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T by yissi: 10:30pm On Oct 01, 2014

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Re: T by Caracta(f): 10:34pm On Oct 01, 2014
Congratulations. Your last paragraph is part of the solution. No need to worry. You can be anything you want to be...with or without a classroom.

I see a young man passionate about something and that has clear goals. Not too common these days. You can achieve your dream.


Re: T by Amthol(m): 10:55pm On Oct 01, 2014
one good thing u have on your side is your age i want to plead to u to pls try and give it all it takes to come out top of your class. Here in Nigeria i know of people age 24 that just got admitted into university. so TRY finish with d ongoing course u are doing and then go for your desired course which am sure u will b a better person doing d course than if u had started with it first.

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Re: T by yokiti: 11:33pm On Oct 01, 2014
People like
will be of help here.

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Re: T by yissi: 11:43pm On Oct 01, 2014
Thanks for the contributions
Re: T by Obinoscopy(m): 11:52pm On Oct 01, 2014
I urge you to focus on your present course and excel in it. Always strive to be the best in whatever you do, regardless of the circumstances that led you to it. Don't chicken out. Not now!

When you graduate, you can then do a Masters Programme in Electronics Engineering. You also need to engage yourself in part time jobs that is electronics related. This will improve your practical skills (since electronics is more practically oriented).

Nevertheless, I think there's a reason for everything. I don't think your BSc programme in Telecommunications will go the waste. There should be a correlation between the two that you can identify with and harness to your benefit. Who knows, you might end up inventing an electronic device that would transform the telecommunications sector. Hey! It's just a thought.

I wish you the very best. You are on the path of greatness. Yes you are!


Re: T by LogoDWhiz(m): 12:27am On Oct 02, 2014

I don't know why i see this as a blessing in disguise.

Lemme tell u something, if u do plan to work in Nigeria, u need to have a difference. There are lot of elect/elect engrs already, you have an edge.

Don't consider the years you are spending there as a waste, take it as a blessing. Treat the telecommunication devices as an electronic device (which they absolutely are), and make it a belief in yourself that it is a branch of elct/elect engr.

To me telecommunication engr is a branch of elct/elect engr, the devices used such as IDU, Rectifier, and so on are electronic based.

Take it as a branch in your passion. See them as the electronic devices and renew your interest in them. You can do also do your masters in electrical/electronics field.

But if you really follow this advice, i can assure that you'll forever be happy.

Lastly, you have an edge, you can work as a telecommunication engr and also as an elect/elect engr.
Just redirect your focus, don't limit it.

All d best.


Re: T by LogoDWhiz(m): 12:30am On Oct 02, 2014
Moreso, to keep your dream alive, you can engage in some courses online that are free and related to your course.

One of such course is Introduction to Communication, learning that on an e-learning platform called edX. You have availability of free internet access over there. Exploit it and make good use of it during your free time.


Re: T by yissi: 12:48am On Oct 02, 2014
I really appreciate all your contributions
Re: T by Acegoals: 12:49am On Oct 02, 2014
Forging ahead is just the very way forward now. No matter the circumstances you face note that thousands of people in Nigeria are willing to face knowing that the benefits before, during and after the 'trials' are huge and mountainous. Why? That's because you are a Nigerian and Nigerians are unique! They excel in whatever situation they find themselves; they turn situations around for their benefit; they never respect challenges and always go for the goals!

Finish your studies and I beg you do not perform below your best because the annals of history will take note and your actions, records and feats will speak for you one day. No knowledge is a waste at all. With your present knowledge in Telecommunication I see you as the next Mike Adenuga x10. Just as Obinoscopy has said, you could create something out of the blues that operates on a synergy of electricity and telecommunication.

Believe in what you are and what you've always dreamt of becoming, it will surely come your way. Take online courses prior to enrolling for the Masters. Broaden your knowledge at every opportunity. You are a gem. I believe in you; Nigeria believes in you! Happy Independence Day Celebrations everyone


Re: T by Nehe(m): 1:58am On Oct 02, 2014
Dear Yissi:

Having read through the thread, my candid advice is that you continue with Telecommunications with all your vital force. You are on the right path. Why do I say so?

Well what is in Telecommunication that is not Electronics? The basics is Electronics, so count yourself privileged that you have gone a step higher than the basics. The trend is like this: Electronics gave birth to Telecommunications, then to Data communication. Fortunately, if you look inwards, you will notice some core course are Power Electronics and circuits, Control, Telemetry, etc. Find a way of mastering these electronic based course of take elective in Electrical/Electronics. And as everyone has said, you have a blessed course but seems you are seeking advice from friends that are your age range who might not see beyond the present.

By God's will and your determination, you will succeed. Tele-x (be it Telepresence, Telecommunications, Tele-anything) is the platform for future business.

Thank you for your time in reading this post.

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Re: T by Bigdreams(m): 4:03am On Oct 02, 2014
My brother @OP,

I can relate quite well with what you posted here and can tell you confidently that all is not lost.

Cheer up, there's nothing to be gloomy about.

Finish that course and go back to your first love.

Whether age is on your side or not, what matters is fulfilling your passion.


Re: T by Nobody: 4:26am On Oct 02, 2014
There is a saying which goes thus :

''If you don't have what you love, love what you have'' ...
Electrical Engineering is highly Relevant to Telecommunication (Both are magnetic field) !

1. Infact @ a point in your life after you would have had a second degree say M.sc/B.sc in Electrical Engineering , you would discovered that you are more relevant than your peers as a result of your Telecommunication background and that is when you will actually give glory to God for making you passed through Telecommunication !!

2. Stop hurting yourself as it doesn't make sense , you are still young and strong and its is never too late to pursue your desired dreams then merge what you have achieved (telecommunication) with what you will achieve (Electrical Engineering) like a synergy and use both to make a Career Defeaning and Resonating Sound, greater than the effect of one, that will blast the head of any Employer up and make you an everly first choice in any market you found yourself !!!

3. Have it @the back of your mind that you would emerge the best Electrical Engineer in the Telecommunication Industry(MoneySpinning Industry) !!

4. My word of Encouragement to you is : You aint wasting your time bro , you are creating an excellent Career Path that will make you indispensable in the market : so forget the standard of Education , juts Excel and come and climb another ladder !!

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Re: T by Mishydoo(m): 9:21am On Oct 02, 2014
Dude what u love is what u love, u'll nver be fulfilled till u finally do wat u love.i suggest u focus on wat u doin ryt now.make money first with what u have....with a good job and cash u cld enter into a masters program in E.E while working.then u cld switch career gently and safely....

Be wise!

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Re: T by CrazyMan(m): 9:46am On Oct 02, 2014
Hello bro.

I just read through your thread, and believe me I understand exactly how you feel.

If there's one thing I've learnt in life, is that you can only move forward...being stagnant or moving backward would lead to more damages.

Now to your issue...telecommunications isn't that bad. I would advice you to give it your best, cos you have no excuse not to excel in your course of study.

In case you aren't aware telecommunications is kind of related to engineering...so in a way, you're still on track. The issue of failing in your career path should be the last thing on your mind. Cos if you see yourself as a failure, then automatically you're a failure. But if you see every opportunity in life as a ladder or stepping stone towards your success, then believe me, you're not far from the top. Greater heights awaits you.

Good luck.

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Re: T by crudedude(m): 10:43am On Oct 02, 2014
OP your mistake isn't that big. You're on a similar path with your dream course and already have the solution in your hands. What is lacking is a little motivation which I believe you'll get on this thread.

You need to see what post ume does to guys here. Career change unimaginable but we don't die. Some actually best this new field and still return to their first love.

You'll do fine yissy. All the best.

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Re: T by tsleazy(m): 12:54pm On Oct 02, 2014
Bros you are still young.....you can start all over again....but, NOTE: Elect Engineering is not just about fixing TVs, Radios, light bulbs e.t.c., its way broader than that

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Re: T by destino24(m): 10:31am On Oct 03, 2014
Obinoscopy: I urge you to focus on your present course and excel in it. Always strive to be the best in whatever you do, regardless of the circumstances that led you to it. Don't chicken out. Not now!

When you graduate, you can then do a Masters Programme in Electronics Engineering. You also need to engage yourself in part time jobs that is electronics related. This will improve your practical skills (since electronics is more practically oriented).

Nevertheless, I think there's a reason for everything. I don't think your BSc programme in Telecommunications will go the waste. There should be a correlation between the two that you can identify with and harness to your benefit. Who knows, you might end up inventing an electronic device that would transform the telecommunications sector. Hey! It's just a thought.

I wish you the very best. You are on the path of greatness. Yes you are!

to get a Masters degree in engineering, you must be an engineer (first degree in engineering)
Re: T by Nobody: 6:01pm On Oct 04, 2014
God will put you through.
People have said a lot.
If you don't want to start afresh then you can do Telecommunications engineering for masters and focus on going on part time technical schools in Engineering in Europe too.
You are already equipped to excel.
With your BSc in Telecommunications and a masters in telecommunications engineering and a diploma, HND or anything of such in a technical school of engineering you are good to go.
It is never to late to re strategize.
First degree is just basics... Lots of opportunities exist afterwards.

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Re: T by yissi: 1:51am On Oct 05, 2014
Thanks Everyone. I am grateful
Re: T by kentochi(m): 7:47am On Oct 05, 2014
Am happy for you Yisi
try the online course it will help you alot.

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Re: T by chadelicious: 10:35pm On Oct 05, 2014
I see u already advised yourself which is good, do not neglect ur first degree in telecoms, try study to get a good grade, it might fetch u a scholarship for ur masters, who knows, all d best!

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Re: T by techmatas: 12:01pm On Oct 06, 2014
as a telecoms engineer you already have an edge because you will be seen as a specialist in telecoms by employers. besides it will be easier for you to switch over to electronics in your MSc. telecom is very interesting and challenging course enjoy it while it lasts.

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Re: T by Barywhyte(m): 3:02pm On Oct 06, 2014

to get a Masters degree in engineering, you must be an engineer (first degree in engineering)

I dont think so. Bsc Physics holder (good standing tho) can do it and the qualification is acceptable plus of course additional experience part of which mayb your final thesis in electronics related stuff and a demonstrable practical experience in circuitry. I read Physics and I have had this kind of offer in the past, in europe. I didnt go it tho.
Re: T by Barywhyte(m): 3:45pm On Oct 06, 2014
OP no cause for alarm. Two advices for you:
1. take up a course in C++, if you dont have the skill, on www.edx.org. its free (U will thnk me later for taking this course)
2. next register for a course on elet elet also on edx.org or any MIT opencoursewares. you can google that. www.udemy.com is another pot of knowledge. elet elet is also there but dunno if its free. u check it out. I run a course on Linux on udemy.com but is not applicable to you.

Lastly write a powerful motivation letter or as some people would call it, statement of purpose, to your desired school outlining your passion and qualification for Msc in elet elet.

As for me u are on the right path. Nothing can stop.

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Re: T by destino24(m): 8:16pm On Oct 06, 2014

I dont think so. Bsc Physics holder (good standing tho) can do it and the qualification is acceptable plus of course additional experience part of which mayb your final thesis in electronics related stuff and a demonstrable practical experience in circuitry. I read Physics and I have had this kind of offer in the past, in europe. I didnt go it tho.

I speak of Nigeria

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Re: T by sekzy99(m): 8:20am On Oct 07, 2014
Hmmm. Same with me too
Re: T by Barywhyte(m): 10:51am On Oct 07, 2014

I speak of Nigeria

Alright bro. we r on d same page.

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