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Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by plaetton: 8:25pm On Sep 13, 2014

You really believe that it is 'love and kindness' that drives people to give to so called causes and not lazy group think?

Have you not heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge...

First, I have the great benefit and experience of growing up in two different societies.

Yes, I do believe that a lot of people are driven by a need to do what is good, to sacrifice for the benefit of others. I know that side of humanity.

My pain is that these days, in our Nigeria, the evangelical scourge have almost completely successfully rewritten and socially re-engineered what it means to be good.
That is the biggest problem that I see facing my society, and the main reason I am here everyday shouting foul.


Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by plaetton: 8:35pm On Sep 13, 2014

You really believe that it is 'love and kindness' that drives people to give to so called causes and not lazy group think?

Have you not heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge...

I have heard of the ice bucket challenge, but I dont know what the fad is all about.

In Nigeria, I have never heard of walkathons, marathons, concerts( religious or pop), or mass campaignes dedicated to a charitable cause.
Our own groupthink only has to do with imaginary skydaddy, prosperity miracles, etc.
In other words, we hardly do anything for the exclusive benefits of others.

Many months ago, about 32 people lost their lives in stampede during a religious crusade in Anambra.
That was the end of that story. No one took responsibility and no one was penalized . No charitable trust of any kind for the families of the victims.
That type of nightly overcrowded religious crusades continues unabated and unabashed.

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Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by mmsen: 9:37pm On Sep 13, 2014

First, I have the great benefit and experience of growing up in two different societies.

Yes, I do believe that a lot of people are driven by a need to do what is good, to sacrifice for the benefit of others. I know that side of humanity.

My pain is that these days, in our Nigeria, the evangelical scourge have almost completely successfully rewritten and socially re-engineered what it means to be good.
That is the biggest problem that I see facing my society, and the main reason I am here everyday shouting foul.

With all due respect there is a clear lack if balance in your analysis of Nigeria. I have seen newspaper reports of walks done in aid of charities in Nigeria.

Too much of what you say comes down to this - Nigeria bad. Oyinbo good. Which ironically, inspite of your experiences growing up, seems to be a very typical Nigerian mentality. The self hatred is real...
Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by plaetton: 9:56pm On Sep 13, 2014

With all due respect there is a clear lack if balance in your analysis of Nigeria. I have seen newspaper reports of walks done in aid of charities in Nigeria.

Too much of what you say comes down to this - Nigeria bad. Oyinbo good. Which ironically, inspite of your experiences growing up seems to be a very typical Nigerian mentality. The self hatred is real...

No no sir.
Actually my frustration is that I grew up in an era when Nigeria was much much better than it is right now. I would not trade my Nigerian citizenship for any other.
It is because I can clearly see the faults, the faulty thinking patterns, the attachment to sentiments when it is not necessary, the clear perversion of cultural values, that is what makes me me soo sad, even combative.

I grew up in era where a thief, a person of questionable character was put in his proper place in the community. I grew up in an era, not too long ago, when parents and kinsmen took responsibility for the shameful conducts of their wards. I grew up in an era that when someone takes an oath or swears an oath, it stood for something true and meaningful.

I have said it before that the Babangida era changed everything in Nigeria for the worse, and it coincided with the explosion of the evangelical movement, the era of miracles and less personal responsibility.

Yes, I am definitely angry at what my country has turned into. Everything that is happening in Nigeria today, all social and economic dislocations were clearly predicted by me as far back as 1992.

I remain angry that today, our thinking pattern, our tendency for magical thinking still forebodes ill for the future.
So criticizing the anomalies in our evolution as a nation is not the same as having an inferiority complex.
No sir.
Those that worship white gods and white saviors and call themselves children of Abraham are the ones with an inferiority complex.

I am for a complete cultural and ethical rennaisance in Nigeria.
I don't know how to kickstart it, but every effort counts.

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Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by GooseBaba: 10:28pm On Sep 13, 2014
Plaetton,.. I concur..!

Chei... I grew up in an era where civil servants knew what it meant to be perform their duties for the greater good. I remember vividly how civil servants embraced the practical principles of checks and balance before greed eroded their common sense.

Just think about it for a minute. If the Awos, Ziks and Balewas were waiting for miracles in order to gain independence... shocked shocked Today we see a sitting president going on religious priglimage and asking citizens for prayers... Tufiakwa.!

It's amazing how majority of religious Nigerians now embrace an abstract as the "absolute" while belittling their senses.


Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by nora544: 10:41pm On Sep 13, 2014

No no sir.
Actually my frustration is that I grew up in an era when Nigeria was much much better than it is right now. I would not trade my Nigerian citizenship for any other.
It is because I can clearly see the faults, the faulty thinking patterns, the attachment to sentiments when it is not necessary, the clear perversion of cultural values, that is what makes me me soo sad, even combative.

I grew up in era where a thief, a person of questionable character was put in his proper place in the community. I grew up in an era, not too long ago, when parents and kinsmen took responsibility for the shameful conducts of their wards. I grew up in an era that when someone takes an oath or swears an oath, it stood for something true and meaningful.

I have said it before that the Babangida era changed everything in Nigeria for the worse, and it coincided with the explosion of the evangelical movement, the era of miracles and less personal responsibility.

Yes, I am definitely angry at what my country has turned into. Everything that is happening in Nigeria today, all social and economic dislocations were clearly predicted by me as far back as 1992.

I remain angry that today, our thinking pattern, our tendency for magical thinking still forebodes ill for the future.
So criticizing the anomalies in our evolution as a nation is not the same as having an inferiority complex.
No sir.
Those that worship white gods and white saviors and call themselves children of Abraham are the ones with an inferiority complex.

I am for a complete cultural and ethical rennaisance in Nigeria.
I don't know how to kickstart it, but every effort counts.

That is the same a good friend told me, he is nigerian and he told me the same about this new churches. He speak about Idahosha a Bishop he was the first who has a big church.
This pastors are so foulish just got some information today, about Adeboye that he didnot got a small church when he got it from his mentor.

This friend told me this new churches brought more harm to nigeria than good and he told me that this starts in the 1990 years.


Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by plaetton: 2:54pm On Sep 14, 2014

That is the same a good friend told me, he is nigerian and he told me the same about this new churches. He speak about Idahosha a Bishop he was the first who has a big church.
This pastors are so foulish just got some information today, about Adeboye that he didnot got a small church when he got it from his mentor.

This friend told me this new churches brought more harm to nigeria than good and he told me that this starts in the 1990 years.

Yes churches have brought more harm to Nigeria than any good.


Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by plaetton: 3:47pm On Sep 14, 2014

Can you see the what I am talking about regarding the T.B Clown Joshua tragedy?

These same people are already looking for the devil to blame it on. They are saying that an aircraft flew over the building and mysteriously made it collapse.
Again, they are basically ignoring the science. They are ignoring addressing the issue of structural integrity of a 6-storey building whose original foundation was for a 4-storey structure.

What even baffles me the most is that T.B clown Joshua has not publicly reached out to the families of the dead and injured to say anything meaningful.
I am pretty sure that he now more concerned with saving his phoney miracle empire.
No one cares about the dead . No one will take responsibility and no one will be punished.
Tomorrow, business as usual.

This is the kind of stuff that gets me boiling.
I have written two threads on this T.B clown Joshua as an example of our gross national lunacy, particularly on the negative effects that celebrated clowns like him have on our national IQ.

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Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by mmsen: 6:17pm On Sep 14, 2014
plaetton: @mmsen

Can you see the what I am talking about regarding the T.B Clown Joshua tragedy?

These same people are already looking for the devil to blame it on. They are saying that an aircraft flew over the building and mysteriously made it collapse.
Again, they are basically ignoring the science. They are ignoring addressing the issue of structural integrity of a 6-storey building whose original foundation was for a 4-storey structure.

What even baffles me the most is that T.B clown Joshua has not publicly reached out to the families of the dead and injured to say anything meaningful.
I am pretty sure that he now more concerned with saving his phoney miracle empire.
No one cares about the dead . No one will take responsibility and no one will be punished.
Tomorrow, business as usual.

This is the kind of stuff that gets me boiling.
I have written two threads on this T.B clown Joshua as an example of our gross national lunacy, particularly on the negative effects that celebrated clowns like him have on our national IQ.

For TB Joshua see Pat Robertson.
Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by mmsen: 6:20pm On Sep 14, 2014
GooseBaba: Plaetton,.. I concur..!

Chei... I grew up in an era where civil servants knew what it meant to be perform their duties for the greater good. I remember vividly how civil servants embraced the practical principles of checks and balance before greed eroded their common sense.

Just think about it for a minute. If the Awos, Ziks and Balewas were waiting for miracles in order to gain independence... shocked shocked Today we see a sitting president going on religious priglimage and asking citizens for prayers... Tufiakwa.!

It's amazing how majority of religious Nigerians now embrace an abstract as the "absolute" while belittling their senses.

The Awos , the Ziks and (especially) Balewa all went to London to make side deals with the Brits to the detriment of the greater good of Nigeria because of their inability to see what Nigeria as a whole could/should be and also due to a lot of coercion by an ailing colonial power.

Those are three terrible examples.


The civil service in Nigeria has always been plagued by corruption. That has been the case since the colonial era. I have no clue as to why people talk of that era as though things were sweet. The difference between now and then is that the majority were even more ignorant as to the machinations of the government than they are nowadays.
Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by GooseBaba: 6:35pm On Sep 14, 2014

The Awos , the Ziks and (especially) Balewa all went to London to make side deals with the Brits to the detriment of the greater good of Nigeria because of their inability to see what Nigeria as a whole could/should be.

Those are three terrible examples.

Kindly read and comprehend objectively. The examples clearly shows that they did not wait for manner to fall from their imagination. They acted on it and it can be measured... Independence, one Nigeria that type thing.

You even buttress my point. They made deals to accomplish something with their fellow man "reality." regardless of the outcome.

Your president asked for prayers, he goes around kneeling before his fellow man while hoping for change. Now tell me all the prayers and miracles happening in Nigeria, how can we measure it or know which prayer is responsible for any changes..

Now if you despise "one Nigeria" this is not the thread for that..
Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by mmsen: 6:42pm On Sep 14, 2014

Kindly read and comprehend objectively. The examples clearly shows that they did not wait for manner to fall from their imagination. They acted on it and it can be measured... Independence, one Nigeria that type thing.

You even buttress my point. They made deals to accomplish something with their fellow man "reality." regardless of the outcome.

Your president asked for prayers, he goes around kneeling before his fellow man while hoping for change. Now tell me all the prayers and miracles happening in Nigeria, how can we measure it or know which prayer is responsible for any changes..

Now if you despise "one Nigeria" this is not the thread for that..

You are harking back to a halcyon day that did not exist.

They did side deals that were as self serving as the deals made by the various traditional leaders because it was easier to accept the crumbs than to fight for the whole loaf, if not the bakery itself.

There had been calls for independence for at least 30 years prior to it being granted.

If you know anything about geo-politics you would know that a invading force does not cede ground unless they are granted "adequate" concessions. The only true form of independence is one that is fought for. If you were 'given' or 'granted' independence then in all likelihood you remain in the pocket of the entity that gave it to you. This was very much the case with Nigeria.

I am very much in favour of a united Nigeria - you are seriously mistaken if you think otherwise.
Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by GooseBaba: 6:57pm On Sep 14, 2014


The civil service in Nigeria has always been plagued by corruption. That has been the case since the colonial era. I have no clue as to why people talk of that era as though things were sweet. The difference between now and then is that the majority were even more ignorant as to the machinations of the government than they are nowadays.

Look at the big picture..."macro not micro"The era was sweet... The economy was diverse, Naira was great, civil servants did not steal with impunity.. The judiciary was respectable because the minority that understood how government works believed in the rule of law not the rule of god.

Go back and read news papers of the 80s and early nineties before abacha ran mad with power. That would give you an insight how Nigerians view themselves..

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Re: Nigeria's Megachurches, Liberia And S/leon Needs Your Financial Help. by GooseBaba: 7:11pm On Sep 14, 2014

You are harking back to a halcyon day that did not exist.

They did side deals that were as self serving as the deals made by the various traditional leaders because it was easier to accept the crumbs than to fight for the whole loaf, if not the bakery itself.

There had be calls for Independence for at least 30 years prior to it being granted.

If you know anything about geo-politics you would know that a invading force does not cede ground unless they are granted "adequate" concessions. The only true form of independence is one that is fought for. If you were 'given' or 'granted' independence then in all likelihood you remain in the pocket of the entity that gave it to you. This was very much the case with Nigeria.

I am very much in favour of a united Nigeria - you are seriously mistaken if you think otherwise.

Who dey talk geopolitics here... Where is prayers in geopolitics..? we're talking about the mindset of Nigeria leaders. With this crop of leadership we will remain dependent on foreign powers and policy.

A man that believes he is a gentile and by the grace of a dead man he gained salvation can never challenge his masters..

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