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Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted - Politics - Nairaland

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Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 9:58pm On Oct 08, 2014
Top 10 Most Bizarre Military
Experiments Ever Conducted
In peace, prepare for war” – Fifth US Army
When I was a kid, I used to play a lot of video games. I played
action games, adventure games, sports games and even puzzle-
solving games. But mostly, I played those shooter games where
I had to play the role of a soldier and take part in a massive
war. Me and my friend loved those games. And we loved the
military as well. So much that my friend decided he would join
the army later in his life. Glad he got that idea out of his head.
The military is the first line of defense for the country. These
brave and disciplined men/women will go to any lengths to
ensure the safety of their country. And if there is ever a threat
to the nation, these loyal soldiers will gladly step up and
defend their home by any means necessary. In this line of
work, being paranoid is a highly valued trait. A surprise attack
can come at any moment, and it is the job of the military to stay
ready and counter the attack. However, just being vigilant is
not always enough. Ensuring the safety of the entire country is
a HUGE responsibility. So the military has to come up with
quick and efficient measures to deal with the nation’s threats.
To come up with proper measures to be used in times of war,
the military needs to carry out a lot of experiments.
Experiments need to be done thoroughly to make sure that the
idea is actually feasible and can be used. Sometimes, the ideas
are great and work smoothly. Sometimes, the suggested
measures are not fruitful. And sometimes, the experiments can
be just downright weird. Here are 10 of the Most Bizarre
Military Experiments Ever.

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Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 9:59pm On Oct 08, 2014
10. The Great Panjandrum
Starting off at Number 10 on our list is The Great Panjandrum.
The Great Panjandrum was a device used in World War II. The
device was made of two large wheels which were 10ft high and
1 ft wide. The wheels were fastened by 3ft wide drums full of
dangerous explosives. I thought such devices only existed in
The Panjandrum was created to breach a hole in the enemy’s
wall. However, the testings did not go as planned. The problem
with the Panjandrum was that it constantly went off course.
Even after tinkering with it a lot, the final test was a complete
chaos. Due to safety issues and unpredictability, the project
was called off and made the Panjandrum one of the most
bizarre military experiments ever.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:00pm On Oct 08, 2014
9. Nazi Sun Gun
Ever held a magnifying glass over a line of ants under the
broad daylight sun and, you know, watched how the magnified
sun ray would fry the ants? Well, the Nazi scientists wanted to
do the exact same thing. However, this time, we would be the
ants. On Number 9 on our list of the most bizarre military
experiments ever is The Nazi Sun Gun.
The plan was quite simple. The Nazi would have a giant mirror
placed miles above the earth. This mirror would direct
concentrated beams of sun rays anywhere on earth. Then, the
Nazi would burn down entire cities, boil the oceans and fry
people on demand. It’s that simple.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by SlimSkipper(m): 10:01pm On Oct 08, 2014
which one dem conduct for naija against d boko boiz dem
jez bein curious u kno wat i mean
FTC grin cheesy
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:02pm On Oct 08, 2014
8. Project X-Ray
Next up, on Number 8 on our list is the Project X-Ray. Project
X-Ray was a rather interesting experiment. Around the end of
World War II, U.S. scientists experimented on a sort of weapon
that would make Batman beam with pride. The project
involved bats and bombs. Bat Bomb!
In the experiment, the scientists attached bombs on bats. The
plan was to release these bomb carrying bats, in the cities of
Japan at dawn. When released, the bats would quickly go hide
in the nooks and corners of the cities and, when the time was
up, they would explode all over the cities. The project was later
aborted in favor of the atom bomb.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Nobody: 10:03pm On Oct 08, 2014
I hope these apply to Nigeria?
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:04pm On Oct 08, 2014
7. Anti-Tank Dog
Number 7 on our list of the most bizarre military experiments
ever is Anti-Tank Dog. Judging from the name itself, you can
pretty much guess what this experiment was all about. The
experiment involved destroying enemy tanks through the use
of dogs. Dogs would be fitted with 12kgs of TNT and would be
trained to carry them underneath enemy tanks. Once there, the
bombs would detonate and destroy the tank along with the dog.
The problem with this experiment (not that this is actually the
only problem with it) was that these dogs would be frightened
or confused in the heat of battle. Instead of charging for the
tanks, the dogs would retreat to the trenches and end up
blowing up their masters. Such explosives. Much boom. Wow.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:05pm On Oct 08, 2014
6. Project Orcon
Next on our list of the most bizarre military experiments ever is
a project that is downright weird. And funny too. Project
Orcon takes the place of Number 7 on our list. Orcon is a
conjoined word for Organic Control. Project Orcon involved
guiding missiles through the use of birds. More accurately,
have pigeons steer missiles.
According to the Project Orcon, a pigeon and a screen
displaying the target would be placed on a missile. The pigeon
would constantly peck at the target on the screen to guide the
missile on its destination. However, the idea was dropped due
to certain reasons (really?). One of the reasons was that it was a
missile guided by a stupid bird. Need I say more?

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:06pm On Oct 08, 2014
5. Project Habbakuk. Remember how the Titanic was sunk by a huge iceberg? Well,
the British weren’t happy about it and decided to make another
huge ship. This time, it wouldn’t be drowned by a huge block
of ice. Why? Because it would literally be made out of a huge
block of ice. Project Habbakuk takes its place at Number 5 on
our list of the most bizarre military experiments ever.
Project Habbakuk was a project that involved a huge ship
made out of ice. The plan was to make a huge aircraft carrier
that would be unsinkable. The ship would be made out of a
mixture of ice and wool pulp and would be 2,000 feet long and
40 feet thick. Obviously the project was dropped because it
was not feasible at all.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:08pm On Oct 08, 2014
4. “Who? Me?” Device
Next on Number 4 on our list is indeed a very weird
experiment. Already being a very disturbing device, you might
even think that this idea came from a 6th grader. The “Who?
Me?” device is actually a bomb made in WWII. But this is not
the sort of bomb that killed people or jammed their senses.
This is the sort of bomb that made people smell bad. Like,
REALLY smell bad.
The “Who? Me?” bomb was made by infusing several putrid
smells, even the smell of human excretion. When the bomb
exploded, it would make the area and all its victims smell
utterly disgusting. Basically, a high-grade stink bomb. A stink
bomb in the military? Obviously, one of the most bizarre
experiments ever.

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Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:09pm On Oct 08, 2014
3. Gay Bomb
Next on our list is a bomb with a name that practically speaks
for itself. First a stink bomb and now a gay bomb? At this point,
you might wonder if all these ideas came out of a room full of
monkeys. Well, honestly, your guess is as good as mine.
Theoretically, the Gay Bomb would release a chemical called
“Aphrodisiacs” that would make the soldiers highly attracted
to one another. The result would be a severe decrease in the
unit’s morale. “Make love, not war”- the people who came up
with this slogan did not have this in mind. However, the bomb
was not perfected and therefore, the idea was rejected. Thus,
the Gay Bomb takes Number 3 and is definitely one of the most
bizarre military experiments ever.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:11pm On Oct 08, 2014
2. Operation: Acoustic Kitty
So far in the list, we have seen an experiment on both canines
and birds. Why not have a feline in the mix too? Apparently,
that was the same thing the CIA thought too. Operation:
Acoustic Kitty is actually a common piece of knowledge.
Nevertheless, it still is one of the most bizarre military
experiments ever and deserves Number 2 on our list.
During the cold war, the CIA wanted to spy on the Soviet
embassy. After spending an immense amount of money on
research and planning, the CIA captured a cat and surgically
inserted several spy technology devices in it. After the surgery
was done, the cat was a living, breathing spy kit. However, on
its first test run, the cat was sadly run over by a taxi. The CIA
quietly cancelled the project and didn’t speak about it again.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by lozairio(m): 10:13pm On Oct 08, 2014
1. The Stargate Project
Finally, we have reached the number one most bizarre military
experiment on this list. When you talk about the most bizarre
things, nothing comes close to that of the astral plane. To put it
simply, the world of psychics is probably the strangest of them
all. And when the military does weird experiments on
something that’s already bizarre, you know that it’s something
that is never going to make sense.
Project Stargate is an experiment conducted by the CIA and the
DIA. The purpose of the experiment was to find out
information through psychics. In the experiment, people
believed to have psychic gifts were forced to help the military
“see” and foretell information or whereabouts of the enemy.
After spending nearly $20 million on the program, the CIA
found out that this was a total waste of time and money.
Obviously. The project was then cancelled. Thus, the Stargate
Project has been the most bizarre military experiment ever.

Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Nobody: 10:15pm On Oct 08, 2014
Nyc write up *i smell f.p*
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by SlimSkipper(m): 10:17pm On Oct 08, 2014
wow! interestin article to say d least
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Kayceo2010: 10:18pm On Oct 08, 2014
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Anyi3(m): 10:27pm On Oct 08, 2014
Make I park first

Modified : Just finished reading, this space is now for sale cool
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by omenka(m): 10:30pm On Oct 08, 2014
What about Monarch Programming? I mean "MK Ultra".
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by 1stola: 10:33pm On Oct 08, 2014
See me here.
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by bigt2(m): 10:35pm On Oct 08, 2014
I need some stink bombs to drop on the remaining shekaus sad angry >:
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Nobody: 10:36pm On Oct 08, 2014
humans have been trying to dominate universal rulership all to no avail
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by zonax(m): 10:36pm On Oct 08, 2014
Was expecting to see some out of the moon stuff
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by makazona(m): 10:36pm On Oct 08, 2014
thats all about thinking outside the box

afterall,whether u jam motor or motor jam u, jam stil dy dia.
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by kagari: 10:40pm On Oct 08, 2014
This is good sha, what of that myth about some naked ladies in a war front to confuse the soldiers which later led to the defeat of the soldiers
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by publicenemy(m): 10:41pm On Oct 08, 2014
They tried several absurd projects and failed and that's why they are this succesfull today.

They kept trying.
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Harmthe(m): 10:41pm On Oct 08, 2014
if dis thread no reach fp

i will hack nairaland
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Nobody: 10:41pm On Oct 08, 2014
7. Anti-Tank Dog
Number 7 on our list of the most bizarre military experiments
ever is Anti-Tank Dog. Judging from the name itself, you can
pretty much guess what this experiment was all about. The
experiment involved destroying enemy tanks through the use
of dogs. Dogs would be fitted with 12kgs of TNT and would be
trained to carry them underneath enemy tanks. Once there, the
bombs would detonate and destroy the tank along with the dog.
The problem with this experiment (not that this is actually the
only problem with it) was that these dogs would be frightened
or confused in the heat of battle. Instead of charging for the
tanks, the dogs would retreat to the trenches and end up
blowing up their masters. Such explosives. Much boom. Wow.


I have a cool Rottie and I just can't imagine doing such to him, but I guess in a war all bets are off, plus all dogs go to heaven, so maybe no biggie!

They should have known before conducting the experiment that scared dogs run back to their masters, or at least familiar territory. It must have been a "Duh!" moment for them when it happened.
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Nobody: 10:44pm On Oct 08, 2014
Wonderful. We learn everyday. Thanks for sharing smiley
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Nobody: 10:54pm On Oct 08, 2014
1. The Stargate Project
Finally, we have reached the number one most bizarre military
experiment on this list. When you talk about the most bizarre
things, nothing comes close to that of the astral plane. To put it
simply, the world of psychics is probably the strangest of them
all. And when the military does weird experiments on
something that’s already bizarre, you know that it’s something
that is never going to make sense.
Project Stargate is an experiment conducted by the CIA and the
DIA. The purpose of the experiment was to find out
information through psychics. In the experiment, people
believed to have psychic gifts were forced to help the military
“see” and foretell information or whereabouts of the enemy.
After spending nearly $20 million on the program, the CIA
found out that this was a total waste of time and money.
Obviously. The project was then cancelled. Thus, the Stargate
Project has been the most bizarre military experiment ever.

Who remembers?
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by Rikidony(m): 10:55pm On Oct 08, 2014
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by kelvin1191(m): 11:04pm On Oct 08, 2014
If any of this military experiment if from Nigeria, we would be quick to blame GEJ. Anyway, i wonder if our military is even conducting any experiment. Ooops! OP, the Nigerian-Airforce-flying-grinding-machine called AMIBO part1,2&3 should have made the number 1 on the list.
Re: Top 10 Most Bizarre Military Experiments Ever Conducted by oweniwe(m): 10:08am On Oct 09, 2014
7. Anti-Tank Dog
Number 7 on our list of the most bizarre military experiments
ever is Anti-Tank Dog. Judging from the name itself, you can
pretty much guess what this experiment was all about. The
experiment involved destroying enemy tanks through the use
of dogs. Dogs would be fitted with 12kgs of TNT and would be
trained to carry them underneath enemy tanks. Once there, the
bombs would detonate and destroy the tank along with the dog.
The problem with this experiment (not that this is actually the
only problem with it) was that these dogs would be frightened
or confused in the heat of battle. Instead of charging for the
tanks, the dogs would retreat to the trenches and end up
blowing up their masters. Such explosives. Much boom. Wow.

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

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