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A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. - Career - Nairaland

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A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Appswheel(m): 6:58pm On Oct 03, 2014

This article is an adaptation of a presentation made by Mr. Abiodun Jegede Paul, the Group Managing Director of Japaul Oil and Maritime Services Plc (JOMS) during an in-house Training session with members of staff. The presentation was aimed at enlightening staff on the need for training, and personal-development.

Why Personal – development?

To add value to your life and being.
To add value to your organization.
To enjoy your life.
To meet the growing needs in your life and society.

Classification of Career training.

Technical training – this has to do with sharpening your professional, technical skills.
Management training – focuses on management of the 4Ms – Material, Money, Machinery and Men.
Leadership training – How to work with people to achieve set objectives.

What is Value?

In the context of this text, Value is defined as “Usefulness”. In the workplace, employees are rewarded with respect to their perceived value. The more value you hold, the more compensation you are likely to get.

Value in the workplace would mean how useful, resourceful, skillful an individual is in the discharge of his/her responsibilities.

99% of employees want a pay raise yet only few deserves a raise – possess the value for the raise they seek. Value adding comes at a price; it does not come on a platter of gold. You pay a price to get the Prize. Can you mention a valuable possession you have without paying a price?

How an individual’s worth is measured?

Your worth is primarily measured by the content and quality of your thoughts. The content of your heart, belief is made manifest in the physical. True riches are not measured by physical possession but by the richness of your thought and mind.

How you can increase in Value?

It begins with improving your thought process, “you are a product of your thought”. The quality of your thought translates to your realities. What you continuously think about brings about the actions you take, your actions become your habits and your habits form your character.

The scripture affirms this in Prov. 23: 7 “As a man thinketh, so is he”.

Career wise, the following would help increase your value

>>Attend professional trainings, workshops and seminars.
>>Read relevant text, articles and journals.
>>Join professional bodies; both online and offline.
>>Study and sit for professional examinations
>>How your thoughts are formed/ influenced?

Your thoughts are transformed through formal and information education. Formal education include, knowledge acquired through schooling. Informal education is knowledge acquired from parents, media, by observation, the relationships you keep.

Having identified the processes by which your thoughts are formed, it is important to be selective with the type of information you process in your mind. It’s important you choose who your friends are.

Henceforth, pay attention to the information processed in your heart. If the company, relationships you keep are not in sync with your dreams and aspiration, it important you sever such relationships. No one scratches with the turkey and fly with the eagle. Keep no permanent friends, no permanent enemies but have a permanent interest –to be the best you can be.


Businessdictionary.com defines needs as “a motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age group to age group) satisfied by necessaries”.

Human needs grow from infanthood to adulthood, they begin with the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. Overtime, preference sets in, you want to choose the type of shoes, clothing’s you wear. Below is a typical example of needs faced by individuals in their lifetime.

>>Need for mobility – car.
>>Need to move out of your parent home – personal security.
>>Need to get marry.
>>Meet the basic needs of your family.
>>Send your children to the best schools
>>Need to provide for your old parents.
>>Need to provide for members of your extended family
>>These needs and preferences significantly increase with time.

However, individuals have no control over the growth of these needs. On the other hand, to grow in value is a choice. An individual may choose to grow in value or remain rooted on a spot.

How increased value meets your growing needs?

This quote says it all, “If you do what you have to do at the time you have to do it (add value), you will get what you want at the time you need it”. – Jegede Abiodun Paul

Below is a graphical illustration of the Theory of Value Vs Needs below


(This graph was conceptualized by The Group Managing Director, Japaul Oil and Maritime Services Plc – Mr. Jegede Abiodun Paul).

The vertical axis represents Values while the horizontal axis represents Needs.

The points A, B, C represents

A. Represents individuals whose value is equal or greater than their needs. Individuals who have spent time and put much effort develop themselves. People in this category are fulfilled. They have enough to take care of their needs and contribute to the development of the society.

B. Represents individuals whose value is equal to their needs. Individuals in this category can be said to be comfortable, they can afford the necessities of life.

C. Represents individuals whose value is less than their needs. People in this category remain rooted on a spot. They make no effort to improve on their skills, knowledge, and education. Hence, they are unfulfilled and live a life of poverty and regrets.


Personal development is way beyond just reading books and meditating. It requires action.
It often involves change and takes you out of your comfort zone. If you don’t change, then nothing about your life will change. If you want and believe in something, you must take the next step and go after it.

Thank you for reading. I will like to read your comments.

Below are some quotes to inspire you,

“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.”
― T. Harv Eker

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.”
― Benjamin Franklin

“If you want to lead an extraordinary life, find out what the ordinary do–and don't do it.”
― Tommy Newberry

“If you are under the impression you have already perfected yourself, you will never rise to the heights you are no doubt capable of.”
― Kazuo Ishiguro

“Do not get obsolete like an old technology, keep innovating yourself.”
― Sukant Ratnakar

“If you do what you have to do at the time you have to do it, you will get what you want at the time you need it”. – Jegede Abiodun Paul


39 Likes 15 Shares

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by giantimpact(m): 9:28pm On Oct 03, 2014
@ OP, nice one, Really thoughtful.

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by jitela: 10:00am On Oct 05, 2014
nice 1 Op. @ Mods, this ought to make front page.

1 Like

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by sakaba(m): 1:17pm On Oct 05, 2014

1 Like

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by bare1(m): 6:38am On Aug 14, 2015
What a great piece. Kudos OP for this one. Unfortunately personal development isn't being given adequate attention - not here and anywhere else. Only those who have close encounters with situations warranting personal development or those that have started their journey to change truly know the essence and need for self-development. I have tried to get personal development as a section on here which it really does deserve but all to no luck. It's not stopping me though as I have bigger plans to keep going. Kudos to you once more.

3 Likes 2 Shares

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 6:43am On Aug 14, 2015
Why am I just seeing this NOW? How could a very interesting and insightful article as this not get to the front page when other totally irrelevant and mundane ones flood the front page every minute? The reason isn't farfetched- people don't pay adequate attention to their personal development like they do to the lives of others who are of very little benefit to them. That's the mystery of the world.

And our people aren't readers, so any article that demands their taking some minutes to read will most likely be relegated to the background......

OP, thanks for this great piece. If not for anything, the quote from Tommy Newberry has made my day.

Good morning.

6 Likes 2 Shares

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 6:46am On Aug 14, 2015
What a great piece. Kudos OP for this one. Unfortunately personal development isn't being given adequate attention - not here and anywhere else. Only those who have close encounters with situations warranting personal development or those that have started their journey to change truly know the essence and need for self-development. I have tried to get personal development as a section on here which it really does deserve but all to no luck. It's not stopping me though as I have bigger plans to keep going. Kudos to you once more.

My boss, good morning. It was your comment that drew my attention to this wonderful albeit avoided article. I'm happy I'm following you.

The fact is we will keep pursuing our own personal development and progress. We won't give up. We won't be discouraged. Someday we shall become so useful to society that millions shall be talking about how we have positively impacted their lives.

Good morning sir.

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 7:29am On Aug 14, 2015
This article deserves front page ASAP.

Lalasticlala, please do the needful. We are sure this message will benefit not a few. Thanks, and good morning.
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by 2derfultony: 8:09am On Aug 14, 2015
This is quite Educative!

Uniuyo rocks!

1 Like 1 Share

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 8:20am On Aug 14, 2015
As the days go by, I'm taking proactive and decisive steps to make sure I belong in category A, where my values will equal or even surpass my needs. That's my desire; that's my goal.

I'm determine to do more than I'm paid to do.

Don't be a man of success; be a man of value, and success will chase you- Albert Einstein.


Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by bare1(m): 11:09am On Aug 14, 2015

My boss, good morning. It was your comment that drew my attention to this wonderful albeit avoided article. I'm happy I'm following you.

The fact is we will keep pursuing our own personal development and progress. We won't give up. We won't be discouraged. Someday we shall become so useful to society that millions shall be talking about how we have positively impacted their lives.

Good morning sir.

Good morning bro. Glad that your attention has been brought to this comment. I'm glad I did as well because it is a good read. I have no doubt the impact you would make as long as you keep pursuing a renewing of the mind and a better life. So many lives depend on our growth and development and it would be a life unfulfilled not to affect those positively.

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by klem93(m): 12:35pm On Aug 14, 2015
a nice and educative write up

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by adesegun121(m): 12:35pm On Aug 14, 2015
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 12:35pm On Aug 14, 2015
Really great piece. We need more threads like this on FP. BTW...OP just instigated the 'value war'.

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 12:36pm On Aug 14, 2015
Thank you for sharing this

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by ITSAWRAPWORLD: 12:37pm On Aug 14, 2015
Needed information

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by ogaofficer(m): 12:39pm On Aug 14, 2015

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by naikee(m): 12:40pm On Aug 14, 2015

Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by joywendy(f): 12:40pm On Aug 14, 2015
Bare1 and dearypreye check this out..

Okay I see you guys are here already...

Nice one op really inspiring! Having a section for this purrpose would be cool. smiley

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by jimjamiu: 12:42pm On Aug 14, 2015
NG1x is a platform designed to help you generate constant income monthly also it provides the
opportunity to share news, events, or simply what you want, through publications of 140 characters,
and may refer to other users, create Hashtag and share with other site users. Also you can upload images, videos from Youtube or Vimeo. Follow other users, send direct messages and other features.

Using NG1x Platform you have 3 different ways of generating points. (All points are to be converted to Cash Equivalent at every month end) 1 Point = 1 Naira

1. Sign Up and start following your friends. The difference between friends you are following and those following you is multiplied by 30 to give you points every month.
For example if you are following 2300 and you have 1456 followers. your point will be calculated thus (2300-1456) * 30 = 25320 Points.

2.Whenever you have more than 100 news,events, picture e.t.c post for any month, you will have (Following - Follower) * 20 Points bonus Free.
For example if you have 123 post in a particular month using the particulars in (1) above you extra points will be (2300 - 1456)* 20 = 16880 extra Points.

3. Whenever your NG1X link invites anyone that goes ahead to follow you first. You have extra 35 Points for each of this. For example your NG1X link is http://www.ng1x.com/deleojo. You go ahead to share this link with your friends via any mean e.g Facebook, sms, whatapp, twitter, LinkedIn e.t.c and 564 people Sign Up with Ng1x through this your link and follows you before anyone else You will be credited with (564 * 35) = 19740 points for this method.

For that particular month all your total points will thus be 25329 + 16880 + 19740 = 61949 Points and thus you would have made N61,949 for that month using the illustration above.

The same process will be used for subsequent months.

You signup Free of Charge but NG1X membership costs you N200 to get verified for each month.

How do you get paid?
You are paid based on the points you have gathered using method 1,2 and 3
You are paid through same method you pay your N200 monthly subscription.
If you pay your N200 monthly subscription though ATM transfer or through online payment your monthly earnings will be transfered to your prefered bank account. If you pay
your subscription through GSM Mobile Scratched Recharde card, your specified phone number will be credited with the amount you have made at the end of each month.
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Isaacmacdon(m): 12:44pm On Aug 14, 2015
What a great piece. Kudos OP for this one. Unfortunately personal development isn't being given adequate attention - not here and anywhere else. Only those who have close encounters with situations warranting personal development or those that have started their journey to change truly know the essence and need for self-development. I have tried to get personal development as a section on here which it really does deserve but all to no luck. It's not stopping me though as I have bigger plans to keep going. Kudos to you once more.
You caught my attention... Well quoted.. Seriously d makers of dis forum nids to create wat u said... Pple r grinded to a halt cos dey avnt seen d right words nd texts to move em further...

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Anyi3(m): 12:44pm On Aug 14, 2015
Who really read this
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Isaacmacdon(m): 12:45pm On Aug 14, 2015
Nice one o.p.. Personal development is a choice.. Until we agree to move further dat we'd do...

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by EMEKA1MILLION(m): 12:49pm On Aug 14, 2015
Continuous development of your skills is what makes u marketable...

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by BeauHomme: 12:54pm On Aug 14, 2015
Great piece
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by OmoEziokwu: 1:03pm On Aug 14, 2015
Very useful write-up for a Nairaland that has gone to the dogs.

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 1:16pm On Aug 14, 2015
Very useful write-up for a Nairaland that has gone to the dogs.

We shall endeavour to snatch away from the mouth of those rabid dogs.
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by Nobody: 1:17pm On Aug 14, 2015
I nice read that leaves one with no option than to keep rest restrategizing in the pursuit of that self satisfaction and fulfillment which are embeded in continuous personal development.

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Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by OLUJOSHINS(m): 1:50pm On Aug 14, 2015
9ice stuff
Re: A Theory Of Value Vs. Need – The Need For Personal Development. by tonyx4x44(m): 2:23pm On Aug 14, 2015
Thank you op... This was very helpful!

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