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Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! - Romance - Nairaland

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Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Babasessy(m): 1:20pm On Dec 12, 2014
I know looks or physical attraction are important when finding a life partner. But its important to sometimes look at attributes beyond physical appearance to decide whether to move forward in a relationship.That would be called "compromise." Looks do matter to a degree but....It is good when people can come together in love despite one or both not being the other's set "type", yes, but it's also not bad when someone can't do that. You can't fault someone for not being attracted to someone.

In the online world normally the first impression you get of a person is a picture, and most people won't even bother to look at the profile if the picture doesn't fit the mold they have created to be a good match. Maybe you find out this person is funny, has a big heart, hard working and so on. That might make up for some of their other shortcomings.
Well lets face it, looks fade but whats inside will always be there.

There are women who value other things much more than a man's looks. They are most attracted to intelligence, personality, financial stability and other attributes. Looks may be secondary to them, but still play a part in their evaluation of a potential partner

People live and learn. Some learn faster than others. Some repeat the same mistakes time and time again. As we age, most of us learn what is most important to us. We learn not to expect perfection. At the same time, we learn there are some chracteristics we value in a partner that must be there. For most people, this will require a self-evaluation. We think about past relationships and what was right or wrong in those relationships. We hopefully pull something from that to use in building new relationships.

I concur that attraction has to be there, but there has to be much more than just attraction. In my experience, finding someone you're compatible with and enjoy being with can lead to an attraction growing. Attraction is only part of the puzzle that makes a successful relationship. It helps to launch relationships, but it can also be a piece that comes later, after other pieces have fallen into place and the relationship is coming together.

The story of Tim Femi Oladipo, is quite inspiring hence, I decide to share it with you.
Read excerpts from his Facebook Timeline below:

[b]Take a very good look at the pictures to your left!

Yeah! That was me! Yeah! Timothy Oladipo fresh off the African boat (well plane) in my grand entry with shirt made out of pillow cases! in August of 1987!

The most pronounced and prominent part of my body was my head and the excited geeky smile that I touched ground in London Heathrow!

It was almost 2 months after this that I met my wife who was born and raised in England! Can I be honest with you now? I probably wouldn't have married me seeing this geeky smile and what seemed like a hunger stricken body. Ah!

But when everything disqualifies me in the Natural sense (as in the packaging) Shola looked beyond the physical and saw the positive contents. A year after she said yes to me in marriage almost 27 years ago!

The dude to the right is what a lot would probably dream of as a husband material in our today's world because society has taught us to not add value to life or relationship but only to go for the 'refined' 'signed and delivered' man or woman.

Hardly would any woman have said yes to the guy who's life belongings and worldly wealth were put in a calendar bag! Oh No!!!(Does anyone remember those bags?) . Oh no! Some would think I was not toshy or oity-toity enough, or even swaggy enough to be introduced to their friends!

What has befallen our world today? Why do we always desire the finished products? Why are more and more people no longer willing to strive and struggle to build a home together? I doubt if any other woman would have been able to carry the grace on my wife to put up with my inherent African madness, or my unrefined self before I get to where I am today... Mind you I am still very far from where I should be!

People please be reminded that the package may look wrong, but the content might be glorious... And the package may look wonderful and the content awful!

Chose today not for the world, but from God's own perspective for you.

Marriage is not a child's play, and you don't get to chose only your favourable parts!


Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by qloreal: 1:23pm On Dec 12, 2014
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Rapsainot(m): 1:29pm On Dec 12, 2014
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Rapsainot(m): 1:30pm On Dec 12, 2014
GIBBERISH!!! undecided
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Hazardd(m): 2:13pm On Dec 12, 2014
Summarize undecided
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by harrysterol(m): 3:44pm On Dec 12, 2014
Na novel? undecided
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Nobody: 4:03pm On Dec 12, 2014
Wonderful,very right.
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Nobody: 4:06pm On Dec 12, 2014
Wonderful,naija girls can't see anymore,the only what they want is ready made.
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by Abbey2sam(m): 4:54pm On Dec 12, 2014
I know looks or physical attraction are important when finding a life partner. But its important to sometimes look at attributes beyond physical appearance to decide whether to move forward in a relationship.That would be called "compromise." Looks do matter to a degree but....It is good when people can come together in love despite one or both not being the other's set "type", yes, but it's also not bad when someone can't do that. You can't fault someone for not being attracted to someone.

In the online world normally the first impression you get of a person is a picture, and most people won't even bother to look at the profile if the picture doesn't fit the mold they have created to be a good match. Maybe you find out this person is funny, has a big heart, hard working and so on. That might make up for some of their other shortcomings.
Well lets face it, looks fade but whats inside will always be there.

There are women who value other things much more than a man's looks. They are most attracted to intelligence, personality, financial stability and other attributes. Looks may be secondary to them, but still play a part in their evaluation of a potential partner

People live and learn. Some learn faster than others. Some repeat the same mistakes time and time again. As we age, most of us learn what is most important to us. We learn not to expect perfection. At the same time, we learn there are some chracteristics we value in a partner that must be there. For most people, this will require a self-evaluation. We think about past relationships and what was right or wrong in those relationships. We hopefully pull something from that to use in building new relationships.

I concur that attraction has to be there, but there has to be much more than just attraction. In my experience, finding someone you're compatible with and enjoy being with can lead to an attraction growing. Attraction is only part of the puzzle that makes a successful relationship. It helps to launch relationships, but it can also be a piece that comes later, after other pieces have fallen into place and the relationship is coming together.

The story of Tim Femi Oladipo, is quite inspiring hence, I decide to share it with you.
Read excerpts from his Facebook Timeline below:

[b]Take a very good look at the pictures to your left!

Yeah! That was me! Yeah! Timothy Oladipo fresh off the African boat (well plane) in my grand entry with shirt made out of pillow cases! in August of 1987!

The most pronounced and prominent part of my body was my head and the excited geeky smile that I touched ground in London Heathrow!

It was almost 2 months after this that I met my wife who was born and raised in England! Can I be honest with you now? I probably wouldn't have married me seeing this geeky smile and what seemed like a hunger stricken body. Ah!

But when everything disqualifies me in the Natural sense (as in the packaging) Shola looked beyond the physical and saw the positive contents. A year after she said yes to me in marriage almost 27 years ago!

The dude to the right is what a lot would probably dream of as a husband material in our today's world because society has taught us to not add value to life or relationship but only to go for the 'refined' 'signed and delivered' man or woman.

Hardly would any woman have said yes to the guy who's life belongings and worldly wealth were put in a calendar bag! Oh No!!!(Does anyone remember those bags?) . Oh no! Some would think I was not toshy or oity-toity enough, or even swaggy enough to be introduced to their friends!

What has befallen our world today? Why do we always desire the finished products? Why are more and more people no longer willing to strive and struggle to build a home together? I doubt if any other woman would have been able to carry the grace on my wife to put up with my inherent African madness, or my unrefined self before I get to where I am today... Mind you I am still very far from where I should be!

People please be reminded that the package may look wrong, but the content might be glorious... And the package may look wonderful and the content awful!

Chose today not for the world, but from God's own perspective for you.

Marriage is not a child's play, and you don't get to chose only your favourable parts!


bros 1987 na different thing o

this is 2015 in the making

change is constant bro....Btw, you did have a big head
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by AJ01(m): 5:07pm On Dec 12, 2014
Re: Do Women Ever Look Past A Man's Physical Appearance? - An Inspiring Story! by AJ01(m): 5:08pm On Dec 12, 2014
I know looks or physical attraction are important when finding a life partner. But its important to sometimes look at attributes beyond physical appearance to decide whether to move forward in a relationship.That would be called "compromise." Looks do matter to a degree but....It is good when people can come together in love despite one or both not being the other's set "type", yes, but it's also not bad when someone can't do that. You can't fault someone for not being attracted to someone.

In the online world normally the first impression you get of a person is a picture, and most people won't even bother to look at the profile if the picture doesn't fit the mold they have created to be a good match. Maybe you find out this person is funny, has a big heart, hard working and so on. That might make up for some of their other shortcomings.
Well lets face it, looks fade but whats inside will always be there.

There are women who value other things much more than a man's looks. They are most attracted to intelligence, personality, financial stability and other attributes. Looks may be secondary to them, but still play a part in their evaluation of a potential partner

People live and learn. Some learn faster than others. Some repeat the same mistakes time and time again. As we age, most of us learn what is most important to us. We learn not to expect perfection. At the same time, we learn there are some chracteristics we value in a partner that must be there. For most people, this will require a self-evaluation. We think about past relationships and what was right or wrong in those relationships. We hopefully pull something from that to use in building new relationships.

I concur that attraction has to be there, but there has to be much more than just attraction. In my experience, finding someone you're compatible with and enjoy being with can lead to an attraction growing. Attraction is only part of the puzzle that makes a successful relationship. It helps to launch relationships, but it can also be a piece that comes later, after other pieces have fallen into place and the relationship is coming together.

The story of Tim Femi Oladipo, is quite inspiring hence, I decide to share it with you.
Read excerpts from his Facebook Timeline below:

[b]Take a very good look at the pictures to your left!

Yeah! That was me! Yeah! Timothy Oladipo fresh off the African boat (well plane) in my grand entry with shirt made out of pillow cases! in August of 1987!

The most pronounced and prominent part of my body was my head and the excited geeky smile that I touched ground in London Heathrow!

It was almost 2 months after this that I met my wife who was born and raised in England! Can I be honest with you now? I probably wouldn't have married me seeing this geeky smile and what seemed like a hunger stricken body. Ah!

But when everything disqualifies me in the Natural sense (as in the packaging) Shola looked beyond the physical and saw the positive contents. A year after she said yes to me in marriage almost 27 years ago!

The dude to the right is what a lot would probably dream of as a husband material in our today's world because society has taught us to not add value to life or relationship but only to go for the 'refined' 'signed and delivered' man or woman.

Hardly would any woman have said yes to the guy who's life belongings and worldly wealth were put in a calendar bag! Oh No!!!(Does anyone remember those bags?) . Oh no! Some would think I was not toshy or oity-toity enough, or even swaggy enough to be introduced to their friends!

What has befallen our world today? Why do we always desire the finished products? Why are more and more people no longer willing to strive and struggle to build a home together? I doubt if any other woman would have been able to carry the grace on my wife to put up with my inherent African madness, or my unrefined self before I get to where I am today... Mind you I am still very far from where I should be!

People please be reminded that the package may look wrong, but the content might be glorious... And the package may look wonderful and the content awful!

Chose today not for the world, but from God's own perspective for you.

Marriage is not a child's play, and you don't get to chose only your favourable parts!

too long can't read sorry grin grin

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