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Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black - Religion - Nairaland

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Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by 9jawear(m): 4:38pm On Oct 21, 2014
Original Biblical Jews were a Black African people : JESUS CHRIST WAS BLACK


Whited Out Documentary, The True Israelites were Black, Asians & Native Americans were also Black
MUST SEE BLACK HISTORY VIDEO that proves that Jesus and all other Jews in the Bible were black, still are, and why it matters

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cHcKzzgYnMs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This documentary “Whited Out” brings to light the hidden truth of what happened to the indigenous people all over the Earth and how they have been lightened through a process of whitening the gene pool.

Whited Out explores the white lies in history as White Europeans attempt to change the face of the past by erasing and changing names of places and people. The White lies that completely change the perceptions of the entire world and from the beginning of man. From Adam to Jesus, who's real name was Yahushua, and even to the real Israelites of the Scriptures and how their identity was stolen by the Khazars, Jewish converts.

Join Watchman Yahu and DeborahYah as they journey through history and uncover the white lies of European historians. Watchman Yahu explains how the wicked intentionally spread their seed through colonization and rape of women around the world(Matthew 13:25-43 Read the story of the wheat & tares). DeborahYah talks about how it is genetically impossible to populate the dark races from a white man and a white woman which further exposes the white lie that the first humans were white.

Whited Out also goes on to expose the truth about the so-called Jews who are really Khazars that converted to Judaism a few centuries ago, and how they have the entire world fooled into believing that they are the true people of the Bible. It also answers questions like, “Where are the lost tribes of Israel today?” Some claim that they are of all nationalities and races, like the Chinese and Mexicans, and other races like the native Americans. If you want to truly know where they are then you must watch this documentary “Whited Out!”
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by vooks: 4:45pm On Oct 21, 2014
Nonsense that don't add a plate of fufu to your table
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by klodike(m): 5:49pm On Oct 21, 2014
Hehehehehehe......this is poo
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by Dewze(m): 11:27pm On Oct 21, 2014
Original Biblical Jews were a Black African people : JESUS CHRIST WAS BLACK


Whited Out Documentary, The True Israelites were Black, Asians & Native Americans were also Black
MUST SEE BLACK HISTORY VIDEO that proves that Jesus and all other Jews in the Bible were black, still are, and why it matters

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cHcKzzgYnMs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This documentary “Whited Out” brings to light the hidden truth of what happened to the indigenous people all over the Earth and how they have been lightened through a process of whitening the gene pool.

Whited Out explores the white lies in history as White Europeans attempt to change the face of the past by erasing and changing names of places and people. The White lies that completely change the perceptions of the entire world and from the beginning of man. From Adam to Jesus, who's real name was Yahushua, and even to the real Israelites of the Scriptures and how their identity was stolen by the Khazars, Jewish converts.

Join Watchman Yahu and DeborahYah as they journey through history and uncover the white lies of European historians. Watchman Yahu explains how the wicked intentionally spread their seed through colonization and rape of women around the world(Matthew 13:25-43 Read the story of the wheat & tares). DeborahYah talks about how it is genetically impossible to populate the dark races from a white man and a white woman which further exposes the white lie that the first humans were white.

Whited Out also goes on to expose the truth about the so-called Jews who are really Khazars that converted to Judaism a few centuries ago, and how they have the entire world fooled into believing that they are the true people of the Bible. It also answers questions like, “Where are the lost tribes of Israel today?” Some claim that they are of all nationalities and races, like the Chinese and Mexicans, and other races like the native Americans. If you want to truly know where they are then you must watch this documentary “Whited Out!”
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by 9jawear(m): 8:05am On Oct 22, 2014
The Hebrews left us a record
describing who they were, where they
lived, what they believed and what
they looked like. That record is called
the Bible. So if we are going to have
an intelligent discussion about them,
we must let the Bible (their records
speak. Fair enough?
Yes Jesus was a Jew in the sense
that he was a bloodline descendant
of Jacob’s fourth born son – a man
named Judah. “Jew” is an
abbreviated way of saying this but he
was not Jewish. A Jewish person is
someone who practices that made up
religion know to the world as
Judaism. A Jewish person has
nothing to do with the real Hebrews.
They have no right, nor memorial in
Jerusalem because they are
As for the color of the real Jews, let’s
consult the record that they left us,
but before we do this let us reason
together. If a man does not marry
outside of his race and he procreates
with his wife (or wives), common
sense tells us to expect that his
children will resemble him and bear
the same skin color. When it comes
to so-called black people the only
exception to this rule is a birth
defect. That’s how so-called white
people came into the earth but I
digress. Now Jacob, the father of the
Israelites had twelve sons. The
record (Bible) makes no mention of a
birth defect among these people so
one can reasonably deduce that they
all had the same skin color as their
father. What color was that you ask?
Well here’s what the record says:
1. Jeremiah 14:2, Song of Solomon
1:5, Job 30:30, Lamentations 4:8 all
plainly state that they were a black
2. Revelations 1:14-15 and Daniel
7:9 describe Jesus and the Ancient of
Days (God himself) as black men.
3. Solomon said he was a dark as
the tents of Kedar. The word Kedar
(Qadar) means black as in dark
4. One of the miracles that Moses
performed before Pharoah was
turning his skin from its natural color
(black) to leprous (white) then back
to its natural color again.
5. Both Moses and Paul were
mistaken for Egyptians and everyone
in the world, it seems, except for so-
called white people know that the
ancient Egyptians were a black
African people.
Furthermore, there are many other
places in the Bible where the
Israelites in general and the Jews
(who are Israelites) in particular were
described as black people.
6. They had “Shiny” skin and
sometimes wore braided hair that
“locked” naturally.
8. The were called Niger at Antioch
(Acts 13:1). Look it up and you’ll find
that it is a Latin words that means
black. It is also the word from which
we get the infamous nigger slur that
so-called white people have
slandered the real Jews with for 400
9. They spent 400 years in the hot
African sun as slaves and not only
survived, they thrived. So called
white people even today can’t spend
more than 15 minutes out in the sun
bare-skinned without risking skin
10. They anointed their hair with oil.
They still do that today. White
people, on the other hand, complain
about oily hair. They like low
humidity so that their hair does not
mat and stick to the top of their hair.
So the record that they left us says
that they were a black african
people. Either you believe it or you
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by 9jawear(m): 8:10am On Oct 22, 2014
those people thatr live in Israel ARE NOT
THE TRUE Israelites my friend. The True hebrew
FLED into Africa in 70 A.D, Those people there now
are called KHAZARS they have NO HEBREWS BLOOD
running in their viens. The TRUE desendants of the
HEBRERWS are serving as SLAVES in AMERICA they
are called the NEGROES. I will show YOU the
migration of the HEBREWS into AFRICA after 70 A.D
Start Jerusalem 70 A.D to Yemrena and Mecca then
some of us migrated into Djamena (western
Ethiopia) to a city called Gemena (Eastern Kongo)
from western Kongo to Cameroon, Angola to Mali.
Opala was one of our cities that we migrated to
which is located in lower Kongo these are the other
cities that we inhabited in Kongo the city of
LUD,KUBA,SHABA these kingdoms recieved Israel.
We occupied a LARGE Territory in Africa.
So YOU have just found out that Obviously YOU do
not understand the character of Israel.
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by 9jawear(m): 8:12am On Oct 22, 2014
Historically speaking, the scriptures all point to a
dark skinned, African looking people as the Biblical
Hebrew Israelites.
Even in Numbers 6:2 God starts giving the Children
of Israel instructions concerning taking the vow of a
Nazarite. In verse 5 He says "...he shall be holy,
and shall let the LOCKS of the hair of his head
grow." Of course today we call them "dreadlocks"
We all know Sampson was a Nazarite and had
seven locks (Judges 16:19).....no other people on
earth has the texture of hair that with NATURALLY
lock or matte up only by not cutting or combing it.
Sure, people with any texture of hair can "make"
their hair lock up by waxes, back combing, etc, but
God's way was simply natural. Do not cut it and let
the locks grow.
Now, somebody mentioned the Biblical Israelites
being a "mixed" group. Where are your scriptures for
that? Where do you see any evidence of that? We
see, as has been quoted above and many more in
the Bible, plenty of evidence pointing to the fact that
they were in fact black, African looking people....and
history tells us that they after the Jewish-Roman
War of 66 C.E. that millions of Hebrew Israelites fled
south and west into Africa and on to the west coast
of Africa fleeing the Romans who were coming from
the north and east. So much to be said about this
but the Africans, who are documented as calling
these people "The Children of the Book", were the
first to send word to the Portugese that they were
living amongst them in much numbers and were
cursed to be slaves (Duet 28:68).
And like they say....the rest is history (His-Story)
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by 9jawear(m): 8:15am On Oct 22, 2014
DIMONA, Israel - In Chicago, kindergarten teacher
Samaheyah Bat-Yisrael says her life was
"desolation." But in this hardscrabble Negev
desert town, she says she has found her
Resplendent in a blue African-style headdress, a
flowing outfit to match and gold earrings, the
beaming 44-year-old Samaheyah - whose Hebrew
name means "She who will make God happy" - is
adamant about never returning to the crime- and
drug-ridden South Side where she grew up. "We
were slaves there. Here I know I'm safe."
Feeling safe may seem like an odd concept in
conflict-driven Israel. It may seem especially odd
in Dimona - a town of about 30,000 people
created in 1955 to accommodate new immigrants
- which is now home to Israel's only nuclear
reactor. But for the 2,000-strong vegetarian and
polygamous black Hebrew community, as they are
widely known here, living in Israel is the fulfillment
of a scriptural promise to create what they call
the "Kingdom of Yah," or God on earth.
Calling themselves the African Hebrew Israelites
of Jerusalem, their origins are rooted in their
charismatic leader, Ben Ammi Ben Israel. Ben
Ammi, who was a foundry worker named Ben
Carter in Chicago, had a vision in 1966 that his
African ancestors were descended from one of the
10 lost tribes of Israel.
Since 30 disciples followed him to Israel in 1969,
the community has established many celebrated
professional gospel choirs and R&B singing
troupes, sent their Hebrew-speaking offspring to
Israeli universities and even represented the
country in the annual European-wide Eurovision
Song Contest.
But last Jan. 17, their connection to Israel took a
tragic turn when the first black Hebrew born on
Israeli soil was killed by a Palestinian gunman.
Singer Aharon Ben-Yisrael Alis, 32, was gunned
down as he performed at a bar mitzvah in the
northern city of Hadera.
Nonetheless, after 33 years of living and now
dying alongside Israelis, the black Hebrews are
still fighting to achieve a crucial long-standing
goal - full Israeli citizenship, giving them such
rights as voting and serving in the army.
"Our identity is here in Israel. We are Hebrew
Israelites, not Americans, and I think the Israeli
government hasn't known what to do with us,"
said 44-year-old Yaffa Bat-Gavriel, who was
known as Freda Waller when she arrived here in
1976. ". . . This is our home. We don't have any
Israeli authorities, however, disagree.
On several occasions, they have tried to expel the
group, which has fought back by enlisting the
help of prominent African American politicians and
going on hunger strikes.
Israeli authorities reject the claims that the black
Hebrews are authentic Jews, and have insisted in
vain that they convert to Judaism so they can be
recognized as full citizens. The native-born
members are as stateless as their immigrant
parents and the grandchildren of the original
founders might not even be eligible for U.S.
The black Hebrews share many aspects of
Judaism, including observing the Sabbath and
rites of circumcision, instructing their children in
Hebrew, celebrating Jewish holidays and studying
the Torah, the book of Jewish laws.
But most Israelis find some of their other
practices to be odd and contend they are a cult
subservient to the whims of the 63-year-old Ben
"Just because you live by certain rules, it does
not mean you are a cult," Bat-Gavriel said.
Reproduced from:
Comment by Ayinde
White Jews migrate to all parts of the world and
want equal rights but some people cannot have
equal rights in Israel. Most White Israelis are
recent converts to 'Judaism' so the argument in
the article is to disguise racism. This is
institutional racism. Israel is the only country on
earth that gets widespread legitimacy while
practicing apartheid. Africans and Arabs who feel
ties to Israel/Judaism are just as misinformed as
most White Jew fundamentalists. There is much
more history with a richer legacy to build on than
trying to fit into a 'culture' that presently
oppresses people. But that is another story.
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by larrymoore(m): 8:20am On Oct 22, 2014
I learned not to believe everything I read.
Re: Original Biblical Jews Were A Black African People : Jesus Christ Was Black by 9jawear(m): 10:37pm On Oct 26, 2014
I learned not to believe everything I read.

And you learnt how to believe everything your pastor told you or what cnn or bbc tells you

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