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Ijebu People - Celebrities - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / Ijebu People (1088 Views)

British Nigerian Rapper, Skepta, Is Building A Playground For Kids In Ijebu Ode / Dbanj Goes Shirtless As He Performs In Beast Mode At Ijebu Concert / D'banj Now Sells Refined Ijebu Garri To Help Himself. (photo) (2) (3) (4)

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Ijebu People by herinolah(m): 2:07pm On Oct 07, 2014
1. Only Ijebu people sell Ticket to their
wedding party
2. Its only in Ijebu that Christmas
Decorations would remain till Easter 3. Ijebu people will never
say “DO NOT
URINATE HERE”, they will say “URINATE
4. A Typical Ijebu Woman goes to party
Thrice on a saturday.
5. Arsene Wenger was born in Oke Agbo in Ijebu Igbo
6. Only an Ijebu man will speak yoruba
to a white man and he will understand.
Jazz things
7. A typical Ijebu boy saves his money
for Garri and trek to school 8. Only in Ijebu shop you go see
“Meatpie: ₦150, With Gen: ₦200″
9. The fart of an Ijebu man travels
10. Only an Ijebu man sells fairly-used
Chicken during christmas 11. An Ijebu-man will never forget to
ask for his ‘change’ no matter how little
it is..after sending you on an errand
12. Garri Ijebu – Tested and Trusted
since 1960
13. Ijebu boys know more INCANTATIONS than BIBLE
14. Its only Ijebu people that will fall
sick and start vomiting garri ijebu
15. The smell of Raw Ponmo Ijebu can
bring a dead person back to life.
16. Ikokore (An Ijebu Delicacy) can be used to cure HIV/AIDS
17. When God said “Let there be light”
It was an Ijebu man that said “Up Nepa
18. A Typical Ijebu Man sprays all his
Money at a Party and Treks home
19. Golden Morn is good, Corn Flakes is better. But at the
mention of IJEBU
GARRI every Flake must bow
20. A typical Ijebu Boy be like:-
Ijebu Boy: How much for moin-moin?
Seller: ₦130..
Ijebu Boy: Last Price.. Seller: ₦100..
Ijebu Boy: Ok, giv me just “moin” ₦50......I hail ijebu people oooo,

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Re: Ijebu People by victor2008(m): 2:14pm On Oct 07, 2014
its seems u high on something,all ur facts are baseless ,u just a ass
Re: Ijebu People by ayanbaba2(m): 3:00pm On Oct 07, 2014
U yourself must be very high on top the ijeburian garri & kuli(akaræ) ogbomoso...
Na only them waka stay in this country
Re: Ijebu People by eluquenson(m): 3:21pm On Oct 07, 2014
I will sum it up as "an idle mind" this epistle makes no sense, BTW @op how old are you?
Re: Ijebu People by zainharb: 3:26pm On Oct 07, 2014
Op U tink its funny ehn? Wat lil mentality u av SMH
Re: Ijebu People by zomby(m): 5:23pm On Oct 07, 2014
May I please ask you which part of Nigeria are you from?
I'm just curious...

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