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Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Nobody: 6:17pm On Dec 02, 2014
You say you dey bush, how you come know say dem loot armoury for MOPOL base? And how you take see the resistance for govt.house. Abi the govt house dey for bush?

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
I don die ooo come faint join too.

una go kill person for this nl house of commotion.

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Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Nobody: 6:27pm On Dec 02, 2014
– When it was Chibok abducted girls,
climbed the fence ooO – When it was mass
killings of innocent
Nigerians in Kano, Yobe, Borno,
Adamawa, Gombe,
Plateu, Taraba, Bauchi, Madalla and the
Abuja Bomb blasts, no body thought it wise
climb the fence and sign in for
impeachment. – Our schools were closed
down by long
action, no body cared to climb the fence. –
The bring back our girls protesters have
sleeping on the streets for months in hope
getting our Government free those girls
from the chains of their captors, no body still
climbed the fence or cared to collect
impeachment signatures against the
president. – Our Health care system is in
justice system on sale to the highest
security of lives and properties non-
existent yet, nobody climbed the fence or
signatures for impeachment. – Nigerians
living as Internally Displaced
persons (IDP) in almost eight LGAs in
Adamawa state, you find them sleeping
in the cold on the streets of Yola,
destitudes in all things, yet, nobody climbed
the fence
signed any impeachment signatures. – Now,
"them them" fight, "them them"
locked outside, they fought their way
the fence, they survived small tear gas
and moved in to protect their seats and
It is always about 'them' after all... – When will
it be about the people, when
will it
be about our missing aged parents and
children, when will it be about the
man killed, displaced and denied justice,
will it be about Nigerians – When
will they climb the fence in protest
bring back justice, quality education, and
affordable healthcare.... – When will they climb
the fence because
Nigerians on the streets? When will they
gather signatures to impeach the
because he failed in providing the primary
of Government and not because of selfish
tussle ? Where Will they
Why Will They
When will they?

after reading this post, I make bold to say that all pdp and apc supporters are nothing but foooools.
these politicians careless about u yet my gullible apc and pdp faithful's still cant figure.
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by PapiWata: 6:40pm On Dec 02, 2014
The First group successfully over ran the MOPOL base despite brave resistance from the boys. They then join up with the second group and lunched a daring attack at the Government House. At the initial stage they seemed to have the upper hand, but a combination of Special forces and Police CTU guarding the Government House, they overcome the initial attack and inflicted massive casualty on the Boko Haram members. After suffering losses, they regroup and lunch another attack, that was when military Jets and Attack helicopters came in from Yola and started shelling them. Many where killed, many scattered to various direction. While retreating, they started setting houses on fire and they returned back to the MOPOL base and burnt the entire structures. Not done with they burnt the admin block of the Yobe state university, which I was told was the only structure affected.

The last group of fighters consisted of some of Boko Haram hardened and tested fighter where tasked with taking over the JTF HQ. That group came with suicide bombers, one suicide bomber rammed his explosives ridden vehicle at the gate of the JTF HQ while fighting was on going. But miraculously, the bomb refused to detonate, the suicide bomber came out of the vehicle and attempted to detonate the bomb manually before he was taken down by multiple burst of fire from our gallant troops. Seeing that their suicide attempt at getting into the JTF HQ is gone they retreated after coming under heavy helicopters gunshot. Many where also killed and reports reaching me indicate that some Boko Haram members where bombed while retreating back to Gujuba. A handful of them where arrested after the civilian JTF entered into the battle.

Amazing stuff, Nafeesa. Your calm, blow-by-blow description of a war raging all around you is proof enough that you are blessed with nerves of steel, which I would not be surprised to hear developed during and after military training you underwent at some point.

With Nairaland's intrepid combat reporter, Sirius Black now offline in self-exile from the job of writing war dispatches, your dispassionate front-line accounts fill a huge information void that was left when Sirius Black fell silent. Even more remarkable to me than the composed vividness of your first-person accounts describing street battles, is the very fact that you have not as yet exercised your option to simply pack up and board the next flight to safety within or without Nigeria, before airports close to civilians and trap you amid the mayhem.

I wish you the very best in the perilous place that you evidently reside, Nafeesa, but I also wish to advise that you keep your passport and other vitals packed and ready for hurried departure, if word comes on short notice that the chit has hit the fan over there, and the time is at hand to raise dust and leave in a hurry.

Keep your head down, fine woman, and, if you MUST remain there, keep us updated as history unfolds, to the best of your ability.

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Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by DaBullIT(m): 7:17pm On Dec 02, 2014

Seems you didn't follow this thread well.

I understand why you'll say that but I read the story and the updates , government house was fortified in the wake of the attack. Why wasn't institutions fortified as well , extra security for students abi the politicians are more important than other people in the city/state. Do you get my point ?
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Horus(m): 7:39pm On Dec 02, 2014


[size=15pt]Sultan Blames Nigerian Soldiers For Increasing Boko Haram Attacks[/size]
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Caseless: 8:31pm On Dec 02, 2014
is he a geographer ? Or a map reader; do you know where Udenu is?
udenu is in enugu.
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Barbienice(f): 5:59am On Dec 03, 2014
I lost my cousin during DAT attack.may his soul rest in peace cry
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Ignatio(m): 7:18am On Dec 03, 2014

I understand why you'll say that but I read the story and the updates , government house was fortified in the wake of the attack. Why wasn't institutions fortified as well , extra security for students abi the politicians are more important than other people in the city/state. Do you get my point ?

I get your point. But remember the detention facility were top ranks of BH are held is around there. So if they get the Gov house they get the prison.
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by DaBullIT(m): 7:24am On Dec 03, 2014

I get your point. But remember the detention facility were top ranks of BH are held is around there. So if they get the Gov house they get the prison.

OK so government house if full of prisoners too ehi? grin

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Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by gememerald(m): 2:04pm On Dec 03, 2014
Boko Haram boys comprehensive school, Damaturu.

Are you sure??
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Sunymoore(m): 4:56pm On Dec 03, 2014
[color=#990000][/color]. Which of d govt structures did they burn? Stop lying if u don't knw wot to say.
what the Bleep are you saying. our administrative block, Inec local government something and other numerous structures
Re: Nairalander Breakdown Of Today's Damaturu Attack by Cooleasy(m): 11:43am On Mar 20, 2015
why didnt you wait for him before posting? You are faster than your shadow.
I said 'we are waiting'. Implying that I knew/expect him to continue! I was only showing that I was keen on seeing the continuation of the story.

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