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South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal - Politics (10) - Nairaland

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Toks2008(m): 6:33pm On Oct 07, 2014

4. Could it be that you'r the greatest mumu on planet earth?

*just wondering*

I have made a promise never to trade words with low lives and low IQ individuals on nairaland again.

Too bad some people will never learn proper decorun. So unfortunate someone wasted some resources in sending some people to be a docial being.


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by eleko1: 6:52pm On Oct 07, 2014
Was a lil busy with a client this morning.As long as U understand the message,any problem?

Bros are you typing with your teeth?

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Litmus: 7:09pm On Oct 07, 2014
The Tale of South Africa treachery
(Abridged and bullshit edited)

Nigeria went to South Africa to purchase equipment in times of her desperate need to stop terrorist from murdering her citizens.
South Africa, for reasons best known to itself, chose to embarrass Nigeria, doing so by exploiting the bizarre reputation of Nigeria being "corrupt" in a world made up of "honest" Nations. And also counting on Nigeria's immature Democratic Party systems and the Nigeria peoples’ penchant for always looking to point the finger of blame on themselves at all cost. South Africa also employed E-Saboteurs to take to media-sphare such as Twitter and Niraland. Posing as Nigerians from all walk of like – from ordinary cynical people to people purportedly opposition party supporters – they joined genuine Nigerians to blame the Nigerian government, thus muddying the water and dissembling true events. In all this, the fact remained that South Africa callously disregarded the lives of Nigeria men woman and children that these arms might have helped save.

Moral of tale

Lowlifes in government headed by Zooman or Zumba or whatever run South Africa and Nigeria most never again trust that Nation or look favorably on their business investments in Nigeria – it portends trouble down the line for, by their actions, they mean us no good. Sure, Nigerians enjoy some of South African investments such as Malls, Telecommunication and will miss all that but there are Nations outside Africa that can take South Africa’s place. Ethiopia is fast rising and South Africa can benefit from that Nation. South Africa doesn’t need us and we don’t need them.

One day, if the current trend continues, South Africa too, with her significant Muslim population, may well find itself battling Islamic terrorism. You cant cheat Nature, Nature always balances things. It's probably why the Indians came up with Karma.


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by MichaelSokoto(m): 8:19pm On Oct 07, 2014
really i ve learnt alot from jona in my life..there is power in peace,calmness in the face of storm
Am sorry 2 say dat u've learned "CLUELESSNESS + DAFTNESS" instead, u should be crowned wit Bsc as an icing angry
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by ISpiksDaTroof: 8:25pm On Oct 07, 2014

South african MEDIA not South african government, anyone can pay the media to write stories
If that whole article doesn't sound paid for, biased and one-sided, then I don't know what else to say.

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 8:29pm On Oct 07, 2014
If that whole article doesn't sound paid for, biased and one-sided, then I don't know what else to say.

Seriously. I kept looking for anything, a name, something. This article is bullshit.

Which media? No spokesperson? And of course, it's a Nigerian newspaper abi blog. And we all know how trustworthy Nigerian media is, don't we.

Biased Nairaland.

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Ahasco(m): 8:40pm On Oct 07, 2014
Now, were are all those kicking left, right and centre. Blabbing all they can with their insulting e-tongues on my President? Hope you will be quick to take back your words like you were quick to let them loose?


You mean those morons who reason wif their anus? They are already shamed and can never apologise because of their pride. Time is coming when God will start punishing them one by one for the innocent lives they have killed in the north all because of hatred, arrogance and politicking


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 8:43pm On Oct 07, 2014
This article is a blatant LIE. I checked both newspapers named. Rapport and City Press.

Neither paper said anything like this.

I was suspicious when I saw the vague "South African media" and the glaring absence of named sources and quotes. My suspicions grew louder when I saw that this came from a Nigerian news site. Nigerians news is just government propaganda, and cannot be trusted. So I checked the papers. One was in Afrikaans, but thank God for Google Translate, huh?


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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 8:52pm On Oct 07, 2014
"DailyPost gathered that there are concerns that despite the leeway given to South African companies to thrive in Nigeria, there are still officials of the country who are determined to frustrate Nigeria, which in April this year overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy.
Government loyalists insist that the botched deal is being used by some prominent persons for political reasons."

What sort of rubbish journalism is this

"Some say... a source said... an official reported"
"Even though we are so nice to them, they don't like us because we're better than them? ? ?"

This is OFFENSIVE to me as a Nigerian.

Is this a real article? Because it sounds like a Nairaland post. This was actually printed somewhere? Please tell me this is just a blog.

Edit: I thought as much.


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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Sormeh: 9:02pm On Oct 07, 2014
Propaganda cum propagandum. Monies have changed hands. After almost a month? How long does it take to verify the legitimacy or otherwise of a transaction? How can a legitimate deal be made by flying cash around undocumented without the presence of senior officials from the office of the National Security Adviser nor Ministry of Defense nor any of the Service Chiefs. What kind of a deal that will contravene the laws of Money laundering and the CBN cashless policy.. What kind of a "legitimate" deal that will use a private jet belonging to a "Pastor" and Jonathan's ally, ex Armed robber(lols) and controversial figure rather than one of the over 12Presidential Jet? Very funny

It doesn't add up at all. These Jonathanians are not smart at all.
Some people get sense sha. I don't know why most Nigerians are so gullible. barcanista, ur head dey there jare.


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 9:15pm On Oct 07, 2014

Some people get sense sha. I don't know why most Nigerians are so gullible. barcanista, ur head dey there jare.
one more question, if the deal was legitimate, why is the pdp controlled house blocking every move to discuss it on the floor of the House of Reps?


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Rexyl(m): 9:17pm On Oct 07, 2014
So as civilised as South Africa claims to be, she is inconsistent and incoherent on sensitive matters. She can be manipulated and used as a toil in the hands of wiser Nigerian politicians who are hell bent to exploit her weakness for their own good. That is Nigerian politicians for them.

it would be like smart people playing a dull country. what a mess if this latest story is true!
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by thegoodjoehunt3(m): 9:22pm On Oct 07, 2014

Seriously. I kept looking for anything, a name, something. This article is bullshit.

Which media? No spokesperson? And of course, it's a Nigerian newspaper abi blog. And we all know how trustworthy Nigerian media is, don't we.

Biased Nairaland.
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Sodangi77: 9:55pm On Oct 07, 2014
Mercing after dead
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by duni04(m): 10:49pm On Oct 07, 2014
The entire sequence of events that has followed this purported arms purchase from South Africa has confirmed that this transaction was a very high level attempt at laundering money from Nigeria. The use of a jet belonging to a friend of the president to "purchase ams"; the manner the money was ferried (in suitcases), the initial denial of ownership of the jet by the CAN president; the attempt to bribe legislators from conducting any investigation into what happened; and now the phoney press releases absolving the Nigerian government of any wrong doing.
The EFCC is yet to launch any investigatiin into how a PRIVATE JET without any diplomatic clearance and with $9million aboard was allowed to leave the country's shores. I wouldn't be suprised if Jonathan himself was involved in this attempted money laundering, he's close friends with the CAN president afterall.

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by sevule(m): 11:27pm On Oct 07, 2014
Sometimes I don't know if I am to laugh or cry at the ignorance of Nigerians. Is our education system really that bad that we longer care to read cry cry cry.
Does the article ever state that Nigeria was exonerated? The simple answer is NO!! And for all the misinformed supporters of a corrupt government who were quick to start celebrating the "good news" please read the following quote from the article:

The NPA’s Asset Forfeiture Unit subsequently obtained a court order in the South Gauteng High Court to seize the money.
Cerberus’ attorney, Martin Hood, this week declined to comment on the matter.
NPA spokesperson Nathi Mncube said there were no indications that the two transactions were related.
“However, both are now the subject of a criminal investigation and all possible information and connections are being investigated,” said Mncube.

What does this mean in simple English?? It means that currently the case is the subject of a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and the South African government NEVER EXONERATED Nigeria!!

So for heavens sake how did people get the erroneous idea that Nigeria had been absolved of this monumental travesty? Our corrupt government still has a case to answer in the South African courts plain and simple.

Side Note
@MissMeiya I don't know who you are but I am impressed that a woman could be as discerning and incisive as you! Ride on sister girl!

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 12:26am On Oct 08, 2014
to all Nigeria haters I say fall down and die

Amen. But they don't have to fall down, they can as well die while standing 'cos its allowed. grin


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by 14(m): 3:27am On Oct 08, 2014
The South African media have published documents confirming the legitimacy of the $9.3million botched arms deals between Nigeria and the former apartheid enclave.
Reports by Rapport and City Press affirmed federal government’s official position that the transactions were legitimate.
The media houses said contrary to insinuations, end user certificates and a ‘shopping’ list accompanied the transactions as well as a note from Nigerian government authorizing the deals.

According to the reports, documents showed that the earlier consignment was approved by the Nigerian government  through the Office of National Security Adviser (ONSA), which is officially mandated to issue the end-user certificate for such transactions involving the nation’s security agencies.
An entire “shopping list” was also said to have been supplied with the certificate, which included everything from helicopters to unmanned aircraft, rockets and ammunition.

A top security source in the intelligence service disclosed that“In issuing end-user certificate, the ONSA ensures that it carries all relevant agencies and stakeholders along. Therefore, such a responsibility is not a unilateral development.
“For security reasons, the chains leading to the issuance of end-user certificate cannot be put in the public domain.
“The recent interest in arms purchase was informed by the challenges of insurgency which our nation had been grappling with in the last few years. This is why the understanding of all Nigerians is necessary.

“Nigeria is desperate to counter activities of terrorists no matter what it takes even when some of our friends are not being fair to us.
“The government appeals to the media and all Nigerians, especially the opposition, to consider the overall national interest on security issues. They should not read negative meaning to every good intention of government in tackling insecurity in the country”.
Continuing, the source said“The federal government and some top intelligence officers are concerned about how some officials of South Africa decided to frustrate the efforts of Nigeria at containing the activities of terrorists operating in the North-Eastern axis.”

DailyPost gathered that there are concerns that despite the leeway given to South African companies to thrive in Nigeria, there are still officials of the country who are determined to frustrate Nigeria, which in April this year overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy.
Government loyalists insist that the botched deal is being used by some prominent persons for political reasons.
They also accused“vested interests”of wishing the war against insurgency was not won.

On the latest story of seizure of over $5million by South Africa, those in security circles say it may just be a refreshment of the old story with a new angle.

Source: http://dailypost.ng/2014/10/07/concerns-nigeria-south-african-relationship-countrys-media-confirms-legitimacy-9-3m-arms-deal/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed

No such report in SA media, another journalist paid


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Spray(m): 5:15am On Oct 08, 2014
Now, were are all those kicking left, right and centre. Blabbing all they can with their insulting e-tongues on my President? Hope you will be quick to take back your words like you were quick to let them loose?

. Sorry oo oga at d top, we no go insult ur president again


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Spray(m): 5:24am On Oct 08, 2014
The South African media have published documents confirming the legitimacy of the $9.3million botched arms deals between Nigeria and the former apartheid enclave.
Reports by Rapport and City Press affirmed federal government’s official position that the transactions were legitimate.
The media houses said contrary to insinuations, end user certificates and a ‘shopping’ list accompanied the transactions as well as a note from Nigerian government authorizing the deals.

According to the reports, documents showed that the earlier consignment was approved by the Nigerian government  through the Office of National Security Adviser (ONSA), which is officially mandated to issue the end-user certificate for such transactions involving the nation’s security agencies.
An entire “shopping list” was also said to have been supplied with the certificate, which included everything from helicopters to unmanned aircraft, rockets and ammunition.

A top security source in the intelligence service disclosed that“In issuing end-user certificate, the ONSA ensures that it carries all relevant agencies and stakeholders along. Therefore, such a responsibility is not a unilateral development.
“For security reasons, the chains leading to the issuance of end-user certificate cannot be put in the public domain.
“The recent interest in arms purchase was informed by the challenges of insurgency which our nation had been grappling with in the last few years. This is why the understanding of all Nigerians is necessary.

“Nigeria is desperate to counter activities of terrorists no matter what it takes even when some of our friends are not being fair to us.
“The government appeals to the media and all Nigerians, especially the opposition, to consider the overall national interest on security issues. They should not read negative meaning to every good intention of government in tackling insecurity in the country”.
Continuing, the source said“The federal government and some top intelligence officers are concerned about how some officials of South Africa decided to frustrate the efforts of Nigeria at containing the activities of terrorists operating in the North-Eastern axis.”

DailyPost gathered that there are concerns that despite the leeway given to South African companies to thrive in Nigeria, there are still officials of the country who are determined to frustrate Nigeria, which in April this year overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy.
Government loyalists insist that the botched deal is being used by some prominent persons for political reasons.
They also accused“vested interests”of wishing the war against insurgency was not won.

On the latest story of seizure of over $5million by South Africa, those in security circles say it may just be a refreshment of the old story with a new angle.

Source: http://dailypost.ng/2014/10/07/concerns-nigeria-south-african-relationship-countrys-media-confirms-legitimacy-9-3m-arms-deal/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
. Story story Stoooooooory, once upon a Time, time time, tortoise fall from sky, that was why it got its back broken, daddy you can lie ooooo


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by DaBullIT(m): 5:43am On Oct 08, 2014
Propaganda cum propagandum. Monies have changed hands. After almost a month? How long does it take to verify the legitimacy or otherwise of a transaction? How can a legitimate deal be made by flying cash around undocumented without the presence of senior officials from the office of the National Security Adviser nor Ministry of Defense nor any of the Service Chiefs. What kind of a deal that will contravene the laws of Money laundering and the CBN cashless policy.. What kind of a "legitimate" deal that will use a private jet belonging to a "Pastor" and Jonathan's ally, ex Armed robber(lols) and controversial figure rather than one of the over 12Presidential Jet? Very funny

It doesn't add up at all. These Jonathanians are not smart at all.

Money may have changed hands. But why would Jonathan defend CAN president ?

Documents have always been mentioned in each version of the news . 3 days after SR named Oristjeafor the kingpin of terror

I also think the news received so much attention because of the involvement of CAN president's jet and SR intentionally called it a botched / illegal arms deal

My conclusion ? It have tayed since theyve been talking about finding documents and shopping list .The masses were reacting to CAN President's involvement probably why they didn't notice
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Myself2(m): 7:17am On Oct 08, 2014
The truth of the matter is that both the $9.3 million and $5.7 million deals were legitimate government transactions.The US is just using traitors and fifth columnists and Nigerian intelligence apparatchik.GEJ has long demonstrated his free-mindedness in global business and foreign policies,not the old order that accorded needless over hyped regard to the western neo-colonialists as represented majorly by the US.This did not go down well with Obama,his hawks in the white house,pentagon and Langley,hence he has never hidden his disdain for GEJ's government,hence they drastically cut down on thw qty of Nigeria's oil they buy, refused to sell arms to Nigeria,he always bypasses Nigeria anytime he comes to West Africa(which really did not affect us in anyway as I'm yet to see the benefit that Ghana,Gambia and other WA coutries he chose to visit have gained as a result of those egotistic and self-aggrandising visits).Without blinking,GEJ reached out to China,India and lately Russia to fill in the gaps created above,so the US desperately wants Nigeria to fail so they can have a laugh,but na back to sender for them(just like the ebola case).
Per South Africa,,abeg those ones go soon pack well,dem no reach


Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by ELKASPBG(m): 9:13am On Oct 08, 2014

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Babaji111(m): 9:57am On Oct 08, 2014
Na Wao! This is rubbish. Then why the delay?
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by morefire: 10:51am On Oct 08, 2014
I am still of the opinion that some people are still not happy because their hands cannot carry out their enterprise.

Now that CAN & Pastor Oritsejafor have been exonerated, can you start asking God for the forgiveness of your sins? smiley I mean you!

but bros i still think Pastor Ayo should pipe down small, all this political nonsense spoils our religion...

lets be objective, if you got a privet jet from the president will you openly criticize the same president.

me am just tired of having papa Ayo soil our name

bless us all...

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 1:36pm On Oct 08, 2014
Cry louder my beloved nigerian,i guess south africans have jalous on nigeria because you guys have MTN,Shoprite,DSTv etc etc plus nigeria is with the brics and g20 countries...the other contributing factor is because nigeria hosted the 2010 world cup...oh SA hate us because we are better than them...kwa kwa kwa kwa!

This jealousy is becoming too much.
So they've always prayed for our detriment.
this people are worst than satan.

This is my verdict
All sa'ns should be shot, survivors should be beheaded and burnt alive. zuma should be sent to liberia without medical gear.

This does not explain why oritsejefor jet was used for d deal

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by Nobody: 1:43pm On Oct 08, 2014
****hands him a towel and bucket *****
You can cry on this

Cry louder my beloved nigerian,i guess south africans have jalous on nigeria because you guys have MTN,Shoprite,DSTv etc etc plus nigeria is with the brics and g20 countries...the other contributing factor is because nigeria hosted the 2010 world cup...oh SA hate us because we are better than them...kwa kwa kwa kwa!

Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by akwunmi(m): 2:26pm On Oct 08, 2014
The South African media have published documents confirming the legitimacy of the $9.3million botched arms deals between Nigeria and the former apartheid enclave.
Reports by Rapport and City Press affirmed federal government’s official position that the transactions were legitimate.
The media houses said contrary to insinuations, end user certificates and a ‘shopping’ list accompanied the transactions as well as a note from Nigerian government authorizing the deals.

According to the reports, documents showed that the earlier consignment was approved by the Nigerian government  through the Office of National Security Adviser (ONSA), which is officially mandated to issue the end-user certificate for such transactions involving the nation’s security agencies.
An entire “shopping list” was also said to have been supplied with the certificate, which included everything from helicopters to unmanned aircraft, rockets and ammunition.

A top security source in the intelligence service disclosed that“In issuing end-user certificate, the ONSA ensures that it carries all relevant agencies and stakeholders along. Therefore, such a responsibility is not a unilateral development.
“For security reasons, the chains leading to the issuance of end-user certificate cannot be put in the public domain.
“The recent interest in arms purchase was informed by the challenges of insurgency which our nation had been grappling with in the last few years. This is why the understanding of all Nigerians is necessary.

“Nigeria is desperate to counter activities of terrorists no matter what it takes even when some of our friends are not being fair to us.
“The government appeals to the media and all Nigerians, especially the opposition, to consider the overall national interest on security issues. They should not read negative meaning to every good intention of government in tackling insecurity in the country”.
Continuing, the source said“The federal government and some top intelligence officers are concerned about how some officials of South Africa decided to frustrate the efforts of Nigeria at containing the activities of terrorists operating in the North-Eastern axis.”

DailyPost gathered that there are concerns that despite the leeway given to South African companies to thrive in Nigeria, there are still officials of the country who are determined to frustrate Nigeria, which in April this year overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy.
Government loyalists insist that the botched deal is being used by some prominent persons for political reasons.
They also accused“vested interests”of wishing the war against insurgency was not won.

On the latest story of seizure of over $5million by South Africa, those in security circles say it may just be a refreshment of the old story with a new angle.

Source: http://dailypost.ng/2014/10/07/concerns-nigeria-south-african-relationship-countrys-media-confirms-legitimacy-9-3m-arms-deal/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
niaja don do dare dark deals...god sha de watch us o

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Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by akwunmi(m): 2:40pm On Oct 08, 2014
The entire sequence of events that has followed this purported arms purchase from South Africa has confirmed that this transaction was a very high level attempt at laundering money from Nigeria. The use of a jet belonging to a friend of the president to "purchase ams"; the manner the money was ferried (in suitcases), the initial denial of ownership of the jet by the CAN president; the attempt to bribe legislators from conducting any investigation into what happened; and now the phoney press releases absolving the Nigerian government of any wrong doing.
The EFCC is yet to launch any investigatiin into how a PRIVATE JET without any diplomatic clearance and with $9million aboard was allowed to leave the country's shores. I wouldn't be suprised if Jonathan himself was involved in this attempted money laundering, he's close friends with the CAN president afterall.
tnk u ojare.
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by omogidi234(m): 6:50pm On Oct 08, 2014
The fear of nationalisation for MTN, DSTV, SHOPRITE and other SA firms is the beginning of wisdom to President Zuma and the SA govt. grin
Re: South African Media Confirms Legitimacy Of Nigeria's $9.3m Arms Deal by ardave2k13: 9:44pm On Oct 08, 2014
“The recent interest in arms purchase was informed by the challenges of insurgency which our nation had been grappling with in the last few years. This is why the understanding of all Nigerians is necessary."


Are we this gullible in this country? Are we so blinded by tribalism, sectionism? Some questions are begging for answers...... it will be nice if the Jonathanians here on Nairaland can offer me answers.

Irrefutable report has it that the Ex-millitant, Mujahid A sari Dokubo is one of the 2 Nigerian caught with $9.3m cash on the Pastor Oritsejafor owned private jet. The question is : when did Asari Dokubo become a security consultant to the Nigerian government?

Why is the Nigerian government desperately trying to cover things up if actually they have nothing to hide?

Some things doesn't just add up. I don't buy it.

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