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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 6:10pm On Sep 01, 2015

Empiree it is to say you are not Sunni or Shia but who do you follow in most of your practices e.g wudu?

And that shows how confused he is, while you're no different. Shi'ism gave birth to Sufism. Let me educate you a little. Aqeedah of Shi'ism and Sufism believe Allah is not above His throne, rather, they say He is everywhere, where was Allah before creating the heavens and earth

Also the so called batiniya knowledge, claiming there is hidden knowledge only your shuyuks and imams can know? That's absurd, knowledge in Islam is very open nothing is hidden



Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 7:27pm On Sep 01, 2015

And that shows how confused he is, while you're no different. Shi'ism gave birth to Sufism. Let me educate you a little. Aqeedah of Shi'ism and Sufism believe Allah is not above His throne, rather, they say He is everywhere, where was Allah before creating the heavens and earth

Also the so called batiniya knowledge, claiming there is hidden knowledge only your shuyuks and imams can know? That's absurd, knowledge in Islam is very open nothing is hidden

Ogbeni, kindly sit down for side. I am not confused about anything. Any muslim can maintain Sunni standards without calling himself or herself Sunni. Get that fact right. The reason for that is very simple. There is nothing in the Quran or Hadith where it's authentically stated this one is Sunni or Shia. Now dont give me silly terminolgy like they do "salafi".

Prior to year 2000, largely all nigerian muslims and even many parts of the world do not know any differece btw sunni and shia nor did they call themselves by that until recent yrs. Many did not even heard of these names. The whole name calling thing emerged from middle east and Arab countries. Even Tbaba1234, despite his apparent sunni practices never called himself sunni. The whole idea behind that is to simply stay out of sectarian rubbish. So stop this nonsense of yours.

On aqeeda you keep talking about, that's another rubbish you spewing. Allah is above His Throne. This is creed of ALL Musims. Everyone is taught this simply tawheed growing up. It's in recent yrs some idiots causing trouble over aqeeda. And by saying Allah is 'everywhere' does not mean in person.. The mosques I frequent are alhusunnahwajamah and salafi. And everyone prays there including sufis. I remember imam, who is also salafi said during khutba that Allah is everywhere by His Knowledge. So is he shia or sufi for saying that?. Again, this is another simple aqeeda we were taught growing up. It's not about sects. It's aqeeda of every muslim. Allah is indeed everywhere by His Knowledge NOT by His Ownself. That's it.

But bcus you have this crazy sectarian blood in you, it's driving you crazy and affecting your sense of reasoning. I have told you and your boys before that you guys dont know how to listen to others.

On ilm batin, whether you like it or not, it exists. What you dont know you dont know. Quran and hadith make it clear we human and Jinn only know little bit. Quran even hints us in Sura Imran (i believe) that there are learned scholars who know beyond average muslims. If you dont know something, simply humble yourself and learn from people rather than creating nuisance on net. I swear by Allah there exist ilm beyond text. Problem however is it's not guarded. Therefore this creates every Tom, Dick and Harry to say whatever they want.

The way old Ulama used to do it was great compare to now. And just because some mureed do or say silly things does not make ilm batin false. So who schools who now?


Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 7:44pm On Sep 01, 2015
Ogbeni, kindly sit down for side. I am not confused about anything. Any muslim can maintain Sunni standard without calling himself or herself Sunni. Get that fact right. The reasn for that is very simple. There is nothing in the Quran or Hadith where it's authentically said this one is Sunni or Shia. Now dont give me silly terminolgy like they do "salafi".

Prior to year 2000, largely all nigerian muslims and even many parts of the world do not know any differece btw sunni or shia nor did they call themselves by that until recent yrs. The whole name calling thing emerged from middle east and Arab countries. Even Tbaba1234, despite his apparent sunni practices never called himself sunni. The whole idea behind that is to simply stay out of sectarian rubbish. So stop this nonsense of yours.

On aqeeda you keep talking about, that's another rubbish you spewing. Allah is above His Throne. This is creed of ALL Musims. Everyone is thought this simply taweed growing up. It's in recent yrs some idiots causing trouble over aqeeda. And by ssaying Allah is 'everywhere' does not mean in person.. The mosques I frequent are alhusunnahwajamah and salafi. And everyone prays there including sufis. I remember imam, who is also salafi said during khutba that Allah is everywhere by His Knowledge. So is he shia or sufi for saying that?. Again, this is another simple aqeeda we were taught growing up. It's not about sects. It's aqeeda of every muslim. Allah is indeed everywhere by His Knowledge NOT by His Ownself. That's it.

But bcus you have this crazy sectarian blood in you, it's driving you crazy and affecting your sense of reasoning. I have told you and your boys before that you guys dont know how to listen to others.

On ilm batin, whether you like it or not, it exist. What you dont know you dont know. Quran and hadith make it clear we human and Jinn only know little bit. Quran even hints us in Sura Imran (i believe) that there are learned scholars who know beyond average muslims. If you dont know something, simply humble yourself and learn from people rather than creating nuisance on net. I swear by Allah there exist ilm beyond text. Problem however is it's not guarded. Therefore this create every Tom, Dick and Harry to say whatever they want.

The way old Ulama used to do it was great compare to now. And just because some mureed do or say silly things does not make ilm batin false. So who schools who now?

My friend the only thing I can learn from you are deviant ideas and innovations. And I can't stomach it because I have been an integral part of it before I discovered guidance, ahl sunnah wal jamma

By the way, your brother in deviation is not going to be happy about your statement, about Allah being above and beyond His creation


Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 7:57pm On Sep 01, 2015

My friend the only thing I can learn from you are deviant ideas and innovations. And I can't stomach it because I have been an integral part of it before I discovered guidance, ahl sunnah wal jamma

By the way, your brother in deviation is not going to be happy about your statement, about Allah being above and beyond His creation
It's obvious why you "left" and call them "misguided". I can discern that from the way you lack common and simple comprehension. I am sure you werent listening that much to those scholars either or you simply joined crazy deviant group. You most likely was there to pick on who is on 'right aqeeda'. That nonsense blocks sense of reasoning. Keep it up

And where and what are those alleged innovations I have invented in this platform?. I guess you can't pinpoint one. Really want to know. Run along......

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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by AlBaqir(m): 11:35am On Sep 02, 2015
^Wudu part got me rolling my eyes.

Sunni wash feet

Shia wipe feet

Is there any fundamental distinction at all or we are just playing linguistic games here?. Sunni do not 'wash' feet with sponge and soap. To me there is no difference between WASH & WIPE in this context. Both use water only. I am sure there are Sunni who simply wipe their feet as well. So this is no issue at all.

Yes, it's true and easy to say one doesn't belong to any faction but in practical sense it's. The reason for saying I don't belong to one is simply for the sake of staying out of sectarianism or sectarian conflicts.

As for two things left behind by the Prophet(SAW), that's just not issue for me either. As far as I'm concern both are same thing. Sunni have their version which says QURAN & SUNNAH. Shia say QURAN & AHL-AL BAYT.

Well, al-BAYT are people of Quran and sunnah as well, isn't? . I'm just trying to spot the real difference be the two. Sometimes, both Sunni and Shia are simply playing duff with religion.

Imagine that brother! I haven't even explore the Quran verses on wudhu, now we don't even seem to agree on the definition of "wipe (المسحة) and wash (الغسل)"!

If you submit that "wash = wipe", then can you wipe your face and hands in wudhu as Quran command "wash your faces and your hands"?
Wash involves " to move by the force of water in motion" while wipe simply involve passing or robbing wet hands over.

Second, as per the popular hadith of where the prophet was reported to have said "...I have left for you two things...the book of Allah and my Sunnah", here's what a salafi sheikh who did tahqiq on Al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihain of Imam al-Hakim, says:
"It is a ḍa’īf ḥadīth, because it is narrated through the route of Ismā’īl b. Abī Uways from his father, and there is criticism against both of them. Its shāhid is narrated through the route of Ṣāliḥ b. Mūsā al-Ṭālihī, and he is matrūk (rejected) {Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad b. ‘Abd Allāh al-Ḥākim al-Naysābūrī, al-Mustadrak ‘alā al-Ṣaḥīḥayn (Dār al-Ḥaramayn li Ṭabā’ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzī’; 1st edition, 1417 H) [annotator: Abū ‘Abd al-Raḥman Muqbil b. Hādī al-Wādi’ī], vol. 1, p. 161, #318}

Interestingly the hadith is primarily recorded with a sanad by Imam Hakim and he graded it Sahih. Other later scholars copied it from his book and attributed the grading to Imam Hakim despite the fact that they knew the chain is Daif. Individual investigations matters a lot.

In fact the renown $unni hadith scientist, Sayyid Hassan Saqaff angrily writes:
As for the ḥadīth [I have left over you that which if you adhere to them both you will never go astray after me: the Book of Allāh and my Sunnah] which people repeat among themselves, and which the lecturers quote on the pulpits, it is a fabricated, false ḥadīth. It was fabricated by the Umayyads and their followers to turn people away from this ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth about the offspring of the Prophet. So, be very careful due to that!! I have mentioned all its chains and exposed the liars and fabricators in its chains at the end of my book Ṣaḥīḥ Ṣifat Ṣalāt al-Nabī, peace be upon him and his family, page 289 {Hasan b. ‘Alī al-Saqqāf al-Qurashī al-Hāshimī al-Ḥusaynī, Ṣaḥīḥ Sharḥ al-‘Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah (Amman: Dār Imām al-Nawawī; 1st edition, 1416 H), p. 654, footnote # 385}.

$unni boycotted the hadith thaqalain despite the fact that it reported through several sahih chain making it Mutawattir as against the publicized one which is not only Daif but Mufrad. Wonder shall never ends.

Third, while it is obligatory for ALL Muslims to follow and adhere to the Sunnah of the holy Prophet, the $unni derive the Sunnah of the Prophet from every tom, dick and harry of Sahaba be it Mu'min or Munafiq. And it is clearly documented in their books that prophet foretold that many Sahaba will apostatize and many will introduce bid'ah into the deen.

On the other hands, $hia derive the Sunnah of the prophet from the prophet-assigned Ahl al-bayt. And there's a guaranteed that the Thaqalain (Quran and Ahl al-bayt) will NEVER SEPARATE from each other till Qiyamat when they meet the prophet at the lake-font. No sahaba has this immunity.

$unni Ulama however are very generous by claiming without a single prove that the first three caliphs were among the Khulafau rashidun (the rightly guided caliphs).
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 12:08pm On Sep 02, 2015
^^^^^ hidden comments, someone is not happy here

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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 1:44pm On Sep 02, 2015
^yea, that's the likes of you that did that. Any comments that they can't reason with are disbounded. Smh
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 3:26pm On Sep 05, 2015
[size=15pt]What is Tasawwuf ?[/size]

Good character and awareness of God. That's all Tasawwuf is. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Love and affection. It is the cure for hatred and vengeance. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? The heart attaining tranquility - which is the root of religion. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Concentrating your mind, which is the religion of Ahmad (peace be upon him). And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Contemplation that travels to the Divine throne. It is a far-seeing gaze. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is keeping one's distance from imagination and supposition. Tasawwuf is found in certainty. And nothing more. Surrendering one's soul to the care of the inviolability of religion; this is Tasawwuf. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the path of faith and affirmation of unity; this is the incorruptible religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the smooth and illuminated path. It is the way to the most exalted paradise. And nothing more.

I have heard that the ecstasy of the wearers of wool comes from finding the taste of religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is nothing but Shari'at. It is just this clear road. And nothing more.
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 10:46am On Sep 08, 2015
[size=15pt]What is Tasawwuf ?[/size]

Good character and awareness of God. That's all Tasawwuf is. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Love and affection. It is the cure for hatred and vengeance. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? The heart attaining tranquility - which is the root of religion. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Concentrating your mind, which is the religion of Ahmad (peace be upon him). And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Contemplation that travels to the Divine throne. It is a far-seeing gaze. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is keeping one's distance from imagination and supposition. Tasawwuf is found in certainty. And nothing more. Surrendering one's soul to the care of the inviolability of religion; this is Tasawwuf. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the path of faith and affirmation of unity; this is the incorruptible religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the smooth and illuminated path. It is the way to the most exalted paradise. And nothing more.

I have heard that the ecstasy of the wearers of wool comes from finding the taste of religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is nothing but Shari'at. It is just this clear road. And nothing more.

The meaning of the above is insinuating that at tassawwuf is all together a different religion from the Islam we know. VERY PATHETIC.

I will keep it in mind

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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 11:39am On Sep 08, 2015

The meaning of the above is insinuating that at tassawwuf is all together a different religion from the Islam we know. VERY PATHETIC.

I will keep it in mind
What's Islam? What's Ihsan?, What's Iman?

"I am a sufi as long as tasawwuf means indifference to what is with people and yearning for that which is with God. And I am a sufi only if tasawwuf signifies the unveiling of unseen realities and inspired knowledge of God the Creator". ~ Sheik Adam

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on Sufis and Taṣawwuf
By Shaykh Abu Humayd

The following is an excerpt from the passages of Majmu’ al-Fatawa Li-Ibni Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah).

The following is to educate people on what is Tasawwuf and Sufism; because many misconception have been floating around lately ‘refuting’ Sufis and Tasawwuf by those (funnily enough) who hold Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah in very high esteem. Enough mis-information has been passed around the globe trying to taint Tasawwuf but Insha-Allah in the words of a Shaykh al-Islam (according to them) would the tainting of Tasawwuf be repudiated, Insha-Allah.

On Ibn Tayyimiyah and Ibn Baz's view's on Sufism


In this video, Ibn Baz is said to be "confused" about Sufism. He refereed to Ibn Tayyimiyah(RT), who gave his fair view on sufis. Now, if your scholars gave unbiased view on sufism, who the heck is fundamentalist, unbridled ignorant to assume "at-tassawuf" (Ihsan) is innovation or a new religion?.

Sheik Imran Hussein on Tassawuf


Fundamentalist, honestly you need to stick your head in between your legs and be quiet.
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 2:16pm On Sep 08, 2015
What's Islam? What's Ihsan?, What's Iman?

"I am a sufi as long as tasawwuf means indifference to what is with people and yearning for that which is with God. And I am a sufi only if tasawwuf signifies the unveiling of unseen realities and inspired knowledge of God the Creator". ~ Sheik Adam

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on Sufis and Taṣawwuf
By Shaykh Abu Humayd

The following is an excerpt from the passages of Majmu’ al-Fatawa Li-Ibni Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah).

The following is to educate people on what is Tasawwuf and Sufism; because many misconception have been floating around lately ‘refuting’ Sufis and Tasawwuf by those (funnily enough) who hold Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah in very high esteem. Enough mis-information has been passed around the globe trying to taint Tasawwuf but Insha-Allah in the words of a Shaykh al-Islam (according to them) would the tainting of Tasawwuf be repudiated, Insha-Allah.

On Ibn Tayyimiyah and Ibn Baz's view's on Sufism


In this video, Ibn Baz is said to be "confused" about Sufism. He refereed to Ibn Tayyimiyah(RT), who gave his fair view on sufis. Now, if your scholars gave unbiased view on sufism, who the heck is fundamentalist, unbridled ignorant to assume "at-tassawuf" (Ihsan) is innovation or a new religion?.

Sheik Imran Hussein on Tassawuf


Fundamentalist, honestly you need to stick your head in between your legs and be quiet.

I will not be asked which scholar I followed in the grave or hereafter, but rather which prophet I followed. I guess you know the answer?

This is what makes tassawwuf different from mainstream islam
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 2:35pm On Sep 08, 2015

I will not be asked which scholar I followed in the grave or hereafter, but rather which prophet I followed. I guess you know the answer?

This is what makes tassawwuf different from mainstream islam

See, zionists see themselves as the elites of mankind, therefore they become arrogant people. They see rest of mankind ("gentiles" ) as subhuman. This is the same way some muslims behave. They think they are better than others. That they are the elites of Muslims. Your arrogance is not far fetch.

Is there anything in the article and the videos, especially second video to suggest that "tassawuf" a.k.a ihsan is not Islam? . Second video perfectly gives clues. You are what a sheik called "protestant Islam".

At-tassawuf is btw individual muslim and Allah. Smh for u.
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 3:42am On Sep 09, 2015

I will not be asked which scholar I followed in the grave or hereafter, but rather which prophet I followed. I guess you know the answer?

This is what makes tassawwuf different from mainstream islam

Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 10:59pm On Sep 10, 2015
See, zionists see themselves as the elites of mankind, therefore they become arrogant people. They see rest of mankind ("gentiles" ) as subhuman. This is the same way some muslims behave. They think they are better than others.
Is there anything in the article and the videos, especially second video to suggest that "tassawuf" a.k.a ihsan is not Islam? . Second video perfectly gives clues. You are what a sheik called "protestant Islam".

Smh for u.

Sorry my friend, I'm not your match cause I don't respond to insults.

it's not our manhaj
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by AlBaqir(m): 10:24am On Sep 11, 2015

Sorry my friend, I'm not your match cause I don't respond to insults.

it's not our manhaj

Here! Wonders shall never end. You sheikul Islam, the king and user of insultive and abusive vulgar word calling somebody black?! grin grin grin
You are indeed the follower of your masters, Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abdulwahab.
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 1:05pm On Sep 11, 2015

Here! Wonders shall never end. You sheikul Islam, the king and user of insultive and abusive vulgar word calling somebody black?! grin grin grin
You are indeed the follower of your masters, Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abdulwahab.

You have to prove me wrong with my statements, were i engage in insulting or abusing people.
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Nobody: 7:11pm On Sep 11, 2015

You have to prove me wrong with my statements, were i engage in insulting or abusing people.

Brother, I tell you this guy is something else. I still regret wasting my precious time on him

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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 8:21pm On Sep 11, 2015

Brother, I tell you this guy is something else. I still regret wasting my precious time on him

I am used to his ways. cool

Trust me

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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by AlBaqir(m): 9:46am On Sep 14, 2015

Brother, I tell you this guy is something else. I still regret wasting my precious time on him

[author=Fundamentalist post=37915719]

I am used to his ways. cool

Trust me [/quote]

Hmmm....talk about the tale of the two wahhabi ideology! Really you guys problem is that you assumed too much that only your world (of wahahbism) and ideology exist and correct. That's why you find it difficult to adhere to simple etiquette of dialogue using wisdom, good manners and sound argument as Quran instructs.


Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by AlBaqir(m): 9:56am On Sep 14, 2015

Brother, I tell you this guy is something else. I still regret wasting my precious time on him

[author=Fundamentalist post=37915719]I am used to his ways. cool Trust me [/quote]

Hmmm....talk about the tale of the two wahhabi ideology! Really you guys problem is that you assumed too much that only your world (of wahahbism) and ideology exist and correct. That's why you find it difficult to adhere to simple etiquette of dialogue using wisdom, good manners and sound argument as Quran instructs.

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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 12:32am On Oct 16, 2015
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 4:55am On Oct 18, 2015
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 2:30am On Oct 21, 2015
Sheikh Habeeb Al-ilory- Islamic Banking System

Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 5:33am On Oct 23, 2015
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 12:27pm On Oct 24, 2015
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 1:13am On Oct 25, 2015
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 4:51am On Oct 25, 2015
Itan oniwasiagbaye Life And Struggle Of SHEIK ABD RAHEEM ONIWASI AGBAYE ILORIN


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Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 2:50am On Oct 29, 2015
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Fundamentalist: 11:45pm On Oct 29, 2015
Innovators ^^^^^ those guys waged endless wars against the prophet's sunnah. Don't expect me to regard people who stood against the prophet as "Islamic scholars"
Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 12:45am On Oct 30, 2015

Re: Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-ilory by Empiree: 3:27am On Nov 04, 2015

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