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Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? - Romance - Nairaland

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Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? by samuelson06(m): 12:59am On Oct 01, 2014

Permalink Submitted by CELINA on Mon,
08/04/2014 - 3:09am

Permalink Submitted by Danielle on Thu,
07/10/2014 - 1:36pm
Please I took lime after sex to prevent pregnancy and the next day I had bv, can I still get pregnant??

Permalink Submitted by Emmanuel on Mon,
06/30/2014 - 4:28pm
My wife was confirmed 3wks pregnant barely 3wks b4 our wedding for another man & she went ahead
taking lime without my knowledge & d pregnancy
vanished just like dat, i 4gave & married her, its now 7mnths after we got married & no sign of pregnancy, I hv spent alot visiting hospitals & yet all efforts is 2 no avail, could it be caused by d lime she took earlier?

Permalink Submitted by Anonymous on Tue,
06/17/2014 - 5:23pm
my girlfriend told me she was pregnant after 3weeks
she took lime and started menstruating,how is that
possible?should i think that lime is some kind of
abortion method?

Permalink Submitted by Monny on Mon,
08/04/2014 - 6:45am
I also have 2 children and stil want to have another, I really want to trim down especialy my tummy but i
dont knw if d lime juice ll affect my fertility. Smbody shd put us thru. Thanks
Re: Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? by samuelson06(m): 1:01am On Oct 01, 2014
What's your opinion? Tried something with limes? Pls share your experience.
Re: Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? by queenmorenikeji(f): 1:14am On Oct 01, 2014
I don't think lime causes infertility,its Only harmful if consumed in excess,in fact its good for consumption when mixed with warm water
Re: Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? by samuelson06(m): 9:47am On Oct 01, 2014
queenmorenikeji: I don't think lime causes infertility,its Only harmful if consumed in excess,in fact its good for consumption when mixed with warm water

Hmmm. I would've loved to use it for weight loss but am just afraid now after reading those stuff online. But how do you know this? Tried it before?
Re: Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? by queenmorenikeji(f): 9:55am On Oct 01, 2014
Since am not trying to have a baby for now,I can't be precise wif my answer but when a friend of mine and I used it for weight loss it worked and she is happily married with a kid now,and I also told a friend who asked for help on shedding weight to used it too,she did, it worked and she never complained of infertility,like I said its only harmful if consumed @ a raw state and when its in excess
Re: Infertility Vs Weight Loss: What Role Does Limes Play? by Nobody: 12:52pm On Oct 01, 2014
Lime is good and recommended source of vitamin c. It can also be used conveniently as an anti-oxidant for removing toxic waste matter from the body and the skin especially. It could be used for shedding if you want. Those saying that it's used to prevent pregnancy are talking about a local mixture that also contains some amount of lime(they avoid telling you what the mixture is, but instead use lime as a cover). You shouldn't think of trying that if you want to continue being fertile in the future.

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