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Stupid Questions! by jaguda(m): 12:09pm On Aug 03, 2006
1. At the movies: When you meet acquaintances/friends…

Stupid Question:-
Hey, what are you doing here?
Don’t u know, I sell tickets in black over here,

2. In the bus: A heavy lady wearing pointed high-heeled shoes steps on
your feet…

Stupid Question:-
Sorry, did that hurt?
No, not at all, I’m on local anesthesia…, why don’t you try again.

3. At a funeral: One of the teary-eyed people ask…

Stupid Question:-
Why, why him, of all people.
Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant: When you ask the waiter

Stupid Question:-
Is ! the “Fried Chicken” dish good??
No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We occasionally also
spit in it.

5. At a family get-together: When some distant aunt meets you after

Stupid Question:-
Matthew, Emily, you’ve become so big.
Well you haven’t particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask…

Stupid Question:-
Is the guy you’re marrying good?
No, he’s a miserable wife-beating , insensitive lout…it’s just the

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call…

Stupid Question:-
Sorry. were you sleeping?
No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in Africa marry or
not. You thought I was sleeping….you dumb witted slowpoke.

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair…

Stupid Question:-
Hey have you had a haircut?
No, its autumn and I’m shedding……

9. At the dentist when he’s sticking pointed objects in your mouth…

Stupid Question:-
Tell me if it hurts?
No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman asks…

Stupid Question:-
Oh, so you smoke.
Gosh, it’s a miracle …….it was a piece of chalk and now it’s in
Re: Stupid Questions! by janetgurl: 12:34pm On Aug 03, 2006
lmoa dis one is funny,lol
Re: Stupid Questions! by Alexos(m): 1:14pm On Aug 03, 2006
That was funny, but, for someone like me, i can't reply someone in such a manner - thats ma nature, i don't like humiliating people.

I know Jaguda must have the courage to do so. It servers the person who asked right.
Re: Stupid Questions! by babonboard(f): 1:25pm On Aug 03, 2006
that was quite funny but you know in the real sense of it is not all the response u will be able to say to be factual shocked shocked cool
Re: Stupid Questions! by iice(f): 8:45am On Aug 04, 2006
Funny cheesy cheesy

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