Politics / Re: Happening by 1Tkester: 12:37am On May 06, 2016 |
[s] Surbway101:
Amadi, you have switch from your mirabel handle to this one again. Lmaooooo. You no get shame at all [/s] Trash, from a brownie! |
Politics / Re: Happening by 1Tkester: 11:14pm On May 05, 2016 |
ArodeTsolaye: If this is true and Southern officers can not turn their nozzles on hausa and fulani soldiers and save their people, then even the heavens can't save the south. The south is doomed. How do you think such nonsense will be true. I'm Igbo but what the OP said is amateurish. No person was killed by any soldier. What actually happened was that an Igbo guy was stabbed and the aba boys mobilized themselves and killed two fulanis before the army weighed-in, shot into the air and tear-gassed the whole place. The situation has been under control. |
Politics / Re: Pictures From Hausa And Igbo Clash In Aba by 1Tkester: 10:52pm On May 05, 2016 |
gidgiddy: With tension flying high in Igboland due to Fulani attacks, this Hausa went to stab an Igbo man? And in Aba of all places? That is to tell you how this people reason. This is the reason why I don't count fulanis as anything. In fact I kept wondering how they were able to defeat the Hausas. You know a real enemy should be intelligent and calculating, but nay, these people are dumbest people of all times. 7 Likes |
Politics / Re: Southeast one of the Richest Region After Southsouth NBS Report 2016-evidence by 1Tkester: 4:37pm On May 05, 2016 |
My brother Ebonyi state they talk down on is doing better than Osun and Ekiti To be honest, apart from Lagos there is no other state in SW that can compete with Ebonyi state. Mehn forget talk Ebonyians are very hardworking people, their only problem is that the elites are deceiving them and telling them lies, so this makes the people behave in a certain abnormal way. E.g. They believe that Anambra people don't really love them and they somehow have inferiority complex. 11 Likes |
Politics / Re: Southeast one of the Richest Region After Southsouth NBS Report 2016-evidence by 1Tkester: 4:32pm On May 05, 2016 |
Otapiapia loading... 1 Like |
Politics / Re: The Harmless Enemies And Dangerous Friends Of The Better South by 1Tkester: 4:06pm On May 05, 2016 |
Better South, Way to go! 3 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Biafra Is Ijaw, Not Igbo - Asari Dokubo by 1Tkester: 3:47pm On May 05, 2016 |
Politics / Re: Biafra Is Ijaw, Not Igbo - Asari Dokubo by 1Tkester: 3:44pm On May 05, 2016 |
Supported by me  The capital has to shift from Enugwu to PH bkos PH is on the border btwn Igbo and Ijo. I'm Igbo but I don't mind if the capital is PH or wherever. What is of most concern to me is to get the hell outta this useless contraption. Well, some of this arrangement is what we will talk about when the struggle becomes real. Just so you know, if the UN decides to give us a referendum, then questions will be asked on how the yet to be born country will be implemented and governed. It is then we can amicably solve the issue of capital city and other things. And I even think PH wil make a good capital than Enugu. |
Politics / Re: Hausa-Fulani And Igbos Clash In Aba by 1Tkester: 3:38pm On May 05, 2016 |
It's a lie. Big lie, my people are peaceful people, we don't kill, nor shed blood. Stop making my people appear bad! 4 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 3:28pm On May 05, 2016 |
[s] freeborn76:
Expected, an indigene of the red dust republic crying wolf! If someone from the South South slings mud at me, I will humbly accept, but for a deranged IPOB member who butt licks the South South into joining Biafra to throw mud at me? Mbanu! Tufia! Atulu mpama ki bu...GTHOOH [/s] SW scum, I'm IPOB and I feel very proud of it, because that's my identity, and no one can change my identity. Please,I beg you, can you teach and instruct your girls how to take their bath properly and be clean. Because the ones I live with are almost choking me with their bad mouth and body odors. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 3:22pm On May 05, 2016 |
Then, you mustn't wail about poor governance. Who's is wailing about poor governance, certainly not the 5%ers. We are even enjoying the poor govt. people seem not to get it, we have already told ourselves not to expect anything from this ineffective, wicked and self centered govt. however, it will be injustice if we don't get anything but allow Buhari to use money gotten from our region oyel is to develop other regions. Never! Impossible! Since we don't get anything nobody should also get anything from our oil. If buahri wants to develop the north, he is at liberty to do that, but not win our oyel Money . He can start groundnut pyramid and use the money for his people. My man wake up this is 2016, we are living in a time of opposition. You will soon understand. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 3:16pm On May 05, 2016 |
[s] texazzpete:
LOL There's absolutely no scenario where Nigeria will have a non-Northern leader in the next 6 years at least, and there's no possibility of any secession anytime soon. If Nigeria suffers, the suffering will be felt just as keenly in Enugu, Abia, Owerri etc as it is in the likes of Kwara or Osun. Anyone promising you biafra 'easily and quickly' is lying to you. You'll learn that. [/s] Trash from onye ofe.mmanu. Ndi iru abuo. Then that your govt must be made to through the same fate (if not worse) than it made GEJ. 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 3:14pm On May 05, 2016 |
[s] freeborn76:
Confused people! Yet they wonder why development eludes them...kontinue! [/s] Trash, we are you crying more than the bereaved? Did they complain to you? And I know your region must have been painted with gold? Anuofia! 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: PHOTOS: Secondary School Students Kiss And Grope After Writing Final Exams by 1Tkester: 3:10pm On May 05, 2016 |
Yari.ba what else did you expect? Do they know any or thing? Except women and wine, Trashy people! |
Politics / Re: Transcript Of Kemi Adeosun's Interview On Channels by 1Tkester: 2:46pm On May 05, 2016 |
did she solve 20+20 to be equal to 49?
Because We know she is a guru in solving arithmetic under seconds. 15 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 2:34pm On May 05, 2016 |
I have always said it, that peace is the best way to go, but APC nairaland e-warriors would say Buhari was an ex military man, and would deal with all the militant, the economy would suffer, that is just what would happened, call those boys to a round table and discuss and dialog, Buhari has good heart, and he is willing to work and take the country to the level it used to be, but he is surrounded by bad advisers, formal corrupt governors as ministers. You've a point, but there's no need calling them to a round table. We want buahri to continue in this his downward trajectory, it will help us achieve our biaf... ambition easily and quickly. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 2:32pm On May 05, 2016 |
[s]Mayb you need to reevaluate the meaning of suffering. I'd rather take a government suffering to a civillian suffering.
You think pressure does anything to a nigerian politicians? [insert obama's laughing face here] you are the myopic one or an underage fellow. Haven't citizens been suffering since the beginning of time, what has pressure ever done for them, do you think you're in a first world country? How old are you that you don't already understand the dynamics of nigeria?
You're an even bigger idi.ot for thinking pressure from civillians someone translate suffering/headache for the government. [/s] Trash! Buahri must go through the same fate. You can't eat your cake and have it! 5 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 2:29pm On May 05, 2016 |
blackmatter007: The 5% have spoken, since buhari choose not to carry every one along, then the oil resources from the area of the 5% percent will cease to flow. I feel you, you're the real deal 5 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Niger-Delta Militants Blowup Warri Chevron Valve Platform by 1Tkester: 2:27pm On May 05, 2016 |
Well done boys, we need more of this! I love you guys, how I wish I can support you. Buhari must face the same fate he made Jonathan go through, that is what is called JUSTICE! 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Politics / Re: Donald Trump Is the 2016 US Republican Nominee by 1Tkester: 8:43pm On May 04, 2016 |
MirabelArode: I don't care what Trump says or what people say about him. My family and friends in the states are voting trump.
I would like to see an Anti-muslim POTUS with a nuke and ready to use it on the rabid Towel-heads anywhere they are, even in Daura. Enough of the political correctness! He is already there. Let me tell you how everything will play out and why idiots like one motherfuker called Luscabalo is getting it all wrong. They are banking on African Americans and Lationos to swing their votes against Trump. Well, the good news is that even if AA's and Latinos give Clinton a 100% votes, they are just 19% of the sufferages i.e. The voting public. While Donald Trump forte is the white anglo Saxons and they make up about 70% of the voting public. That is even if the AA's deliver a block vote to the Clintons. But we know AA's and Latinos don't even vote as they do not believe in the electoral system, whites are actually the people who vote and Donald has them by the throats. Secondly, the Clintons don't even have good record history with the AA's, after all, both Bill and Hillary have at many occasions denigrated the blacks, so even the blacks know they don't have a sure bet with the Clintons as such the AA's are divided over the Clintons. Now, as a Mafian which Donald is, I know by now he must have prepared many video documentaries against Hillary ready to choke her with them, and trust me, Hillary has a lot of weak spots which Donald can easily exploit, (BTW the recent poll by WSJ has Trump for the first time beating Clinton, this is even as trump said he 'has not even started running his campaign against Hillary'). And let know one tell you that shi.t that the Wall Street will stop Donald, I ask you if the Republican Party which is actually where the money is can't stop trump even when he was faced with the Bushes - what makes you think they can stop him with the Clintons? Google about how Donald trump made his money and you will discover that Mehn that guy is the real deal. If they want peace my Donald is ready, if they want war my Donald is more than ready. You remember he was standing gidigba for Putin all through the primaries, even when the media wanted him to renounce Putin, you saw he stood to his convictions, that is to give you a clue of who Donald is. He takes orders from no one, after all he has got a lot, plenty of cash so let's roll the game. Lastly, also let no one tell you about hat racism shi.t of a nonsense. The truth is that the blacks are the biggest racists to themselves, I tell you a white person will treat you far better than a black person. Since I started dealing with the white people not even one white person has treated me unfairly or did I have any issue with any of them. But I can't say same for the blacks. Those ones think themselves to be what they are not. In fact I'm even going too far, tell me one thing Obama did for African nations and I will tell you 10 things Bush did for Africa, example I know at least you know that Americans intervention on aids epidemic is what helped us (Africans) to curb this virus a bit, so just give it up for the Donald. Stay safe! 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Politics / Re: Donald Trump Is the 2016 US Republican Nominee by 1Tkester: 8:17pm On May 04, 2016 |
sexybrooke: this is good news for Christians as he ll deal decisively with radical Muslims especially our oga @ the top I just pray he wins honestly I need a US president with Christian Ideology (biafra loading) I tell you. The guy in there now messed the US foreign policy up big time. I believe with the Donalds the world will get back to normalcy as he will be given each person his due. I honestly can't wait to see him in the WH 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: Donald Trump Is the 2016 US Republican Nominee by 1Tkester: 8:14pm On May 04, 2016 |
You are in for a rude shock for that is the next president of the US of A. Don't mind those Sunnis. If they have an atom of brain, they would've realized that for Trump to swim across the murky waters of republican buccaneers, trashed the Bushes, trashed Cario Fiorina (who by the way was at a time the War party's choice), trashed Cruz and the favorite GOP boy Rubio, the game is over. Clinton is still battling to win over Sanders fore more than 9 months and she has not been successful and you want to compare her to the the DONALD? Who trashed big wigs like toilet paper in a matter of minutes. These guys don't understand what it means to be a NYorker. I pity the Clintons. Please my man give a round of three gbosas to his excellency, the prime the prime, the one and only Alpha Male, his Majesty D-o-n-a-l-d J Trump!!!! 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Politics / Re: Donald Trump Is the 2016 US Republican Nominee by 1Tkester: 8:05pm On May 04, 2016 |
Lordxeer: Here in NewYork, and perhaps the state, opinion polls doesn't seemed to favour him. Discussed with so many people and they don't seemed to share most of his plight, many see him as a man without guts but just exploiting the fear of american citizen vis-à-vis his islam speech and anti-african crusade amongst others. On the wilder perspective, a point to note is that haven made a land mark in electing a black man to rule the most powerful nation in the world, they are also very keen to break yet another jinx by seeing though a lady (Hilary Clinton) becoming the first female elected president in the history of united state of america. However, another odd that seemed to be working against the democrats is the usual trend of transition between the two biggest political parties in america (GOP and the democrats). Many highly plasce republican see Trump as a sabotage to there party, warning that they don't only stand the chance of loosing the presidential seat but also losing majority seat in the parliament. Are the Americans hell-bent on electing a female president at the expense of the GOP odd? We don't know, Will the democrat reclaim the american presidential seat back to back? We never know. But only time will tell. Mr which part is NY are you in? Because right now I'm at 757 2nd avenue, and what is on the lips of everyone is Trump. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Amaechi Leaked Obasanjo's Letter To Jonathan - Sanusi by 1Tkester: 7:55pm On May 04, 2016 |
Sanusi, should please spare us this bull and roaster story, He was sacked for being incompetent and corrupt. His elder brother has been there for one year, why hasn't he located the missing $20 billion?
Zonbies over to you. 175 Likes 7 Shares |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by 1Tkester: 7:14pm On May 04, 2016 |
CFCman: Gov John Kasich will suspend his campaign
So, it's safe to call Donald Trump the Republican nominee for president. No sir, call him the POTUS in waiting. 1 Like |
Politics / Re: Stay Away From Yoruba Land – Youths Tell Herdsmen by 1Tkester: 4:16pm On May 04, 2016 |
1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by 1Tkester: 3:51pm On May 04, 2016 |
[s] ValerianSteel: Landslide victory all the way. [/s] Trash, from the consolation and deluded party. |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by 1Tkester: 3:50pm On May 04, 2016 |
Lucasbalo: Reading and comprehension is not my forte. I really need a visa to reside or work in US and unfortunately I can't have it, because I don't have papers to present to the consulate. Please is there no way you can help me out? I'm really dying out here in Mexico and the Mexican girls are closed in, no one is allowing me to come close because I'm a stark illiterate, please Tkester help a brother. Sorry boy, there's nothing I can do to help you, i don't work I the consulate either, so just pray and fast seriously that Clinton becomes the next POTUS, maybe she will consider your refuge status. But, boy to be sincere Trump is the next guy. 1 Like |
Politics / Re: Aziboala Roberts Got $40m From Dasuki – EFCC by 1Tkester: 2:49pm On May 04, 2016 |
Adminisher: Jonathan will eventually go to PRISON In your dream! |
Foreign Affairs / Re: Allepo Would Have Been Safe If Annexed By Israel by 1Tkester: 2:11pm On May 04, 2016 |
[s] ValerianSteel: Did you read the post at all?This was solely the opinion of a Lebanese and not a Jew.I also found it odd that a arab would be making such case.
I think what he intended was to show that if Aleppo was under Israeli control,the occupants there would be guaranteed their safety and peace which Assad can't offer.
Israel could have launched bombing missions on Assad's strongholds and even plan a ground assault on his location as far back as early 2013 but Israel didn't because Netanyahu expected the US and other allies were capable of doing that and refused to interfere.This was way before Russia started ramping up support for Assad.
Israel could have removed Assad,but the bigger picture is Assad's ouster would leave a vacuum to be filled.The only Israel would want to piece Syria together and stop ISIS from growing as they have now would have been to deploy boots and machineries on ground.
Israel would have faced a big opposition from the Arab world and even Europe.Doing that could have stopped the growth of ISIS but Israel could only do little hence the partial engagement through financing and support of opposition forces. [/s] Trash. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by 1Tkester: 1:52pm On May 04, 2016 |
Lucasbalo: I'm a fucking idiot, born by a rapist father and as such my life is miserable. As someone trafficked into slavery in Mexico were I barely Make enough to pay my house rent and bills, I earnestly need to enter the States, unfortunately a new Sheriff is being positioned to take over, gosh my hope has been dashed. I pray Donald Trump loses the general election, so that I ccan migrate to America and continue my $7/hr job. Sorry slave nothing is stopping Donald. But why don't you want to come to America legally, why do you have want to come as an illegal? |
Foreign Affairs / Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by 1Tkester: 1:38pm On May 04, 2016 |
[s] Lucasbalo: You are damn right. Winning the Republican primary of which is 23% of the population is a long way from winning the Presidency. Trump will lose women votes, Latino votes, Muslim American votes and African American votes . In a diverse country like America, how is he going to get 270 Electoral votes ?. He's is going to bring the whole Republican ticket down and I am loving that. Trump is a misorgynistic being and a Demagouge at that. He only appeals to Racists and Nativists. Come January 20, 2017 he comes El Presidente Hillary Clinton. [/s] Gutter trash, from a monster who doesn't know jack about politics. Always talking tripe. 2 Likes |