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Gtbank Internet Banking Issues - Business (3) - Nairaland

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GTBank's Internet Banking Services...totally OVER-HYPED! / Gtbank Internet Banking Portal Is Down? / Gtbank Internet Banking Is The Worst In Internet Banking History! Kilode! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by sportfeva(m): 7:56am On Oct 25, 2014
Is working fine. I used it yesternite for transaction. What I am viewing in that image is network problem.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Nobody: 7:58am On Oct 25, 2014
@op.ah!ah! I know who u are sending money to,hmm is that ur girlfriend. hu lalala.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by godfrey01(m): 8:01am On Oct 25, 2014
Nope. Still made an online transfer yesterday and it was successful.

please what are the things i need to do before i can make an online transfer... i have my user id and pin but was unable to make transfer the last time i tried it.. or is there anything i need to do
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by mavinc4u(f): 8:06am On Oct 25, 2014
@ all. their site is back, up and running right now http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/gtbank.com.html if is still down at your end then check your browser. Thanks.

case closed.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Tweetums(f): 8:23am On Oct 25, 2014
OvEr rated bAnk...
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Revolva(m): 8:31am On Oct 25, 2014
Go diamond
diamond bank is the worst..gtbank better pass am by far ok
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by sashx(m): 8:39am On Oct 25, 2014
Usef it succefully witout any issue. GTB always d bst
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by livebullet(m): 8:41am On Oct 25, 2014
opt for this... xperience its coolness

Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by donbenie(m): 8:46am On Oct 25, 2014

And i heard thats the biggest bank in Nigeria.BS
Well,you heard wrong..no offence...
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by javadoctor(m): 9:06am On Oct 25, 2014
Gtb page is usually cached on chrome, u should not access it with the complete url if you are logged out, go through Gtb online.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Alubosa: 9:09am On Oct 25, 2014
Since the death of Tayo Aderinokun that bank has been living on faded glory. The new MD, Segun Agbaje, surrounded himself with psychphants who tell him what he wants to hear. Within the last two years, the bank has lost its competent hands to Access Bank and Diamond Bank more than any other bank in Nigeria. It has successfully watered-down the culture and professionalism it has painstakingly built over the years. The MD' s focus is on profit-making. Sad enough,his so called profit-making strategy is hinged on internal cost-cutting, dissatisfied employees and poor staff welfarism. GTB is currently in a state of total fiasco and disarray.


Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by crisycent: 9:33am On Oct 25, 2014
It's not a rampant or common experience. It's usually not down for too long.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by oleary(m): 9:41am On Oct 25, 2014
What is going on in Nigerian cos over here in France we don't have issiues with banking networks

ONE OF THEM undecided[color=#770077][/color]
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by InyinyaAgbaOku(m): 9:44am On Oct 25, 2014
diamond bank is the worst..gtbank better pass am by far ok

I heard akawo is better than gtb, is it true
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by dondestiny(m): 10:18am On Oct 25, 2014
Funny enough,I just logged on to the website not long ago without any issues
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by ezzye: 10:22am On Oct 25, 2014
Brethren, if you experience dificulties it could be your network providers for as much as i know the GTMOBILEAPP has never EVER failed me for one single day.

the MOBILEAPP is the best thing that could happen to me.

i dont have a problem with any of the platorms as they all are up and running for me ooo
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by bestlyAB(m): 10:23am On Oct 25, 2014
GT Bank is still far beta. Try WEMA BANK and you will be so surprised. If you withdraw outside WEMA bank ATM and have dispense error, that means you don enter wahala be dat. going to two months now WEMA BANK is yet to reverse my money. pls dont use WEMA BANK ATM card in other bank.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by OHAJURU1: 10:54am On Oct 25, 2014
Here in heaven there is no such thing as internet failure...
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by ideepaul: 10:55am On Oct 25, 2014
FCMB...the best for me and you
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by ideepaul: 10:56am On Oct 25, 2014
Here in heaven there is no such thing as internet failure...
heaven ko, oven ni
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Walspring: 10:58am On Oct 25, 2014
I login yesterday and it works fine... maybe its your own network over there
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Nobody: 11:27am On Oct 25, 2014
Someone should test if it has started working. Here is my account number 0163542895
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by hotmolo(m): 11:43am On Oct 25, 2014
made a transaction yestday afternoon wit no hitch
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by samhay: 11:43am On Oct 25, 2014
Just got an android,and downloaded the GTB app,can som1 plz put me tru aw to go abt it
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by sleekymag(m): 12:49pm On Oct 25, 2014
I've been trying the GTBank Internet Banking for like 2 hours on my phone and it's still not working.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Elgaxton(m): 2:11pm On Oct 25, 2014
its not GTB, its a thing with the so-called network providers of our internet services.

Glo opens some sites while Mtn doesn't open them vice versa. I believe you were browsing with MTN that's why.

Na the new thing wey all of them learn be that.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by Nobody: 2:34pm On Oct 25, 2014
Meanwhile.....beware of fake GTB and Guarantee bank mails ooo
I have been getting a lot of scam mails lately

May be they know about a substantial transaction that went through my account not long ago
Since then, no peace!!!

I cant even be very mad at these "thieves"
Cos I don't really know if they are trying to live cos they don't have any other means to survive...or if they are plain bad people

We need employment leaders, please....so we can separate the thieves from the just hungry, hopeless and desperate
we need a revamping of the educational sector...it is clearly kinda useless
Maybe vocational based education?
As opposed to copying Western systems, and badly too lipsrsealed embarassed

I digress
Be wary of false GTB mails
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by adusco(m): 2:37pm On Oct 25, 2014
Any small issue on Gtbank na to rush down to NL and tell us(dnt you knw we are nt interested), seems you are being paid for that.

All banks have issues buh dnt knw why Gtb face so much criticism.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by austinbrown: 4:06pm On Oct 25, 2014

That's a big lie! I use Société Générale And I was sent an alert that their server will be down today and some part of tomorrow.

Stop making it seem that everything here in France is perfect while they aren't .
Vous allez bien?
let me see the alert or
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by mckorode(m): 4:33pm On Oct 25, 2014
You guys should endeavour to double check stuff before calling a dog a bad name in order to hang it.

I have been using gtb internet banking since 2009 along with a couple of other banks own.

I must commend gtb for their continuous innovativeness which constantly places them ahead of fraudsters. In my opinion, I think that is one of the most efficient and safest platforms in the country.

As for downtime, I have used it several times this week up to yesterday and it worked fine so the OP's issue may be as a result of his phone network issue. And I doubt if any organisation in Nigeria that is web related does not have network issue occasionally.
No one is calling a dog a bad name. I simply wanted to know if anyone else was facing this problem. They are not perfect so a little problems won't make me trash them on social media. Just trying to get opinions.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by mckorode(m): 4:34pm On Oct 25, 2014
I have been able to access the site now using a different network. I'm not sure if its an issue with MTN but I just used it with etisalat.
Re: Gtbank Internet Banking Issues by kemdee1: 5:24pm On Oct 25, 2014
I use GT internet often and its great in my opinion. Maybe its temporary downtime. It happens with other banks too.
Anyway I just tried it and it worked.

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