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Joan Rivers Is Dead - Celebrities (10) - Nairaland

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Joan Rivers Is Dead / SAD NEWS: 81 Yr Old Comedian, Joan Rivers Is Dead / Breaking News!!!! Joan Rivers Is Dead!!!! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by dasparrow: 5:26pm On Sep 05, 2014
eyeview: This is a woman who at her age should have drawn closer to her maker but she instead uses her show to make derogatory statement against God and Jesus christ. A woman who at her age should have been contented with her looks after countless plastic surgeries,but she keep subjecting herself to more plastic and enhancing surgeries. Its sad that she never made it alive from this last one, its sadder that she died at the peak of vanity. It would be saddest if she didn't make peace with that God she fondly mocked while her other vain friends and transgenders laughed.
I would have said Rest in Peace but I would be lying if she didn't know God.

Standing ovation for you. Those that disagree with your post can go jump off a cliff. The fact that your post has already garnered 196 likes and still counting attests to the fact that many people agree with you. Haters can go drink acid!


Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Coldfeet(f): 5:32pm On Sep 05, 2014
Bryan12: I always dare not to xchange words with people like you.grow up ma'am!
I guess your brain was on lock down when you quoted me out of the blues and called me a f00l? When its you that obviously was the f00lish one when you couldn't comprehend the meaning behind the comment you hurriedly quoted! I too don't exchange or insult people here unless on such provocation as yours!angry next time reconsider before you call someone names on this forum. My view on Joan rivers DOSNT concern you at ALL!!!! Dead or alive I'd
say the same thing about her so buzz off and stay off my handle.
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by lanrez2(m): 5:32pm On Sep 05, 2014
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Bryan12(m): 5:38pm On Sep 05, 2014
Coldfeet: I guess your brain was on lock down when you quoted me out of the blues and called me a f00l? When its you that obviously was the f00lish one when you couldn't comprehend the meaning behind the comment you hurriedly quoted! I too don't exchange or insult people here unless on such provocation as yours!angry next time reconsider before you call someone names on this forum. My view on Joan rivers DOSNT concern you at ALL!!!! Dead or alive I'd
say the same thing about her so buzz off and stay off my handle.
Keep talking fOOL
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by pearl360(f): 6:36pm On Sep 05, 2014
This joke of hers got me laughing out loud:

" Madonna is so hairy. When she lifted her
arm, I thought it was Tina Turner in her armpit". cheesy

Wow! Had no idea she was this old (81). She lived long ooo.
May she rest in peace.


Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by diablos: 7:02pm On Sep 05, 2014

What hardwork
D same way she was making people like you laugh in a worldly way, dats d same way Pastors make people laugh spiritually and both are been paid for doing d same thing but different impact on people' s lives. They earn by talking

U have nothing to say. Pls don't quote me again
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by zemaye: 8:58pm On Sep 05, 2014
Empiree: Careful what you wished for madam Rivers. "they deserved to die"~ Joan Rivers

This video rough interview was conducted in August (last month). She didnt know death was lurking around her corner.
Na real madam rivers her eyes go done clear by now.
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by joanpinkie(f): 10:10pm On Sep 05, 2014
I thought i saw"Joan Rivers is dead by Rattlesnake" i wanted to scream lies!

RATTLESNAKE is actually the op's name.
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by shejane: 10:30pm On Sep 05, 2014


You expect all these self-hating americana wannabe Nigerians to leave oyibo alone? How? They worship oyibos when in fact oyibos can't be bothered with their Negro behinds. The same woman many of them claim to love has made several racist comments in the past. If Joan was still alive, I doubt she will be fond of Black Africans or blacks in general. Many Nigerians are very good at loving people who don't give a damn about them but they can never love each other and that is why Nigeria is such a mess even with all the resources Jehovah God has blessed the country with. This life is all vanity. Death is no respecter of persons and does not care if one is black or white, rich or poor. Life is a temporary journey and at the end, we must all leave this earth one day.

Only d truth will make us free
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by shejane: 10:39pm On Sep 05, 2014

U have nothing to say. Pls don't quote me again

Nd u just did d same

Believe In the Lord and it shall be well with you
Believe His prophets and you shall prosper not curse or judge them
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Nobody: 11:38pm On Sep 05, 2014
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by eluquenson(m): 11:42pm On Sep 05, 2014
Joan Rivers is dead and almost everyone is talking about her death. The truth is I am just hearing about her and fashion police, I guess am not that current. May her soul rest in peace.
Some people who haven't heard about her are all forming cry. Some are even updating, '' we will miss you, the way people are dying in nollywood; Fashion police will never be the same again''.

1 Like

Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Dominionng(m): 2:22am On Sep 06, 2014
eluquenson: Joan Rivers is dead and almost everyone is talking about her death. The truth is I am just hearing about her and fashion police, I guess am not that current. May her soul rest in peace.
Some people who haven't heard about her are all forming cry. Some are even updating, '' we will miss you, the way people are dying in nollywood; Fashion police will never be the same again''.

Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Coldfeet(f): 9:15am On Sep 06, 2014
Bryan12: Keep talking fOOL
Are you this dumb? Or has imbecilism taken over you completely? Go do something tangible with your miserable botched up life and stop wanking off on my handle! Quote me again and leprosy will take hold of your lineage. Have yourself a lovely weekend imp.
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Revolva(m): 9:44am On Sep 06, 2014
RIP..well she don old na.....well she is a very funny woman oooo
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Sunglow: 9:20pm On Sep 06, 2014

Please shut the hell up. Not everyone is a Christian. And for all we know, she died a happy woman at a ripe old age of 81! Not many Nigerians at that age are strong enough. So better keep hoping to last that long instead of hating on someone that people have come to like the world over, including those she disses on TV!

If u like rant all u want what that poster said is the truth.Any man/woman who is not at peace with God will lose when they die!All we see in these physical world is not all there is for life is Spiritual. Man is a spirit being, he lives in a body and has a soul.Someday your spirit man will go back to his creator.


Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Sunglow: 9:31pm On Sep 06, 2014
dazzlingbeau: Chill let her get to heaven before you proclaim your own judgement on her. Cant you just say RIP and keep quite. Christian fanatics can be so annoying, not everyone believes in your God. If she died doing good,caring for her neighbors,making sad people laugh and helping humanity,she died a fulfilled woman, and she will definitely rest in peace. angry
You are so wrong!you think by doing all u listed up there is what will guarantee her peace?No wonder the Angels are still amassed at man and their foolish thinking and ideology! Christ is the Prince of peace and until a man is in christ,such a one can never really know peace.Our "good" works does not justify anyone in the sight of God.Let alone grant u peace!


Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Nobody: 9:33pm On Sep 06, 2014
Sunglow: If u like rant all u want what that poster said is the truth.Any man/woman who is not at peace with God will lose when they die ! All we see in these physical world is not all there is for life is Spiritual. Man is a spirit being, he lives in a body and has a soul.Someday your spirit man will go back to his creator.

1.Which of the Gods?

2.Let's assume you're talking about the Christian God, how certain are you that she wasn't at peace (whatever that means) with same God before she died?

3. How sure are you that all what the poster said (and what you just said) is the truth?

kindly answer these, and please be ready for more, when you do reply these questions. Thanks.

1 Like

Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Sunglow: 8:57am On Sep 07, 2014

1.Which of the Gods?

2.Let's assume you're talking about the Christian God, how certain are you that she wasn't at peace (whatever that means) with same God before she died?

3. How sure are you that all what the poster said (and what you just said) is the truth?

kindly answer these, and please be ready for more, when you do reply these questions. Thanks.

Jesus said u shall know the TRUTH and the truth will make u FREE!TRUTH is to know God(yes the Christian God)and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.God is NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE!Our peace is in Christ and outside Christ men can't have true peace for there is a God-shaped vacuum in every one of us and ONLY God can fill that vacumm making every one Who let's Him fill them whole,complete and sound.


Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by emmyskies(m): 6:12pm On Sep 07, 2014

Please shut the hell up. Not everyone is a Christian. And for all we know, she died a happy woman at a ripe old age of 81! Not many Nigerians at that age are strong enough. So better keep hoping to last that long instead of hating on someone that people have come to like the world over, including those she disses on TV!

Of course he will shut up. Your own is she lived and died a happy woman at a ripe age, where she is now is non of your concern, for all you care. I will die and you will die someday, then...then....then....Hmmm!! Mere dust we are.
#JESUS loves you, repent or perish


Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Nobody: 7:36pm On Sep 07, 2014
Of course he will shut up. Your own is she lived and died a happy woman at a ripe age, where she is now is non of your concern, for all you care. I will die and you will die someday, then...then....then....Hmmm!! Mere dust we are.
#JESUS loves you, repent or perish

Take your own advice and please shift to the left.

Yes, she lived and died a happy woman, and that's my own concern. Whether there is an after-life for her or not is absolutely none of my business. And pray tell, why, exactly, should it be your business?? And if there's a heaven or hell, what makes you think she wouldn't make your heaven?

Budha loves you too. Allah loves you. Amadioha loves you. Oduduwa loves you.
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by duni04(m): 8:04pm On Sep 07, 2014
oluafolabi: Which of the gods? It annoys me so much that; 1) You got so much likes meaning there are people who think the same thing as you do. 2) That because you were unlucky enough to be colonized by the west and not the Arabs then you suddenly believe that the religion that was handed to you is the true religion 3) What if she died a muslim? Or a Hinduist? Uh?
Lol. Last time i checked u were a prayer warrior waking up at 6 everymornin to scabbash. Wot on earth happened!
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by emmyskies(m): 8:15pm On Sep 07, 2014

Take your own advice and please shift to the left.

Yes, she lived and died a happy woman, and that's my own concern. Whether there is an after-life for her or not is absolutely none of my business. And pray tell, why, exactly, should it be your business?? And if there's a heaven or hell, what makes you think she wouldn't make your heaven?

Budha loves you too. Allah loves you. Amadioha loves you. Oduduwa loves you.

You will continue the story somewhere beyond

#you can still be saved if you repent

1 Like

Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Nobody: 8:43pm On Sep 07, 2014
Sunglow: Jesus said u shall know the TRUTH and the truth will make u FREE!TRUTH is to know God(yes the Christian God)and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.God is NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE!Our peace is in Christ and outside Christ men can't have true peace for there is a God-shaped vacuum in every one of us and ONLY God can fill that vacumm making every one Who let's Him fill them whole,complete and sound.

Jesus said...

Should I also give you a list of what the Bible says? Here they are, and I do hope you abide strictly to them. Else, be sure to know that you're going to hell.

- I Corinthians 14:34-35:
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

- I Corinthians 11:6:
So if a woman does not cover her head, she should cut off her hair. If it is a disgrace for a woman to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her own head. ISV

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19

Ye shall not round the corners of your heads. Leviticus 19:27

These are some. Lemme know if you need more.

1 Like

Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Sunglow: 9:00pm On Sep 12, 2014

Jesus said...

Should I also give you a list of what the Bible says? Here they are, and I do hope you abide strictly to them. Else, be sure to know that you're going to hell.

- I Corinthians 14:34-35:
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

- I Corinthians 11:6:
So if a woman does not cover her head, she should cut off her hair. If it is a disgrace for a woman to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her own head. ISV

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19

Ye shall not round the corners of your heads. Leviticus 19:27

These are some. Lemme know if you need moree.
Is that all?
Re: Joan Rivers Is Dead by Nobody: 10:45pm On Sep 13, 2014
Sunglow: Is that all?

You care to address those ones first? undecided

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