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Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral - Family - Nairaland

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Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by amNIGERIA: 9:02pm On Nov 13, 2014

After married couple Linda and Erik Fridland fell in love with the same man, they decided he should move in with them - and their children.

The Local caught up with Hampus Engström - their new partner - as the family's blog started to go viral. Hampus Engström, 29, says that falling in love with a married couple was the last thing he expected when he met fellow taxi driver Erik Fridland through work.

 But after hanging out with the 35-year-old and his wife Linda, 34, he started to develop strong feelings for the couple. "I used to go round for dinner with them and I found I liked them both and we had so much in common.

We could just speak about everything, right from the beginning," he tells The Local. After an "uncomfortable" couple of months, he says he finally had a conversation with Linda when it became clear that she and her husband Erik both had feelings for him too. "I didn't think you could love more than one person at a time before this," says Engström.

 The three parents live together with their children in northern Sweden. Photo: Private They all decided to move in together in January 2013 with Hampus bringing his daughter - now five - to join the couple's nine-year-old twin boys and their thirteen-year-old son.

 The new family later launched their own taxi
business in Strömsund in Jämtland in northern Sweden along with a store selling children's clothes. "We work together and we live together. I sleep in the same bed as Linda and Erik. Yes, we have a sexual relationship.

We all have sex together". He says that the family decided to start blogging about their experiences to "show that there are other ways to live than those 'normal' relationships". "We have children, a house, a car and jobs. It is not all about sex, we do all the mundane things too," he adds. 

The three parents sleep in the same bed. Photo: Private Engström says the three adults were worried about the impact their decision could have on their children, but he insists that none of the kids have been bullied and says that some of their friends "think it is cool that they have two dads".

 Polygamy - when a husband has more than one wife or vice versa - is illegal in Sweden, but there are no rules to stop groups of people living together. Sweden's Centre Party previously lobbied for a change in legislation, while it was part of the previous centre-right coalition government, but dropped its support for polygamy following rifts within the party.

 Engström says he is still hoping that the law will be adapted in future, to allow him to marry the Fridlands. "It is currently tricky for us in certain situations. When you go to the bank they are usually looking for two signatures, there isn't space for three.

Usually only two people get a mortgage so that was tricky for us but we managed to make it happen". Engström says he knows of "several other polyfamilies" living together in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe thanks to a strong Facebook community and thinks that the phenomenon is becoming more common. 

"I hope we will eventually be able to get married and that hotel staff won't find it so strange if three of us want to book a room and share a bed together."

10 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by mystiqueDZ(f): 9:42pm On Nov 13, 2014
Ok! It's official!! The world is finally coming to an end.....

175 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nobody: 10:00pm On Nov 13, 2014
These Babylonians will show us great wonders. These people invent new perversions every other day.

50 Likes 1 Share

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Ishilove: 12:51am On Nov 14, 2014
Hian! shocked undecided

5 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by elspycey(m): 5:34am On Nov 14, 2014
The human mind...
Vast enough to accommodate and process mega ideas

But very dark, evil thoughts and ideas envelopes its entirety that bad ideas are developed and processed faster.

Morale of the story: if you can think it and believe it, you can achieve it.....no matter how bad or ridiculous the idea may sound.

22 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Jayne2014(f): 5:37pm On Nov 14, 2014
Sodom and Gomorrah will be jealous of this generation of humans sha.

84 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nobody: 5:41pm On Nov 14, 2014
These Babylonians will show us great wonders. These people invent new perversions every other day.

At least they are not allowed to marry and bleep children legally.

14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nobody: 5:50pm On Nov 14, 2014

At least they are not allowed to marry and bleep children legally.

Legally undecided

Now what re u talking about...

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by drnoel: 8:25pm On Nov 14, 2014

After married couple Linda and Erik Fridland fell in love with the same man, they decided he should move in with them - and their children.

The Local caught up with Hampus Engström - their new partner - as the family's blog started to go viral. Hampus Engström, 29, says that falling in love with a married couple was the last thing he expected when he met fellow taxi driver Erik Fridland through work.

 But after hanging out with the 35-year-old and his wife Linda, 34, he started to develop strong feelings for the couple. "I used to go round for dinner with them and I found I liked them both and we had so much in common.

We could just speak about everything, right from the beginning," he tells The Local. After an "uncomfortable" couple of months, he says he finally had a conversation with Linda when it became clear that she and her husband Erik both had feelings for him too. "I didn't think you could love more than one person at a time before this," says Engström.

 The three parents live together with their children in northern Sweden. Photo: Private They all decided to move in together in January 2013 with Hampus bringing his daughter - now five - to join the couple's nine-year-old twin boys and their thirteen-year-old son.

 The new family later launched their own taxi
business in Strömsund in Jämtland in northern Sweden along with a store selling children's clothes. "We work together and we live together. I sleep in the same bed as Linda and Erik. Yes, we have a sexual relationship.

We all have sex together". He says that the family decided to start blogging about their experiences to "show that there are other ways to live than those 'normal' relationships". "We have children, a house, a car and jobs. It is not all about sex, we do all the mundane things too," he adds. 

The three parents sleep in the same bed. Photo: Private Engström says the three adults were worried about the impact their decision could have on their children, but he insists that none of the kids have been bullied and says that some of their friends "think it is cool that they have two dads".

 Polygamy - when a husband has more than one wife or vice versa - is illegal in Sweden, but there are no rules to stop groups of people living together. Sweden's Centre Party previously lobbied for a change in legislation, while it was part of the previous centre-right coalition government, but dropped its support for polygamy following rifts within the party.

 Engström says he is still hoping that the law will be adapted in future, to allow him to marry the Fridlands. "It is currently tricky for us in certain situations. When you go to the bank they are usually looking for two signatures, there isn't space for three.

Usually only two people get a mortgage so that was tricky for us but we managed to make it happen". Engström says he knows of "several other polyfamilies" living together in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe thanks to a strong Facebook community and thinks that the phenomenon is becoming more common. 

"I hope we will eventually be able to get married and that hotel staff won't find it so strange if three of us want to book a room and share a bed together."

did they say normal? Whats normal about this madness?

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nairabeezie(m): 8:13am On Nov 15, 2014
Jesu Oba iye ooooooo

I actually pictured my future family to look like this one right here.....beautiful kids, beautiful wife and yes with the big boobs


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by lilprinze: 8:13am On Nov 15, 2014
End time tinz

1 Like

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by mcdokwe(m): 8:14am On Nov 15, 2014
Hmmm, soon the children would have a "normal" relationship with each other, then the circle will be complete.

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Afrocatalyst: 8:14am On Nov 15, 2014

I think we need a Noah to start getting the Ark ready.. Seriously o.

39 Likes 1 Share

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by englishmart(m): 8:14am On Nov 15, 2014
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!shocked This is a case of misplaced priority! What that fvck is this shiit doing here?

That's not my business though

Shokies outta thread


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by PAGAN9JA(m): 8:16am On Nov 15, 2014
how can Africans worship the god imposed by the same people who behave like this?


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by stanisbaratheon: 8:16am On Nov 15, 2014
that is gross
Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by bunmioguns(m): 8:16am On Nov 15, 2014

42 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by azpekuliar: 8:17am On Nov 15, 2014
Ok! It's official!! The world is finally coming to an end.....

Why didn't it come to an end when your forefathers had 5,6+ wives and lived in the same house with all of them and in the process fathering several children way beyond their means?

Why has it not ended with your brothers up north marrying & divorcing 4 wives or more at will, many of whom are not yet teenagers and fathering several Almajiris who now threaten the survival and stability of the Nigerian nation?

Oh! I forgot! God will bring the world to an end because of Africa - the last bastion of morality the world over... cheesy

39 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by elohorayodele: 8:17am On Nov 15, 2014
Front page? Sick, perverted, disgusting, obscene, weird twisted way of life. Signs of the end time, Repent, God is coming soon.


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by stanisbaratheon: 8:17am On Nov 15, 2014
how on earth is that possible??....a couple falling in love with a third party??....... It's unheard of.


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by datguru: 8:17am On Nov 15, 2014
I don't understand this shiiit


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nobody: 8:18am On Nov 15, 2014
Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nobody: 8:19am On Nov 15, 2014
That's good
Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by AGgal(f): 8:20am On Nov 15, 2014
lipsrsealed grin undecided shocked.
Oh good for them.


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by pekeyim: 8:20am On Nov 15, 2014
Spotting like laundry
Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by dencotech(m): 8:21am On Nov 15, 2014
U. No the whites they need loads of psychological help.

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Nobody: 8:21am On Nov 15, 2014
In Nigeria, We will simply stone em To Death grin
Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by youngice(m): 8:21am On Nov 15, 2014
All I hear is group sex


Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by Fesisko(m): 8:22am On Nov 15, 2014
this is simply unbelievable! the world is really coming to an end. they need to go for medical check up ASAP.
Re: Sweden's Blogging 'polyfamily' Goes Viral by stripper: 8:22am On Nov 15, 2014

Legally undecided

Now what re u talking about...

mE sef dey wonder

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