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Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Naime: 12:45pm On Oct 03, 2014
Seun, Maclatunji and Mukina your explanation and flimsy excuses is not accepted... Kindly come and explain what you guys had settled about ISLAM thread on Nairaland.

Seun... You are simply acting like a dictator. We shall see where your dictatorship will lead you. PRIDE definitely is the beginning of fall, is better you and your moderators explain things to us.

Without US (Nairaland Members) you are simply NOBODY.... Is time people started making you to realize that!

The earlier you explain the situation to us, the better!!!

20 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by udatso: 12:55pm On Oct 03, 2014
We need to know what these settled explanations are. Seun, maclatunji and mukina it's time to let all Muslims know of the explanations.
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by tbaba1234: 12:56pm On Oct 03, 2014
Seun, maclatunji, mukina2
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by tbaba1234: 12:57pm On Oct 03, 2014
czay(m), tayyibb(m), U09ce, abuhalima(m), Beebash, ummsulaym(f), am33rah, obinrinrere, babylolaroy(f), Idongesit619(m), 911RIDIK(m), pmc01(m), 2busy, Hkana, greatheights, babybuzx(f), Heekmerh, elderbros(m), hammedroyabat(m), Memz(f), Marychury, teniyi(m), Zeinymira(f), Dhulqarnain, BabaAlaji(m), greetings(f), Nexxy007, ijeomaayuba, zemaye, sportfeva(m), Rilwayne001, udatso(m), Abdul0709(m), spyroxy1(m), aishaquest, ayemidun08(f), zeezzy, harmeenart(f), 1n2n3(f), sharkeyraw(f), Luiza(f), Maisuya1, Sissie(f), tbaba12345, gnykelly(m), lanrexlan(m), Naijacitizen(m), SURYSuri(f), Hallie27(f), mclaaro(f), ifyalways(f), comsoy(m), kayword(m), damas11111(m), Batty5(f), mohammad11, BetaThings, Muliks, FindOut(m), Abdulqoodir, nokia3310, snubish, ameenahz(f), jayamy(f), Aminobase(f), cutekonkolo(f), Ayasunmbo(f), missbola1(f), Balloa1(m), Souljaboi1, justaqad(m), AyeeIdris(f), IbroSaunks(m), busar(m), siddiq20
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by muhammad23(m): 1:03pm On Oct 03, 2014
Naime post=/post/26830730:
Seun, Maclatunji and Mukina your explanation and flimsy excuses is not accepted... Kindly come and explain what you guys had settled about ISLAM thread on Nairaland.

Seun... You are simply acting like a dictator. We shall see where your dictatorship will lead you. PRIDE definitely is the beginning of fall, is better you and your moderators explain things to us.

Without US (Nairaland Members) you are simply NOBODY.... Is time people started making you to realize that!

The earlier you explain the situation to us, the better!!!
Seun Maclatunji and Mukina...We need meaningful explanations or do the needful
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Funjosh(m): 1:09pm On Oct 03, 2014
muhammad23 post=/post/26831143:
Seun Maclatunji and Mukina...We need meaningful explanations or do the needful

Seun Maclatunji and Mukina oya come and explain o
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by udatso: 1:12pm On Oct 03, 2014
I sincerely hope this won't be a case of Mr A pushing Mr B to Mr C for explanations and vice versae
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Abdulsalam20(m): 1:16pm On Oct 03, 2014
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by tbarrister(m): 1:21pm On Oct 03, 2014
we demand an explanation!!!
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by muhammad23(m): 1:29pm On Oct 03, 2014
Kindly just ignore Elfenomino1.... We are peace loving people
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by idu1(m): 1:39pm On Oct 03, 2014
What is going on here? Can somebody explain to me?
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Naime: 1:40pm On Oct 03, 2014

We spend our hard earned money to buy data in order to access your website and not as if you give us any incentives here... It is simply unacceptable that you should be referring us to anybody, if you truly have genuine reasons for your action and NOT that you are a religious bigot and islamophobia, kindly come and lets sort it out without you locking thread.

God has really given you power now which is you having NAIRALAND but Almighty God will surely ask you how you use your power to intimidate, harrassed, marginalised and abuse people's privilege.

It is really absurd to note that you refused to punished the accused while you are simply punishing the innocent... You are not really a good leader because good leader dont act with partial, marginalise and intimidate people with his power but rather create a level playing field for everybody.

The earlier you rescind your heartless, crueless and unscrupulous decision the better for you.... Yoruba always said 'aja tio ba sonu koni gbo fere olode'

You have power toward your forum but God is more powerful than you are!


Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Slitz(f): 2:28pm On Oct 03, 2014
Seun this is stretching too long now
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by maclatunji: 2:28pm On Oct 03, 2014
Salam alaykum,

There is really nothing to explain other than what is already public. Many of you were witnesses to the exchanges between Seun and me in the initial complaint thread some months back.

I have always insisted that Islam for Muslims threads be treated the same as others for front page and other purposes . I did not even need new rules to curb those that seek to cause offence in this section. The new rules over the past 2 years were actually an attempt to curb what was perceived to be my overbearing influence by Seun and so many other moderators.

The results are the same because my principles do not change. I can say without being arrogant that I am the only one who has remained constant in this whole Islam for Muslims saga because my principles are the same: "You break the rules, you get sanctioned. No ifs, buts, whys or hows."

Just applying the rules across board. There are more than enough Muslims who are not happy with me because of this but I know that the best way to fail is to try to please everybody.

You will have to get your explanation from Seun because I know that barring Islam for Muslims section threads on front page is his decision.

Ma salam.
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by maclatunji: 2:29pm On Oct 03, 2014
This feels like I am on trial... grin grin grin
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Nobody: 2:37pm On Oct 03, 2014
Mr seun some people cannot afford to take sides or be biased & the earlier you realise dis the bettter. It wud b civil of u if u come forward with an explanation as to y u ar still maintainin the status quo on this issue. I just believe u ar the best person to respond to our agitations . Ur referin us to maclatunji & mukina looks like a calculated move cos u knw these ppl ar muslims too.

On the other hand if dis is done in a bid to stop the propagation of islam, it won't work cos God himself tends to his deen as islam can only get stronger. Gracias as u temper justice with mercy & without prejudice


Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Rilwayne001: 2:41pm On Oct 03, 2014
maclatunji: Salam alaykum,

There is really nothing to explain other than what is already public. Many of you were witnesses to the exchanges between Seun and me in the initial complaint thread some months back.

I have always insisted that Islam for Muslims threads be treated the same as others for front page and other purposes . I did not even need new rules to curb those that seek to cause offence in this section. The new rules over the past 2 years were actually an attempt to curb what was perceived to be my overbearing influence by Seun and so many other moderators.

The results are the same because my principles do not change. I can say without being arrogant that I am the only one who has remained constant in this whole Islam for Muslims saga because my principles are the same: "You break the rules, you get sanctioned. No ifs, buts, whys or hows.

Just applying the rules across board. There are more than enough Muslims who are not happy with me because of this but I know that the best way to fail is to try to please everybody.

You will have to get your explanation from Seun because I know that barring Islam for Muslims section threads on front page is his decision.

Ma salam.

Who are we going to believe now

By the way where is mukina2?
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by ShehuAba(m): 2:57pm On Oct 03, 2014
I was really disturbed when I read the response of seun on the other thread. In fact, I kept asking myself if this injustice against Muslims continue, and nothing is done about it, it would even be better I quit Nairaland.

Of what use, is my stay on Nairaland, if my religion is been discriminated, and marginalized for no just reasons.

Now, we have heard from maclatunji, I hope mukina2 and seun follows suit.

We deserve an explanation, and anything aside that is totally unacceptable.
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by gnykelly(m): 2:59pm On Oct 03, 2014
seun maclatunji mukina2 can you guys give a clear logical explanation as to why thread from this section don't make front page
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by ShehuAba(m): 3:04pm On Oct 03, 2014
Come to think of it. Today is Friday, and Arafat, and nothing appears on the front-page about Muslims.

But as soon as it's tomorrow, seun will move a thread wishing Muslims A Happy celebration because it's Sallah. Is that not hypocrisy? Is that not cowardice?

The truth is, if you move any page wishing us any Happy celebration, it's totally unacceptable and an attempt to play with our intelligence. You better let us know your reasons for this archaic decision, and stop playing to the gallery.


Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by tbaba1234: 3:08pm On Oct 03, 2014
Passingshot, naptu2, findout
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by eluquenson(m): 3:15pm On Oct 03, 2014
So much have been discussed, so many excuses but, we need mukina2 here with a vivid explanation as to this issue at stake.

I would rather say Seun is being biased & for not disclosing the reason behind this issue, simple request by we NL members deserve a simple answer. Seun, you can't just look down on this section as not being good God business. For the facts that this section existed on your forum, it's good for business & best for business as well. Therefore, as a man of integrity I would enjoin you to respond to our request.

Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by udatso: 3:26pm On Oct 03, 2014
Am just so happy how no one has paid attention to elfenomeno1.
Back to the topic, the previous explanation given by Seun was that too many people get banned in the Islam for Muslims section for breaking the rules and regulations that he set for his forum. In order to make offenders happy, our topics were banned from the fp. After Muslims complained and explained how bad a judgement it was, Seun promised to return our topics to fp but it would only be viewed by guests (can you imagine). This was the first course of the meal according to him. Ever since then, we never saw other courses of the meal. The aim for depriving us from fp has been defeated as more people get banned as a result of their offences. Instead of bringing our topics back to fp as it used to be where users can comment, Seun out of his wisdom decided to totally kill the little privilege he gave to us.

Seun, if I am wrong in this I would love you to respond. ... I aspire hoping there was a new reason for your recent action only to find out as stated above by Mac that it's still same old reason.

If you hate Muslims and you regret ever giving us a section, you should just say it and stop hiding behind your mods. You have made it a habit of always pushing the mods in between us whenever you do this. This won't work this time around.

It's not the mods that comment on behalf of all Muslims, it's we the Muslims that create threads comment share and even invite our friends here to join your forum. So I wonder why you would just make a decision that concerns us all and expect us to be calm cos you told our mods when we all know they are powerless in your forum cos you will always have the final say.
Mr Seun, it's Time to eat the food you cooked. I await your reply.

11 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by A7(m): 3:43pm On Oct 03, 2014
Guys, the only thing seun wanted is our moderators shall stop applying those same rules he sanctioned hoping every forum member to abide by. And I believe only the sick minded individuals will ever subscribe to this.
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Biliamin(m): 3:44pm On Oct 03, 2014
udatso: Am just so happy how no one has paid attention to elfenomeno1.
Back to the topic, the previous explanation given by Seun was that too many people get banned in the Islam for Muslims section for breaking the rules and regulations that he set for his forum. In order to make offenders happy, our topics were banned from the fp. After Muslims complained and explained how bad a judgement it was, Seun promised to return our topics to fp but it would only be viewed by guests (can you imagine). This was the first course of the meal according to him. Ever since then, we never saw other courses of the meal. The aim for depriving us from fp has been defeated as more people get banned as a result of their offences. Instead of bringing our topics back to fp as it used to be where users can comment, Seun out of his wisdom decided to totally kill the little privilege he gave to us.

Seun, if I am wrong in this I would love you to respond. ... I aspire hoping there was a new reason for your recent action only to find out as stated above by Mac that it's still same old reason.

If you hate Muslims and you regret ever giving us a section, you should just say it and stop hiding behind your mods. You have made it a habit of always pushing the mods in between us whenever you do this. This won't work this time around.

It's not the mods that comment on behalf of all Muslims, it's we the Muslims that create threads comment share and even invite our friends here to join your forum. So I wonder why you would just make a decision that concerns us all and expect us to be calm cos you told our mods when we all know they are powerless in your forum cos you will always have the final say.
Mr Seun, it's Time to eat the food you cooked. I await your reply.
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Nobody: 3:47pm On Oct 03, 2014
Seun,you are someone i have so much respect for,a good leader.Kindly listen to the voice of the muslims.Let our topics make front page.The trolls,offenders should be punished not we muslims.Even if all muslims in this great forum have offended you,i think our topics not making front page for these while is enough punishment.O ya,my brother,start today being Friday.Thanks
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by baba11(m): 4:01pm On Oct 03, 2014
What am I going to say self...hmmmmmmm....I know you an entrepreneur and the purpose of every entrepreneur is to work and maximize profit...it seems as if nairalanders' complains concerning being banned on Islamic section is given him grave concerns about losing them which will henceforth greatly reduce your profit...do you even know how much you will lose if we boycott your site...a stitch in time save nine...I'm not pleading but I rather it's our prerogative right to defend our religion which we are doing...in some other climes,misdeeds being done online is criminality according to the law...my advice to you is to do the needful as a matter of urgency...if I'm lying,why did you use disclaimer down there....SEUN..YOUR ATTENTION IS NEEDED ASAP!!!$!!!!$
Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by Mynd44: 4:03pm On Oct 03, 2014
ShehuAba: Come to think of it. Today is Friday, and Arafat, and nothing appears on the front-page about Muslims.

But as soon as it's tomorrow, seun will move a thread wishing Muslims A Happy celebration because it's Sallah. Is that not hypocrisy? Is that not cowardice?

The truth is, if you move any page wishing us any Happy celebration, it's totally unacceptable and an attempt to play with our intelligence. You better let us know your reasons for this archaic decision, and stop playing to the gallery.



Re: Seun, Maclatunji And Mukina: Kindly Explain What Is Settled On ISLAM Thread by baba11(m): 4:19pm On Oct 03, 2014

...you 2 can deliver the message on our behalf to him since he's your dear friend....

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