are in all of us but some religion like christianity helps its members to control/get rid of those traits not the other way around.

a different thought...

Actually doesn't Christainity fuel these trait. Some months ago a heard a pastor teach about some "supposed heresy" in some other church, my pastor actually taught the congregation that they are lucky to be members of the church...these are the cool cases, there are pastors who actually teach that the other church down the street is the "LovePeddler of babylon" and they are all going to hell, there are those who believe they are the only guys going to heaven... The list goes on. I still haven't met a pastor that respect witches and loves native doctors.

Isn't religion in one way or the other and christianity in particular fueling these attitude?


Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:39am On Aug 29, 2014
Scyllapatron: when ego runs amuck, it breeds 'arrogance'. it is a human social defect that is common to all of us, it is not exclusive to any group. even we atheists are arrogant 'both online and offline' especially when when we think we are right and others are blind.
however, pentecostal/evangelical/born-again christians are the most arrogant in all religious sects, it's very absurd because they claim to represent a religion which is suppose to promote love and humility. most times it is the arrogance in christians that drive non-christians away from christian teachings. the first and second generations (missionaries, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Jehovah's witness, etc.) were more humble with their evangelism and they were able to convert people to christianity in a more friendly, peaceable, well-meaning manner,
but today's christians could verbally attack you, lay a curse on you and be happy to see you suffer, even laugh at your plight.


"I like your Christ, I do not like your chiristians, your christians are so unlike your Christ"

- Mahatma Gandhi

interesting point of view...

I just have a footnote...
The missionaries came with the colonial masters...
The catholics preached the crusade and then the inquisition...
The anglicans killed the monks and the catholics when king henry took over the church...
The Jehovah witness in my street will probably preach to me calmly but i'm pretty sure if i ask he'll surely tell me i won't make heaven in my present state.

Are they really that gentle?

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Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:48am On Aug 29, 2014
TheBigUrban2: Hehe...

All Abrahamic religions can make you arrogant and intolerant....depending on how you practice it.

If you take a conservative approach to christianity and islam, you will become a full time bigot because you will naturally believe that there is only one God (your Allah/Yaweh) and only one truth (through Moses/Jesus/Muhammad). A Jew will reject Jesus as a heretic. A christian will reject Judaism and the law of Moses as the outdated scriptures/convenant. A muslim will reject the bible as a corrupted holy book.

In short, the conservative would take his religion to be the only truth, hence, other religions, gods or practises are false.

A liberal approach to christianity and islam is far better. This because while you believe in your holy books or prophets, you accept that your truth is not the only way to God. There are many ways to God- all that one needs is the love of God's creations. You respect your religion and give people the chance to practice theirs without your judgement.

Unfortuantely, there are very few liberal christians/muslims

i must say i have never seen anyone who is as liberal as you described...if there were such i'll really like to ask them, "if all is relative, why do you even believe your particular holy book and not the other one?".

Sorry, but i think it is hard to be a real relativist and be a christian or a muslim...maybe a budist.


-a show of self superiority. Unnecessarily acting better than others

-close-minded disrespect of other viewpoints

my definitions

any ref?
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:49am On Aug 29, 2014
MizMyColi: Those who have this "relationship" in a typical christian sense are the worst perpetrators of Intolerance, Arrogance, Superciliousness, (sic) self and performance based righteousness. I used to have that "relationship" too wink

now this was funny...
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:50am On Aug 29, 2014
mmsen: All religions help to foster an "us" vs "them" mentality.

If you are not part of the in group then you are destined for some unknown, horrible place in the afterlife...
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by Ubenedictus(m): 12:52am On Aug 29, 2014
tandj: Even inside the various religions, we still have "us vs them" everywhere.

A sunni moslem will say shiite don't know what they r doing.
A catholic will reject protestants outright while saturday worshippers will say those worshiping on sunday r fake.

Religion, I sigh.
Each to his own sha.
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by TheBigUrban2: 3:14am On Aug 29, 2014

this only allows me expand the discussion.

From what i see...the arrogance isn't neccessarily about religion, it comes from the "supposed" certainty of having the "truth", and the ability to spot the supposed errors!

Or do you think this is limited to just christains or religious people?

Christians and muslims are certain about things they cant possibly prove-
-that there is an afterlife; either heaven or hell
-that there is some God sitting in heaven

There is arrogance/intolerance that is common to everyone......and there is arrogance/intolerance that comes specially from the exclusivity from religion
Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by TheBigUrban2: 3:16am On Aug 29, 2014

i must say i have never seen anyone who is as liberal as you described...if there were such i'll really like to ask them, "if all is relative, why do you even believe your particular holy book and not the other one?".

Sorry, but i think it is hard to be a real relativist and be a christian or a muslim...maybe a budist.

Ask Pastor AIO and Texanomaly about their christian views.

The typical british christian is a liberal one.

But you are a typical Nigerian christian....meaning that you are a conservative bigot. Sorry


Re: Does Christainity Encourage Intolerance And Arrogance? by texanomaly(f): 4:24am On Aug 29, 2014
Christains believe they possess the ultimate truth and Christ is the only way, and the path to the father, do these beliefs make the average christain arrogant?

Ok. You asked so let's define arrogant...

...having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

Now, if we go by your description of Christians above, I have to answer no. Christians are not arrogant. Christians don't believe they, themselves possess any power. They believe the power lies in Christ.

Let's look at a few synonyms: haughty, conceited, self-important, egotistic, full of oneself, superior;

Do any of these words describe Jesus Christ of the Christian Bible? Do they describe what a Christian is supposed to be?

Next let's tackle this question:

Does it give them a sort of percieved superiority in opinions?

Now this is an interesting question. Who do you mean by "them"? The Christian faith, or those who claim to follow it? How you answer can significantly change my answer here and possibly above.

I'm pacing myself here. More to come.

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